Passion & Perspective Ch. 16-17


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Molly hung back, we watched the other couple leave, sat and sipped our drinks. "Enjoy yourself?" I asked.

"Boy, did I. Let me tell you, I'm buying a gross of those condoms. Did you like them?"

"Best I've had since the last time I had you without a raincoat! How about Nick and Bobbie?"

"Nick's a sweetheart," Molly said.

"And . . ."

"And what? Oh, you mean Bobbie and me." My expression demanded a critique, Molly complied. "When she first kissed me on the dance floor, it was a surprise, but nice. It was just like kissing a man, only softer. Then when we got downstairs, Bobbie came on to me, and I got curious. It was nice, but I'm glad you and Nick came along."

"Would you like to go further?" I probed.

"I don't know. I never thought of myself as someone who might like girls, but now Bobbie's got me thinking. Maybe, sometime, if she pushes a little harder I'll cooperate. Or, then again, maybe not. I'll have to see."

We got up, headed to the dance floor. The music had become much louder with that huge bass boom, many of the women had only g-strings on, we watched the revery, but didn't join it. Then we explored, found a room we hadn't discovered before. In the middle were a group of mattresses, a gallery for voyeurs was provided, and on the mattress capered a dozen or more people, most young, five women and more men, and without any plan they frolicked. One woman was being played with by four men, two of their penises were being held by her hands, one was being sucked, and another was inserted into her vagina. Another woman was being screwed, and we watched as he released into her. Immediately after he withdrew, another young man asked her if he might enjoy himself, and she encouraged him to climb on board. Half the men who were engaged in copulation wore a condom, the other half didn't seem to feel the need.

"Would you like to join them?" I asked.

"It's fun to watch," Molly declared, "but I don't think it's my cup of tea. Go ahead if you want, it looks like that girl is looking for somebody." I wouldn't have in any case, but the woman in question was at least fifty pounds overweight.

We left, shaking our heads in a combination of gladness that we'd found this place, and our new friends, and a modicum of disbelief that this had gone on beneath our very noses for so long.


I woke late the next morning, found my bed empty, searched the house for Molly. Over an hour later she entered door, she'd been walking, a somber expression on her face. "Everything okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine," she lethargically replied.

All that day she kept to herself, I mentioned a movie, she agreed. Dinner afterwards was full of small talk, how we might change the garden in the spring, a niece would graduate in May. But I could tell Molly was harboring deep thoughts, and knowing her as well as I do, I left it alone, giving her time to sort her brain.

It was in the darkest hour of the morning when I woke, realized she wasn't beside me. I crept into the living room, found her with a glass of sherry staring through the window into the wintry gloom. "Is there anything I can do?"

"Would you sit with me, please?" she implored. I sat beside her on the couch, she cuddled, her head on my shoulder. After ten minutes of paired solitude, she began to confess her fears. "This is too easy."

"What is?"

"What we did last night. What we've been doing all these months."

"That's a problem?"

"It might be. I mean, all these years, ever since we were married, I was faithful to you. You were faithful to me. I never worried, not once. And then I let it change. Oh, you encouraged me, it was your idea, but even though I resisted for awhile, I wanted it, I wanted it bad. And then it happened, those first few times, and you were just so sweet. And it just kept going, and now we're into something else."

"Something you don't want to be in?"

"No, no, I enjoyed myself so much last night. I loved what Nick did to me, I was so happy that Bobbie was good to you. It was so easy, easy for us to kiss those other people, take off our clothes and have sex with them. Should it be that easy?"

"I don't see why not. It's not hurting our marriage, not that I can see. If anything, it's helping. And I'm so in love with you," I confessed, "I know that even if a guy like Nick rocks you for an hour or two, the next hours, the next days will be mine, until we're old. We'll always be together." A specter invaded my thoughts. "Are you afraid that I think Bobbie was better than you are?"

"No. Well, yes. Maybe. When you were making love to her, you had a big smile on your face. I could tell how much she was pleasing you."

"She did please me, but you please me too. I wouldn't trade you for her, never. And if we decided to stop playing this game, I'd never look back."

"We can't take back what we've already done, though."

"Would you want to? You had a lot of fun last night, I thought you did, would you rather have watched television? Would you rather have never met Mark? Is there anything we've done you regret?"



