Party Potion

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The punch at the graduation party has been spiked.
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"You ready for this?" Sam said holding the vial of blue liquid.

"I don't know, Sam," Lester said anxiously.

They stood in Lester's parents' kitchen. Both the high school seniors had worked hard to transform the house into a perfect spot for a party. The school year had just ended. Their graduation was only days away and Lester's parents had intentionally planned a vacation so that their son could have the house to host a party. They would fly back in time to see him graduate, but their present to him was the unrestricted access to their home.

Lester had never been super popular. Everyone liked him well enough, but no one really ever paid attention to him. He hadn't played sports or sang in the musicals or done anything noteworthy. The boy had talent, but was afraid of just about everything.

In four years of high school he'd never dated anyone. The internet was his girlfriend. And they only hooked up late at night after his parents had gone to sleep. Even still, Lester always masturbated with a sense of fear he might get caught.

"Explain it to me again before we go through with it," Lester said. Sam put his hands up and acquiesced. He wanted to get it done already, but he respected his friend enough to not force the issue.

"Okay, bud," Sam said patiently. "I spent three years figuring out this formula. That's why I kept signing up to be teacher's assistant for Mr. Grimey. He would always let me use the chemistry lab whenever I wanted to. And I guarantee I mixed up the perfect answer to our problem."

"But isn't it deceitful?" Lester said.

"Look, if we put this into the party punch, all it will do is lower everyone's inhibitions and crank up their libidos. Whatever they choose to do is still their choice."

"I dunno, Sam."

"Lester," Sam said. "Alcohol lowers your inhibitions too and they're all gonna willingly drink that. The only difference is that my concoction does it five times more efficiently and doesn't tire people out or give hangovers."

Lester was scared. He was always scared. Sam knew it and kept talking to put him at ease.

"I made sure that only seniors are invited, so everyone at the party will be eighteen. And our class is 54% female, so our odds are good. All you have to do is talk to a girl and she'll wanna jump your bones."

It was nearly 9PM and people would start showing up to the party in the next half hour or so. Lester knew it was now or never. He looked at Sam and sighed a deep breath.

"Fuck it," Lester said. "Let's try it out."

Sam smiled and poured the contents of the vile into the massive punch bowl and stirred it up a bit.

Even though he wasn't particularly popular, everyone showed up at Lester's pre graduation party. Sam made sure to sell people on the idea that there would be no parents there and plenty of alcohol.

Lester greeted people at the door trying not to show how scared he was at what might happen later. Sam, was smoother than Lester - not that it would take much. But he knew tonight was his best chance at getting laid before college, so he went all out. He carried cups of punch on a serving tray and served them with a hard sell.

"What's in it?" one girl asked.

"What's your favorite drink?" Sam replied.

"I only drink vodka," she said. He leaned down and whispered to her as if he was telling her government secrets.

"I don't wanna tell too many people this, but its just vodka and sugar free punch," he said with a wink. The girl smiled as if she'd just been let into the inner circle of punch knowledge and took a cup.

"Don't worry your secret's safe with me," she said before taking a sip.

Sam walked toward a pair of other girls in the corner of the room.

"Ladies," Sam said. "Would you mind helping me out?" The two girls looked at each other and shrugged.

"With what?" one of them said. He leaned in and whispered.

"You know my boy, Lester," Sam said. "He's shy and wants this party to be amazing. So, he made this jungle juice, but he's afraid he didn't do a good job. Would you two mind having a glass of punch and telling him that it tastes good?"

"That's so sweet of you," the other girl said touching Sam's shoulder with her hand. "Of course we will."

They both took cups and drank from them.

By 10PM the party was raging and most everyone had arrived that was expected. Lester had greeted everyone at the front door, but hadn't talked to anyone other than that. This party was all he wanted. He thought as host, he'd have an easier time talking to people, which might lead to him talking to a girl which might mean him losing his virginity. And even though the night was young he hadn't done a good job so far.

Part of the reason for his lack of ease was knowing that the punch was spiked with Sam's creation. He tried not to think about it. Then the front door opened.

Lester walked to the door to see a group of four ladies and one guy. He knew one of the girls, but everyone else was unfamiliar.

