Pas De Deux


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"How many like me has she conquered?" I pondered and stared hungrily at her crotch.

Mild feelings of apprehension pervaded my mind but Courtney's gaze bored into my soul and my willpower evaporated like a morning mist on a hot day.

I leaned into her pretty pussy and licked the center with agonizing slowness.

"Umm...umm...oh...umm," I moaned my pleasure as the flavor ignited a firestorm in my loins. Courtney's raven colored pubes were soon coated with a mixture of her juices and my saliva. With her butt flexing languidly, the swollen juicy flesh rocked against my eager lips. Her dewy moisture oozed into my ravenous mouth and glazed the lining of my throat.

"Ooh, I can see your no stranger to pussy!" she brayed as I wantonly mouthed the furry mound.

I was so freakin hot for Courtney that I wanted to eat her pubes and lo and behold a few got stuck in my throat. My entire being was focused on giving the dark haired Lolita the ultimate licking.

"Ooh baby!" she crowed when my tongue went into overdrive.

In college, I feasted on a several pretty coeds but this was way beyond any previous experience. My psyche was consumed with a lust that completely overwhelmed me. "Hmm...umm...ooh...suck my juices!" she howled and bucked her luscious slice on my face.

Little waves of hot secretions dampened my throat and I hungered for more, much more. Grasping her hot ass, I pulled the sopping flesh tight to my mouth and lightly lashed her nub sized clit.

"Goddamn girl!" she bellowed and rode my tongue to a thunderous orgasm.

Every time I swallowed Courtney's oozing fluids, the curly hairs stuck in my throat gave it a tickle. To me it was like a badge of honor and I willingly became her sex slave.

Elise's prophesy was accurate; Courtney held complete sway over me. The new photos projected a provocative atmosphere with tender embraces and loving glances. But, the look of conquest on Courtney's face was clearly evident.

Our posing sessions were excruciating for me because all I wanted was to please the sexy young goddess in my arms. In the privacy of Courtney's small apartment, I relentlessly feasted on her pussy and butt.

However, Courtney was anything but a generous lover. One lazy afternoon as I slurped her slobbering slit, she languidly ate an apple, occasionally glancing down at me with a look of disdain.

Elise was completing the second painting in the planned series of six when I decided that enough was enough. I confronted Courtney in her apartment and told her in no uncertain terms that I was done with the sexual aspect of our relationship.

"I'll decide when it's over," she stated with frightening self assurance and leaned back on the sofa with legs spread.

Somehow, I found the strength to turn around and walk out of her flat. But, by the next afternoon my resolve wilted and I was hungrily servicing her magnificent young pussy with reckless abandon.

My entire world was turned inside out. At social functions with Craig, I successfully portrayed the smiling empty headed socialite wife with ease. In truth, my brain was on auto pilot because it was pre-occupied with thoughts of Courtney.

An abject fear of discovery gripped me. Although, I hadn't signed a pre-nup, Craig's lawyer would have a field day with my alternative life style should it ever come to light. Except for sex, I played the dutiful wife role to the hilt.

Lunch and shopping dates with the vapid girlfriends were severely curtailed because of my posing schedule. Many cell phone calls from Cleo went unanswered and finally I responded to an angry message.

"Dahling, do I have some exotic disease? Because you've been avoiding me like the plague," she stated slyly.

"Of course not Cleo," I said somewhat timidly.

I agreed to meet Cleo for lunch at the same bistro in Tribeca where she propositioned me. While she chattered away, I drank my second glass of white wine with a troubled look on my face.

"My dahling Mia, what on earth is the matter?" she asked with concern.

Of all the empty headed rich women that I socialized with, Cleo was by far the most trustworthy; or so I thought.

"I've met someone," I stated barely above a whisper.

Cleo's eyes grew wide as saucers.

"Dahling, you know how to shock the shit out of me! Who on earth is he?" She asked with eagerness.

"Not he; she," I muttered with my head down.

Cleo looked like she was ready to burst from my revelation. She sat in stunned silence as I meekly confessed my sexual liaison with a younger woman and nothing more.

When I finished my tale, Cleo's eyes glittered with fascination and her entire demeanor changed.

"Dahling, there is only one way to ensure my silence," she stated with light menace in her voice.

Instantly, I understood her comment and agreed to spend the weekend at her beach house in Cape Cod. When I strolled out to the deck in my bikini, I thought Cleo's eyes would pop right out of her head. My tight, semi-muscular body was proudly on display for her appreciative eyes.

"Dahling, you've been spending a lot of time at the gym. You look...well...incredible!" she gushed.

I did a slow pirouette and struck a sexy pose. For the remainder of the afternoon, Cleo ogled my taut oiled bod. After a brief excursion into the cold water, my nipples hardened into little stones and were plainly visible through my top.

