Part Time Nurse Ch. 01

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Wife takes on part time job to earn extra cash.
4.6k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/09/2006
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This story is the idea of two Literotica friends. They started the story and gave me some ideas on how they wanted it to run. I have changed the names but tried to keep their idea as much as possible. I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 1: How it all began

We had been saving as much money as we could to put a down payment on a sea-do, but we weren't going to have enough by the start of summer. So we both decided to get extra part time work on the weekends or in the evening. I was helping a friend fix computers for a few weeks but we needed more. One Saturday morning Jane was looking through the paper when she came across an ad for volunteer nursing.

'Look Oliver, it says here that they need someone for a few hours on Mondays and Fridays. That would be perfect!'

I looked at her.

'Don't you have to have experience?'

She looked at the paper and studied it carefully.

'It doesn't say, but I'll call Monday morning.'

'Yeah, but look at the pay - it's not exactly big bucks they're offering is it?'

'No, but it's not like it's a permanent job, right?' With that she gave Oliver a big hug 'With just a little more money we could afford the sea-do, wouldn't that be great?'

'Of course it would, that would make a great summer for us.'

We had a very enjoyable weekend swimming with the kids at my mom's house, but I think we were both dreaming of being on the lake riding the sea-do. Monday morning came soon enough and Jane called the number in the paper. An older woman answered and told her to come down for an interview after work. She called me and told me the situation.

'Don't worry about anything,' I said 'I'll call my mom and see if she'll watch the kids while I'm at school.' She thanked me, said o.k. and hung up.

When she arrived for her interview, Jane noticed that it was an older hospital. She walked in through the front doors where security guard smiled at her. She asked her was and was instructed as to how to reach the doctors office.

She rode up to the third floor and entered an office where a middle aged man with salt and pepper hair was sitting at his desk. He's handsome for an older man, Jane though, I'll ask him if I'm in the right office for the volunteer nurse position.

'Yes, that's right. Come in. Take a seat. Is that your CV?'

Jane passed over her resume which he glanced at perfunctorily.

'Hmm, well I think we could give it a go. You're hired.'

'Great! When do I start?'

'As soon as possible,' he answered. 'Do you have any experience in the healthcare field?' he asked.

'No, not formally - is that a problem? I really need this job.'

'No, it's no big deal. Mostly you'll be just helping the patients out. Well, there is one thing - you do need to be pretty fit to work here. If it's OK with you, I'd like to see if you will be able to lift the heavy medical equipment we have here at this hospital. Could you please try to lift that oxygen tank over there in the corner?'

Unaware that she was going to be tested physically, Jane was more than inappropriately dressed in a short sundress. In a hurry that morning she had also not bothered to slip on any underwear beneath her dress.

Know that the job hinged on her proving her strength, Jane walked over to the corner and initially tried to lift the tank while in an upright position. It was too heavy and slippery. She knew that she was going to have to bend all the way to the bottom and wedge her fingers underneath the tank and realized this would give quite a show. Jane though that if she did it quickly she might be able to pull it off without him noticing that had no panties on. She bent down to the floor and squatted there for a moment, paused and looked at him and smiled. For a moment, she wondered if he was married and what his wife would think if she knew he was about to see a 29-year-old's ass. Thinking about this, she began to get a little excited and felt herself starting to get wet. This is ridiculous, she thought. She grabbed the tank and stretched her legs. Her dress danced on her upper thighs and then kept riding up higher and higher as she strained to lift the tank. She knew he was getting a great view from behind and was hoping he was checking out her tattoo and not looking at her ass and wet pussy. Then it was over. She set the tank down and acted as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

'Was that sufficient?'

'Umm. yes, that was great. You can start tomorrow.'

'Oh, wow. Really? That's great!'

'You can start any time after 6 p.m. It's a four hour shift, but on your first day, you'll probably not need to stay that long. Come up to my office, then we can sign the paperwork and I'll show you the ropes.'

'OK. Thank you! Bye.'

She reached to shake his hand and noticed that it was sweaty. As he stood up and walked her to the door, she noticed quite a bulge in his pants which made her smile as she left his office. She had almost forgotten what it was like to be a tease. For a second, she wondered if he was going to fuck his wife like he hadn't in years that night. If so, then she was one lucky girl.

