Past Becomes Prologue


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My wife grabbed the bottle out of my hand, took a swig and kept it. "I came home one day after cheerleading practice and saw your father bent over on all fours with Matt giving it to him. Hard."

"No shit?" Don whispered.

"She stayed and watched," I said accusingly though I didn't know exactly how that would help me get out of trouble with her.

"I did," Mary Ellen said unapologetically. "It was actually kinda hot. But mostly I watched because I never thought anybody could get enjoyment from Matt's endowment. He's not a small guy."

"So we've heard," DJ muttered.

"Your dad was loving it. But somehow I knew that it was just sex and nothing more for him. Matt I worried about, but your father --" she finished the sentence with a shrug.

DJ asked, "It didn't bother you?"

My wife sat on my lap. "No. Not at all. After they finished, we talked and he told me as much. Selfishly, I also thought that if he was having sex with my brother then he wouldn't find another woman. I'm not really a jealous woman, but your father was a catch -- still is, most days -- and as long as he was getting his needs fulfilled with Matt I didn't have to worry about him running off with someone else."

"Just...damn," Don said. "This is just some shit to find out. Is it true you told him he could still mess around with Uncle Matt?"

Mary Ellen didn't hesitate. "Yes. As I'm sure you know, I don't have a penis so there are things I can't do for him. I understand and respect that. But, your father being the good man he is, instead of taking me up on the offer, he cut things off with Matt. Not just for me but because he knew that if he didn't it would end up hurting Matt in the long run. Even though he didn't admit it until a few years later, we all knew back then that Matt was gay and that he loved your father as well. So now we have toys that your father says satisfies him, but I know it can't be the same. I've told him if he wants to find someone else --"

DJ interrupted, "Seriously?"

She shrugged. "Yeah. Why not. It's just sex, not love."

"These are our parents," Don said in disbelief. "Anything else we should know? Does Mom eat pussy on the side, too?"

Mary Ellen smacked our youngest on the arm. She tolerated a few four-letter words but hated crude sexual terms. "Language, Donovan. But no, that's the extent of our sexual deviancy."

"You guys are so much cooler than you were an hour ago," Don admitted.

My wife got to her feet. "And with that praise, I think we should head back to the house. The girls, for as nice and polite as they are, it's obvious they are ready to go."

"Yes, ma'am," the three of us said as we stood and followed her out.


"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course." I put my hand on DJ's shoulder "Anything and always. You know that."

"So, I've been thinking about it and I am going to hook up with a guy. I wanted to know if there's anything I should know ahead of time."

Of all the things I had expected, that was not it. In the days since our Thanksgiving conversation, I had seen and talked to each of the boys but the topic of my previous exploits had not come up. I could see the questions and curiosity on their faces but also knew that they'd come to me when they were ready. I thought the questions would be more about my own mental state and sexuality and not my firstborn asking me for advice on being with another man. "Well, first of all -- and this seems like a given -- there's no pussy. Only ass and dick."

DJ looked at me like I was crazy.

I explained, "I only say that because it's one thing to know that, it's another thing to be confronted with a hard dick and a guy looking to use it on you. Even if you're not bottoming, it's kinda expected that you'll suck him off or at the very least jerk him off and if you've never touched another dick before -- which I'm assuming you haven't -- it's a weird experience. Not bad, just different. I mean you know what to expect from an erection but when it's not yours it has a completely different feel. And just think about how your crotch smells after a rough day compared to Tina's. That's what you'll be dealing with if you decide to suck it."

DJ nodded his head slowly as understanding sunk in. "Oh."

"Yeah. I assume you'll probably be topping so that part, the mechanics of it are pretty much the same as when you tried to get inside Tina's ass. But again, there's a difference between knowing you're going to be fucking a guy's ass and doing it. The good part is if a guy is willing to bend over for you, then he's not going to make you stop because you're too big. When I was with Matt, one of the things that made it so hot was the challenge of taking him. You'll probably find that to be true with your eventual partner."

"And what if I want to bottom?" He asked quietly, almost embarrassed.

