Party Favor


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"James!... No!... You put me down right now!" Ignoring her various pleas and demands moving steadily towards her room, pushing open the door with a slight nudge of his shoulder made his entry delivering quite easily the most delicate, cherishable cargo he'd ever been privileged to care for. Bending down, setting her gently atop her bed, lingering momentarily inhaling the sweet fragrance of perfume permeating from the silent, temporarily overwhelmed beauty... Stepping back voicing his approval, James asked guessing its fragrance. "White Diamonds? Mmmm... Smells nice Ms. Toni.

Flustered unsure of what to do having been handily rescued then delivered via personal bodyguard?... What's next? Flushed with embarrassment, giddy as a school girl and the wine wasn't helping matters either... unsure of weather to scold his bold actions or thank his chivalrous deeds, Toni modestly whispered an appreciative thanks. "Yes it's White Diamonds... Thank You."

Sitting aside the bed, legs extended ankles crossed, so ladylike, red dress radiating amid an endless sea of white silk, waves of satiny dark brown hair, captivating green eyes contrasting everything in sight, heavenly bronzed skin, tempestuous, voluptuous body with the face of an angel... God!... Every reason for staying screaming out demanding he submit, stay and partake of these... these... luscious, forbidden fruits giving in to his wanton desires... James knowing should he... Listening to true reasoning not lustful intentions, fearing the possibilities, probabilities should he stay, turning abruptly making his way to the door he called over his shoulder. "Good night Ms Toni... It's been allot of fun. See you in the morning."

Pulling too the door refusing even one more glance for fear of its possible reprisals, pausing, momentarily glancing down shaking his head having preformed a feat nearly an impossibility, James turned for the bathroom in hopes of finding some sort of solace along with some possibility of clearing his tormented mind. Praying the shock of cold water just might be able to relieve the haunting images of the brunette goddess wearing that skimpy little bikini... molding every curve, exposing that flat tummy, those full swells and oh so firm ass... Then she returns wearing a red little number accenting her incredible chest teasing him with a suggestive hint of cleavage and... and,.. Those long tanned legs peaking from beneath molding their taunt perfection with the help of her sexy heels?... Dear God!... How incredibly sexy could this woman possibly get?... Water, time, nothing would ever erase those memorable images permanently etched amid the corridors of his memories.

Toni, having somewhat regained her composure, even amid the effects of the wine regardless of her current condition found herself really enjoying all the attention being paid her. Affirming her beliefs in her femininity reconfirming the guarantees she was most definitely all woman and still capable of wooing, tempting a man who was at the very least a few years her junior, the power, affirmation, everything combined gave her a sense of overwhelming self empowerment. Cautiously standing, advancing slowly towards her floor length mirror she stood admiring the very image she'd just used... even if not purposely but still resulting in an outcome quite similar... pleased with her unintended successful results. She'd worked hard pouring long hours and endless pain into defining what now filled the mirror resulting in a finely sculpted, well toned work of perfection primarily for her own gratification but also for the enjoyment of her husband who'd been her anchor during all her tireless efforts.

Reaching down unbuckling the belt cinching tight her waist, releasing, letting it fall to the floor she began the task of unbuttoning what appeared in her current condition to be an endless supply of buttons obstructing the removal of her dress. Fumbling, fidgeting, each one an adventure in itself, slowly but steadily continuing to make progress finally releasing the last she completed the near impossible task. Taking a deep breath, releasing it slowly she admonished her actions as if addressing someone else in the room. "Well... wasn't that fun?... God I've gotta get out of these clothes."

Pulling open the dress letting it slip gingerly off her shoulders joining the ever growing pile of garments atop the floor... Oh my God!... Left merely in a revealing, very transparent two piece lingerie ensemble Toni stood oblivious to the world inspecting the work of perfection before her. Retrieving the remote, turning on the stereo playing the same sorts of music she'd enjoyed dancing to merely minutes earlier, reaffixing her attention to the image imitating her amid the mirror... Brushing her fingertips lightly over the silky material creating her bra, tracing, teasing little patterns following the scalloping fighting containment of the full swells beneath... closed her eyes laying back her head continuing the pleasurable self stimulation amid a torrent of fantasies. Fingernails finding and beginning their tormenting teasing, lightly encircling an erect nipple clearly visible from beneath the sheer transparency of the red fabric... pinching, tweaking, forcing an audible confirmation of her heightening state of arousal... "Unnnn... Ooooo Un hun... Mmmmm..."

