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I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. He turned towards me and we kissed fully on the lips.


We sat on the balcony, kissing, our hands roaming over each other's body. I slipped my left hand inside her bra and onto her breasts. She pulled at my boxers, sliding her hand on to my growing shaft. After a few moments of fumbles and gropes we looked at each other. I took her hand and pulled her up, leading her into the bedroom and onto the bed. Without saying anything, she lay on her back and pulled her panties off, spreading her legs. I leaned over her and pulled my boxers off. I rubbed the tip of my fully erect penis against her pussy lips, as she moaned. After doing that about four or five times I looked at her, moving back slightly.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

She nodded.

"You're my first."

"I did wonder. Are you sure? Really sure?"

"I want it. I want you so badly."

I leaned towards her again then guided my cock past her lips and inside her. She moaned. Gasped. Her pussy felt so tight. So beautiful. So perfect. I slid gently in and out then my thrusts became bolder. After a while I moved her position, so she was leaning over the bed. I pumped her from behind, slapping her firm ass cheeks as I did. Then she went back onto the bed and I thrusted into her again, before rolling over so she was on top. She finally took off her bra and I fondled her naked breasts as I fucked her. It was a fantastic sight to see her tits jiggling as she rocked up and down on my cock. Once again we rolled over so I was on top. I felt myself cumming and just a second to two before I pulled out, and sent several jets of sperm shooting over her pussy lips and stomach. When I'd cum I rolled off her and we lay side by side, sweating and breathing heavily.


We lay together for a good few minutes, in silence. Finally my brother broke the silence.


"Oh god that was amazing!" I laughed.

"You ok?"

"I've never felt better. That was just...amazing...!"

"That felt so good!" Mark laughed.

"We just had sex!"

"I know."

"I mean we just had sex. I had sex with my own brother!! That's crazy!"

"You sure?"

"I mean just how fucked up is that? Having sex with your own brother!? That was the best thing I've ever done!!"

We both laughed. For about ten minutes we lay there, part laughing, part getting our breath back, all the time sweating. I put my finger to scoop up some of his cum from my stomach.

"I don't know how many times I came. It was a lot. I lost count!"

"You were beautiful."

"That was my first time. With a guy."

"Are you sure you don't mind that it was me. I mean, the first time should be special. It should mean something."

"Oh it was special. Very special."

"I can't believe that I was your first. I mean you're a pretty girl."

"My first guy. I've done it with Amy. Loads of times. And I've used fingers. I've used a pencil. And a ruler. I tried a cucumber once but it hurt. It was too big. I've jacked off a guy at school a few times. He lets girls jack him off. It's a bit weird but it gives us a chance to learn. But I've never fucked a guy. Until you."

"Your brother. Crazy."

"I know. But that's what made it special."

We continued to talk for ages. I asked Mark about his first time. How many. His masturbation habits. We compared fantasies. Embarrassing moments. We talked about Carly. His first time with her, how often, what makes her special.

"What would she say if she knew about this?" I asked.

"She wouldn't believe it, firstly. She knows how much you and me fight."

"Would she mind though? If she found out?"

"I don't wanna find out. So don't let her find out."

"Do you like Amy?"

"Your friend Amy?"


"I don't really know her."

"You've known her for years."

"But only as your friend. I know about her mom. And her dad had a heart attack. Which brought us together."

"She fancies you. Bad. Has done for years."

"I haven't really thought about her."

"Would you fuck her?"


"Just wondering."

"Emma, I'm trying to get my head round the fact that I've just fucked my own kid sister. Now's not the time to bring up other people!" he laughed.

"Sorry, just thinking out loud."

"Look if the chance arose, yes I'd fuck her. Ask any guy and he'd fuck any girl, if the chance arose, but just as long as my girlfriend doesn't find out!"

We laughed a bit longer. Finally Mark got up. I watched as he went to the balcony and brought in our beers before closing the window, his now soft penis swinging between his legs. I couldn't help but wonder about the strange twists of fate that had brought us to this moment.

"I saw you looking at me. What were you thinking?" he asked.

"Just thinking that I just had sex with my big brother. It's weird. But good."

He came over and kissed me. We drank our beers, sitting up in bed, still naked, and wit the room smelling of sex, and switched on the tv. It was still on the porn channel. We watched for a while till I looked round and saw that my brother had fallen asleep.

