Pass the Possum, Please


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She felt the primal throbbing of his prick and the spreading warmth of his cum filling her ass like a hot, soapy enema and moaned "Baby!" Then, she flattened her pussy against him and rubbed her clit on his pubic ridge and instantly felt the crest of her own wave rising in her womb.

"Jackie, Jackie," he chanted to the rapid-fire cadence of his squirts.

"Yes, baby, yes," she purred from the depths of her throat. Her eyes shut tightly, teeth clenched, head shaking tossing matted strands of wet hair, her fists pounding his shoulders as orgasmic dementia beset her and she groaned, "Oh, God, yes, baby, your cock in my ass makes me cum so fucking goooooood."

He felt her stiffen like a sort of sexual rigor mortis had set in and her hips jerked spasmodically. A string of guttural "O's" bubbled off her lips, and then she collapsed in his arms, limp as a rag, and he thought for a second that she had fainted. He lay back, lowering her gently to his chest, and he felt her trip-hammer heart beat in her breasts. The throbbing in his cock subsided, but the rolling convulsions in her rectum kept him hard, surfing on a white-capping sea of cum.

He closed his eyes, lost in the knowledge of what he had done and confounded by his unwillingness to retreat from her warmth. He drifted until she called him back, and he opened his eyes to find her melted, soft and pliable, against the hard ridges of his body.

"I needed that," she sighed contentedly. "I wanted to know what your cock would feel like from the moment I laid eyes on you, Arliss Tate."

His hands stroked her back as she spoke, and she seemed to him, somehow, smaller, more vulnerable. "I just can't believe it," he replied with a hint of awe in his voice.

"Why not?" she giggled, lifting her cheek from his chest to look him in the eye. "It's the truth. I've been wanting this," and, then, she did another Kagel that sent a wave of warm cum pouring out of her ass and down his dick to his balls, "since that day you came around putting up revival posters at Maccie's beauty parlor."

"It's not you I can't believe," he answered, vividly recalling that day, and Maccie's offer of a free shampoo and haircut, if he would just pose in the window with his shirt off for the balance of the afternoon. "I can't believe how good it felt."

"So, you think maybe you were wrong?"


"Not an abomination, after all?"


"Sorry you didn't figure that out sooner?"

"No, not at all."

"Really?" she questioned, eyeing him quizzically. "Why not?" She could feel him diminishing inside her, and, as he softened, her muscles contracted to expel him.

"Because, it wouldn't have been the same with anybody else," he responded with genuine candor. Moonlight glowed in his eyes and they sparkled as he spoke, and she felt a warm rush of emotion.

"Oh, my God, you are a sweet man," she smiled, leaning to kiss him on the mouth, and she tried to capture him with a final Kagel.

Her gorgeous lips caressed his there on the altar before the pulpit as his erection faded inside her. Their tongues thrust and parried and then entwined in co-joined bliss even as her rectal sleeve contracted and slid him out in the backwash of his orgasm.

"Oh," she frowned as he left her, her lips mouthing her disappointment around his tongue, and, to assuage her loss, he tongue-fucked her mouth till she giggled and said, "Why, Arliss, I do believe you want to fuck me some more."

Her emptied ass gaped, a dark, open tunnel with a trickle of cum leaking from the mouth, and she knew it would be a while before her spincter regained enough elasticity to close. The memory of him lingered on her nerve-endings, and it fed a new hunger as they kissed.

"Oh, God, yes, Jackie, yes, I want to, but I don't think I can, not yet anyway."

"Poor baby," she purred sympathetically, seizing him with her fingers in the steamy space between their legs, "Jackie can fix that."

"Lord," he moaned as she expertly massaged his cum-slathered cock.

Just as he began to respond, a car turned off the main road, and the beams of its headlights briefly swept the hollow.

"What the hell is that?" he grumbled with a note of alarm; Ardmore wasn't due back till morning if everything went right and middle of the night visitors could only mean trouble.

"It's nothing, Arliss; they're just turning around," she answered, her slippery hand gently milking his flesh.

But the lights kept coming, bouncing down the rough, sloped lane to the floor of the hollow, and then they turned and, picking up speed, headed directly toward the tent.

"Oh, shit, they aren't leaving," Jackie squealed anxiously as she rolled off Arliss and yanked his arm to help him up. "You get dressed quick, while I find a place to hide. Move!"

