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Elirel's eyes snapped open wide. What the fuck was that? Why was she remembering... that? She... she must be more drunk than she thought. She was shaking her head, trying to clear away the stubborn image still lingering in her mind's eye, when she first heard the footsteps. They were heavy, slow, and methodical, and they were coming down the hall, drawing closer and closer. She froze, her pointed ears twitched, listening closely as the footsteps came to a stop outside the door. The door was locked, she reassured herself, only to hear a click as the doorknob turned. The old hinges creaked as the door opened a tiny crack. She was mere moments away from leaping for her bow when a voice came through the gap. "L?" Gordon called, and Elirel's expression hardened into a scowl. Just the sound of his voice was enough to make her angry, but she didn't want another fight... All she could do was lay still, pretend to sleep, and hope he got the message. "Are you asleep?" He asked. What a stupid question. What was he doing here, anyways? "They were out of rooms..." He offered as justification, answering her unasked question. Well, if that were true, she couldn't really make him go sleep in the stables...

When Elirel didn't respond, Gordon quietly pushed into the room, closing the door behind him and tiptoeing across the floor as stealthily as a large, slightly drunk human could manage. At least he was trying to be considerate... or just trying not to wake her so she wouldn't boot him out. She tried her best to ignore his presence, to clear her mind and drift off to sleep as he quietly prepared for bed. Then, he spoke. "L? Are you awake?" He asked, his voice coming from just beside her bed, louder than a whisper, but still quiet. Elirel stayed still, silence hanging in the air for a long moment. Suddenly, the corner of her bed sank with a soft creak, his weight settling onto the edge of the mattress by her feet. Silence hung in the air for another moment before he began to speak. "...I dunno if you're really asleep or just pretending 'cause you're still mad, so I dunno if you're listening... But I kinda hope you are. I dunno if I'll be able to remember what I wanted to say in the morning, so I'm just gonna say it, just in case." He began, a subtle slur to his words, and then sighed. "I just... I wanna say I'm sorry. I mean, I'm a little sorry for not knowing you were a girl, but I still think you gotta tell people something if you're gonna be mad at them for not knowing it. " He clarified. "Mostly, though, I'm sorry for reacting, um... like I did."

Gordon shook his head, continuing. "I was really surprised, 'cause I thought it was this big deal, and then you were angry, and I didn't think I did anything wrong, so I got all defensive... I didn't take it well. But I was thinking about it for a while, and I realized it's not a big deal, really." He said, pausing for a moment. "I mean, you're still gonna be my partner. We've still got each other's backs. At least, I hope you're not that mad. But, I mean, we did a bunch of cool stuff together, and I mighta' thought you were a guy, but you were really a girl the whole time, right? That just kinda proves it doesn't matter if you're a guy or a girl, right? I was all freaked out 'cause I thought this whole thing was gonna change things, but it doesn't really change anything. I mean, I need to stop walkin' around camp naked, sure, but, like, nothing important. You're my partner. You're like family to me. I know you. And you bein' a girl doesn't really change what I know. You're still you. Anyway, what I'm tryin' to say is, I'm not gonna let you bein' a girl change the way I think about you. I'm gonna try my best to think of you as my partner and not as a girl. An' I'm sorry again. Okay?" He asked, not really expecting an answer, but waiting a moment just in case. He rose from his seat and crossed the room quietly, wordlessly climbing into his own bed.

For a long time, Elirel lay still. That was what he was supposed to do. Apologize. Now everything could just go back to normal. That was what she wanted. Right? Then why did her chest ache with an inexplicable sadness? Why were her hands balled into fists so tight they trembled? What was she on the verge of tears? Why? Why? Why?! She groped blindly for answers, unable, or perhaps unwilling, to see the truth. Suddenly, a memory broke through her blindness, a simple image, bright and clear and shining like the sun, its light revealing the truth. It was his smile.

"Oh..." Elirel breathed aloud to the dark room, struck by the sudden clarity. It was almost like removing a blindfold. It had been right there, staring her in the face, and she just couldn't see it. She wasn't angry at being mistaken for a boy again. She'd been angry because he didn't see her as a woman. She was sad because nothing was going to change, and she wanted a change. He was her best friend, her closest ally, she trusted him with her life... and she loved him. She'd denied it, even to herself, for so long, terrified of the feelings that had been growing inside her, afraid that she'd scare him off, that rejection would mean losing him altogether. Being just his partner was better than being alone... wasn't it? But there was no escaping the truth. Deep down, she'd hoped he would someday show some kind of interest, that he would make a move, but all this time, he'd thought she was a boy, and all her years spent hoping had been wasted. And now that he knew the truth, he was just going to ignore it. He was going to ignore her, just like before...