With a bounce in her step, Jane walked back out to the lift and headed home grinning to herself like a maniac.

That night Jane was feeling very frisky. Unfortunately Oliver had been working at school pretty late, so by the time she got home, he was already asleep. She lay down next to him and had a restless night, tossing and turning and filled with images of the office and her being ordered around by her new boss ...


By the time she got up the next morning, Oliver had already taken the kids to school and gone to work Jane felt like dressing sexily for the day ahead. She had a 'naughty nature' about her that morning so she put on a sexy red thong and a red lacy bra. Then she put on her black short-sleeved top that showed off her breasts and a pair of tight black pants.

This outfit is going to get cutie boy's attention today, she said to herself. She was thinking about the guy at work that all the other girls teased her about. He always came to talk to her and many of the women thought he was flirting with her. Truth be told, she found it very flattering that he came and 'flirted' with her, but she had never really gone along with the game, worried that word might get back to Oliver.

As she set off for work - or rather, for her real work - she carried a small sports-bag with her uniform in it. She' tried it on the previous night as Oliver was asleep. It was a white uniform that came down to about half way down her thighs and buttoned up the front. Jane thought that it was a little short for a volunteer nurse's uniform, but she felt and looked great in it, and considering the mood she was in this morning, it was perfect.

One hour later, Jane she sat at her desk at work feeling very sexy. Her admirer 'cutie boy' had come past a couple of times with rather weak excuses to talk to her. Each time, she playfully flirted with him for a while, smiling and leaning forward with her arms up under her breasts to push them even further up and out of her blouse. This made her wet and she noticed that he was getting aroused as well because he quickly excused himself before he became too embarrassed. She grinned to herself as he retreated back to his own desk trying to hide his arousal. Jane began to realize that she actually enjoyed having that kind of power over men and decided that she should maybe not keep herself on such a tight reign in the future.

Work seemed to flash by and when she glanced at her watch towards the end of the day, she realized that she only time to grab a quick bite to eat before heading straight over to the hospital. On her way to the hospital, she stopped by a store on a whim to buy some stockings to top off her uniform. Arriving at the hospital, she quickly rushed into the women's changing room to get changed before her shift started. She squeezed into the uniform and pulled up the white stockings, attaching them with a garter belt. As a final touch, she pinned up her hair and headed up to her bosses office ...

The older guy was waiting for her with a smile on his face as she walked into the office. She blushed at the thought of what had happened the day before.

'Ah, Jane, come in. Take a seat.'

Jane sat down the chair he offered while he pulled another chair over until they were sitting opposite one another, less than a meter apart. Jane became very aware of how the uniform she was wearing had pulled up her slim legs so that the tops of her stockings were almost exposed. She felt herself getting warm.

'So, Kerry - I see you have already got your new uniform - does everything fit?' He grinned.

'Er, yes, thank you Mr. ...'

'Call me Jerry.'

'Yes, thank you Jerry.'

'Stand up - I'd like to make sure ...'

Jane stood up in front of him.

'Now turn around please.'

Jane turned around slowly and felt Jerry's eyes on her skimpily-clad body. Perhaps the sexy underwear had not been the right thing to choose after all.

'Hmm. Red undies eh?'

Jane looked down and saw how her red bra and thong were clearly visibly under the thin white uniform. She flushed bright red.

'Oh, sorry. I, er came straight from work. Er, next time I'll wear something white underneath.'

'Not so fast young lady!'


'I didn't say that I didn't like what I saw - it was just an observation. Is that a thong you're wearing?'

Jane nodded.

'Do you normally wear thongs?'

Jane mumbled something.

'I beg your pardon?'


'Good. Then I would like you to make sure that you wear your sexiest underwear when you come to work here - nothing in white - I am sure that we have the perfect position for someone of your obvious talents.'

'Thank you.'

'Are you shy when it comes to bodily contact?'

Jane was thrown by the question. What did he want from her now?

'Er, I don't think so. Why?'

'Well Jane, we are in a very competitive market and need to make sure that our patients are well looked after when they are here. That also sometimes means taking care of their non-medical needs ...'

