Passion of Erika Christensen Ch. 05


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Sail away, sail away, sail away... Sail away, sail away, sail away...

Katie quivered in orgasm, taking the first step. There, she thought as her body settled. That's the last time I totally abandon myself to the will of another person. I must be who I am, not who they say. I thank you for the reminder. Katie looked down at her benefactor and smiled as Erika lapped up the juices spilling out of her crotch.

The music swelled and then ended. Katie closed her eyes. When the next song came on, she opened her eyes and put her hand on her new lover's shoulder. Erika looked up and grinned as Katie spoke two words she'd been waiting to hear.

"Your turn."

Wanting more room for their coupling, Erika rolled off the couch onto the floor. Katie lay down beside her on the office's indigo carpet. The two women embraced again, kissing and cuddling. Erika got on her back and Katie moved over her. Katie's skill at making love to other women was returning fast. Shivers of pleasure coursed through Erika and her body shook as Katie leaned down and caressed her, sucking at her hard red tits.

Katie lapped and caressed Erika's neck and cleavage, finding sensitive areas and fondling them. There was a deep ache between her thighs and another in her heart. Katie paid them little attention. Her pain was not important and she could not give in to any remaining doubts. She knew what she had to do now and how she had to be. All she wanted was to be herself again and to thank Erika for showing her the way.

She licked her benefactor's breasts and pushed two fingers along Erika's hips and into her snatch. The enthusiasm Katie felt for her new lover was on the rise. She happily gave in to it. She rubbed her two fingers on Erika's labia and added a thumb that pushed hard at the other woman's clit. Erika moaned with each movement. Katie's mouth went back and forth between her breasts, sucking the nipples. She also licked around them, loving the spreading flush on Erika's skin. Katie could feel the warmth in Erika's body increase with the dampness in her cunt.

"Yes!" Erika cried, hit by a particularly strong sensation. She shook her body hard, giving Katie a taste of her own medicine. Katie laughed, slapping Erika's thighs and biting her breasts.

Katie then licked a path down Erika's torso, lapping up her sweat. The taste was enjoyable and Katie knew the juices between Erika's legs would be even more so. She pushed Erika's thighs apart and licked at the blonde thatch between them, intent on reaching her goal.

Erika's hair shook as she flung her head about, moaning and crying out. Katie's tongue wrapped around her clit and Erika shouted the other woman's name.

"Katie! Love me, Katie!"

"I will," Katie assured her. I thank you, she thought, kissing Erika's pussy. I don't think I could have found myself again without you. This is what I needed, a friend my own age, who was okay with my old life and my new life. Someone who was like me in the past and yet like me now, who could remind me it's okay to be who I am.

She breathed hard against Erika's clit bud and squeezed her thighs. Erika rubbed her fingers against Katie's hair, pushing the other woman's head farther into her. Katie scratched her nails along Erika's hips, pushing down the tops of her stockings. Then she reached up and grabbed Erika's breasts. She squeezed and flicked their nipples while licking Erika's clit.

It didn't take much of this to send Erika soaring. She hit her peak, gasped, and calmed. "Thank you, Katie!"

"You're welcome," Katie said with a laugh. She sucked down a torrent of sweet fluid from Erika's core.

Erika let her emotions subside, accepting the hug and comforting kisses Katie offered her in their afterglow. "You want to come again?" Erika asked, touching Katie's cunt.

"I did just now, watching you," Katie replied, snickering. "But, yeah, I'll take another one in a few minutes."

Erika smirked and kissed her. "I have a confession to make to you. I never really thought much of you until now. I was wrong in that. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it," Katie said. "I didn't know what to think of you when I met you either." She pecked Erika on the lips. "Now I think we're going to be very good friends."

"Amen to that," Erika agreed. I won't be fucking your husband, though, she added to herself. Tom doesn't do anything for me. I hope you're okay with me just loving you. Katie settled her heart for now with another kiss. Erika stuck her tongue in the other woman's mouth and lashed it back and forth as they embraced.

Suddenly Katie pulled away. She smiled and looked around the office. "Hey," she said, "do you think that your boyfriend would like to join us?"

"What?" Erika asked, shocked. "You want to cheat on Tom with Doug too?"