Elirel grit her teeth with determination, her brow furrowed. No. No, she couldn't let it happen. She wouldn't let it happen. This was a turning point. Their relationship would always be different because of what had happened tonight. But she could steer the change, if she acted quickly. This was her opportunity. She had to do something. She had to make him see her. Silently, she slipped out of bed, silk underclothes shimmering in the moonlight. Sapphire eyes looked across the room at Gordon as he lay in bed, eyes closed, breathing slow and steady. She swallowed her fear. She couldn't be nervous, not now. Whisper-quiet, she raised her arms, grabbed her collar, and pulled her top up, over her head in a single, smooth movement. She cast it aside, and before it even hit the bed, she'd already moved on. She couldn't hesitate, lest she lose her nerve. Her hands went to her waist and loosed the knot holding her pants at her waist, letting them fall, caressing her skin as they pooled around her ankles. She stepped out of them, crossing the room with determined strides.

Elirel felt almost painfully exposed as the cool night air caressed her bare skin. Goosebumps rippled over her warm brown skin as she stood by his bed, illuminated by a shaft of silvery moonlight. She could feel the light on the sculpted ridges of her tight abs, on the gentle curves of her narrow waist, on her firm, shapely breasts, her modest mounds capped with dark chocolate nipples that pebbled in the cool night air. She could feel it on her slender yet feminine hips, on her shapely legs, on her smooth thighs, on the gentle swell of her hairless mons. She could even feel it on her scars, the handful of faint lines, some ragged, some clean, marring her otherwise flawless, supple flesh. Elirel took a deep breath, looking down at the bed before her for a moment, trying to force herself to relax. It was the moment of truth. "Gordon..." She half-whispered, her voice hesitant. Silence hung heavy in the air for a long moment as she waited with baited breath. "Gordon." She tried again, a little louder, a little less hesitant. This time, the silence was broken when Gordon drew in a noisy snore. She blinked in surprise, then shook her head. "Gordon." She called, firmly, emphatically.

Gordon stirred, groggily blinking as he heard his name, lifting his head from his pillow. "Muh?" He inquired as he stared blankly into the wall for a moment. He twisted his head around to look over his shoulder, catching a glimpse of Elirel through bleary eyes, and automatically rolled to his back to face her better, blinking away the glaze of sleep. As his vision cleared, confusion grew on his face, turning to shock as he realized with he was seeing. His eyes went wide, his mouth hung open, and his cheeks flushed, and after a half-second of staring, he whipped his head around to face away, his hand coming up to shield his eyes in her direction. "Uh, L? Um... What the fuck?" He inquired, voice wavering with uncertainty. Was this a dream? And if it was, what was his brain trying to do to him? Why would it show him her naked body, her toned waist, her smooth thighs, her perky chest, each breast crowned with dark, suckable nipples... What the hell was he thinking about?! This wasn't right! But as much as he tried to force the image from his mind, it was to no avail. The image of her naked form was burned into his mind, instantly unforgettable.

"Gordon. Look at me." Elirel urged, her voice firm even as she tried to stop her hands from trembling.

Gordon stared into the wall, gripped by panic. "But... You're..." He swallowed, trying not to remember the image and failing. "...Naked."

"Gordon. Look at me." Elirel urged again. "...Please." She added, unable to suppress the tremor in her voice.

Gordon swallowed. He had no idea what was going on, but L's tone was clear enough. This was important to her. Incredibly important. And if it was a choice between her and his code of honor... "...Alright, L." He muttered as his hand came away, slowly, and he turned to face her again. His cheeks were burning red beneath his freckles, and despite his best efforts his gaze still wandered, but he looked at her.

Elirel's breathing hitched as Gordon stared at her. She had to force her arms to stay at her sides. She swallowed, nervously, and drew in a deep, shuddering breath, beginning to speak. "I... I'm a woman, Gordon." She told him, stiffening with determination. "Yes, I'm your partner, but... I'm a woman, too. That's a fact. I need you to see. I need you to... understand. It doesn't change our past, what we've accomplished together, our adventures, our... relationship. But... but it could change the future. Our future..." She tried to explain, taking another deep breath.