She could tell I was alluding to something, wasn't getting it. "Like what?"

How to bring this up. How to talk about it. "Well, last night you, I mean, with Bobbie . . ."

That made her laugh. "Oh, no, that was fine. More than fine, actually, it was so different. I always wondered what a girl felt like, and Bobbie was all girl, that's for sure. Very soft, very sweet. I liked it."

"Would you do it again?"

"Maybe. Probably. It'll never be my first thing, there's nothing like a hard boner. But she's one hell of an alternative."

We quieted, cuddled some more, I felt the first deep breaths from her, I got her down the hall and into bed, we slept soundly.

The next day her spirit of happiness mysteriously resurrected itself, we didn't worry about such things again.


Chapter 17

It was just two weeks later, a Friday night, we were driving to Nick and Bobby's, we were as anxious to see them again as they professed they were for us. A winter storm was threatening, Accuweather said it would start around one in the morning, we decided we'd be all right if we left by midnight.

Bobbie told us she was making broiled lamb chops, I was fetching two bottles of a French wine the man at the liquor store said would go well, and we pulled into their suburban ranch driveway. Nick was waiting at the door, pulling us into the house, Molly greeted him with a kiss that at other dinner parties would be considered a bit too risqué, Nick pointed me to the kitchen where Bobbie was checking the broiler, her rump in the air, I put my hand on it, fondled it, she shook it for me then rose and we kissed as intimate friends. She was dressed as any grandmother might be for a party, a little betty crocker blouse and skirt, apron, but this was a grandmother I desired.

There were olives and bread and white port as an appetizer, we sat and chatted, we discovered that their political philosophy was close to ours, we bitched about the despicable tactics of the other party and what they were doing to the country. Bobbie started dinner with Molly's help, the wine complimented the lamb, I complimented Bobbie on her culinary skills. Nick told us of their custom of the man doing the dishes, I helped him scrape the plates and put them in the dishwasher while the girls sipped the final glasses of the wine.

"Shall we head for the living room?" Bobbie asked, and when we were there she asked if we wanted to play a game. We decided upon Texas Hold 'Em poker, with the winner of a hand getting to choose another player to take off a piece of clothing, and if the winner's hand was a straight or better, she or he got to demand that someone perform some kind of an act. Molly was a little rusty on the rules of poker, but we all told her we'd help her, and the game began. It seemed the girls knew we'd be playing this kind of a game, they had extra clothing on, and as the game progressed and attire was strewn happily the guys were down to underwear much faster than the girls were.

The first time Nick won with a good hand he demanded, "Molly, kiss Bobbie." Molly hesitated a little, but when she approached her target, the kiss was long, and deep, and Molly's nipples, visible through her sheer bra, became as extended as I'd ever seen them with a man. And when he won again, the demand was for Bobbie to make out for ninety seconds with Molly. Since both had only panties on, the action flowed as Bobbie began with a kiss, then suckled a nipple. Molly responded, I watched as she touched Bobbie's breast, and when Bobbie's hand approached the panties, Molly seemed to open her legs a little, for the first time a woman was touching her down there. The women seemed enthusiastic about their play, when the clock hit ninety seconds no signal was given to stop, Molly didn't protest as Bobbie slid the panties over her knees, Bobbie's finger twirled her girlfriend's clit, Molly gave all the indications of approaching orgasm.

Bobbie whispered in Molly's ear, I couldn't hear the question, but Molly nodded, and slowly Bobbie traveled the length of Molly's body, the neck, the breasts, the stomach and then my heart exploded as Bobbie's tongue approached Molly's labia. I half expected Molly to clamp her legs shut, but the opposite occurred, Molly allowed Bobbie's incursion, and I watched Bobbie's tongue flirt with Molly's clit, a red fingernail was inserted within, Molly's groans filled the air, Bobbie speeded her actions, Molly had a long, strong orgasm.

Nick took this as a signal to join the women and when he took over the stimulation of Molly's body, Bobbie relinquished her conquest to her husband, joined me. "Did you like it?" she asked me.

"It's pretty hot watching you two together," I responded between kisses, "I didn't think Molly would be like that."