"Yeah," Katie said. She took a deep breath. "You threw me for a loop just now. You got me thinking. I know I still love Tom but I'm no longer sure I want to go back to him. I think I need to further test myself. I haven't fucked another man besides Tom since my breakup with Chris and Doug is really nice. He let you use his office and sent those guys to pick me up at the airport. You're fun but I think I owe him some thanks too."

"I understand." Erika beamed. "I should warn you, though. Doug has a thing about not getting close to married women."

"Too much honor, huh? Fine. I won't give him my pussy. If he wants it, though, he can have my ass."

Erika returned the laughter. She knew Doug would enjoy what Katie proposed and that she would like watching it. "I'll get him in here." She got to her feet and walked over to the desk. Smiling and wiping sweat from her brow, she activated the speakerphone and dialed Doug's cell.

He answered on the first ring. "What's up, Erika?"

"Can you come inside your office?" Erika asked. "Katie and I have become very good friends and she wants you to join us."

"I heard," Doug said in a very pleased tone.

"What?" Erika asked, surprised. She had thought Doug didn't have microphones or cameras in any areas of his club other than the main floor and hallways. He was very concerned about lawsuits from guests, even though what went on in their private meetings sometimes greatly intrigued him. "Did you have your ear to the door?"

"Hell no. My office door is solid oak with a cork center. I was curious about what you were going to say to Katie, though, so I bugged the decanter. I was going to confront Katie with it later to get her reaction, see if she was really thinking for herself or not."

Erika looked at the decanter on the room's coffee table and gasped. For the first time, she noticed a hair-thin antenna sticking up from beneath the decanter's label. "Damn it, Doug, we want the same things. Why do you not trust me?"

"There are things going on you don't know about."

"As usual. This is because of your experiences with Scientology before we met, isn't it? Doug, you and I have known each other for six years and we've discussed our issues several times. Aren't we past this by now?"

"I, well, I guess not. I want to be, though."

"Then here's the deal. You will share all your secrets with me, and I don't mean when you think I should know. If you can't do that, I think we should stop seeing each other." She pointed at the decanter and gnashed her teeth. Katie smirked in reply, then reached out and snapped the antenna in half. Erika nodded thanks. "Katie spotted your device. She also deserves full disclosure."

"I agree. I planned to tell you both anyway when you got through with the session. I considered saying something beforehand, but then I worried you might tip Katie off. Alicia's beside me listening. I got her to rethink getting personally involved in this. There's no one else here. I thought you weren't going to do anything physical with Katie. Plans change, huh?"


"I will communicate better with you from now on. You have my word. Can you ask Katie if she meant what she said a minute ago?"

Erika directed her eyes at Katie, who nodded. Good, Erika thought. You passed his challenge, we passed yours. She asked Katie with her expression if she still wanted Doug to enter the office. The other woman grinned and Erika smiled back. "She did. You better get in here, though, and explain everything."

"As you wish."


Los Angeles, California. Four Days Later.

Tom Cruise paced the floor of his living room. Angst was overpowering him again. Five days ago, he had sent Katie away to meet with Erika. She had called him upon her arrival in London and then he heard nothing for the next three days. Then he got a call that morning from a stranger advising him Katie would be arriving home sometime in the evening. She was flying back to L.A. on the Concorde.

Astonished, Tom asked who was paying for that. He hadn't flown on the Concorde in years, not since before "War of the Worlds" came out. "An old and new friend," was all the answer he got before the stranger hung up.

Disturbed, Tom called his personal friend, Scientology Chairman David Miscavige. He admitted everything he had done and asked forgiveness. Miscavige stunned Tom when he said, "I know Erika's a good person. I consider her one of the few psychologists we can trust. I have also been informed that she represents an organization which has the fate of our church in its hands. If I interfere with them, it would put the entirety of Scientology in peril. You will be a member of this group again soon. Make sure they know I intend to cooperate with them and further their goals. I'm not going to be in my position forever, and I want Scientology to survive."

"What are you talking about?" Tom demanded. "Nobody could possibly threaten us as seriously as you imply!"

"They're not threatening us. They're going to improve our conditions. At least I hope so." Miscavige exhaled. "You and Katie do whatever you have to do for your marriage, Tom. We both know you could be handling things better."