"I... I know you see me as just your partner." Elirel continued. "But... I want you to see me as a woman, too. And... maybe something... more? I know this is new to you, but, it's not to me. I've been a woman. I was a woman when I met you, when you became my partner, when you became my best friend... I didn't realize it until now... No, I didn't want to realize it until now, but... I've been... hoping, for a while, that you might, um... realize that you like me. And that... that I like you, too. So, when you didn't even know I was a girl, I realized... I'd been hoping for nothing. But, maybe it's not for nothing, anymore. Now you know. I'm a woman. And I'm telling you... I'm telling you that I like you. That I... I love you. I love you, Gordon." She finally declared.

Silence hung in the room for what seemed like an eternity. Gordon simply blinked and stared, stunned by the confession as Elirel swallowed, nervously. "And now I'm just hoping this wasn't a huge mistake and that I haven't just ruined everything and-" She began to babble, words pouring out of her in a jumbled stream, faster and faster, until she was abruptly cut off. A long, well-muscled arm emerged from beneath the sheets, suddenly reaching out and hooking the petite elf around the back of the neck and yanking her forward suddenly. She tumbled over, falling onto the bed on top of Gordon, the smiling red-haired warrior pulling her face down to his. Their lips met with an electric jolt, it was like years of pent-up tension were released in an instant, crackling between them as the connection finally closed. The little elf went board-stiff, her eyes wide with surprise, then slowly melted, her tension slipping away as the human's powerful limbs wrapped around her in a warm embrace.

The kiss lingered for what seemed like an eternity, a slow dance that grew more and more intense as their lips explored each other, tasting one another for the first time. But all good things must come to an end, and eventually, the two came apart. Elirel's eyelids fluttered open in a daze, a dreamy smile on her still-tingling lips. "...Wow." she breathed. A flicker of worry suddenly crossed her face, and she raised her head a bit, looking down at Gordon with concern. "That means... that means you like me too, right?" She implored.

Gordon blinked with surprise, then his face split into a broad, playful grin. "Now who's the dense one?" He asked with a chuckle, only to suddenly wince as a sharp elbow dug into his ribs. "Ah! Fine, yes!" He replied, hastily, then looked up into her eyes, still smiling. "Yes, it certainly does."

Elirel's heart was pounding with excitement, even as she tried to hold it back. "Are... Are you sure? I... I know this is sudden, and I don't... I don't want you to lie to spare my feelings. I don't want a yes if it's going to be a no later..."

Gordon craned his neck up, silencing her with a slow, tender kiss, brushing aside her offered way out as she melted in his arms a second time. When the kiss finally broke with a soft smack, he sank back down to the pillow, thumb slowly tracing circles on the nape of her neck as he held her softly against his chest. "It's still new, yeah. I didn't know how I felt at first. I was a little worried that knowing you were a girl meant I was going to try to protect you and end up throwing myself into danger. But then I realized, I do stupid stuff like that all the time. It's pretty much what I do. And I wouldn't do it for somebody I didn't like. I... I know I like you. I don't know if it's love, yet. But, I mean, my oldest brother doesn't even like his wife, so I figure, if I'm gonna be with somebody, who better than my best friend?" He smiled, warmly, looking down at her. "And it certainly doesn't hurt that you're a sexy little minx." He added, his smile turning playful.

Elirel chuckled, dryly, rolling her eyes. "Oh, yeah, I'm clearly blindingly beautiful. So blindingly, in fact, you can't even tell I'm a girl." She quipped, sardonically, only to suddenly gasp in surprise when Gordon delivered a sharp smack to her tight little backside.

"Now, I'll hear no talk like that, missy." He warned, mock-sternly, before suddenly rolling the two of them over, casting the sheets aside in the process. He loomed over her on all fours, wearing nothing but his sleeping trunks and a wolfish grin, his eyes roaming her tight, toned body, drinking in the view carefully. He nodded, sagely, a moment later, as though he'd figured it all out. "Yep. I can say with absolute certainty that you, my lovely little elf, are, in fact, incredibly sexy."

Elirel rolled her eyes again. "Oh, can't you be serious for one minute?" She asked, exasperated.

