Part 4: A Christmas Engagement

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True love comes together next to the Christmas tree.
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Part 4

A Christmas Engagement

Alex, Ana, and Chad had met several months prior at a club on Alex's birthday. The three of them came together that night like they had known each other infinitely longer than the few minutes they had actually known each other. Ana had spent the night with them and every night since. They were like three parts of the same spirit. This is the story of their first Christmas together.

Chad and Alex had already been together for several years before Ana came into their lives. They always enjoyed Christmas time and put some effort into decorating their home both inside and out. They had the usual stuff up outside with lots of lights on the house and bushes. Inside it was obvious they were into the spirit of the season. This year was a little different with Ana. The house literally puked Christmas Spirit. Ana was overdoing it a little bit because she was so happy and in love.

Ana's life previously had not been what anyone would have considered pleasant and Christmas time may hold some of her more unpleasant memories from childhood. Her father was not a nice man growing up and quite possibly the worst example of masculinity that she can ever remember. This all happened before she become Ana. Forget about how he treated her once she told her family of her intent to become Ana.

Needless to say she was no longer in contact with her blood family. After all she was responsible for her own happiness and who she would or would not allow into her life. She was so confident in herself at this time in her life that no one would be allowed in that was not going to bring happiness and love to her. Now she had the love and happiness in her life that she so desired with the two people who meant more to her than anyone else in the Universe.

Before Thanksgiving Ana went on a little shopping spree. She bought several sexy little outfits all complete with lingerie of either red or white unless she dressed more elfish for the evening. She had red lace, white lace, leather, stockings in fishnet and others that made her legs look like candy canes. She even had red and green highlights put into her otherwise very blond hair. It also seemed that she had a permanent smile affixed to her face that complimented the other worldly glow that emanated from her spirit.

Tonight is Christmas Eve. The night Alex and Chad have been waiting for. The three of them had become a three member family instantly when they met and it was time for Ana to really be aware of what she meant to them.

Chad and Alex had spoken to each other about this night a few months prior. It took a bit of planning and a lot of secrecy which was no easy task when you are so deeply connected to one another. However manage it they did and now here they sit before the fireplace enjoying fresh homemade hot chocolate from a recipe passed down through the generations of Alex's family. She always makes this particular recipe for Christmas Eve as it has been a long standing family tradition with a peppermint flavoring that is added to it by melting candy canes within.

The three of them kept dinner light because tomorrow was Christmas dinner with Alex's family. Many of them had already met Ana but for a few it would be their first time. Little did everyone know tomorrow Ana would have a special new introduction.

The plan was to finally just sit and relax with a movie on. Each one had their favorite Christmas movie. Tonight was Ana's pick. As smiley as she was her choice was National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. In times past the movie never failed to make her laugh and she was already in great spirits. It was no coincidence that their home was done similar though Ana really like colored lights much more than simple white lights.

Their Christmas tree was real because Ana loved the smell of fresh evergreen in the house. The tree was intended as the main focal point of the room and was the only thing with lights within the family room. There were other decorations and garlands all over the room but the tree was special and therefore the only thing lit up.

Ana was sitting on the floor not far from the fireplace. The glow from the fire danced beautifully across her skin which added to her own natural angelic glow. She had on a high quality long sleeve mini dress in red and trimmed with white. It was virtually skin tight and flared out into a skater dress style bottom. In the red soft cottony velvet fabric slightly darker hearts and lighter colored snowflakes could be seen all about. The cuffs, neck, and bottom of her dress were trimmed in white. She was wearing white and red striped thigh high socks with green bows at the top. She wore no shoes and had Rudolph earrings in. On top of her head was a cute Santa hat sitting slightly to one side.

Alex and Chad were sitting together on the couch. They were gazing upon Ana who was lit up in golden light from the fire behind her while she faced the Christmas tree. She was totally relaxed and happy. Love radiated from her in the most amazing way. All of their lives changed in the most unexpected and incredible ways since they came together. There was no talking and they hadn't started the movie yet. As a matter of fact there was no sound beyond some quiet Christmas carols that Chad put on before sitting down. Alex and Chad were dressed very comfortably in silk pajamas. They were both looking at Ana with such love that they knew the present they had for her was perfect. The plan was to open gifts in the morning but just one was very special for tonight.