"Hey," I said sternly. "Nothing wrong with that. Nothing at all. It's just sex, not a measure of your masculinity. But, I promise you, it takes a man to be able to take a dick in the ass for the first time and be able to admit he liked it. No matter how much you prep and stretch, it's going to hurt. Just accept that. I don't want to tell you to power through it or anything like that because you have to do what you're comfortable with, but don't let the pain stop you. Once you get used to it, boy howdy, it's a whole different world. You ever have your prostate stimulated?"


"Shit, Deej. That'll be a nice surprise. You'll know it when it happens. But aside from that, just feeling a hard dick in your ass is a pretty special thing. I'm not going to say that you should do it once. Getting fucked in the ass is not for everyone and that's something you have to decide. It's a level of vulnerability -- not submission, vulnerability -- that you've probably never experienced. If you try it and don't like it, you don't like it. But if you try it you might like it. I'm glad I did. And I miss it. Like your mother said, having a piece of plastic up my ass isn't the same as a warm piece of flesh but it gets the job done."

"Okay. Thanks."

A few days later I was surprised to have a similar conversation with Don. He had never given any indication that he was interested in fucking guys and after the conversation in the barn, I thought he'd be the one to talk his brother out of it. However, unlike DJ, Don told me he was going to be hooking up over the upcoming weekend with a guy to try it out. So when he asked, I gave him pretty much the same advice I had given his brother.

"Dad. It was fucking awesome," Don said to me Monday morning as we rode some horses to survey the farm. "I had never felt anything like that."

"You went through with it," I said only half surprised.

"Yeah. And I kinda wish I had done it sooner."

"Top or bottom?" I asked out of curiosity, though I expected him to have only wanted to top.


That did surprise me. "Both?"

"Yeah. It was his first time, too, so we both wanted to try things out. I fucked a load into him, then he fucked one into me. We even swapped blow jobs and came in each other's mouths. Sucking dick isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Cum, that's definitely an acquired taste but, surprisingly it's not something that I would avoid."

I couldn't help smiling at the happiness Don was radiating from his first male-male experience. "Sounds like you had a good time, then."

"I did. We both agreed we'd do it again sometime. Might even become a regular thing."

"Nice." While I was happy he was exploring his sexuality, the father in me didn't want to see him hurt his family. "Just remember, you are a married man with kids. Be safe, be careful. And, if you haven't talked to Amy about this and have her okay, please don't get caught. I'm not advocating lying and cheating, but I also know that not everyone is as understanding as your mom."

"I get it," Don said thoughtfully. "And I appreciate the concern. I'll be careful."

A few days later, I was out with DJ having lunch and he told me he had also hooked up with a guy over the weekend and had a long night of man sex. His partner had also been new to it and they had shot multiple loads into each other.

"And it was amazing feeling his cum inside my ass," he said finishing his story.

"You didn't use a condom?" My voice was tight with anger.

"I know," DJ said placatingly. "But I trust this guy. He was clean and so am I. I understand that you can't believe everyone about stuff like that but he wouldn't lie to me. Not about that or anything."

I had been concerned when his story matched Don's a little too well but hearing his unwavering expression of trust put me on edge. There was no one in DJ's life that I knew of that he trusted as much as he trusted his brother.

Over the next few days and weeks, each of my boys came to me sharing details of their most recent encounter with his new friend. With each story, I became increasingly convinced that they were fucking each other. I wanted to ask, knew I should, but part of me really didn't want to know. And because they both seemed to be happy about it, I left it alone. After all, they were adults and could make their own decisions.

"Fuck you! You did no such thing!"

Don laughed at his brother as we sat on our bales of hay in the barn after Christmas dinner. "Fuck you, back. I did. I swear it happened. We were sitting in the booth at the back of the restaurant. She got me so hot and bothered that she opened my jeans and started stroking me. When I came, she put her mouth on me and swallowed it down. The server came up during the middle of it -- it was James, the guy who took Rachel Peterson to prom. He didn't even bat an eyelash as he dropped off new drinks."

DJ asked, "Is that why he's so friendly with you now?"

"Yeah. He's hoping to maybe get in on a threesome."

"Would you?"

Don thought about it for a second. "With the right person, sure. With him, hell no."

"Hmm." DJ looked thoughtful. "I could do it. But only with the right person."