Tom requested further answers but Miscavige refused to say and hung up. Thinking about the call afterwards put Tom at ease. He waited for Katie calmly the rest of the day.

It was evening now and Tom had cautiously prepared for Katie's arrival. He had sent their children to his sister Lee Anne, who was always there for him. The new maid had cleaned the house top to bottom. Wine and roses were on the front end table and Katie's favorite meal was in the oven waiting to be heated, unwrapped and served. Tom had spared no expense. If Erika didn't do anything, he told himself, I am going to try. I have to get Katie back tonight. This has been going on too long.

A chime over the front door sounded, letting him know a vehicle was approaching up the main driveway. That better be her, Tom thought. He looked out the window and saw a green Cadillac sedan stopping in front of the house. The largest black man Tom had ever seen next to Michael Clarke Duncan got out of the passenger side and opened the back right door. Katie stepped out, dressed in white opera gloves and a tight royal blue gown Tom had never seen before. Her hair was in a new style too, fuller and more flowing. Tom blinked as he watched Katie clasp the large black man's arm and return his grin.

Another man got out of the car's opposite rear door and walked around. Tom thought he recognized him. A lean muscular fellow with long black hair dressed like a carpenter. I think I've met him at some party, Tom said to himself. He's Keri Russell's boyfriend or husband. I haven't seen Keri in a long time but that guy was with her when last I did see her.

Tom frowned as he watched the carpenter shake hands with Katie. He had a strange look on his face, akin to the expression Tom tried to adopt onscreen whenever he reached the conclusion of a tragic film. An expression that said he was glad to have lived through recent events even if he was somewhat disappointed by their final results. Tom didn't think the expression was false. What's that guy's name? Tom picked his brain. Sam? Steve? No, Shane, I think.

Katie and Shane exchanged nods and he stepped out of her path. She then turned and flashed a smile at the Cadillac's driver, a pug-faced man in a Houston Astros cap, before walking alone towards the front door. All three of her escorts stood watching her go with hope in their eyes.

Who are these men? Tom speculated. Jealous voices yelled in his brain and he shut them up with a wave. Surely, the three were no one important. Tom picked up the bouquet of red roses from the front end table and waited for Katie to knock on his door.

She didn't knock. Instead the door was unlocked and pulled open. Katie saw him at once and smiled as she put her key back in her purse. Tom blinked again, seeing a light in her eyes that was as unfamiliar as her dress and hairstyle. No wait, he thought. I think I have seen that expression on her in a couple of her movies and TV appearances. Never in real life, though. What is going on here?

"Hello," Katie said, stepping over the threshold. "Are the kids here?"

"Hello," Tom answered. "They're not here, they're with Lee Anne. I thought we should be alone tonight." He extended the flowers. "I got you these."

"Thanks." Katie took the bouquet and sniffed it, then smiled and put it back on the end table. She closed the door behind her and locked it, then turned back to Tom. He looked from her to the window. The Cadillac was already gone.

"Who were those men who dropped you off?"

"Security and moral support," Katie said after hesitating.

Tom grimaced and then decided he better change the subject. "Did you see Erika?" he asked his wife, feeling her uncertain gaze. "Did she help you?"

Katie took a breath and nodded. "Yeah. Thank you. She was great."


"Yeah," Katie repeated. She glanced around the room and then looked him directly in the eye. "Thanks to her help, I've reached a decision. I'm divorcing you."

Tom felt his heart thud. "What?"

"You've been the most romantic man to me, Tom, and I love you for it, but you're also a didactic prick. If you don't know the word 'didactic', it means controlling. You've been that way to me. You've been a selfish coward too, letting the wrong people make your decisions for you. I've had enough of that for a while now and I'm finally taking action. I can't be part of this life you've built any longer. I'm divorcing you and I'm taking our daughter with me. I have a new friend who's going to help me write a tell-all book about our relationship."

Katie held up a finger as Tom opened his mouth to respond. "No. No questions, no words. If you want to convince me not to leave, you have one chance. Here and now, thirty minutes, and you can't preach or get angry. If you do, we're done."

