Path of the Necromancer Ch. 03


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Han took a deep breath and calmed his mind, purging himself of the eagerness he knew plagued him and trying to look at the situation from different angles. He knew that to do nothing would create stasis and sound their doom. Yet he also knew that to act in haste would be just as dangerous. Finally, he accepted that change was happened in Seattle. It was merely a decision of fighting on the offense now or being forced on the defensive later.

He opened his eyes and commanded, "Send the scout. Make sure he's discreet." Addressing the entire gathering, he said, "Meet with your clans and have those who would represent you come to the valley at the base of this mountain in two days time. Master Feng will have the honor of commanding this expedition and will take over for Master Long when he arrives in the city once he's been familiarized with the situation."

The clan leaders bowed low, accepting his judgment. Feng had a hungry gleam in his eye as he finally got the chance at power he'd always desired. At last, all the work he'd put in would pay off. Soon, he'd have all the backing and resources required to create his own empire. And then... Well, the Supreme Master wasn't going to be around forever -especially if he gave him a little push. Feng might have thought differently about his position if he'd known he'd been chosen because Han thought of him as being expendable, just as Long had been chosen before him.

* * * * *

Ian and Ember arrived at the apartment and were greeted by Dani and a white-haired beauty. Grim and Scraps were on the balcony fiddling with a new grill they'd bought. Dani waved and pointed to the guest bedroom. "The banshee is still sleeping soundly," she told them. They had ordered a bed for Dani when it had become obvious she had nowhere else to go.

"Sorry to have you sleeping on the couch again tonight," Ian said. "We might need a bigger apartment soon."

Ember let loose her musical laughter and denied in a silky voice, "No way. We just need to get a bigger bed."

Dani blushed and mumbled, "Don't worry about it. The couch feels great and I'm thankful for you guys putting me up."

Ian turned to their other guest and sat down across from her. Her breathing picked up as she stared at him and she cracked a smile. "I still can't believe I'm really alive," she murmured. "Or that I can finally have an actual conversation with you," she added softly.

"Well, technically you're not really alive," Ian said apologetically with a shrug.

She waved this off. "I can feel again," she whispered. "You've no idea how excruciating it's been all this time to live without that simple pleasure. I don't think I could have retained my sanity if not for you. The fact that my flesh is preserved through our shared bond is of no consequence to me." She turned away as color flushed along her pale skin. She actually preferred it this way.

"Being able to still interact with the dead through the spirit magic you gifted me with is also something I will cherish," she continued. "I think it would have felt like losing one of my senses if I had returned without that." She saw him waiting patiently and she sighed. "I suppose you have no idea who I am."

She bit her lip and drew strength when Ian smiled at her encouragingly. "That night your sister died," she began and winced as she saw his expression change, "I was the beast's first victim..." Tears pooled in her eyes as she was able to think about that night with a clarity previously unattainable in her spirit form.

"I'd just turned 19," she explained with a far-off look in her eye. "I moved up here for college from California. My first year was pretty rough. I didn't make any friends and one day I just thought, screw it. Why not? I'd gotten sick of going to movies and parties by myself and getting weird looks. I just wanted to go someplace alone where I wouldn't be judged; where I could be free." She choked out a laugh. "Just my luck that the first time I went hiking I' got attacked by a werewolf."

She bowed her head, as if ashamed, and admitted, "Probably the worst thing that happened was that after it was all over, I was still there. I just felt numb, looking down at my corpse thinking what a waste." Her shoulders shook. "I didn't think of the parents that I'd left behind, the people who loved me and would miss me... I didn't care!" she gritted out, as if blaming herself.

"All I could think about was that I hope the next life isn't as shitty and unfulfilling as this one turned out to be." She looked up and met Ian's eyes with her tear-stained gaze. "I was so close to just giving in and crossing over. I could feel the cold seeping in around me, pulling me towards the Plane of the Divine. Our souls aren't meant to survive here without a body to anchor us... at least not intact."

