Pasha on the Playa Pt. 03


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I got back to the office just in time to find a steaming bowl of Russian soup, Maya style, with some sort of dumpling in it. I smiled and said, "Svetochka, this is wonderful!"

She looked sharply at me, "Marty, you haven't..."

"I know. Is special honorific for my special woman."

Alisa and the twins clapped as she fell into my arms and kissed me wetly. "Marty, Russian women not used to being loved so much."

More clapping. I asked, "Any new crisis about the project?"

Alisa smiled and said, "Yes. Terrible crisis. We have to decide color of metal roof! Material has to be ordered, so it can be installed as soon as cabin is up. Roofing people do not want to work in snow!"

She had a color card and we gathered round. Dark green was obvious for a cabin in the forest, but we argued about others to make sure. Tongue in cheek, I said, "Red is Russian color..."

Red died a sudden death as four pairs of eyes blazed at me. "Nyet! Do not make jokes about bad time in Russia!"

In a small voice, I said, "No more Red jokes."

The twins had me crunched between them, "Mama, Plumber needs torture, no?"

"Docheri, we love him, and even if we didn't, no Plumber, no toilet, no shower, no kitchen sink."

I had them back to back, under full attack. On the Playa, they were naked, but even here with clothes on they were a delightful handful. Screaming, twisting, tossing their hair in my face, calling me names in Russian.

Alisa said, "Save that energy for the cabin. There are many chores we must do ourselves!"

She added, "The roof will be green?"

They were tickling and I tried out my Russian, "Da."

By quitting time, I had made three more client visits, restoring plumbing at each site, and even gotten thank you kisses from two single ladies.

Alisa had me by the ear back at the office and led to her drafting table. "Look. Six pages of plans this afternoon. All billable. You are making money for us, Marty."

"Good thing, boss. Charlie's people are coming in two days to start the foundation. We need to get the stakes and batter boards in place and double check everything."

She whispered, "I have an idea. What if you and Maya work tomorrow morning. I will come for lunch and do the checking."

"The Professor will complain she is not an engineer."

"I know. But she is plenty smart enough to do this with your help. You will make her laugh. She has never used inches and feet. Will be funny."

It was funny. At dinner, when Alisa said she had a very important job in the morning and Maya had to do the layout with me, the Professor got very red in the face, swearing in Russian, and said, "What does Plumber know about surveying? It will be a disaster!"

By bedtime, she realized she was being given a nice challenge and gripped me fiercely. "Marty, I will take revenge if this doesn't work in the morning!" I tickled her rib and pinched her boob and she hummed.

We were not at work in the cold, with lots of frost on the ground, for more than a few minutes when the first problem popped its ugly head. There was a twenty-six inch drop across the site, but the cabin logs expected to go on a perfectly flat 2x6 plate bolted to the concrete.

I called to Maya, "Grab a second cup of coffee and we will go to the road and call Hank."

She looked at me from the passenger seat and said, "I told you so."

Hank was his usual bubbling self. Where the client saw problems, he saw solutions. "Marty, this happens all the time. You could form the foundation higher on the low side, but then the raw concrete shows. Better to do a step or two. We can provide extra log pieces to fill the gaps. If I get a drawing in forty-eight hours, it won't delay completion."

After profuse thanks, I hung up and she cuffed me. "Nice man. Your Russian women picked good company, no?"

The rest of the morning went fast, and Alisa smiled as she walked around eyeballing the strings. "Have some lunch while I use the level to check this."

In a few minutes, she sat in Maya's lap and munched on her sandwich. "Not so terrible?" asked the apprentice surveyor and mathematics professor.

Maya was proud and giggly. She had used the machine with the little red light and the engineer liked her work! Alisa got tickled and was giggly as well.

But she stood and said, "More bad news from Doug. The guy he bought the land from has died and his heirs say the price was too low and are threatening to sue."

"That's garbage."

"Yes. A transparent effort to coerce a payoff. Doug wants to know what he should do."

I smiled at Maya. "Professor will send the Mafia to visit the heirs."

"Not funny," she said. "In Russia, would probably happen that way."

