Parent Approved Party

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Parents approve a party.
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(All characters depicted in any form of sexual activity are 18 years of age or older)


It was Friday night, Frank and his wife Jess were getting ready for a party at his bosses house. Frank is 51, is 6'1 and in great shape for his age because he works out twice a week. Jessica, but only her parents were allowed to call her that, is 44, is 5'6, and looks as gorgeous now as she did when they met. She has red hair, bright green eyes, big perky DD breasts with only the slightest sag, a flat stomach, and long toned legs that lead up to a tight heart shaped ass.

They met in college, Jess was 17 away from home for the first time and Frank was 24 and fresh out of the army. They had a few classes together and were soon dating. She became a nurse and he a lawyer at a big firm. She was now head nurse at a small local hospital and he was a partner at a large firm. Between the two of them they were very well off money wise.

Their kids Tim and Sammy were down stairs watching tv. They're twins, Sammy was the oldest by 3 minutes and never let her brother forget it. They had just turned 18 and were seniors in high school.

Tim has the same build as his dad and same dark brown hair but got his bright green eyes from his mom. Sammy on the other hand is almost an exact copy of her mom. They are the same height, have the same red hair and green eyes. The only difference is Jess's curves are slightly bigger thanks to having two kids.

As Jess finished her makeup Frank went down to wait. "Hey you two, what are your plans tonight?"

"This," they both say.

"Ok you two can watch TV on a Friday night when you have the house to yourselves or..."

"Or what daddy?" Sammy asks.

"Well if you promise to behave yourselves you can have a few and I mean a few friends over. No big parties, no drugs, and no prank calls, crazy loud music or anything else that might get the cops called. Understand?"

"Yes of course," they answer together.

"Ok no more than let's say eight friends."

"Each," Sammy looks up at him with her please daddy looks.

"No eight together if there are more than ten people counting yourselves there are too many got it?"

"Yes dad we got it," Tim answers, "But dad can I ask did you forget beer or can we have some?"

"Why did you ask idiot we could have had some and not have been breaking the rules stupid," Sammy yells at him as she punches him in the arm.

Frank laughs as his kids get in yet another argument, he walks over to the pantry and pulls out a case of beer and carries it over and puts it on the living room table. He just stands there as they keep fighting. He clears his throat, "When you two are done, I have something to say." They stop and look from him to the beer and back. "Ok if you are done to answer your question yes you can have beer but only what's in this box. If you want you two can get drunk alone or buzzed with some friends but when this is gone no more. Deal?"

"Wow thanks dad," Tim says.

Sammy jumps up and hugs him, "Thank you thank you thank you daddy."

"Thank him for what?" Jess asks as she comes down the stairs, "Oh I see you told them about the beer."

No one answered as they looked at her. She was wearing a purple dress with a deep v-neck that nearly went to her bellybutton and showed a whole lot of her amazing cleavage and up her left leg it had a split that went all the way up to her hip. She had on matching purple high heels, a necklace with a large pendent that hung to just above where the canyon between her breast started, and earrings that matched.

"Fuck mom you look super sexy in that," Sammy giggled. Both men just nodded with dumb looks on their faces.

"Thank you baby, and thank you boys," she giggled, "from the looks on your faces you must like it. But Tim I am your mother so don't stare at my tits like that."

It took a few tries but he stutters, "Sorry mom."

"Its ok sweetie I take it as a complement that I can still cause a reaction like that from young men."

"Honey I think in that you'll get that reaction from gay guys that have been dead a week," Frank said, "God I'm a lucky man."

"Thank you dear, but I think you're exaggerating a little. Now I think we need to be on the way, but first did your dad tell you the rules? Only a few friends, only this case of beer, and nothing to get the cops called." They both said yes. "Ok then you two have fun I don't know when we'll be home, your dad's boss's parties can be several hours or just one or two. So we'll see you when we get home."

With that they said their goodbyes and where on their way. The twins were soon calling and texting friends to come over but telling them not to invite anyone else. They told them they didn't know what they were planning on doing so told them to bring something to swim in. Soon their friends were at the door one by one.