"Then," she said, that night filling her vision, "I heard the screams coming from your campsite and I tried to run towards the sound. No sooner had I had the thought than I was there in the clearing with you." Her tearful gaze softened and she murmured, "Oh, you should have seen your sister. You didn't have your spirit vision back then, but she was magnificent. She was a blazing Valkyrie with a shield of fire, standing in front of you, protecting you from any who would try to harm you."

She looked down at the table and admitted, "She humbled me. Here was someone who'd lived half my life a hundred times as full and yet she fought tooth and nail against the pull of the beyond to remain long enough to save you. I... I just- I just wanted to do something a fraction as brave and meaningful as she had done before I left this world. I wanted to do something that she might have been proud of."

A shudder ran through her body as she rasped, "I chose to stay. I discovered that the energy you gave off was enough to keep my soul intact. As long as I stayed close to you, I could survive in this world. I watched you grow and found you had the same mettle as your sister. When your parents abandoned you, you remained strong. When you found out that the entire supernatural community wanted you dead, you took it in stride."

"I found in you something worth protecting; a goal that would have made your sister proud." She gave him a sad smile. "In the end, you never needed my help and I was content to simply stay on the sidelines and watch you grow." She paused. "Now, you've given me life." She let out a shaky breath and pleaded in a soft whisper, "Please don't send me away. I still haven't accomplished what I remained behind to do. And... I find I still need to be close to you."

"You've been what every aspect of my being has revolved around for nine years that have felt like an eternity for me," she declared. "I know I've only been part of yours for a short while, but please give me a chance." Ember made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a sniffle before getting up and squeezing Ian's shoulder, then walking off to join the two geniuses still trying to light the grill. Ian reached out and stroked the girl's white-hair. She leaned into him at his touch and he wrapped his arms around her, enfolding her in his embrace.

"What's your name?" he asked his ever-present sentinel.

"My name when I was alive was Becca," she answered, closing her eyes and enjoying the feel of her cheek resting against his broad chest, "but that doesn't seem like me anymore. I don't know if I want to be her. The second chance you've given me has allowed me to start over like I'd always wanted to. I want to be called Eris," she decided.

Ian breathed in the scent of her hair and hugged her tighter. "You need to be close to me?" he asked, repeating her words. She looked up to meet his eyes and froze like a frightened doe. She nodded hesitantly. "Despite all you've seen of me?" he asked, keeping his face neutral.

She nodded again. "Because of all I've seen," she clarified. "I love how you can be compassionate yet devious. You're laid-back most of the time, but when your loved ones are in danger you can unleash a cold fury. You're a leader, but you aren't controlling. You're giving, inspiring trust and confidence in others while asking for nothing in return." Her hand caressed his cheek and she said, "I'm thankful that I died that night, because I got to know you."

He blushed at her praise and lowered his gaze. Then he took her fingers in his and brushed his lips across them. "You said you wanted to protect me?" he asked, his eyes flashing with amusement. "Are you going to be 'my' blazing Valkyrie?" he pressed. Her eyes widened and she felt her heart flutter when he called her his. "Will you wield your sword against my enemies and be my bloodthirsty little lich," he asked, cracking a grin.

She licked her lips and answered raggedly, "Uh-huh."

He threaded his fingers through her white tresses and pulled tight, drawing a breathy gasp. "How many times did you watch while Ember and I had sex?" She moaned as he brought his face close, his lips inches from hers.

"Each and every time," she replied, panting in need, still not believing that this was actually happening. He smiled as she got all hot and bothered. "So many times... You've no idea how often I wanted to reach out and touch you."

Ian seemed to fall into her twin black pools, entranced by the devotion he saw staring back at him. He leaned in and met her lips with his. They both felt an explosion of jumbled sensations as their powers interacted with each other. He pulled back slowly and a trail of Spiritfire connected their lips, bringing about a tingling sensation that made him want to lean in and press his lips against hers once again.

Taking her in his arms, he carried her to the bedroom. She stared up at him and felt the respect and closeness she'd been feeling for him over the course of a lifetime blossom into love. Eris felt afraid when she saw the intensity of his gaze seem to return the emotion and she dared to hope.

Back in the living room, Dani raised her head from the couch and made sure they were gone before collapsing backwards once again. She blinked hot tears from her eyes and knew she'd just witnessed something incredible. It was also easily the hottest thing she'd ever seen or heard and she glanced towards the glass door of the balcony to make sure the coast was clear.