I took a deep breath and said, "Ladies, so far, our risks are ok. We don't have a bank in our hair, so we will smile and tell Charlie and Hank that all permits are fine. We will tell Doug to hire a nasty lawyer and we will help pay."

Alisa looked stricken. "Marty, my license!"

I hugged her. "Oh, so sad. Nice Russian girl who used to have PE. Now she sits in cabin all day, knitting baby clothes..."

The two of them chased me out into the meadow and we fell into the grass, warm and dry in the autumn sun.

"Maya, he is terrible. Loses my license for me and makes a baby as a substitute!"

I poked her. "Lover, we will not risk your license. Everything is blamed on dumb plumber, even the baby!"

They pounded harder, laughing hysterically.

Alisa had to go back to town for a client appointment. Maya and I decided to stay at the site and work on the deck extension for the laundry.

"On your way to town, call Charlie and tell him the boards are up and ready for his excavator. Talk to him about the concrete and the mix and who is going to order."

Her dark eyes stared at me as she turned toward her car, "Plumber, I would not risk my career for anyone but you."

Maya cuffed me, "Marty, you are like bulldozer, just push problems out of the way."

I picked her up, walking to the singlewide. "Anything for my Russian women, who need a cabin for the winter!"

She was kissing me softly as we climbed to the door. Her eyes widened, "Marty, you are carrying me inside? You have bad ideas?"

I had terrible bad ideas. We were naked very quickly and rolling on the bed. Kissing and rubbing and making low growling noises backed up by my hard thing. Maya said nothing but lay back, legs wide and reached her arms for me. We hadn't had sex for a week and she felt good. My ass was grabbed and pulled tight. We lay there silently, making little moves on each other. She flexed, with an impatient noise. Which released a flood of tension in both of us. In minutes, she was wailing, "Yes, devil. More!"

I gathered her to me with a blanket over us and ignored the mess between our legs.

She whispered, "If we take nap, they will find us."

I kissed her forehead and asked, "Loving is not permitted in the afternoon?"

She sat up, rubbing her messy bottom on my chest and smiling. "Marty, you are corrupting Professor. In Russia, Svetlana would not allow."

"Dumb Plumber is just all trouble, isn't he?"

We were setting the last of the posts for the deck extension, and still hitting at each other, when the twins and Alisa arrived with dinner makings.

Elena said, "Look, they not only love each other, they do good work together."

Maya rocked in my arms and asked, "Daughters, what is the news about bookmobile?"

"We are sworn to secrecy until announcement, but you are permitted to smile!"

I led a dance around the site, whooping and throwing bodies in the air. Finally, I stopped with Alisa on my shoulders and said, "We must be very nice to Dancer tonight. She has terrible problem with Plumber."

Dancer pulled my hair and insisted on ten minutes of lifting and posing. Maya had her camera and was taking shots of the lithe body in the fading sunlight, poised in my hands and looking like she belonged in the air.

I let her down slowly for a kiss. She said to the others. "When he treats me like that, all problems go away."

The twins were bursting with excitement at their imminent good fortune. Taking my hand, they said to Alisa and Maya, "Plumber must help us shower. Need special shampoo."

We were almost in the stall when they sniffed and asked, "Plumber, what is that smell?"

They realized what the smell was and screamed, "Alisa, come quickly!"

Pointing at my stiff member, they said, "He was doing more than building deck!"

Alisa smiled at them for a moment, then knelt and took me in her mouth. All the way in her mouth.

I laughed hard and grabbed their hair. As they complained, I kissed and used my teeth on tender parts I could reach.

Katarina said, "I told him before, we are neglected."

Pulling away from Alisa, I arranged the three bodies over the edge of the tub and went to work exploring liquid, quivering cunts. The stream of Russian oaths was so loud, Maya came to the door, smiling and laughing. "Yes, they need treatment, Marty. Take care of your girls and I will do dinner."

There was built up tension, and the first orgasm was not enough. I willed my cock to continue and after he extracted another fine climax from each body, they rolled into the tub, where I directed the shower hot water here and there.

Maya and I sat together at the dinner table and watched the excitement of Elena and Katarina. I suggested the job would be over in a week when they drove the bookmobile off the road and into the river.