Slowly Alex and Chad stood up as one and walked over to Ana. She looked at them with curiosity in her eyes. They sat down on each side of Ana. Alex was sitting on her feet facing Ana while Chad sat on her other side and just behind her. He place a hand on her lower back once he was settled in. Ana could sense just how excited they were but kept her patience and waited for them to say whatever was coming. They waited almost a full minute just looking at her. Ana just sat there looking back at them taking in the authenticity of the moment.

It was Alex who finally spoke first, "Ana, we have a special present for you that we would really like you to have tonight."

She handed Ana a small present wrapped to perfection with red and white ribbons wrapped around it. Ana knew by it's size and shape that it must be jewelry of some kind. She could pick up that this present meant something really big to Alex and Chad so she took extra care in opening it. First she slipped the ribbons from the corners and then gently pulling the paper from around the first box. There were no identifiers on the first box to suggest where it came from. Lifting the lid she pulled the velvet box out from the cardboard one. In the next moment she opened up the lid and was caught by complete surprise. She was holding a gorgeous, one of a kind, ring.

Ana knew that Alex and Chad were soul mates. The three of them also knew that Ana and Alex were twin flames. Though the soul mate bond with Chad also extended to Ana. It was incredibly strong. None of them quite understood the connection but they didn't question it. Alex and Ana were clearly meant to be together like fire and ice coming together into one spirit. The ring she held in her hand was an engagement ring. There was one big diamond in the middle surrounded by smaller alternating sapphires and rubies representing the fire and ice coming together into one.

Ana just stared at the ring for a full ten seconds while she took in the meaning and became aware of what was coming next. Before she could look up at Alex a couple tears fell from her eyes. When her eyes met Alex's and she saw how much love was in her eyes she knew her dreams were about to come true.

"Ana," Alex said. "Our lives have not been the same since we met you. We thought we understood what love is when Chad and I found each other. The Universe has shown us that there is more to love than we thought possible. Will you marry us Ana?"

Ana was quiet for a moment as she tried to find her voice. Tears were now falling freely from her eyes. She tried to stammer out an answer but was still in shock at the moment.

Chad gently squeezed her shoulders and whispered in her ear, "We love you so much. Please say yes."

Ana slowly turned to look at him. She was so happy. Hearing Chad's voice and feeling his touch brought her out of her shock and back into the moment. Her tears were free flowing and her smile was way up into her eyes. She threw her arms around Chad's neck.

With pure delight in her voice she said, "Yes Chad, I will absolutely marry you." She punctuated it with a long deep kiss.

As soon as she ended the kiss she turned to face Alex and said, "Alex, I love you so much that words cannot describe it. I would love nothing more than to marry you and be with you from now until eternity."

Before anymore could be said Alex plucked the ring out of the box and slid it onto Ana's finger. Alex looked up at Ana. She was still staring at her ring as the full comprehension of just how much she was loved hit her. She knew how much she loved them and had fantasized about this moment many times. She honestly never expected it might one day come true. A few more tears fell from her eyes as she looked at the gorgeous woman who just declared her desire to love her for the for the rest of her natural life.

Ana was someone very special. It wasn't until Chand and Alex become very intimate with her did they become aware of what set her apart from most girls. Their intimacy was not limited to just physical and sexual. They were acutely intimate with each other in all aspects of their lives. At first appearance Ana is 100% woman. Her hair is very thick and full and long. It is rarely more than a few inches above her butt. She keeps it very blond and will style it in various ways depending on her mood. She is blessed with a feminine face and her skill with make-up brought her to a level of simply stunning. Her figure was trim and her hips were a little narrower than her shoulders however she would never be mistaken for anything but a woman. Her skin is super soft like any woman's and virtually blemish free. She is completely hairless and smooth due to many hair removal treatments. Except of course in the couple of places that count. Under all that visual sexiness she is a little more. Her body while very feminine and athletic looking is a little more solid and firm than the average woman. She is also stronger than the average woman of comparable size. In short she turned as many heads as Alex both make and female.