He looked at her knowingly. Jane was aghast.

'Do you mean you want me to have sex with the patients?!'

'Oh, dear me, no - though you can if you wish. I mean that you will have to ensure that they obtain sexual release in some fashion.'

'Oh! I have to jack them off?'

'That is one possibility, yes.'

Jane flushed as his words seeped in.

'How many men would I need to, er, handle?'

'I believe at the moment, we have about 30 male ...'

Jane's mind was in a spin. She would have to 'handle' 30 cocks?! What would Oliver say? She didn't even know if she could go through with this. She was so pre-occupied with her thoughts that Jerry's words took a while to seep in.

'... and just less than 20 female patients, though of course a number of the patients will be dealt with by the other staff members. Most of the patients are under 30.'

'Women? You want me to ...'

'Jane. I did ask whether or not you were shy. This is a job; we are all professionals here and we are trying to help our patients recover as quickly as possible. Sexual relief is a part of the holistic approach that we have here.

If you don't feel that you can deal with this, please let me know now.'

Jane thought about Oliver and her kids. Could she really go through with this? Were they really that desperate for the money? On the other hand, the little devil was painting pictures of 30 throbbing cocks which were also rather tempting and as for the women; she would just have to cross that bridge when she came to it. She took a deep breath.

'No, I want to do this.'

'Excellent. Then I'll show you around the wards and then you can have a go at treating one of our patients. Before we start however, I would like you to take off your uniform.'


'Jane. Please. We have been through all this before. I am not going to touch you or attack you. I simply need to know that you are able to deal with the situation here.'

Jane's heart was pounding. With shaking fingers, she reached up and undid the top button of her white nurse's uniform. As the second and third buttons were undone, her red lacy bra came into view.

Jerry watched calmly as Jane undid the rest of the buttons. Soon the uniform was hanging open and he could see a flash of her red knickers. Jane looked up at Jerry and slipped the uniform off her shoulders and laid it over the desk.

Standing there in just her red lace bra and matching red thong, Jane was very aware of the fact that her nipples had stiffened with excitement and was worried that her panties might give away how excited she was. She could feel herself getting moister by the second as she stood almost naked in front of this elder stranger.

'Very nice. Turn around please.'

Jane turned around for him.

'Hmm, a tattoo and a very nice ass. Do you have any other tattoos?'

Jane turned back to him and flushed indignantly.

'No! Where would I hide them?'

'Oh, you'd be surprised. Susi, for example has one under her pubic hair - or at least under where her pubic hair would be if she didn't shave. I'll get her to show you one day. OK. Now get dressed and let's go around the wards.'

Relieved to be dressed again, Jane followed Jerry out of the office and into the hallway. The next 45 minutes were spent visiting various patients and chatting to each one briefly; Jerry introducing Jane to each one personally. She was impressed by his bedside manner - a mixture of professionalism and personal contact that the patients seemed to respond to in a very positive manner.

Jane glanced at her watch as they walked along the corridor - 20 minutes of her shift left. Jerry stopped outside a door.

'So, this is Peter - this is where I would like you to get your hands wet - so to speak! Come on.'

He knocked and entered the room, closely followed by a very nervous Jane. When she saw Peter for the first time, she almost laughed. The poor guy had both arms and both legs in plaster! He grinned as he saw her.

'Hey, Jerry, at last you're making this hospital worth visiting!'

'Now, now Peter. Please behave or else we'll have to take away your urine bottle again!'

'I'll be good - promise!'

'This is Jane. She'll be looking after you for the next few weeks until your release.'

'I could sure do with some release and if Jane's willing to help, hey, fine by me.'

Jerry looked over to Jane and grinned.

'Peter is just impossible! Maybe you could try and help Peter before you finish for the night?'

'Yes, OK.'

Jane could hardly get the words out; her mouth was so dry. She walked over to the bed and pulled the covers down. Peter was wearing a rather plain pair of cotton boxer shorts. She looked over to Jerry, who nodded encouragingly.

'I will remain here for the first patient and make sure that everything is OK.'

Jane flushed. What on earth was she doing? Here she was, about to jack off a good-looking young stranger while her new boss watched!