"Hey Lester!" Brittany said giving him a hug. She was already a bit inebriated. Lester enjoyed the surprise hug. Brittany was one of the hottest girls at his school. He'd crushed on her for a while, but their only relationship was that they were lab partners in biology their junior year.

The entourage walked inside. Everyone besides Brittany looked older. The guy had a full beard.

"Lester, this is my sister, Grete," Brittany said motioning to the girl who looked exactly like Brittany except a bit older, an inch taller and with bigger boobs.

"We're here to make sure my sister's safe," Grete said somewhat curtly. "Bad shit can happen at a house party. Hope you don't mind." Lester's heart raced in his chest

Lester rushed over to Sam who was handing a cup of punch to a cute brunette with glasses.

"Seriously, it's just rum and Hawaiian punch," Sam said in a hushed tone. "You'll love it."

"Sam," Lester said. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Sure, bud," Sam said turning to the girl. "Enjoy that now."

Lester walked Sam over to a corner out of earshot of others and whispered.

"We have to cancel the party," Lester said.

"We can't cancel the party," Sam said. "It's already happening."

"I'll tell everyone there's a gas leak or something. Set off the fire alarm. We gotta get them outta here. Brittany brought her sister and three of her sister's college friends."

Sam looked over at Brittany and her friends. His eyes shot open in amazement.

"Brittany's sister is even hotter than Brittany. I was unaware that you could get hotter than Brittany. We are not cancelling this party. We're amping it up."

Sam loaded a tray up with glasses of punch and headed straight for Brittany's sister.

"Welcome to the party," Sam said. "Please try the house blend. It's on the house." He laughed a bit. Grete did not laugh back. She looked at the cup of red liquid.

"What's in it?" she said. "We're not staying long and I have to drive us to the next party." Sam looked around as if he didn't want anyone else to hear it.

"I'll level with you guys. We couldn't afford much, so we just barely put any vodka in here. It's not enough to barely get a buzz."

"So, why should we drink it?" the guy with the beard said.

"My buddy Lester wants this party to be fun for everyone. If you guys don't drink it then others might ask why and then I'll have to admit that there's not much alcohol. Then everyone will leave. Would you guys mind doing me a favor and pretending like it's cool? It'd help me out a lot."

Grete looked at her sister who was already a bit too drunk for her liking and grabbed the cups of punch and distributed them to her friends.

"You're a good friend," Grete said. "And Lester looks so sad. If this will cheer him up, I'm happy to do it."

"Thanks so much," Sam said. He turned to look at Lester from across the room and flashed him a huge smile.

It took another twenty minutes before anything notable happened. Lester remained mostly anti social. Then he noticed Ben and Marcy making out on his couch. He walked over to Sam who was smiling by the punchbowl.

"I did it, Lester," Sam said proudly. "I sold everyone on at least one glass of punch. Now, we wait."

"I don't think we need to wait much longer," Lester said pointing to the couch.

Ben and Marcy were a couple. They'd been dating the whole senior year. It had been rumored that once they started having sex, they got experimental and kinky really quick. Some said that Marcy liked to be tied up and blindfolded. Others said that her and Ben had already done anal. They had also been two of the first people to show up to the party and drink the punch.

Ben was tall, black, built and handsome. A lot of girls wanted him. He was the star power forward on the basketball team. Marcy was second generation Korean, tiny and on the tennis team. Lester and Sam watched them make out for a few seconds.

"It's gotta be so hot to watch those two fuck," Sam said. Then Marcy started to unbutton Ben's shirt. After a moment his shirt was nearly completely off save for one sleeve left around his arm. One by one, more people at the party stopped what they were doing and noticed the show happening on the couch.

Gina sat on a chair next to the couch. She had the closest view of the couple. Gina was Hispanic with long dark hair, full lips and a body that was slightly pudgy in all the right places. She watched the couple make out and after Ben's beautiful torso became exposed she felt an overwhelming sense of lust.

Gina wasn't an exceptionally sexual person. She'd only had sex with one guy - her ex boyfriend - and only five times before they broke up. But watching Ben and Marcy got Gina's pussy incredibly wet. She reached down and rubbed her clit through her jeans. She realized that she was in the middle of a crowded living room, but she didn't seem to care.

Sam noticed Gina and walked over to her. He knelt to the side of her chair watching her touch herself. She didn't take her gaze off Ben and Marcy.