Then she snuck her hand in her pants and rubbed her slit through her panties, closing her eyes and moaning softly, imaging what the couple was doing right now. Her thumb slid under the elastic band and strummed her love button, revving her engine. Her other hand reached up under her shirt and squeezed a perky boob.

She unbuttoned her pants so she could stick her whole hand down her panties and really go at it, giving her tiny rosebud a pet before lodging three fingers deep into her pussy. She struggled to pay attention to any outside sounds that might alert her to someone coming over the squelching of her cunt juices.

Raising her hips and arching her back, she felt herself reach the edge and backed off slightly, choosing to walk a tightrope of need as she drew out the anticipation and, ultimately, the pleasure. She stoked her fires higher and knew her release was going to be a big one.

Again she took herself close and backed off, using pain to stave off her final curtain call. She grabbed and clawed her sensitive inner thigh with one hand while pinching a nipple harshly with a second and digging into her clit with a third hand and- 'Wait... what?' she thought, before opening her eyes and freezing in horror.

Leaning against the couch's armrest, staring down at her with an evil smile, was the succubus, the arrowhead at the tip of her tail pressed flush against her sensitive nub. A wicked gleam was visible in Ember's eye as she twisted the tip of her tail, drilling into the girl's exposed clit and pushing her over the edge.

Dani was powerless to do anything to preserve her modesty or lessen her embarrassment as she shuddered through an immense orgasm, thunder sounding in her ears. Ember watched the writhing girl with a hungry expression. By the time the aftershocks had finally died down, the emotion caught up to Dani and she found her eyes wet with tears as she tried to cover herself.

"Shh," Ember cooed, lowering her head and licking the tears that fell. "All you had to do was ask... My, what pretty, unkempt pussy you have." She licked her lips. "That's one hell of an entrée you're toting between your legs, girl. Don't be embarrassed."

Dani looked up at the demoness from her vulnerable position and felt as if she was being swept along a current and no matter what she did her destination would always be wherever Ember wanted. The succubus leaned down, pressing her sizeable tits into her arm, and captured her lips with her own.

One of her captor's hands tugged back her shirt, revealing two cute handfuls capped with bright pink, mouthwatering nipples. The other hand snuck down her body to her pussy and threaded fingers between her silky pubes, pulling up sharply. Dani gasped into Ember's mouth at the sudden discomfort.

The succubus stood and started walking away, her fingers still intertwined in the girl's delicate fur. Dani yelped and jumped -as much as one can jump from a completely supine position- and almost tore the hairs out at the roots when she fell off the couch. She quickly scrambled crab-legged after the demoness who was tugging her along by her pussy hair.

Finally, her tormentor released her Achilles heel and Dani collapsed on her back from the exertion. She reached up and covered her brow with the back of her wrist as she tried to calm her rapid heartbeat. Her eyes shot open in alarm when she felt the demoness straddle her and she looked up just in time to see Ember's pussy smother her mouth and nose.

Dani bucked and struggled as her air was cut off. The succubus smiled and ground her hips down appreciatively at the sensations her victim's gasps were inducing. Ember's tail began wind-milling behind her, slapping against Dani's exposed cunt with harrowing frequency. The sexy young death dealer's muffled cries stirred her tormentor's passion and Ember got drunk off the mix of pain and pleasure with a hint of fear her young prisoner was giving off.

Finally, Ember slid back and let her prey suck in air greedily. She used the hand covered in Dani's own juices to explore her mouth. The girl grunted her displeasure before reaching out and trying to shove Ember off of her. The demoness's eyes rolled back into her head as Dani's hands contacted her tits and she squirmed in bliss, sliding her hips forward again and smothering Dani, but this time her arms were locked above her head and she was completely helpless.

Just as the annoyed girl was starting to dread how long this torture might go on for, some of Ember's nectar slid into her mouth and her eyes glazed over as the potent aphrodisiac took effect. Soon she was raising her hips desperately to meet the strikes of Ember's tail as she lapped eagerly at her cunt.