She peeled the boxer shorts down in what she hoped was a professional manner and got her first look at Peter's cock - the first time she had seen another cock since marrying Oliver. To her disappointment, Peter was not erect. She hadn't expected this. She looked over to Jerry.

'Why don't you take off your uniform - maybe that will help Peter and it will also keep it clean!'

Jane hurriedly unbuttoned her uniform and seconds later was standing in just her red lace bra and matching red thong. By now, there was no denying that she was turned on. Her nipples were so hard that they ached and her panties were soaked through.

Jane thought frantically about how best to deal with the situation. Suddenly she had an idea. She would imagine that it was Oliver lying in bed and do the things that she knew turned Oliver on. Hopefully it would work with Peter too.

Turning her back to Peter, she spread her legs and then bent down to pick her uniform off the floor. By keeping her legs straight, she made sure that Peter was getting a good look at her panty-covered pussy and her firm white ass. As she slowly stood up, she turned to Peter and noted with pleasure that he was now almost hard. She hung her uniform over the chair, climbed up onto the bed and hocked on her shins over Peter's thighs, her pussy inches from his groin.

Reaching down with one hand, she took hold of the warm stiff cock. A tremor ran through her. Peter's cock was not particularly big, but it was nice and thick, light brown in color with a glistening purple head. His balls had pulled up tight and as she started to gently masturbate him, she felt them swinging into her thong-covered pussy in rhythm to her movements.

After a minute or so, Jane could see the first few drops of pre-cum on Peter's glistening cock head. In a flash of excitement, she lifted herself up slightly and wiped the pre-cum off with her panties, the head of his cock rubbing her pussy, separated only by the thin red material of her thong. She was hot and swollen, her knickers soaked through with her own juices. This was a new kind of excitement and she felt her body taking control of her mind. For one wild second, she thought about pulling her panties to one side and engulfing this wonderful cock ...

She managed to get herself back under control and dropped her hips back to the position she was in before. By now, Peter was close to coming. As she stroked him harder, she felt the first twitch of his coming orgasm. Sitting down on his upper thighs, she leaned back slightly towards Peter's feet and pulled his cock towards her. This was more than he could take.

He came in a jet of hot white cum. It shot out, hitting Jane, landing on her flattened, taught, tummy. As his orgasm subsided, the last few drops of cum landed on her red panties, soaking into the material, where it was joined by the warm milky liquid running down her tummy.

Jane eased herself off Peter and looked to Jerry. He stood up and handed her a damp cloth which she used to clean first Peter and then herself. Pulling up his boxer shorts, she covered him with the sheet and blanket and dressed again in her white uniform.

She could feel the sperm drying on her stomach and soaking her panties and realized that she would need to shower and put on some clean clothes before she saw Oliver that evening. Still, for some reason, she felt great.

'See you again soon!'

'Can't be soon enough!'

Jane walked over to Jerry and left the room with him, noting with satisfaction that he was sporting a very obvious bulge in his dark blue trousers.

'That was excellent Jane - I think you are a natural born talent.'

'Thank you.'

'I have to go now, but I expect you to arrive punctually on Friday. You now know your duties and can get on with the job yourself. I would suggest that we have a face-to-face review in about four weeks time, OK?'

'Yes, fine.'

Jane wondered what exactly Jerry might mean by 'face-to-face review' but said nothing. All she knew was that she couldn't wait for her next shift to come.

Now the only problem was to explain to Oliver what she did and as she headed home, her thoughts were occupied by how much she felt she could tell him.

As soon as she walked in to the house, she knew that she was in for a difficult time. How on earth could she tell Oliver?

'Hi! How was it?'

'Hi. Fine.'

'I've been thinking about you all day in your uniform and getting really hot. Did you bring your uniform with you?'

'Er, yes.'

'Go and put it on - I'd like to see you in it.'

Thinking this might be an opportunity to get changed and have a shower, Jane agreed.

'I'll have a quick shower while I'm at it.'

'I can't wait that long!'

Jane rushed upstairs and quickly undressed before pulling on a fresh red thong. Oliver wouldn't notice that it was different. As she changed into her uniform, she heard Oliver coming up the stairs. He burst into the bedroom and flopped onto the bed.