"She seems to, at least with me." And then I forgot about Molly - she was being well taken care of by Nick - and I concentrated on Bobbie. After a few moments, I had her in a position that I love, my head between her legs, sucking on that astonishing button, Bobbie's squeals came quickly, I didn't let her rest, it took me the better part of fifteen minutes to ensure there was no oral orgasm left in her, then she grabbed one of those superb rubbers, rolled it on me, sat facing away from me on my lap. My legs stretched under her, I could feel her ample breasts brush my knees as we moved, I leaned against the couch, I gently spanked her ass while we bustled together. It was a wonderful sensation, my prick nestled in her warmth, little screeches from her throat alerting me to her pleasure. For my optical amusement I was not only presented with the rump, back and hair of my lover, but also the gambits of Molly and Nick, they seemed to be trying to find a way to do it while she sat in his lap and put her thighs over the back of the couch, I wondered just how much of his penis Nick could get in there.

When the sensations of our position seemed to become expected, Bobbie shifted, now I was half sitting, half lying, and she had her back against my chest, I could titillate a nipple, brush the clit, Bobbie's groans increased, she was seeing colors again, and I flattened, Bobbie turned and faced me, she placed a teat in my mouth, then rose above me and the combination of the visualization of her body and the warmth surrounding my rod caused me to give it up, with grunts and screams I spilled my seed.

I was done, as always, much quicker than any woman ever is, and when I came to my senses I realized the other couple was finished as well, they were sitting on the couch comfortably, half observing us, half relaxing. Bobbie got a tissue, removed my condom and cleaned me, wiped her slit, then offered, "Dessert? I've got a black forest cake, and there's some Breyer's in the freezer." Nick and Molly agreed the cake would be wonderful, I helped Bobbie in the kitchen as the other couple cuddled.

"You're a wonderful lover," Bobbie complimented, "I'm so glad we found you guys."

"Me, too. This is fantastic," I agreed, touching a sensitive area.

We put the cake on plates, got dessert saucers and poured the coffee into an urn, carried it back into the living room where we ate reclining on the floor, talking about sexual experiences we'd had, they told us about a time they were at the club and a husband wanted Bobbie but objected to Nick taking the wife. Molly explained how she'd gone up to Keith's room that first time. There was no jealousy, we were adults happily playing adult games, it was understood we'd all had lovers other than the present company, would have other lovers, and wished only that everyone was happy.

Bobbie kissed me again, Nick enticed Molly, it wasn't yet 10:30, there was plenty of time left, and if I was no longer capable of hardness with my manhood, my tongue worked quite well and there were pleasures Bobbie could still perform for me. Eventually the second act came to a close, and we were prepared to get our clothes back on when Nick looked out the window and said, "Ooops! Looks like the weatherman got it wrong again."

We gazed at the driveway, it was glossy as a drizzle fell in the street lamps. We turned the news on, the headline was of an ice storm that preceded five inches of white stuff that was to fall before dawn. "Do you guys really need to do anything at your house? We've got a guest room." Given the circumstances, we agreed to accept their hospitality, we were loaned comfy robes, Molly and Bobbie ensured the bed room we'd use had clean sheets.

After an hour of conversation I decided to hit the rack, Molly joined me in the darkness. "Don't start," she challenged.


"About Bobbie and I. I liked it, yes I did, and maybe I'll do it again, and I don't know if I'll ever do it to her, and just leave it alone." Wisely, I kept my mouth shut, but as we drifted off to sleep I couldn't help but revisit the erotic sight of two women making love to each other.

There were new toothbrushes laid out for us in the bathroom in the morning, I borrowed Molly's brush and looked somewhat presentable before I entered the kitchen to find Bobbie sitting at the table in a fluffy robe, coffee ready. "They say the roads should be cleared by noon, are you in a hurry?" We weren't and the four of us sat to a breakfast of egg casserole and toast, and once again I helped Nick with the dishes.

We sat in front of the fire, and I looked at Bobbie in lust, she got the message, took my hand and led me into the master bedroom where we spent a gentle hour stimulating each other. I found out later that Nick and Molly had appropriated the guest bedroom for the same purpose, when we left the comfort of our friends' house, it seemed that all were quenched and hoped there was more where that came from.

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