Cleo's hungry stares dampened my pussy and bolstered my confidence. Courtney never showed one iota of sexual interest in me and to have someone desire me was repairing my ego.

Quickly, I straddled Cleo's lounger and sat on my haunches between her legs.

"Dahling, not out here, the neighbors will talk," she cooed sexily.

In the privacy of her bedroom, Cleo took me into a realm of pleasure that I never knew existed. Her soft hands lovingly caressed my boobs and silky fingers expertly manipulated my protruding nipples.

Little jolts and waves of scintillating pleasure bored into my needy slit as hungry lips attached themselves to a straining bud. Cleo's suckling had me gasping and groaning out loud.

"Jesus Cleo! Umm...hmm...umm...ooh!" I crowed passionately and gazed intently as she skillfully sucked my aching tits.

But, it was Cleo's appetite for pussy that shocked me. With her face nestled in my muff, she licked me with fervid intensity. My clit throbbed uncontrollably as her masterful tongue sent me into outer space.

"Oh! Oh! Fuck!" I shrieked, panting like a mad woman. When a delicate finger, then two and three expertly probed my gooey gaping hole, I experienced the most intense orgasm of my young life.

How Cleo maintained a hold on me, I'll never know as I thrashed around violently.

"Dahling, you are an absolute wild woman!" she sang sexily.

My body was alive with the afterglow of great sex.

"My God Cleo, that was...umm...ah..." I stammered.

While magnificent, incredible and awesome came to mind, I failed to articulate the adjective that best described the experience.

For the remainder of the weekend, Cleo explored every orifice on my body. She had an arsenal of dildos and used them on me with the precision of an engineer. As she noisily sucked champagne from my tits and crotch, my virgin butt took a large flesh colored contraption with ease.

By Sunday afternoon, I was sore but sexually satisfied beyond my wildest expectations. Clad only in a sheer bra and thong panties, I was packing for departure when Cleo entered my room with a glint in her eye.

"Oh no, not again?" I questioned with disbelief.

I sat upright on the edge of the bed with an anxious look on my face as Cleo lightly rubbed her cheeks and nose against my raw crotch. Although my slit was sensitive, it quivered and dampened the front of my panties. A musky fragrance rose from between my legs and sliced through the air.

With delicacy but swiftness, Cleo relieved me of my undies and her long tongue slid gently over my folds and creases. Because of my sensitivity, she exercised the utmost care with her licking technique and soon my pussy was flooded with juice.

"Umm...ooh...delicious..." she cooed rapturously.

In the stillness of the room, Cleo's sucking and swallowing dominated my ears.

"The girl loves pussy," I mused to myself.

I forced Cleo to the floor and knelt over her. She had a surprised look when I lowered myself to her mouth and lightly rocked my pulsating slit on her needy lips.

Cleo's delicate hands gripped my butt.

"Ooh...umm...oof..." she moaned as her wiggling tongue traced lightening licks over my throbbing clit.

Along the opposite wall a mirror gave testament to the debauched scene as I rode her pretty face to an explosive orgasm.

On the way back to the city, I seriously contemplated my relationship with Courtney. She conquered the weak willed with ease and my only defense was to avoid her. In her presence, her power over me would melt any resolve I possessed.

I informed Elise via email that I wasn't interested in continuing our professional liaison. When I heard nothing in the way of a reply, I relaxed but it was short lived. Courtney countered with several sweet and pleading responses that wilted my determined attitude.

I resumed the posing schedule but curiously I kept my distance from Courtney by leaving immediately after. For two long months I posed naked with the object of my fantasies without any further physical contact.

Just when I thought I had my "problem" under control, I invited Courtney and Elise to a dinner party at my co-op. Craig had no inkling of my daytime activities and I saw it as a test of my will power.

During the evening, Courtney shot me smoldering stares that weakened my resolve. Mental images of me on my knees with her juicy wet pussy glued to my mouth dominated my thoughts. My snatch was dripping as I stealthily made my way to the master bathroom.

With my skirt hiked up and panty hose around my ankles, I strummed my slit into a sloppy pulsing mess. I was close to orgasm when a sudden light knock made me jump. Slowly the door knob turned.

"Shit! I forgot to lock the door! I shrieked silently.

Hastily I pulled my panty hose up but the door opened a little and Courtney's visage was plainly visible.

"Thinking of me?" she said with a saucy smile.

"" I stuttered like a fool. The blood was pounding in my temples when my lust for Courtney's pussy took control of me. As she stood before me I practically ripped her jeans off.

"Ooh...umm...oh!' she quietly cooed when I buried my face in her dark muff.