James giving up ready for a night of banishment void of sleep, relief, filled with images of the sexy little tease he'd allowed captivation of his every thought, wiping his face and hands opened the door ready to complete the long journey to his room alone. Trying his best at burying suggestive thoughts emerging with every forward step, some creative,, reasonable with others quite outrageous... Nearing her room the sounds of soft music escaping a slight opening through the door he'd obviously failed to secure called, beckoning his curiosity, lulling, weaving its magic spell compelling him to at least stop and satisfy his curiosities. Sure he'd heard the unmistakable sound of a woman gasping, moaning in pleasure... against all reasonable judgments satisfying his growing need to observe, partake of her incredible beauty, sensuality, once more, fulfilling a nagging demand refusing denial of its quenching gently he eased open the door creating an unobstructed view discovering... "Holy shit!...."

Still immersed in self stimulation, unaware of who or what was present during her expert manipulations... cupping, squeezing the full mounds still encased within the delicate confinement of their silken captors, straining, begging for release only to be teased and tormented with an occasional visit from the soft caressing fingers disappearing temporarily beneath the thin fabric long enough to encourage their continuing cooperation awaiting their soon release, Toni continued to pleasure herself in ways no one else possibly could. Her body, knowing exactly what to do, where to touch, how hard or soft, which motions, when to increase or slow down... James was receiving a lesson few if any ever get an opportunity to witness.

Still oblivious to her audience, eyes closed, reaching between the two halves creating a valley of soft cleavage, grasping, releasing the tiny clasp she pulled free allowing those incredible firm mounds the freedom they'd been seeking. Dropping the flimsy covering joining the already list of red delights gathered around her ankles, leaving her in merely a tiny nearly nonexistent wisp of a covering resembling a thong... Shezus!... Having been unable to pry his eyes from the seductive actions her hands so capably were performing playing and toying her nipples, suddenly he was fully aware of her entire body modeling the likes of the tiny thin v of red allowing an uninhibited view of a matching brunette strip centered amid the tiny covering. The back and sides merely ribbons, strings entrusted with the duties of supporting the minimal garment, sides pulled high revealing her curvaceous hips, the rear for all intensive purposes nonexistent, disappearing between her perfect ass, tight, firm... and those legs, God he could stare at those wonders forever never tiring... Yeah, he was sure now... This was exactly the sort of woman he wanted.

Toni, never imagining she'd become privy, revealing her every secret to someone other than the man she'd pledged a lifetime of faithful devotion, turning side to side glancing over her shoulders admiring her incredible physique... returning, eventually resuming her earlier endeavors only this time without the intrusive barrier limiting her pleasurable contact... within seconds found her once more lost amid her fantasies stimulating her straining nipples. "Mmmmm.... Oh yes... Yes... Mmmmm..."

Heart pounding threatening sure devastation, breaths short, pulse quickening, fighting every urge to barge in and take this incredible tease weather or not a willing participant... James stood fast painfully drinking every drop of sultry passion dripping from this image of sensuality. Thinking how much better could this possibly get?...

Toni still lightly teasing, caressing her fully erect nipples, turned momentarily eyeing the dresser as if trying to make up her mind weather or not to... to... Decision made quickly reacting, bending at the waist she began shuffling, rummaging through the drawers in search of whatever it was she was seeking. Turning to better allow her access of the lower drawers also gave James an unobstructed view of her incredible ass staring him right in the... "Oh Dear God!....

Clearly visible between her slightly parted thighs was the unmistakable hint of her slit peaking through the, oh so transparency of the thin covering entrusted with protecting its secrets and sanctity. To make matters even worse... or maybe better depending on the point of view of the one being tortured... having now found what she'd been seeking, a white little nighty barely capable of covering her tight little ass, tossing it back onto the bed, still bent over taking both sides of her thong, quickly whisked it from her body, exposing her smooth mound for his viewing pleasure. Keeping put, rearranging the various drawers she'd destroyed during her search, unintentionally wiggling her taunt little ass pushing it out as if daring him to try and partake of its various delights... a song playing from the stereo catching her ear began an enticing wagging seductively moving side to side driving him insane without her even knowing.