First was Adam, Tim's best friend since kindergarten. He's always been a bit of a nerd and is on the scrawny side. Followed closely by Evan the oldest of the group at 19, because he got held back a year. He's 5'10 has blue eyes and is in good shape thanks to being on the baseball team and his little sister Tabitha, but everyone calls her Taby. She has always been classified as a nerd because of her big glasses and straight A's, but in fact she could very easily be a model. She's taller than her brother and stands at 5'11, she has long toned legs and perky c cups.

Then were Brandon and Kim. Brandon was the typical jock type lots of muscle but a bit on the dumb side. But he's a good guy and has been friends with Adam since freshman year when he stepped in as two senior football players were beating him up; Adam in thanks has helped him with his grades since. Kim is Brandon's girlfriend, the head cheerleader and would be queen of the popular girls if she was less friendly and more of a bitch. She has gold blond hair and has curves in all the right spots but her breast are her best asset, her DD cups look huge on her slim body.

Helen, Sammy's best friend, showed up next. She has been in a Goth phase lately. She dyed her blond hair jet black and wears black lipstick and nail polish. She is always in black leans and a black t-shirt or tank top. She's slim but not so skinny she looks sick, and has breasts on the smaller side but are firm and perky B cups. Right behind her was Jacob, the class clown and every ones friend. He has never been one for sports, but loves video games and junk food, which has left him on the heavy side.

And the last to show up was Kara. She's always been a bit of a loner and shy because of her weight but Sammy has been trying to get her out of her shell. She's 5'7 and about 200 lbs. has dark blond/light brown hair and brown eyes. And even though she's a little over weight it doesn't look bad on her, her breast are bigger than DDs but don't hang or sag like some girls have when they're that huge. Her ass has plenty of jiggle but isn't overly huge, and she's only got a bit of a belly.

"So." Evan asks after everyone's there, "What's the plan for tonight?"

"We haven't really thought that far ahead," Sammy answers.

"Well if there's no objections I thought we could order some pizzas to go with the beers and watch a movie and after we could hit the pool," Tim says.

"Works for me," Jacob says and plops down on the coach and starts going through Netflix. "Does Day After Tomorrow work for everyone? Its got panic and disaster for the guys and a love story for the girls." Everyone agreed and they soon were eating pizza, drinking beer and watching the movie.

After the movie they all changed and headed out to the pool. For the first half hour or so they swam, played catch, and just waded and talked, until Brandon suggested they played chicken. They paired up so Brandon was with Kim, the bothers with their sisters, Helen with Jacob, and Kara with Adam. However Adam and Kara decided to sit the game out.

Jacob just couldn't resist, "Hell that's ok you two Adam would have to be on Kara's shoulders any way."

Everyone else told him to shut up and though not that long ago a comment like that would have gotten to Kara she just laughed and said, "You're probably right Jacob, but we'd still kick your ass. And we're not sitting out because of our weight or strength but so there wouldn't be an uneven number of teams. We'll just be the judges, everyone knows how you like to cheat Jacob."

It wasn't often someone got one up on Jacob so everyone started laughing. The first round was Brandon/Kim vs. Jacob/Helen. It took all of 2 minutes for Brandon and Kim to win. Next were the two brother/sister teams. This round was much long with Tim and Sammy winning. Next were the two losing teams and though Jacob and Helen lasted longer they still lost. Tim and Sammy did better against Brandon and Kim but still lost. And just to be fair Evan and Taby got a shot at Brandon and Kim and lost, so everyone agreed Brandon and Kim where the chicken champs.

"Ok," Brandon said, "Now that we cleaned the pool with you chumps why don't we relax in the hot tub?" Everyone agreed and they moved into the hot tub. They talked and joked and drank a little more.

"Why don't we make this party more interesting," Kim giggled, "Anyone up for some Truth or Dare." Kara and Taby were a little reluctant at first but finally agreed. Kim stood up, "Ok let's play but first there are some rules.

1: you have to answer or do what you're asked no mater what,

2: The dares can't be something that might lead to someone getting physically hurt,

3: Everything must be done so everyone can see or hear

4: you can't ask the person who asked you. Agreed?"

Everyone agreed to the rules, but before they could start Frank and Jess walked into the back yard. "Hi kids how's the party?"

"Have you been behaving yourselves? But not too much I hope where would the fun in that be?" Jess laughed.

"Yes mom and we've been having fun but I guess now that you and Daddy are home the party's over?" Sammy responded.

"Who says," Jess answers, "in fact after the night I've had I could use a soak in the hot tub. So unless you kids object Frank and I will go change and join you. That ok?"