I couldn't sleep. Try as I might, I just couldn't. My head was spinning. Every time I closed my eyes my mind just filled with the though that I had just had sex. With my brother. My brother!! I turned towards him, lying next to him, looking at him as he slept. What had we just done? He's my brother. You don't have sex with your brother. You just don't. I should have felt guilty. Ashamed. And yet I didn't. I don't know what I felt but I didn't feel either of those things. I should have. And yet I didn't.

At some point, I don't know when, I must have finally fallen asleep.


I don't remember falling asleep. I had no real sense of time. When I woke up, I opened my eyes and the first thing that came into my head was that I had fucked Emma. My own little sister. I turned my head and there she was. In the bed next to me. The sheets casually covering her from the waist down. Net breasts exposed. I'd fucked my own sister. Fuck!! Somehow I felt myself smiling. I know it's wrong. Incest. And with Emma. Her. Whenever we were in the same room we fought and argued. It drove our parents mad. And yet here we were lying in bed, naked, together. We'd had sex. With each other. I looked at her breasts. Shit they were beautiful, rising and falling slowly as she breathed. Glistening in the moonlit room.

I couldn't resist. I touched them lightly with my finger tip. Running my finger over her nipple. Rubbing it until it felt hard. I leaned across. I breathed onto her breast then licked then kissed her nipple. I did the same to the other breast. She stirred slightly.

"Mmmmm..." she quietly moaned.

In my head was a battle. On one side a voice egging me on, she's young, she's beautiful and she's all yours. Tonight there's just the two of you. You want her. She wants you. Do it. What's wrong if you are both willing and you want each other. On the other side a voice reminding me. She's your sister. Your own flesh and blood. You have the same mom and dad. What would they think right now? You don't have sex with your sister. You look out for her. Protect her. Support her. As she becomes an adult you watch her grow, watch her meet someone, stand by her side as she builds relationships. You wish her well when she marries. You become an uncle to her kids. And you stand side by side as your parents age, become frail and die. You don't fuck her. You don't even think of her as someone who could be fucked.

Too late! We had already fucked. We had already tasted each other. Felt each other. Driven each other to orgasm. We'd fucked once. And now we were going to fuck again. I was hard. I slipped my hand past the sheet and between her legs. I felt her pussy. I rolled against her, on top of her. I kissed her mouth. She kissed me back. Her hand found my shaft and guided me to her sex. I pushed against her and inside her, pumping myself into her. She moaned, sighed, laughed, as I fucked her.

"So it wasn't a one off then?" she laughed, after. After we had fucked. After we had cum. After we had laid side by side, getting back our breath and our strength.

"I guess not."

"We're so bad!" she giggled.

"I guess we're not very good at being brother and sister," I laughed.

"Ha! Definitely not. We spend eighteen years fighting then when we make up we end up having sex," she replied.

"Prefer the sex to the fighting."

"You're such a bad brother," she giggled before she rolled on top of me.

Our bodies reeked of sex and sweat as she pressed against me and kissed me. Her kisses were passionate and forceful. Almost animalistic. I nearly had to push her off. She slid down, kissing my neck and my chest and my stomach. Then my cock and my balls. I was getting semi erect again. She climbed off me and lay next to me.

"That was..."


"It felt like you were going to eat me, you were so carried away..."

"I just wanted to savour every last piece of your body," she laughed.

"Hmmm...I just want to lie here with you forever..."

"What time is it?" she whispered.

I leaned over to pick up my cell phone.

"Just before six. No hurry."

We lay together and we both fell asleep. We were woken by a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I called out.

"Maid. I'll come back," the voice outside the door called back.

I looked at my phone. Ten past eleven! Shit we'd slept for hours. Emma looked at me. I showed her my phone. We both jumped out of bed. Emma showered first, I just sat on the balcony, naked, with a glass of water. I knew I could be seen but I didn't care. Emma came out the shower, wrapped in a towel and I went to have a shower. We were too late for breakfast so after we had dressed we went out and found a cafe for a coffee and a croissant. We didn't speak, mostly. I think we were beginning to sense the reality of what we had done. But also we didn't need to speak. We were just together. After our coffee we went back to the hotel. The maid had cleaned our room. We went out again and went back to the Eiffel Tower. It was a beautiful sunny day. Then we had lunch before walking all afternoon alongside the Seine. We stopped to take pictures, sit occasionally and eat an ice cream. For most of the day we were quiet. Early evening we found a small restaurant in a quiet side street and had dinner. Then we walked back to the hotel.