"Hey Gina," Sam said matter of factly. He was already supporting a hard on behind his pants. Rather than hide it, he just stood up so that his bulging crotch was at Gina's eye level. She looked over at him and even though she'd never normally think of him as sexually attractive, something about him fed her into her horny self. Gina stood up and without saying a word she wrapped her arms around Sam's neck, pulled their bodies next to each other and kissed him hard on the mouth.

Sam felt his engorged cock rubbing against Gina's body. He put his hands on her back and the two proceeded to make out. Lester couldn't believe his eyes. He saw one of Sam's hands turn into a 'thumbs up' sign as he continued to make out with her. Lester couldn't help but smile.

"Is this a party or an orgy?" Grete said startling Lester. She was twenty one years old and a damn near perfect specimen of a woman in Lester's eyes.

"I'm sorry?" he said instinctively.

"I get that you're all still teenagers, but damn," she said. At that moment a girl named Kimberly began kissing the neck of another girl named Meredith across the room. Lester's conspicuous erection made him feel embarrassed.

"I'm sorry," Lester said. "This is all my fault." Grete put her hand on Lester's chest as she stepped closer to him.

"You're kinda cute for an eighteen year old," she said with devilish eyes.

"Really?" Lester said genuinely surprised.

Everyone at the party - save for Lester and Sam who had not drunk any of the punch - had the same inner monologue going on. They all knew this was weird, but something about the moment made them not care. Lust was thick in the air. And everyone who hadn't already, was on the verge of stripping and touching anyone they could.

Grete's mind raced with thoughts of tearing into Lester's flesh with her fingernails as she stuffed herself with his cock. She didn't understand it at all. When she met him after she walked in she barely noticed him. He was just a scrawny eighteen year old with a big nose and a lame haircut. But now he seemed to encompass all the sexual energy coursing through her veins.

"Really," she said grabbing Lester's hand and placing it between her legs. He could feel how wet she was through the thin yoga pants she had on underneath her knee high plaid skirt. Lester's body jolted with shock and awe.

"Sis," Brittany said approaching the couple. "What are you doing?" Grete slid arm and arm next to Lester's side and kissed his neck with her luscious lips.

"I'm having a bit of fun," Grete said.

Brittany felt pangs of overwhelming pangs of sexual desire like none she'd ever come close to experiencing before. Something about seeing her sister get frisky with Lester turned Brittany's snatch into a swamp of foreboding wetness.

"Don't hog all the fun," Brittany said inviting herself into a physically intimate triangle with Lester and her sister. She began kissing the other side of his neck while skating her hands around his body.

Within a few minutes everyone at the party was touching at least one other person. In a few cases people clumped into three and four person groups. Girls kissed girls. Guys fondled boobs a stroked clits.

Holly - a six foot tall, blue eyed, star volleyball player - joined Sam and Gina. She pulled her own shirt off and pulled Sam's and Gina's heads into each of her tits. Holly was a known bisexual, but Gina had never been with a woman before that moment. Yet not only did she acquiesce, but she found it to be enticing. She sucked, licked and teased Holly's left nipple with an eagerness Gina didn't realize she had in her.

With two beautiful women both throwing themselves at him, Lester felt like a god. But he had not partaken of the punch, so the idea of doing anything with anyone in the living room surrounded by thirty other people didn't quite appeal to him. He still had his inhibitions.

Even though Sam hadn't ingested any of the chemical, he seemed to be fine with the exhibition of his sexuality. But Lester needed privacy.

"Ladies," Lester said. Neither stopped kissing to him while he spoke. "Let's find a place a bit more alone. He lead them down a hall to his bedroom. He had a full size bed in the middle of the room. Star Wars, Pokemon and X-Men decorations covered his room in the form of posters, toys and models. Neither girl seemed to care or notice.

"Let's get some mood lighting," Brittany said. Lester didn't know exactly what to do, so he turned on his constellation lamp and turned off his overhead light. The room was dark, but not so dark that Lester couldn't still enjoy the immaculate view of the two sisters in his bedroom.

Within seconds, both girls' sex drives jumped into a higher gear. Grete didn't bother to remove her knee high black boots, but instead she unzipped her skirt and slid it to the ground revealing her pink bikini cut, cotton panties.