Courtney changed positions with me and wrapped her legs behind my head. As I lapped her with intense licks, the oozing wet flesh attached to my lips rocked up and down.

"Oh Mia, eat me baby!" she howled fervently when I attacked her clit.

Courtney's head lolled back and forth as I noisily drained the creamy secretions from her engorged gash and lashed her completely exposed sensitive nubbin.

Suddenly, Courtney arched her back and groaned loudly.

"Ooh baby, I'm cumming!" she panted quietly.

In less than five minutes, I had brought the raven haired beauty to a thunderous climax. Craig was sure to be suspicious of my absence and come looking. In total silence, we cleaned up and speedily exited the bathroom.

Courtney's triumph over me was complete as my lust for her body continued unabated. On several occasions we never made it to her small apartment above the studio and the posing session ended with my face planted firmly between her thighs or butt cheeks.

Elise would discreetly exit the studio but it was Tessa who took multiple rolls of film showing me servicing Courtney. Every conceivable angle was explored as I diligently slathered her pussy and butt.

Despite my pleas to destroy the negatives, Tessa insisted the photos were safe with her. But, I knew better and less than a month later they appeared on the internet.

Unbeknownst to me, after the dinner party, Craig had hired a private investigator because of Courtney's suspicious behavior towards me. One dreary December evening, he confronted me with the evidence, including the internet photos.

Surprisingly, no cold words of retribution crossed Craig's lips; in fact he displayed little or no anger at all. I shed a few crocodile tears for effect and agreed to move out. Our marriage had grown stale and we both knew it.

Thanks to Cleo and without any strings attached, I found a modest apartment in the west eighties, a huge step down from my Central Park co-op.

Without Cleo's help I would have been homeless as I had no job and no visible means of support. Until, I received my divorce settlement, I was impoverished.

Looking back, it was for the better. I had little or no sexual desire for Craig. The endless social events, parties, mindless shopping and class conscious phonies had taken its toll on me. Secretly, I wanted out and this was the ticket.

Everyone abandoned me except for Cleo, Elise and Courtney. Surprisingly, Courtney was very sympathetic to my plight and her attitude towards me softened. I was no longer a socialite who needed conquering and debasement via sex.

I was lunching with Cleo at a small café near my apartment, scanning the Times job section.

"Here's one for a teachers aide. Oh shit, it only pays seventeen dollars an hour," I said disgustedly.

Except for the pay I received from the posing sessions, I was cash poor. Cleo picked up the tab and ordered a coffee.

"You don't miss it, do you dahling?" She said with some sympathy.

"If you mean that phony baloney upper crust crap, no I don't. I have more designer shoes and clothes than any human being has a right to own," I stated assertively with disgust.

"I remember how naïve' you were when I first met you," she said lightheartedly.

"Cleo, how is it that you never got caught in an uncompromising situation?" I asked.

"Discretion dahling, the utmost discretion at all times," she said wisely.

I must have looked confused.

"Dahling, I like my life with the phonies, the wealth and the parties. I pick and chose my sexual affairs very carefully. Oh, I'm sure Charles knows of my infidelity but it stays within our circle," she stated with conviction.

My relationship with Courtney continued but instead of the lopsided one way sexual association, she was much more generous and giving. While I cherished my bi exploration with her, I started dating a guy she set me up with on a blind date.

My modest divorce settlement was finalized and in spite of everyone's plea to "take him to the cleaners", I refused to be a Golddigger and air our dirty laundry in public. Anyway, my marriage was never about the money.

The gallery was brightly lit and packed with guests for the unveiling of Elise's six painting series. The nudes of Courtney and me in various poses were a smashing success. The critics were unanimous in their admiration for her work.

The paintings were purchased by a Connecticut businessman, who paid a hefty sum of money. Courtney and I shared in the profits rather handsomely. At least I had the means to continue living without someone coming to my rescue.

When I met Elise to pick up my check, she had an amused expression on her face.

"All this because you took a wrong turn on Bleeker Street," she stated wistfully.

"Yeah, none of this would have happened but something had to give. I was genuinely unhappy," I said with complete honesty.

"You found some happiness with us, didn't you?" Elise inquired imploringly.

"More than you can possibly know," I said with a faraway look on my face.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyalmost 3 years ago

Life just happens and if the final statement is " every turn is the right one " , so all for the better ...... Nice story

KangarooKawkKangarooKawkover 13 years ago

I liked this one, it's a good read but I think you should continue on. There's so much opportunity for Mia and Cleo to have something happen, that I think it'd be a waste to not have a part 2.

TE999TE999over 17 years ago
An excellent tale

Well written dialogue, interesting plot and intriguing characters. I really enjoyed this one.

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