James unable to handle anymore of this continual testing, torturing, unwilling to continue putting himself in a position where he might do something he'd probably regret later, reluctantly turned back towards the bathroom in search of safer ground much farther than the separating wall between their bedrooms allowing the full intrusion of every sound escaping her room... No, NO... much too close he'd take the bathroom for now.

An endless fifteen minutes having elapsed following his self-imposed separation averting a near disaster, immersing his face amid a towel of cold water doing whatever necessary to relieve the unforgettable images searing his mind reinventing every reason for returning and resuming the secretive voyeuristic enjoyment... Toni thoughts abuzz, fantasies teasing, reaching had her in a near state of frustration needing full sexual satisfaction her talented fingers weren't quite capable of delivering... Body tingling with excitement, her frustrations of being denied complete ravishment earlier by her husband, her excessive consumption of the wine, dancing, being rescued in the arms of... of... swooning, images foreign to her usually conservative way of thinking, those bulging muscles, masculine scent, "Ooooo..." she found herself oozing with desire, dripping, becoming wetter with every passing moment enjoying the fantasy of the various impossibilities.

Retrieving her gown pulling it over her head allowing it to snake seductively down over her delectable curves... whatever practical use it presented was a matter open to discussion... Barely bending forward presented an unobstructed shot of her ass and the incredibly low neckline cut nearly to her navel did little to prevent anyone from enjoying the firm mounds of flesh topped so invitingly with those ever erect points of interest. Thirsty, mouth extremely dry having worked so fervently though unsuccessful in search of complete climactic fulfillment, repeatedly trying numerous times only to be cruelly denied the sweet release she sought so desperately, judgments clouded amid her ever increasing sexual needs thinking a little more wine might be the answer tipping the scales in her favor, quietly opening her door she glanced both directions finding the coast clear. Moving silently in hopes of not disturbing any of the sleeping guests... I mean, dressed in merely the revealing little nighty what would she possibly say should she be discovered? By any of the three men? God forbid the ramifications...

Tiptoeing... Why?... Who knows... Almost even with the bathroom unaware of its current occupancy, sure she'd heard something glancing quickly over her shoulder nervously she reminded herself with an audible, "Shhhh...." James hearing her stirring still unaware of her late night adventure in search of refreshments, Opening the door stepping into the hallway caused an unavoidable instantaneous collision. Toni completely unaware anyone else was still awake let out a helpless cry of defense swinging, flailing wildly, fighting without any regards for anything other than self preservation.

"No!, NO!... Please Oh God No!..." Terrified, forgetting she wasn't alone, confronting this giant of a man sure she was about to be mercilessly attacked or even worse disposed of in an unthinkable fashion... James realizing her terror horrid over the thought of doing anything to create any such distress, Quickly reached out pulling her to him repeatedly assuring her it was merely him and there wasn't any reason to worry. He continued to apologize for having unintentionally frightened her so badly feeling terrible over having contributed to her unwarranted sudden helplessness...

"Toni! Its me James!... Relax sweetheart... You're alright... Shhhh... Shhhh... I'm so sorry..." Holding her doing his best at consoling the extremely frightened doll, shaking uncontrollably whimpering, sniffling, thankful it was he there protecting her in the vastness of this large house instead of someone there to do her bodily harm... James continuing to hold and caress, calming, soothing encouraging her return to her previous safe, trusting, carefree demeanor, never having intended doing anything so devastatingly cruel. God forbid. Toni's uncontrollable trembling somewhat subsiding knowing she wouldn't find any safer place than where she was at the moment cradled, protected amid his arms... Snuggling close, tenderly caressing, toying gently the sparse hair amid his massive chest between an occasional sniffle... Inhaling deeply savoring the masculinity of his cologne spinning, weaving its intoxicating spell over her extremely vulnerable condition... James still caressing, lightly running his fingers through the soft silken waves of her hair, continued his assertion of her safe, worry free situation as well as his undying apology for having frightened her in the first place. "There... There... See?... Everything's alright... I've got you, no-one's gonna hurt you... Shhhh...."