Brittany, meanwhile, pushed Lester onto the bed and worked quickly to get his belt and pants undone and off his body. Lester lay in bed wearing a polo shirt and boxer briefs that barely contained his rock hard erection.

Lester couldn't believe it. He was about to lose his virginity to not one, but two of the hottest women he'd ever seen. It felt perfectly surreal.

Brittany got out of her shirt and jeans and bra. Her tits looked insane. Grete was in her knee high boots and panties. Both girls got on the bed and went straight for it. Each girl slipped one hand between one of Lester's thighs and his underwear. They both touched his dick skin to skin at the same moment. He honestly thought he might pop his load right away.

"Looks like someone's ready for some fun," Grete said licking her lips. Both girls put their mouths around his shaft the only thing separating their lips from the his aching cock was the thin layer of cotton of his boxer briefs.

"Enough preamble," Brittany said reaching up and pulling his underwear down. His rock hard penis exposed for the first time. Grete leaned down and licked his balls with her eager tongue. Brittany flicked her tongue over the head for a moment.

Lester couldn't enjoy the moment as much as he would have liked, because he feared he would cum right away and embarrass himself. His mind raced to figure out how to avoid that. Then he got an idea that seemed way too bold for him, but hell, he had two beautiful women with their mouths on his exposed penis. He decided to go for broke.

"Wait," Lester said. Both girls stopped what they were doing and looked up at him confused. "You two should kiss."

He couldn't believe he just said that. But there it was. The moment he said it, Grete looked at her sister and realized that her lips looked inviting and enticing like she'd never realized before. Brittany thought the exact same thing.

"You're a dirty boy who likes to watch, don't you?" Grete said glancing in Lester's direction. He decided to play along.

"Absolutely," he said. "Go ahead and put on a show."

Again, he had no idea where the confidence was coming from, but it seemed to work. As soon as he said it, Brittany got a look of excitement on her face that turned Lester on even more than he already was.

Brittany put her arms around her sister and began kissing her neck and shoulders. After a few seconds, she unclasped Grete's bra. It fell down exposing her perfectly perky boobs. She had unusually large pink areolas.

Lester sat on the bed and watched as his dreams came true right in front of his face. Grete returned the favor and removed her sister's bra showing off her slightly smaller, but otherwise identical rack.

Their tits rubbed against each other as the two sisters voraciously made out. Lester could see their tongues going in and out of each other's mouths. His cock couldn't possibly get any harder than it was.

Lester stood up and walked behind the girls. He grabbed Brittany's tits and squeezed them.

"Mmmmmhhhmmm!" she moaned while maintaining kissing her sister.

Lester gently pulled her away from Grete. He could tell she still wanted to continue kissing, but still did what he wanted. He layed her down on the bed and then grabbed a fistful of Grete's hair pulling her head back forcefully and kissing her hard on the mouth.

Grete's body shook with excitement. Brittany watched from her horizontal position and found it to be just as hot as Grete. She immediately began rubbing her crotch through her panties.

"Take those off and make yourself cum," Lester said to Brittany. She was all too happy to comply quickly removing her underwear. Her pussy was beautiful and pink with a tiny tuft of trimmed brown pubic hair surrounding it.

Lester stopped kissing Grete and pulled her off the bed onto her knees.

"Open your mouth and put your hands behind your back," he said to Grete. "And keep them there."

With her hair still clenched in his fist, he guided her mouth over his throbbing appendage and slowly pushed her to deep throat him. He didn't know what was better to look at Brittany masturbating or Grete's mouthful of his cock. His head pivoted between looking at both.

Her mouth felt incredible. He knew he was going to cum soon and he no longer cared. He pulled Grete's face up and down his shaft hard and fast. She audibly choked every time, but despite that she still loved it. The feeling was amazing.

Watching him use her sister's skull for his pleasure turned Brittany on like crazy. Her pussy throbbed as she continued to rub it. Her climax built and built until she exploded. At that same moment, Lester blew a huge load into Grete's mouth.

He kept cumming and cumming. It lasted nearly thirty full seconds before he stopped. Grete's mouth filled with his sperm. It was so much, that there was overflow as some spilled through her lips onto her tits. She stared at Lester for a moment.

"Don't be greedy, Grete," he said. "Let your sister have some. You can't swallow it all."