"I bet Dad's had a ton of threesomes." Don gave me a knowing look. "Haven't you, big guy?"

"Surprisingly, no," I responded.

DJ looked surprised. "Really?"

"Why would you think that I had?" I asked out of curiosity.

DJ shrugged. "Because of the dicking around you did with the guys on your team back in the day. I mean, that seems ripe for at least a circle jerk or two in the showers or locker room. Something like that."

I tilted my head in thought. "I guess some of that would qualify but when I think threesome, I think bed and making out. There was none of that in the showers. And with Matt when we weren't in the showers it was just us."

"That's kinda surprising," Don said. "Would you ever?"

I chuckled. "Your mother's pretty open-minded but I don't think she would go for that."

"Without Mom," DJ suggested. "If it were you and two other guys. Would you?"

I actually thought about that for a moment. "Sure it might be fun. I mean hypothetically since I'm not hanging around guys like that anymore."

While I spoke, I saw Don glance at his brother. He then gave me a sly smile. "Want to?"

"What do you --" I broke off as Don reached over and placed a hand on the back of his brother's neck then pulled their mouths together to share a kiss that was wet, deep and completely unrestrained.

Not knowing what to say or do, I stared at them in silent shock. I had suspected it was happening, but it was not the same as seeing it happen in front of me. I knew that as their father I should stop them, lecture them, be angry, do something, anything to prevent this from continuing. But the guy in me, the one who had enjoyed and missed being with another man, watched the display. I saw DJ's full lips pull and suck on Don's thinner ones, watched their tongues tease and fight each other shining with the spit they shared. I heard the soft moans of pleasure they each emitted as well as the softer wet sounds of their moist kiss. Don's hand had remained on his brother's head and was slowly running through the thick locks. DJ's hands removed his brother's cowboy hat and pulled his hair out of its low ponytail. As I watched them make out without displaying any awkwardness, I had the sense that this was not as recent of a thing as I had thought. When they finally separated, panting heavily from both arousal and diminished air flow, I asked the question that had come to mind. "You've been doing this for a while, haven't you?"

As he placed a hand on his brother's leg, Don was the one to answer. "No. It went down the way we told you. We didn't start doing anything until that weekend. It's just we really liked it. We didn't know the other had been feeding you the same info, but when DJ found out I had talked to you, we knew you knew. From there it was a short leap to figure you didn't disapprove and that, maybe, you'd be interested."

I stared at them speechless, again warring with myself. I was definitely flattered that my sons were interested in messing around with me, but I was their father. There was no permutation of the order of things that ever made that okay. Brothers fucking each other could be dismissed as youthful exploration, even though DJ and Don were well beyond what would be considered an acceptable age for that. The moment that I touched or even looked at one of my sons that way, I would be entering a situation that could only end badly.

Yet I continued to stare and said nothing while they looked at me in a way I had never seen before. There was a look of arousal and desire in their eyes that was unmistakable. But each of them also stared at me with the look of a man that knew he was going to get what he wanted. Not in a nonconsensual, rapey way, but in a way that men have when they know they aren't going to be turned down. Despite my hesitation, it was obvious they viewed me as a sure thing and the lengthening bulges in their pants were testament to that fact.

I could not say I wasn't a little curious. From the moment the thought entered my head that they were messing around it stirred up those old feelings that I had suppressed. Mary Ellen had learned to work magic when she wielded a dildo but it wasn't the same. There was something special about having a hard dick inside me that a piece of plastic or rubber, no matter how lifelike, just could not replicate. And knowing that my sons were discovering that pleasure only made the lack of it in my life that much more acute.

It wasn't until I felt DJ's lips on mine that I realized that he had moved. The kiss was soft and hesitant but had more than a fair bit of insistence in it. The longer his lips remained pressed against mine, the more my restraint lowered. When I felt the firm tip of his tongue peek out of his mouth and trace along the closed crevice of my lips, my will to resist dissolved. I opened my mouth slightly in a sigh and he used the small breach to push his tongue all the way inside. As he gently massaged the inside of my mouth I couldn't hold back a moan of pleasure. DJ kissed me gently and without the initial hesitation and I found myself melting into it as I returned the kiss. I couldn't believe it was happening but any reluctance I had felt about doing it faded into the distance. When he finally pulled back to break the kiss I found myself leaning forward not wanting it to stop.