That brings us to her male genitalia. She is very proud of who she is. While she was very unhappy as the boy she was before her transition now she couldn't be happier as the woman she became. However she very much enjoyed the penis she was born with. She was not a small girl and yet not enormous either. Alex would say she was literally made for her. If Ana slammed into her the tip of her cock would just kiss her cervix. She would also say that Ana was thick enough to consistently stretch her hole to the maximum without causing any pain, just massive amounts of pleasure. Ana really did not like tucking her penis away either. She felt it to be unnecessary and uncomfortable. At the same time her spirit was based in masculine energy with a good bit of feminine mixed in but liked knowing that she was not thought of as anything but a genuine woman. So she compromised by always wearing something that sufficiently covered that area. She was particularly fond of skirts and dresses with some kind of flair. These also had the added benefit of making her hips appear wider than they were. If she wore leggings or skinny jeans outside of the house her shirt would always be a little long so no one would ever be the wiser. Except of course for Chad and Alex.

Much more importantly though was just who Ana was. Chad and Alex, as close soul mates, had a more complete knowledge of what true and authentic love and connection were about. They learned to trust the Universe's judgement through their own journey. So when they met this woman before them, who they connected with and loved as deeply as each other, they knew she was meant to be with them. There was no way there were going to resist having such a pure love in their lives. Which is why on this Christmas Eve before the fire and Christmas tree, Chad and Alex chose to declare their love for Ana and make it permanent. Now they were going to celebrate that love by making her theirs completely.

Chad slipped his arms around Ana's shoulders and chest. He pulled her backward into him. He kissed the side her neck and whispered in her ear, "Now Beautiful we should celebrate."

Ana looked up so she could see Chad's face. There was burning desire and love beaming out of his eyes and penetrating right into her spirit. He hadn't even touched her and yet she felt his sexual energy pouring into her. Her arousal turned up several notches. She reached up and ran a single finger along his arm. Their eye contact never breaking. Her dress started to rise.

"I think someone is getting excited," Alex said as she bit her lip and gave Ana's cock a playful squeeze through her dress.

Ana didn't break her gaze with Chad when she felt Alex's touch. She acknowledged it with a slight breath in, a little unexpected squirm, and an opening of her legs just enough for Alex's hands to fit between her thighs.

Alex wasn't ready to give her direct stimulation yet. She wanted to tease her for a while this night. Ana was good at teasing her to some really insane levels of pure ecstasy. Tonight though she was determined to return that favor to her. With nothing more than her open palm over the top of Ana's dress she began a very slow rub over Ana's growing penis. She wanted Ana to feel and anticipate her touch, waiting for her fingers to encircle her but not yet.

Chad wanted to keep Ana's attention on him so what Alex was doing would remain physically felt only. The one time she started to look down he gently corrected her with one finger and told her to keep her eyes up. To punctuate his command he kissed the side of her jaw and told her what a good girl she was.

He also discovered she was not wearing a bra. She was one of those rare gurls who did not need additional enhancement to her breasts. She was naturally feminine before she transitioned. The hormones and some natural additives gave her very nice full 36 c breasts. Her nipples were also large and very sensitive to all their liking. They were now poking Chad's palms as he gave her breasts a full squeeze. She practically purred with delight.

Alex loved Ana's legs. Tonight with thigh high tube socks on she was just delicious looking. Alex squirmed her way in between Ana's legs. She was now sitting on her legs with her knees even with Ana's so she could run her hands from her toes all the way up to her very erect penis. She was careful however not to do more than barely brush up against her. Such a pretty sight thought Alex with a big bright smile as Ana's cock jumped with every touch. She also felt her pussy turn up her liquid fire another notch.

Chad laid Ana flat on the floor. He looked over at Alex who looked back with an adoring smile. They leaned forward and kissed each other deeply once before turning their attention back to Ana. Alex then slid backward so she could have better access to Ana's legs.

Chad stood up and pushed his pants to the ground. He was not yet hard and not entirely soft either. Ana would change that quickly as she was already reaching out for him.