* * * * *

Ian took Eris's hand and led her to the edge of the bed. Reaching behind her neck, he brought her head close and locked his lips to hers, enjoying the small shock he felt as they connected. Using his other hand, he glided it down along the center of her dress shirt, burning away the buttons that hid her succulent breasts.

She moaned into his mouth and threw her shoulders back, exposing herself to his eyes. She hadn't been wearing a bra and he reached out to lightly pinch a rosy nipple, rolling it between his fingers and causing her to gasp and rub her legs together. "God yes...," she enthused. She was still getting used to being able to feel again and his touch was causing an explosion of renewed sensations that threatened to overwhelm her senses.

He moved her so she was facing him with the bed behind her and gave her a gentle push backwards. She fell atop the bed and looked up at him with a lusty expression. He knelt and kissed her exposed navel, causing shivers to run up her frame. With half skill and half desperation, he whisked away her pants in the blink of an eye and massaged her panty-covered mound, watching as a wet spot formed against the fabric.

Eris closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip, her hands coming up to fondle her breasts in anticipation. Dragging the skimpy fabric down her long, silky smooth legs, Ian stared at her pretty, shaven pussy leaking a steady stream of nectar. He smiled and leaned forward, blowing softly on her hood, and watched her clit twitch and come out to play.

She squirmed under him and clenched her fists around two handfuls of the blanket, desperately wanting him to stop teasing her, but knowing from all she'd observed that he controlled the pace and would build her orgasm until its roar filled her mind. She screamed as he caught her by surprise, giving her a long lick from rosebud to clit, relishing the wetness along her slit.

Then he backed off and began kissing up each of her thighs, teasing her relentlessly. When he reached her puffy pink lips, he sucked them hungrily before his tongue dived into her soft opening. "Fu- fuck!" she cried out, wrapping her legs around his head and threading her fingers through his hair. She rocked her hips and squeezed selfishly, trying to get his tongue to reach deeper.

Catching herself, Eris released him with an abashed expression. He chuckled at her eagerness and stuck two fingers inside her, curving them upwards and massaging her weak spot. Her mouth opened in a silent scream as a small orgasm caught her by surprise. Then he started circling her unveiled clit with his tongue and she found herself in a never-ending cycle of bliss, twitching madly as she gave up coherent thought altogether.

When a particularly large release thundered through her she was left breathless, her limbs numb. Ian rose to his feet, a satisfied smile on his face, and stripped out of his clothes. Then he knelt on the bed beside her hips and rubbed the tip of his cock up and down her soaked slit.

She managed to feebly turn her head as she felt heat warm her sex and froze as she saw him poised to enter her. He met her eyes and Eris felt tears pool in them as she realized her long-held fantasy was about to become a reality. Her breathing picked up as her excitement increased and then caught as he plunged into her.

She arched her back and screamed, "Yes!" His prick sunk deep into her and they both felt the same tingle of Spiritfire engulf their linkage and spur them on. The white-haired lich wrapped her legs around him and feverishly tried to accept more of him. Ian gripped her creamy hips and drove himself forward, backing out slightly, then plunging deeper.

Eris kept her arms flush with the bed and pushed off, eagerly taking all Ian had to offer and urging him to be rougher. Green flames broke out along her arms as they blazed in Ian's eyes. The power of the two clashed together and seemed to flood through them as they increased the pace. "Fuck yes," she moaned. "I've waited so long... so goddamn long."

Ian smiled down at her, starting an intense rhythm. "Sorry," he gasped. "I'm sorry you had to wait. That I didn't know..."

She released another moan. "It was worth it," she finally made out. "Just don't ever order me to leave your side."

He felt them both reach the edge and he sent a charge of energy to push them over together. They screamed out their release and she shuddered through a full minute of aftershocks, nerveless and twitching. He collapsed atop her and hugged her to him, brushing her hair. "Never," he murmured.

* * * * *

Kristin Moriarty looked out at the city of Seattle from her skyrise hotel room and had to clamp down on the glee she felt at being in the sprawling metropolis. Cloistered away at her father's estate or playing the silly court games that the other nobles of the high families of necromancers were so fond of was insufferably boring and oppressive.