He hesitated for a moment, blinded by the light and by the vision of her, naked, illuminated and visible for the first time, and he was torn between saving his own skin and protecting hers. The lights, though dim, revealed what he had only felt and imagined before and she was gorgeous; tall, slender, with breasts like firm melons rising proudly above her flat tummy and widely flaring hips. Her legs were long and tapered, and he remembered the downy texture of her thighs touching him. She stood with remarkable calm under the circumstances, and as his eyes lingered on her, she slowly turned her back to expose the rounded firmness of her buttocks. Traces of cum and KY jelly in her crease caught the light and shimmered as she moved and he felt the urge to fall on his knees to worship her.

"You better hurry, Arliss, they are almost here," she said, looking back at him over her shoulder, and then, because he seemed uncertain, she added, "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

Her assurance broke the spell and Arliss dove for his pants in the shadow of the baptismal tank. He found the pants, but his boots had gone missing, and with his heart pounding in his throat he struggled to get his foot in the leg of the pants. He had one leg up to his knee when the lights bounced to a stop not ten feet from the tent, and he heard the door open. He cowered, three-quarters naked, in the shelter of the tank, peeping over the top but blinded by the glare of the headlights.

"Arliss?" a familiar voice boomed over the noise of the idling motor. "Are you in there, boy?"

"Ardmore? Is that you?" Relief was evident in the boy's voice. He rose to a crouch and tried to shield his eyes from the light with his hand.

"Of course it's me, Arliss; who the hell else would be comin out here in the middle of the night?" The voice was moving closer, sounding impatient.

"Stay there, Ardmore," Arliss pleaded, tugging his pants. "I'll be there in a second."

Ardmore, of course, ignored him, and before Arliss could snap his fingers, there he was standing in front of him, hands on his hips and his mouth open wide enough to swallow the Winny in one gulp.

"What in the hell are you doin out here neked, L.D.?" he bellowed with a smirk.

Arliss was sort of hunched over, leaning against the side of the tank. He had managed to get the pants half way up one leg and was using the empty leg to shield his groin. His lips were moving but no sounds were coming out, and he looked sort of like a beached fish.

"Evening, Ms. Alright," Ardmore said politely, looking past the cowering boy and tipping his hat.

"It has been a good evening, Brother McCandless," she replied in a voice that would make a man think of warmed honey.

Arliss' head snapped around at the sound of her voice, and the shock nearly made him topple into the tank. She was standing not ten feet behind him, looking just as serene as you please, and she was wearing a terry robe that just covered the tops of her thighs. She had a pair of sandals on her feet, and her hair was rapped in a towel that looked like a turban. He blinked and rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

"How did he do?" Ardmore asked her, ignoring Arliss for the moment.

"With the sermon? About like you expected."

"I knew he weren't cut out for preachin; how'd he do with the rest of it?"

"Well, now, Brother McCandless, we're still in the process of finding that out, but so far, I'd say he's doing much better than you predicted."

"Him?" he blurted in disbelief. "You're kidding, aren't you?" he continued turning to look at the boy with a mixture of surprise and suspicion.

"I told you, Ardmore, I am a business woman; I do not kid about serious matters."

Arliss's neck was beginning to stiffen from the cool night air and from swiveling back and forth as he tried to follow the conversation. Nothing made sense and the confusion was making his head spin. Questions bounced off the walls of his mind.

"Does that mean we have a deal, then?" The old man sounded, well, almost hopeful.

"I'm satisfied," she answered with a smile. "As far as I am concerned, we have a deal, but the rest is up to Arliss."

"Boy!" Ardmore rumbled like he was warming up to ask God to vaporize a tree or something, and Arliss could feel the both of them looking at him.

"Yes, sir?"

"You listen to me good, cause this is your only chance, and you don't want to fuck it up."

"What?" He was stunned.

"I am cuttin you loose, as of right now. You ain't got preachin in you, but worse than that, boy, you ain't got a prayer of learnin how to scam folks cause you're too fuckin kind-hearted. Now, you listen, cause this lady's gonna make you an offer that'll make both of us real happy."

Dazed and confused, Arliss turned toward Jackie.

"I want you to come and work for me at the dealership," she said, nodding in the direction of the cars parked above the hollow. "I'll give you a salary and a car to drive. While you're, ah, looking for a place to live, you'll stay at my house. How does that sound?"

"But, but," he sputtered, "who'll set up the tent and chairs, if I leave?"

"Oh, for Christ's sake, kid, will you shut the fuck up," Ardmore groaned, rolling his eyes.

"Now, be nice, Ardmore," Jackie said gently while looking at Arliss. "He's only protecting you." Then, she said, "Ardmore won't be setting up the tent anymore, Arliss. I'm paying off the Winny and setting him up in a television studio I'm a part owner of over in Charlotte. He'll preach, and we'll beam him all over the country, two-three hundred markets, counting cable, and we'll split the profits fifty/fifty."