Gordon chuckled. "Thirty seconds is just about my limit." He replied. "But I am serious when it comes to your incredible sexiness." He added, still grinning, before slowly sinking down until he pressed his lips to Elirel's once again. Electricity danced between them once again as they kissed for a long moment, slowly, tenderly, before once again parting with a soft smack. Their eyes opened at the same moment, his emerald eyes looking deep into her sapphire pools. "Seriously... I think you're absolutely beautiful. Every inch of you." He breathed, softly.

There was a moment of stillness as the two looked into each other's eyes. They were afraid, though neither would admit it. Afraid of making the wrong move, and unsure as to which one would be the right one, the moment grinding to a halt as the two lingered, paralyzed by their uncertainty. Elirel swallowed, her mouth dry, gathering her courage to make the first move. A delicate hand rose, trembling faintly, up to the granite muscle of Gordon's chest, her slender brown fingers splaying out across the pale slab of muscle. "I... I think you're sexy, too..." She confessed, fingertips roaming his chest, her eyes flicking off to once side. Her cheeks were burning, even if the blush wasn't visible.

Gordon swallowed in turn, muscles firming up beneath Elirel's fingers. She was touching him, she thought he was sexy... That meant it was okay, right? Okay to... to touch her? Kissing was one thing, and a playful spank was a step further, but the next step... it just seemed so much more... serious, somehow. He shifted his weight to one arm, lifting the other hand from the bed, only to pause, uncertain. Where was he supposed to touch? He'd already made the move, he had to follow through, but he had no idea where to send his hand. His heart thundered in his chest as he brought the hand closer and closer to her supple body. He didn't want to be too forward, but he didn't want to touch somewhere weird, either. What if she realized he didn't know what he was doing? He was the man, he was supposed to take the lead! With his hand just inches from her supple waist, a surge of panic gripped him and he froze, beads of sweat forming on his brow.

Elirel raised her free hand, delicate fingers tracing Gordon's smooth-shaven jawline before gently cupping his cheek, steering his gaze to meet hers. She looked deep into his eyes for a moment, seeing the panic there, feeling his heart pounding against her fingertips. "Hey." She spoke, her voice soft and soothing, sounding much calmer than she felt as she repeated the advice she'd gotten at her first fertility festival. "Just relax. Breathe. It's alright. Everything's fine. Don't think about it. Don't worry about doing the right thing, or trying to impress anybody. Just... feel. Do what feels right, what feels good. You know what to do. Don't fight it." She coached with a reassuring smile, fingers tracing slow, lazy circles on his chest.

Gordon closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath, his rugged body visibly relaxed as he let the air out with a deep sigh. When his eyes opened again, the fear in them was gone, at least, most of it. His hovering hand came down, his palm on the side of her tiny waist, thumb exploring her sculpted abs as his fingers curled around her, his large hand wrapping nearly halfway around her. She was so warm, so soft, so... small... He let his feelings guide him, his hand moving up her side, thumb dipping into the valleys of her toned tummy. She may be mall, but by no means was she fragile. There was a lot of woman in this little package. His hand continued moving up her side onto her ribs, pausing for a moment to linger over her star-shaped scar, before coming up to the gentle swell of one firm, shapely breast. He stared, almost in a trance, as his fingers circled the supple mound, exploring the soft flesh, gently cupping and squeezing the palm-sized peak, his fingers slowly closing in on the dark, pebble-hard nipple at it's peak, giving it an experimental squeeze.

Elirel bit her lip as Gordon explored her body, his touch firm yet gentle, eager yet tender, curious and affectionate at the same time. It was delightful, even when he wasn't touching her sensitive spots. When he teased her breast, she squirmed, and when his fingers found her nipple, she let out a gasp. She'd forgotten just how intense the sensations of being touched were. He froze when she made a sound, his eyes snapping up to meet hers, fearful he'd hurt her, but she shook her head, smiling reassuringly. Her fingers caressed his cheek gently as she pulled his hand from his face and let it come down to rest on his exploring hand, her delicate dark digits curling around his blunt pale ones. Wordlessly, she guided his fingers to pinch again, harder this time, biting her lip in anticipation. She was rewarded with another surge of intense sensation, even stronger than last time, a sharp pleasure undercut by a dull ache, her voice escaping in a pleasured hum.