No one objected and once they were out of earshot, Jacob popped off, "Hot damn this will be the best party yet if your guys' mom is going to join us in a bikini."

"Jacob shut up," both twins said together.

"Oh come on you two," Helen said, "You have to admit even though she's your mom she's hot and your dad is a looker too." Everyone agreed and finally the twins just shrugged and agreed. By that time Frank and Jess were done changing and joined them. All the guys even Tim had to fight from just staring at Jess in her little bikini. It was yellow and left little to the imagination.

Trying to get his mind off his mom's body Tim asks, "So how was the party?"

Frank just grumbled. "Don't mind him kids. The party was ok but we had to leave early after your dad's boss got a little too drunk for his own good and asked in front of everyone, including his wife and your dad, if I'd how did he put it 'like to spend the night riding his magic pole?' If I hadn't have stopped him I think your dad would be out of a job after killing his boss. Well as Mr. Magic Pole was getting his ass kicked by his wife everyone got out of there as fast as they could."

Everyone laughed as she told what happened. And after he thought about it a little even Frank joined in. He even made the joke he bet he'd be getting a raise to keep him from suing. After the laughter died down they all just sat there in silence for a few minutes.

"Oh come on don't act like you have to act different now that the parents are here," Jess finally said breaking the silence. "How about tonight we're not mom and dad or Mr. and Mrs. Andrews we're just Jess and Frank? So what were you guys talking about before we interrupted?"

"Well Jess," Kim said sounding a little nervous, "we were about to start playing truth or dare."

"Oh that sounds fun I haven't played that since I was your age." So Kim repeated the rules and the game started. The first several truths were things like have you cheated on a test and what's your middle name. Finally it was Jess's turn to ask and she asked Sammy who picked truth. "Ok Sammy are you still a virgin?"


"Nope no moms here and the rules say you have to answer."

"Fine Jess No I'm not and if you want any more you'll have to ask. Now Dad I mean Frank truth or dare?"


"Ok before Jess how many women had you slept with?"

He looks at Jess who just smiles and shrugs. "Ok before Jess if I'm remembering right there were," he thinks for a minute, "9 no 10. Ok Adam truth or dare?"


"When you were 8 and spent the weekend with us were you the one that broke my trophy?"

Adam squirmed a little, "Yes but it was Tim's idea to us it as a bat."

"Thanks for throwing me under the bus bro."

"Its ok both of you I broke it and others myself over the years," Frank laughed, "It's your turn Adam."

"Well ok uh Tim truth or dare?"


Did you really walk in on my parents having sex in our living room when you came over a few weeks ago?"

"Well I walked in on your dad getting oral sex so yes." After everyone stopped laughing, "Kim truth or dare?"

She smiled, "Dare." Which got an ooooooh from everyone.

"Ok jump in the pool."

"That's it?"

"That's it."

As she got up Jacob asked, "Dude really the first dare and its that?"

"Just watch."

Which everyone did as she walked to the pool then jumped in. She came up with a scream and splashed her way out as fast as possible, "Fuck that was fucking cold." As she shivered and made her way back all the guys noticed her nipples where rock hard and trying to rip through her top.

"Ok man that was good," Jacob laughed.

"Oh you thought that was funny? Truth or dare," Kim all but yelled at him.

Jacob figured she had nothing, "Truth."

She got a wicked smile, "Is it true you went on two dates with Jamie before you figured out he was a guy and not a girl?"

Everyone laughed as Jacob got beet red. "Ok yes but how was I supposed to know he was transgender?" After the laughing stopped, "Brandon truth or dare?"


Jacob smiled the same wicked smile at Kim, "Is it true Kim's mom caught you two in her room while you were fucking Kim's ass?"

Kim's face got so red it was almost purple, "Bran don't you dare answer that."

Brandon just looked at her, "Sorry babe it was your rule. Yes that really happened." After another round of laughter he asked Helen.


"Did you really have a crush on me when we were younger?"

"Yes I did but I know I wasn't alone. Jess truth or dare?"

"Truth I guess."

"Ok then when was the last time you gave a blowjob?"

While everyone else laughed every member of the family turned red. "Ok last time I gave a blowjob was earlier tonight in the shower when Frank and I were getting ready for the party." No one said anything for a few seconds not sure how to respond. "Evan?"