"Marty! That is not kind! We are good drivers. You will help us practice in snow."

Alisa climbed into my lap with a kiss and a whisper. "Marty, when we dance and you drive that big thing in me, all I can think is that everything is ok!"

"Engineer, you are my favorite ok girl."

Maya held my hand and kissed me too.

That night was the first hard frost, and when we woke in the morning, the heater in the tent was going.

I said, with my fake accent, "Is like Russia, winter coming!"

Concrete people start early. I made extra coffee and had hot mugs ready when the crew piled out of their trucks, which were piled high with plywood and form lumber. The digger was coupled to one of the pickups on its own trailer.

I walked Charlie around the frosty site, telling him that the layout was done by the Russian women and he needed to be careful about any comments.

"Damn, Marty, how did you find four women who could be models and do this?"

I gestured to Maya and whispered in her ear to tell him special secret of Russian women and not for sale.

"Charlie, Marty says there is something wrong?"

He looked at me, frowning and turned back, "No, Professor, it looks terrific, we will dig and form the footing today and call for concrete first thing tomorrow."

She kept staring at him, and he continued, "With any luck, the walls will be formed by Friday and poured Monday. Is that ok?"

She wrapped an arm around him and kissed his cheek warmly. "Charlie, we are so glad you are here. For lunch, there will be special Russian soup."

It worked. Good weather and Russian soup had us a poured foundation, complete with steps to match the slope, by the following Monday. There were kisses and an extra five thousand in the settlement check as the last of the lumber from the stripped concrete was loaded.

Alisa led me into the trees and up against a trunk. "Maya is our secret weapon, isn't she? Charlie never had a chance."

I pulled her tight. "When the cabin is up, even before it is finished, we will have a keg party for the workers."

"Yes, with live music and dancing. Russian girls like dancing, you know." The wet kiss went on so long there were catcalls from the trailer. "Hey, that is not making dinner!"

The next ten days before arrival of the cabin package were crazy. Somehow, the combination of Alisa's office work and my field calls was generating word of mouth, and the phone would not stop ringing with new business. The bookmobile grant award was announced in downtown Truckee with reporters as far away as Sacramento having come over the hill. The twins were stars with their interviews in beautifully accented English, and six youngsters who had accents of their own sitting nearby and being quoted about librarians from Brooklyn.

The Professor, with her mathematician's mind for detail, was everywhere at once. Doug called me and asked for help, saying another visit from Maya would bring on a heart attack. I said, "Doug, Maya will get off your back when the heirs have disappeared!"

Miracle of miracles, the electric utility trench marched up the road and connected power to our temporary pole. The women ordered a kitchen from a place in Reno that promised delivery and installation as soon as the cabin was up and the roofing was on. Ditto for fancy dual insulated windows that Hank recommended and would bring with the package. Alisa and Andrei had extracted promises from their contractor friends to deal with heating and electrical. My work inside the foundation to lay the sanitary lines and rough copper for hot and cold water was watched intently. "Plumber, are you sure there is a toilet above that vertical pipe?" I stuck my tongue at them.

One afternoon, after an especially cold night in the tent, Maya appeared with a very bulky sack and said, "Plumber, you are not keeping your women warm. Need down." I dragged her to the bed in the trailer for a test. Buried under the comforter, we hugged and laughed. I asked, "We are going to get cabin closed in before big snow storm?"

"Marty, will not be funny if snow collapses tent and you are naked trying to shovel!"

We heard a noise and I pressed my lips to hers.

"Look at this. There are lumps under new comforter."

There was not enough room, but I lay the twins across the rest of us and everyone had a good toasty giggle.

I said, "I will get my bag and sleep on the futon. Women can stay inside with new comforter."

"Nyet! Is necessary we prove we are tough Russians! We sleep in tent with comforter until cabin is ready."

There were spicy meatballs for dinner and Maya poured her special vodka. She said, "We are celebrating being almost done. In Russia, everything is almost!"

The great day, a Wednesday, arrived. Hank called me the evening before and said the truck parade would leave the mill at four so that work at our site would begin as soon as they could see. If the erecting wasn't finished on Wednesday, they would sleep in the trucks and finish the first thing Thursday.