"Ah, uh, that's sixty/forty," Ardmore said interrupting.

"Oh, right," Jackie nodded.

"But, but," Arliss sputtered in bewilderment, "why can't I go to Charlotte and be on television with Ardmore?"

"Because, Arliss, like Ardmore says, you aren't cut out for it. The show wouldn't work with you on stage and you would just be in the way off camera. We have technicians for that."

"But why are you offering me a job?"

"Because Ardmore said he couldn't take me up on the Charlotte offer if it meant leaving you high and dry, Arliss."

"You said that?" Arliss questioned turning to the old man in disbelief.

"Don't pay any attention to her; that don't mean nothin," the old man grumbled self-consciously. "Besides, she got her own reasons for offerin you a job, L.D."

"He is definitely right about that, Arliss," Jackie purred with a seductive smile. "You have some talents I could use in my, er, ah, business."

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Whatever I want you to do; whenever I want you to do it. Do you think you can handle that?" There was more than a hint of suggestion in her tone, and she was standing with her feet just a little further apart than modesty would allow, and his eyes followed her legs to the hem of her robe, then upward to where the lapels had opened some to reveal her cleavage, and then higher to her eyes that were looking at him with the open promise of erotic adventure.

"Don't fuck this up, kid," Ardmore mumbled under his breath like a softly uttered prayer.

"Don't worry, old man, I won't," he answered, and then he turned toward Jackie, and said, "I would love to work for you, Jackie. When do I start?"

"In about five minutes," she replied with a throaty purr. "Ardmore and I have some business to take care of first."

"You brought the papers?" Ardmore asked her.

"They're right here," she answered, turning and stooping to extract a suitcase hidden under the platform.

She set the suitcase on the platform and opened it. It was nearly empty except for some envelopes and a tube of KY jelly.

"Oh, oh," she giggled, snatching the tube of lubricant and slipping it into her robe pocket, "that stays with me."

Then, she turned to Ardmore, and said, "Everything's there and in order. I've signed the papers, so all you need to do is sign them and give them to my lawyer, who'll meet you at the studio tomorrow. There's also a key to room 201 at the Holiday Inn. The room's paid for a week. Anything else?"

"No, ma'am, nothing at all. It'll be a pleasure workin with you, partner," he said as he snapped the suitcase shut and picked it up.

Then, he turned and extended his hand to Arliss, saying, "Good luck to you, L.D.," and, as Arliss took his hand to shake, the old man pulled him close and whispered in his ear, "You lucky son of a bitch."

In a matter of seconds, Ardmore was gone, his truck sputtering and coughing up the hill leading out of the hollow and Arliss and Jackie were again bathed in darkness.

"I guess you two had this all planned out." Arliss questioned the shapeless form moving toward him in the dark.

"You could say there were negotiations, yes," she whispered as the robe slipped off her shoulders and slid to the ground at her feet.

"Am I working now?" he asked softly.

"Yes," she replied huskily.

"What do you want me to do, ma'am?"

"Take off those ridiculous pants and fuck me again." Her nipples were grazing his chest and her breath was hot on his cheek.

"Yes, ma'am," he answered as her curves flowed into his arms and her lips sought his in the quiet stillness of the night.

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roveroneroverone3 days ago

Just as good/hot second time around...thought it felt familiar

Do love a woman that preps her more delicate bits, AND as my limey friends would say, she gagging to have her rump reamed by a whopper...

not only a plug to prep her sphincter but pre-applies the KY-was really wondering just what she was gonna do about that... porn stars doing it with spit a load...

but WHERE did you get Kagel?? it's Kegels...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Interesting story! My wife used to get so horny listening to the preacher. I don't know what it was that did it, but whenever she was around him, or shook his hand, she would start getting wet. Finally, she told me about it. One Sunday after church she said, "My panties are soaked!" I reached over, while driving, and felt her crotch, and sure enough, she was drenched. I asked her what did it. She said, "The preacher. I don't know why, but he makes me hot, and I seriously, need a good fucking." She told me that she had been aroused for years by certain preachers. That was news to me.

roveroneroveroneabout 4 years ago
love woman that knows what she wants....

increasingly larger butt plugs...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Fantastic story telling at it's best

This story is one of the funniest I have ever read, I could picture everything said being 66 years old and from the south. I have been to a few of the tent revivals in my time but nothing like this story ever happened that I know of, keep up the good work, you have a way with words that few people do.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago
5 All the Way

Excellent writing! It's a shame the backround thread of the story is all too common!

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