Our last night. We had to be up early in the morning to catch the nine fifteen Eurostar to London and home. In the room we sat on the balcony and drank a couple of beers. Finally we went inside. I stripped naked and climbed into bed. Mark did the same. We didn't have a lot of sleep that night. We had sex four times! In the morning we showered and dressed and hurried to the Gare Du Nord to catch our train. We didn't talk much at first. Maybe we were both tired. Maybe there wasn't much to say. Maybe we knew we were going home and things would never be the same again. Maybe. As the train emerged from the tunel back into England, Mark spoke.

"That was an interesting week."



"In what way?" I laughed. I knew exactly what he meant.

"Maybe unexpected is a better word then?" he smiled.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Uh - Huh," he said.

"When we get home. What's going to happen?"

"Well I suppose we confess to mom and dad what we've done, as well as Carly, and beg their eternal forgiveness."

I looked at him, my mouth hanging open in disbelief. Eventually he cracked into a big smile.

"Sucker!!" he laughed.

My relief was obvious.

"We don't tell anybody. Not a soul. Promise?"

"Yes, but what I mean is, what about us? Is that it? Or can we...?"

"I want to, if you do. But we have to be really careful."

We arrived at the station in London. As arranged dad was there to meet us. As we sat in the car we felt a bit unsure.

"You two are quiet. Everything ok?" dad asked.

"Sorry dad. Just tired. Yes we had a great time," Mark replied.

"I suppose you are tired. Two young people in Paris. All those parties. Cheap wine. Must have been fantastic. Any gossip?"

"No dad, we were good," I whispered.

"And you haven't killed each other. Amazing. Your mom tells me you had to share a bed. Did you put a wall down the middle?" he laughed.

At home we changed then sat down to a meal mom had made. Our parents asked us loads of questions about the trip, which we did our best to answer. Over dessert, mom looked at us, quizzically.

"I don't know what it is but you two seem different," she mused.

"They're getting on. No fighting," dad interjected.

"Yes, That could be it. Wow! No fighting. How?"

"Well, we just seemed to get on ok out there," Mark replied.

"Really? I wish I'd seen that!" laughed dad.

"We, Well, I suppose, we maybe sort of kissed and made up," I smiled.

"Must have been a big kiss!" dad giggled.

"Hmm..." said mom, looking at us suspiciously.


Amy's dad made a full recovery from his heart attack. Two months later he paid for Amy and Emma to have another trip to Paris.

In Paris, a drunk Amy sent her dad a picture of her and Emma naked in bed, by mistake.

Amy's dad never mentioned the picture to Amy, but he kept it on his phone and often looks at it.

Six months after Paris, Emma got her first proper boyfriend, a nice young medical student called James.

Three years after Paris, Mark and Carly became engaged, and a few months later got married, with Emma as a bridesmaid.

Emma and Mark did have sex occasionally during the first few months after Paris, but as time went by this became lass frequent, till they stopped altogether.

Mark and Emma's Mom continued to have suspicions about her children's new found friendship towards each other, but never found any proof to back up her suspicions, and so kept her thoughts to herself.

To celebrate Emma's twenty fourth birthday, and Mark and Carly's anniversary, James has booked a weekend for the four of them in a hotel suite in...Paris.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

didn,t like the ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great story, very well told. I was expecting to discover that Mark had acidentally sent the wrong photograph to his mother. That would have added another interesting dimension!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

I'm reading your stories in alphabetical order and this is your best so far. That's because for the first time you've given yourself the time and space to develop your characters. As for the vitriol, although it was a bit much, it was a legitimate plot device that works to explain the extreme swing in their relationship.

RodimusMikeRodimusMikeover 4 years ago
My Opinion on the subject.

Mark should have dumped Carly,kept Emma as his Sister Lover,and hooked up with Amy so all 3 could be in a wonderful loving threesome and Mark & Amy get married then Emma and Amy could share Mark and each have his babies,and raise them to be incestuous like Mom's and Dad.

As for Mark and Emma's parents I think they should have told them and let the chips fall where they may,if they accepted their kids love for each other fine,but if they didn't then Mark and Emma should have left and cut their parents out of their lives.

But maybe they could accept it and be happy to have Mark,Emma,Amy and grandkids in their lives.I think thats how this story should'a gone,but oh well still a great read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Couldn’t finish

The level of vitriol made the characters completely unappealing. He is 24 acting like this, yikes.

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