Tom did not know what to say. This can't be Katie, he thought. It can't be! Some body snatcher has replaced her or Erika brainwashed her mind! How in the heck can she be so...

Katie stepped close and put her arms around him, derailing his train of thought. She leaned down to account for their height difference and kissed him hard on the mouth.

Whoa! Tom had not felt such unfettered passion from a woman in a long while. He could not recall Nicole ever kissing him this hard, not even after he agreed to let her attend swinging parties with him and John. Tom's giving those parties up out of jealousy and his church leaders' demands was one of many things that motivated Nicole to leave him and among the toughest decisions he'd ever made. His first wife Mimi had never kissed him this hard either, not even after he told her he was converting to Scientology as she had wanted. Lee Anne had come close their first time together, maybe, but that had been over thirty years ago and Tom had given her up as anything more than a sister and good friend. His current wife, Katie, had not once kissed him like this before now.

"Katie?" he asked as she pulled away.

"This is the real me," Katie answered his shock. Her tone was firm, emphasizing each word. "The woman, not the little girl who doesn't know what to do with herself. I know I haven't shown this person to you before but you better get used to her. She's here to stay. However, to keep on loving you she needs some very strong convincing."

Katie kissed him again, and Tom felt his insides shake. Her arms pulled them closer together. She placed one of her hands on his groin and confirmed what Tom already knew. He was hard, attracted to the strange new Katie, and it wasn't just the Viagra he had taken a few minutes before her arrival. Tom wondered if he could really persuade this new Katie not to follow through on her stated plans. If, indeed, he could ever induce her to do anything.

As she bore him down towards the living room floor and put his hands on her body, he realized trying might be among the best or worst experiences of his life.


London, England. The Next Morning.

"So he likes the new you?" Erika said into her phone. "He said you had him at 'hello'? That's great, Katie!"

She listened as Katie responded.

"I see. Well, I think that's a good idea. Don't take things too fast. I know you want to stay with Tom but you may not want him to know that just yet. Remember that Keri and Shane are on call if you need anything, Taron and Melissa too. Believe in yourself, okay?" She paused again. "Thanks, I will. We'll talk again soon."

Erika ended the call and put the phone down. She then turned to the other two naked people with her in the master bedroom of Inside Out's penthouse. They lay beside one another on the white mattress of the well-lit room's king size bed. Sheets and blankets were in a heap on the floor next to their discarded clothing.

"That was Katie," Erika said. "She's okay. Tom likes the new her better than the old."

"Tom appreciates the new Katie?" Alicia Witt asked, grinning. "Wow."

"Hey, I liked her," Doug Ramsay said. His sky blue eyes sparkled as he laughed. "I'm glad Tom knows what's good for him."

"He may not yet," Erika replied. "Katie got him to agree to join our church's shadow reformation and reactivate his Friendship status, but she's still working up to an open marriage. They will also continue avoiding anything that might get rid of the tabloid attention and protesters. Tom's publicist wants them to maintain the veneer of scandal to keep up public interest." Erika's tone communicated that she didn't like that idea. "Katie is following your plan, though, Lish."

"That's good," Alicia said. "I wouldn't want to think all that fingering I gave Katie while we discussed the plan distracted her too much from my words." The redhead ran a hand through her cap of crimson curls and looked at the wall. Erika recalled that she was reluctant to take a direct role in affairs before. Then Alicia heard the tape Doug recorded of Katie's talk with Erika and changed her mind. Upon entering his office at the first session, Doug erased the tape as Katie stipulated. An apology and odd smile later, they became intimate acquaintances. Alicia soon gained the same level of trust. The five of them talked much in the days after the first session. Shane, Keri, Clarke and others also participated. Katie had learned to assert herself by the time they were through.

Both she and Erika were also briefed on the plot Doug and John Travolta had concocted. The things the scheme had achieved helped Erika get over her initial disappointment at not being taken into their confidence before Tom's call. Katie gaped when she was filled in, and subsequently agreed to join the Friendship when Doug made the offer. "A chance to take part in your plans for my life," she said. "How can I say no?"

"Maybe Katie's marriage will stabilize now," Erika conjectured in the present. "Katie can motivate Tom to fix his issues. What do you think, Doug?"

"Well, do you know the story about the boy and the Zen master?"