"Don't worry," he said with a chuckle between a few more pecks. "There's more of that coming."

"My turn," Don announced from behind his brother.

I watched him approach over DJ's shoulder until my oldest son moved away. My eyes went wide as I saw Don step between my legs with his balls and erection sticking out of his fly. His hard cock seemed to defy gravity as it pointed upward toward the top of my head. He had refastened the button of his jeans and belt above them, framing his genitals like the work of art they were. From having caught him in the act a number of times and having seen him navigate the house before school with his morning wood, I knew he was hung. But seeing a hard dick in an objective, dispassionate, paternal way was much different than seeing it hard and pointing in my direction knowing that I was its eventual target. And feeling it was a whole different thing. Don leaned down to kiss me and as he did, he grabbed my hand and moved it to his dick. His hand was slightly larger than mine and his long, callused fingers covered mine as I curled mine around his length. Despite his thick length, I was surprised to find that in my hand his dick actually felt noticeably narrower. When I didn't immediately begin stroking him, he moved my hand along his length and even after I began to do it under my own power, I could still feel him gently guiding me. For as large as he was, I expected there to be some give in his erection. However, he was at least as hard as if not harder than my own smaller dick ever got. The skin covering it was velvety smooth and the whole thing radiated the heat of his arousal which was amplified by the cool winter air around it.

While I came to terms with feeling my nineteen year-old son's cock, he kissed me every bit as gently and thoroughly as his brother had. Where DJ's mouth had tasted mostly neutral, Don's mouth was slightly spicy and I found it matched his natural scent. He was also more confident about it, which I assumed had to do with the fact that DJ had been the one to break the ice. His thin lips were firmer against mine than his brother's had been but were no less pleasurable and we both moaned into each other from the sensation. When he finally broke the kiss and stood upright, I continued to slowly stroke him.

After a few tense, silent moments, Don moved his hand from guiding mine to place it on my head. With gentle pressure, he pulled me forward while his other hand pressed his upward pointing cock down to aim at my lips.

I gave slight resistance as the moral part of me reasserted itself. I might have kissed each of them and even been stroking Don's hard dick, but sucking it would be crossing into a world from which there was no return. When his blunt tip touched my lips, I felt a small point of wetness against my skin. Don began to rub the end of his dick over my lips, painting them with his precum. I resisted the urge to lick it but it was difficult because of the heady and enticing scent wafting up to me. His dick and crotch smelled exactly like I remembered a man smelling. Even in the coolness of the winter air, there was the salty smell of sweat that mingled with the complimentary scent of old piss. The strong, spicy muskiness that characterized his natural body odor was stronger here and it reminded me of the way his room had smelled when he lived at home. When I finally parted my lips intending to use my tongue to taste the fluid coating them, he used the opportunity to press forward.

Don's thick bullet pried my lips open further. When it pressed into my partially closed teeth, I reflexively opened my mouth to allow him entry while keeping my lips closed around his hardness. With his entire large crown in my mouth, I was treated to the full flavor of my youngest son. Everything I had smelled was matched on my tongue with the intensity of directness. His musk, sweat and dried urine all assaulted my flavor receptors along with the slightly fermented flavor and grittiness of day old dick cheese from his uncut dick. It was not an unpleasant taste. In fact, it was exactly how dick should taste after a day trapped in jeans and, like an addict who gets a long awaited hit, I let go of any restraint and began working his dick seeking out more of his flavor. As I serviced him, his dick flexed and twitched in my mouth with all the strength and virility of youth. Each time it happened, a momentary surge of precum would enter my mouth. The mostly bitter fluid had a slight sweetness to it that perfectly complimented the flavor of his cock. I wanted more of it on my tongue but muscle memory was taking over and drove me to push his tip to the back of my mouth. I began bobbing on it, gradually taking it deeper. Out of practice, it took some time for my passage to relax but each time his spongy head encountered tightness, it receded with the next thrust. Then suddenly, with about three-quarters of his length in my mouth, my throat opened up and he slid all the way in.