I told him the women would insist on providing lunch and dinner and not to worry about that. I also called Alisa and suggested we invest in several bright shop lights just in case.

I set the alarm for six, knowing that was useless. Sure enough, heads were moving at four-thirty. In my toughest voice, I said, "Back to sleep! Need strength for long day."

I never had a chance. Nervous energy attacked me. My threats did no good. Maya pulled on her fleece and went to do the coffee. I wrestled with the others, trying to force calm but not succeeding. They tricked me with kisses and made a wriggling pile.

"Guess what?" I said.

"What?" they chorused.

"Give me a kiss and I will tell you."

"Is trick!" but they kissed me anyway.

"I love you."

"Oh Marty, you are sweet for your women." They were pulling on fleeces and pummeling me at the same time.

Over big bowls of oatmeal, I said, "Today, we are all gophers. Our job is to keep them working at full speed. Rig power cords. Charge cordless batteries. Carry things. Whatever they need."

We were outside checking the foundation and shoveling extra backfill when we heard the trucks, I had already opened the gate and they drove right to us. Hank jumped off the lead truck and walked over. "I told my dad I wasn't going to miss putting up the cabin for the Burning Man women!"

In less than an hour, the joists for the first floor had been hung and the first course of 2x6 tongue and groove flooring laid. As soon as there was something to stand on, the specialists who built the walls with engineered logs and threaded rods were at work. Tubes of construction adhesive were everywhere. As quickly as the pieces were found and laid out, someone was handing them to a worker on a section of wall. Hank and one of the foremen kept busy checking for square and referring to the plans to make sure openings for doors and windows were correct.

In between errands, the women stood with wide eyes watching their new home rise into the air. Maya poked me and said, "Marty, is too good to be true. Hard to believe house goes together like Legos."

Alisa and I gave ourselves the job of checking on the various holes and chases for electrical and plumbing. Better to find problems now than later. The crawl space under the floor was minimal and the vapor barrier was already in place. She pointed to a mistake in the plans for one of the potable water lines and asked, "What about this?"

"I found it and fixed it on my own. Didn't seem to need an engineer..."

That got me a good punch in the arm just as Hank came up. "Glad to see the engineer is maintaining discipline. Ok to take a coffee break? We are ahead of schedule. Should be done by four if we don't run into trouble."

Maya and the twins circulated with plates of freshly made pastry with unpronounceable Russian names that got a lot of appreciative thanks.

By noon, the exterior walls were ready for the roof trusses, which had been prefabbed and had factory finish. The crew didn't want to stop for lunch until this critical work was done. A great cheer went up as the ridge beam tied things together and they could relax for a sandwich. The women set out chairs and drinks and munchies on the deck.

By seven, the erecting crew was headed down the road, full of Russian dinner and perhaps a little too much beer. Hank had a large check from me in his pocket, along with kisses from the women for the amazing one day effort.

It was decided, not by me, that all the bedding from the tent had to be relocated to the floor of the cabin great room. I concentrated on kitchen cleanup, telling the giggly ones to enjoy their new home. It was damn cold without the windows, but very nice on the blowup mattresses under blankets and down.

I held Alisa tightly, telling the others, "Dancer is special, getting us into our new cabin with no disasters."

We smothered her with love and kisses. She came up for air and exclaimed, "Marty! We did it. Have almost house before snow!

(cont'd in Part 4 - A Race Against the Weather)

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SierraSpriteSierraSpriteabout 6 years agoAuthor
Sigh - 27 months is too long.

As one of my loyal readers said, there are too many unfinished stories on this site. I have resolved to do better. It is snowing hard in Truckee tonight (3-13-18), so we can hope Marty and the Russians did get the metal roof on and the windows in. This story will finish!

Hardtwist55Hardtwist55about 6 years ago
27 months

Well, it has been 27 months since the last installment of this really good story. Please either finish it or take it down!

rayearlerayearlealmost 7 years ago
Where is Pt. 4 ????

To good a story to leave undone.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Please finish the story! It is worth it.

rayearlerayearleover 8 years ago
Thank you !!

It was worth waiting for, good work.

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