"How often did you try to peek on me and your friends' other moms growing up?"

"Well every chance I got I guess, but you most of all. Sorry Mr. Andrews sorry everyone."

Frank just laughed and slapped him on the shoulder, "Hell Evan if my buddy's mom was half as hot as my wife I would have peeked every chance I got too."

Evan relaxed after he knew he wasn't about to get flattened by Frank, "Ok sis truth or dare."

Taby didn't answer right away knowing her brother always had some trick to pull, "Ok truth."

He smiled, "Ok you don't have to say who it is but do you have a crazy strong crush on one of the guys in this hot tub?"

She gave him a dirty look, "Yes I do. Kara truth or dare?"


"Oh uh give me a sec," she thinks then smiles, "ok Kara you are always so shy so I dare you to flash us."

All the guys turned to Kara. She shrugged and pulled her top down revealing her massive jugs then quickly covered back up. All the guys had to shift as they all got hard. "Ok Jacob truth or dare?"


"Ok I dare you to kiss," he got a big grin on his face that quickly vanished, "one of the guys. You pick who but its got to be on the lips for lets say five seconds."

"Oh come on really?"

She just nodded grinning. All the girls laughed as the guys looked nervous. He chose the guy closest to him, which was Brandon.

"Sorry man." After the kiss was over they both gulped down some beer. "Jess?"

"Well I think you want me to say dare so truth," she giggled.

Jacob kind of frowned but then got a big grin on his face, "Jess have you ever fucked another girl?"

He expected her to get upset or embarrassed no matter the answer but instead she simple said, "Yes. Ok Sammy truth or dare?"

"Wait what mom that's all you're going to say? That you fucked another woman and then move on?"

"Yes I am now which is it truth or dare?"

"Ok I guess I'll choose dare since I should be safe with my mom."

Jess just smiled, "Ok I dare you to make out with the woman of your choosing, it's got to be at least 30 seconds and have tongue."

Not to give her mom the satisfaction of her fighting or whining she simply moved over to Helen, sat in her lap and pulled her in for the kiss. No one timed it and just watched as the two young beauties French kissed. After what could have been 30 seconds or 30 minutes Sammy pulled away and took her seat. No one said a word for more than a minute, "Ok daddy truth or dare?"

"Uh I think I'll say truth no telling what you'll make me do to get back at your mom."

"Ok daddy tell all of us about the most embarrassing sexual situation you and mom have been in?"

"Well fuck my plan didn't work. Jess should I tell them?"

"Go ahead I'm no sore loser or cheater. Tell them about the time on our vacation right before they were born."

Everyone just sat there waiting for Frank's story. "Ok like she said it was on vacation before you two were born. We decided to take one last trip before she had you and went to Los Vegas. Well we ran into some of my old army buddies while they were having one of their bachelor party. Well we met up with them and played poker one night. I had lost over 10 grand and then got an incredible hand I thought there was no losing, but I didn't have enough money. Well it was just me and the groom left and he said he'd go all in and give me 2 grand for nothing but if I lost Jess had to suck his cock for the rest of the game. I was drunk so said sure. Well I lost and had to watch my very pregnant wife suck off an old friend for the next hour."

"So Sammy did you get what you wanted?" Jess asked as everyone just sat there with wide eyes and open mouths. She just nodded. "Ok everyone back to the game ask someone dear while I go get everyone another beer."

"Ok Evan truth or dare," Frank asked, "Evan? Evan?"

"Oh uh truth."

Frank decided to ask a simple question to get the game going again, "Who was your first crush?"

"That's easy my first grade teacher Mrs. Cooper that's why I got held back that year. Kara truth or dare?"


"Have you ever given a blow job?"

"Yes but if you want to know how many and who to you'll have to ask on another turn." Everyone laughed and things were more or less back to normal. "Taby truth or dare?"

Everyone waited for her answer to see how Kara would get back for the flashing dare. But before they got her answer Jess came back and they told her what happened while she was gone then all turned back to Taby. "Ok, Ok What the hell dare."

"Ok I'm not going to be too rough on you," Kara teased, "It's a simple dare. Lose the top, take it off and leave it off."

Taby looked over at her brother and got a little red but did as she was told. She pulled off her top and threw it onto the deck. "Evan?"

"Truth I guess."