Ana reached up from below him. He was almost out of her reach and probably would be once he was fully erect. She slipped her hand between his mostly flaccid member and his balls. Encircling him with her thumb and fingers. She started a slow downward stroke enjoying the feeling of him. He was still soft and supple in her hand. Squishy she thought but very sensitive from the look of enjoyment on his face. He would not be like this for long. She knew just how solid he would become and just how hard he could fuck her with this piece of man flesh. It was always fun to feel it grown in her hand but at this moment she really wanted him in her mouth.

Then she felt Alex's long pretty nails run up her thighs from the tops of her socks up to the waistband of her red lacey panties. She tangled her fingers in the fabric and slid them down. Ana lifted her butt so Alex met no resistance. Alex peaked up Ana's dress and saw her beautifully hard cock laying against her belly. She was fully aroused and eager for attention as she was twitching in time with her beating heart. Alex smiled real big and bent over. She gently kissed Ana's cock head on the bottom where the seam began. It was not more than a hard brushing of her lips but it was enough for Ana to lose focus on the cock in her hand. Alex's next kiss was placed about halfway down her shaft. Ana gasped slightly and her cock jumped again. She had not let go of Chad whose cock was growing in her hand. She had simply stopped stroking and closed her eyes. A third kiss landed at the base where her cock and balls came together. Before Ana could react the tip of Alex's tongue slipped between her lips lightly coming into contact with the sensitive underside. At about an inch per second Alex slid her tongue up Ana's shaft and off the head.

Ana bit her lip and lifted her knees a little bit off the floor. She pulled on Chad's penis, which was still growing in her hand, and it popped from her fingers springing up to almost full attention. She squirmed under Alex's attentive kisses which were slowly working their way up her belly and towards her breasts one after the other. She passed right between Ana's breasts and planted a deep kiss full of desire right on Ana's lips. She shifted her legs so she was straddling Ana. Having already shed her bottoms Alex's glistening pussy lips were hovering above Ana's hardness. She sat up to give Ana a teasing smile and dropped her pussy down, lips parting easily as her shaft slipped between her lips but not yet inside.

Then Alex looked up at Chad with her big pretty eyes as if asking his permission before she took him into her mouth. She got that permission with a slight nod coupled with a sexy half smile. Without breaking eye contact with Chad she let his male member part her lips. First the head slipped through with her lips closing around his shaft while she pushed him deeper into her mouth and into her throat stopping when her nose touched his belly. She held this position for a few moments while she massaged his cock with her throat. She pulled off his cock only when she needed to breathe. Then slipped him briefly back down her throat all the while keeping her very wet pussy pressed tightly over Ana's shaft.

Chad slid his fingers through Alex's hair and took a firm hold. He held her in place for a few moments and then pulled her off of him. He pulled her head back so he could look at her straight on. Fuck did he love these women. He kissed Alex letting her know just how much he desired her.

"Turn around my Gorgeous. Share some of that mouth with Ana and let me see that ass," he said barely above a whisper with the air of his words washing over her lips.

She knew what he wanted and gave him a sexy smile before replying, "As you wish my Handsome."

Alex spun herself around in a 69 position with Ana. She slipped her hand under Ana's cock and stood it up straight pointing at her eagerly awaiting mouth. She kissed the tip several times and applied a slight suction drawing more and more into her mouth. She stopped before Ana's bulging head passed her lips. She ran her tongue all around Ana's cock head within her mouth. Ana gasped and moaned gently as the sensations traveled through her body.

Ana wanted to taste Alex now. She could see her pussy was dripping wet just inches above her face. She reached up with both hands grabbing Alex's ass so she could pull her down on top of her face. She wasted not a single moment before her extra-long tongue found its way between Ana's lower lips. She ran her tongue up her clit and over her hole. Alex did not slow down but Ana could hear her moan around her cock. After a slight pause Ana buried her face into Alex's pussy and focused on her clit. First licking her clit this way and then that way. Then sucking it deeply between her lips almost like a baby pacifier. Alex moaned loudly.