"Come-on... Let's get you back to your room." Reaching down effortlessly picking her up, this time void the barrage of continual protests, cradling her ever so gently oh so aware of her vulnerability, began once again the enviable task of delivering the stunning delight once more to her room. Toni loosening up snuggling in the security he overwhelmingly provided... still toying, tracing the outline of his well defined pectorals, occasionally lightly brushing, teasing his responsive nipples forcing an involuntary flexing due to their extreme sensitivity, relaxed, laying her head against his chest nuzzling, she expressed her extreme thanks for his unselfish, repeated chivalrous actions. "God, I'm so sorry... Thank You..."

Setting her down atop the silken comforter so befitting her own incredible soft skin, sitting beside her, James smiled quieting her continual apologies insisting it was he who owed the apologies, not her...

"Shhhh.... No, No, I'm the one who should be sorry... I never should've walked out without warning you first. I'm so, so... very sorry... You Ok?" Toni sheepishly nodding her head affirming both the state of her wellbeing as well as her complete embarrassment having reacted in such a manner... Lifting a hand hiding, shielding her blushing face over having responded so erratically... James, removing her hand tenderly lifting her chin with the aid of one of his enormous fingers, smiled attempting easing her battered nerves and bruised ego. "Hey... It's really Ok... What were you after anyways?"

"Something to drink... Another glass of wine."

"How's about I get the both of us one?"


James disappearing through the opened doorway in search of the wine she'd been seeking prior to their untimely collision... Toni heart beating rapidly amid a bevy of various reasons... his unintentional frightening, her unsuccessful bid for climactic finality, her husband's untimely departure after failing to deliver a satisfactory completion of what he'd started, the wine, dancing, a charming, extremely good looking physical specimen of... of...

Fanning herself taking deep breaths exhaling slowly in an attempt at regaining some sort of control over her fantasy induced thoughts racing out of control she closed her eyes attempting focusing on anything other than her present situation only to find the image of... of...

Oh Yes!... Those perfectly defined muscles, stunning blue eyes, wonderful smile, wearing merely his... "Oh my!... Those are his boxers!"... Mouth agape, eyes wide, clutching at her bosom she suddenly realized she'd been privy to a little more than she'd been expecting forcing an embarrassing flush to fill her cheeks. Fantasies, thoughts running rampant, curiosity peaking battling fiercely the modesty screaming for control of or at the very least to be recognized beneath the smothering, inhibition lowering effects of the excessive alcohol... Pulse quickening hearing his rapid ascent returning with the wine she'd requested and was now desperately in need of... James reappeared delivering two long stemmed glasses along with an unopened bottle of champagne.

"Look what I found!..." Smiling broadly, opening the bottle and pouring a glass for the two of them, handing one to her he placed the remainder atop the nightstand before sitting along side the nervous, apprehensive young woman lifting his own in a toast to her incredible beauty. Thoroughly overwhelmed by her vulnerable condition, his state of undress not to mention her own equally revealing attire, somewhat confused, unsure of weather to insist his immediate departure or... or...

Desperately avoiding revealing the obviousness of her flustered state of uneasiness, Toni turned up her glass downing its contents in one continual motion. Licking her lips, savoring its wonderful flavor, extending the empty glass wagging it playfully she requested an immediate refill. James, readily obliging, laughing, extended a warning... "Hey girl... You'd better slow it down a bit, this isn't wine you know."

Blushing, sheepishly tilting her head to one side looking downward, she smiled cutting those captivating green eyes upward silently expressing a modest embarrassment as he obligingly refilled her glass with more of the sweet bubbly. This time heeding his advice, lifting it slowly... Sipping, savoring the tickling bubbly sensations teasing, pleasuring her mouth, tilting back her head closing her eyes she expressed her approval at both its wonderful taste as well as its pleasurable effects. "Mmmmm... This is really nice."