Pat's Pounding Ch. 03

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Futa! Mom sissifies Son.
2.9k words

Part 3 of the 10 part series

Updated 04/17/2024
Created 02/05/2024
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Pat's entire world had become his ass; he was oblivious to all his discomforts, such irritations not meriting even as background noise. He didn't feel the dull ache of stretched tendons from his uncomfortable position. He didn't feel the building pressure behind his eyes from his head hanging upside down. He didn't feel the discomfort in his splayed hands, as muscles, unused to exercise, shook from strain. No, all he could concentrate on was his mother's thumb, feeling impossibly thick, slowly, inexorably pushing its way inside him.

Although having only just started, it was the strangest feeling he had ever experienced in his life to date; he was discovering sensations in a part of his body that, until now, had remained chaste. Despite his difficulty concentrating, Pat, in a moment of clarity, understood that his mother's assault on his anus wasn't just physical but mental. Now, thanks to the somehow simultaneously soft but rough pad of his mother's thumb rubbing his insides, he was aware of his walls. Such awareness prompted a small but significant erosion of his masculinity, for, in all his erotica readings, only women understood what it was to experience penetration. Unbeknownst to Pat, this realisation, brought on by his mother's thumb, it being the vehicle for physical and mental change, was his first step towards accepting sissydom.

Regardless of the momentousness of this experience for Pat, it was not long before he felt the base of his mother's thumb push into his burning ring. Here, she paused, thumb motionless inside of him. Feeling her still, Pat couldn't stop the warm feeling of love exploding in his chest at her thoughtfulness for him, even if he had wanted to. However, unknown to Pat, his mother's reason for stopping was not out of consideration for him but instead her taking the opportunity to pre-emptively gloat.

'Watch this,' she silently mouthed to their onlookers while ensuring she had Daniel's mother's attention.

Until now, Pat had only experienced discomfort as his mother carved out a space inside him. That soon changed. He was expecting his mother, as all the other mothers had, to spend time searching for whatever mysterious secret lay inside of him. What actually happened was very different. From one moment to the next, Pat's entire world changed. They both moved at once: Julie pushing on Pat's p-spot and Pat falling forward onto his knees, ass up in the air with his face on the floor.

For Pat, the pleasure was nearly indescribable; it was like nothing he had ever experienced before. Although he had on a few occasions in the past experimented with masturbation after constantly hearing from his friends how good it was, the pleasure such brought him paled in insignificance next to this; before he would rub his penis and quickly orgasm, any enjoyment swift, fleeting and felt only in his small member. Now, though? Now, he could feel waves of bliss spreading out from his ass, leaving his whole body, as bizarre as the comparison was, feeling like warm butter.

Unbeknownst to him, his pleasure wasn't just visible in his boneless fall forward, the tight curling of his toes, or even the fluttering of his eyes. It was visible in the long, thin string of cum that dripped from his tiny, rock-hard penis. Upon seeing such a potent reaction from Pat from just a thumb in his ass, the spectating mothers went wild, easily eclipsing the passion of their former celebration at seeing Pat's tight boi-pussy.

'Fuck! FUCK! Now, that's an ass just made for breeding!'

'You LUCKY bitch! What did you do to deserve a sissy like him?'

'I almost feel sorry for him. With a p-spot like that, his mind'll soon be mush. Lucky sissy.'

During the obscene observations from their jealous onlookers, Pat's mother wasted no time before kicking things up a gear. All without removing her thumb from his boi-cunt, she quickly manhandled Pat, pulling his penis and testicles between his legs and then shutting them closed, leaving him in the same position as before but now with his clitty and tiny marbles at her mercy. Once she had him positioned as she liked, Pat's mother really set to work; Julie pressed her thumb with firm frequency on his p-spot while she wrapped her other thumb and forefinger around the base of his balls, pulling down until they bulged in her grip.

By this point, Pat could have been renamed Faucet, and such would have been accurate; his little dicklet was constantly dripping thin streams of semen onto the floor. It wasn't long before the pleasure that had been slowly building throughout his entire ass started to reach a peak.

'S-something's h-h-happening,' he squeaked red-faced.

Despite being reasonably familiar with experiencing an orgasm, none had ever felt like this; not only was his ass radiating pleasure to his entire body, he felt a massive build-up of something between his clitty and boi-cunt.

'Don't let him cum!' barked the priestess. 'Not before the ceremony!' At the priestess's interjection, Pat's mother turned to her while pulling her thumb from her son's ass.

'What do you think I am? An amateur?! This sissy might be my first son-sheath, but he isn't my first slave. I know what I'm doing!' As she said this, she ignored her son's pleading whines and gyrating ass, using the hand that had brought him so much pleasure to inflict pain. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Showing no mercy, she destroyed his desire to cum by slapping, with light force, his still pinched ball sack.

His reaction to the harsh treatment garnered much laughter from those watching: held by the balls in such a vulnerable position, his attempt at crawling away was left thwarted, leaving him rocking back and forth, moaning in discomfort at his chance at reaching climax being so callously ruined. Strangely, though, although he couldn't wait to experience more of the new form of pleasure he had just been introduced to, he loved being denied by his mother; her domination of him was a pleasure that transcended the physical, such bringing him mental bliss. Fuck, I loved that! That was the best moment of my life!

Once she was sure he wouldn't cum, Pat's mother let go of his aching balls and started to rub small circles on each ass cheek; he lay there basking in both the fading pleasure of his near orgasm and the feel of her gentle massage. For a brief moment, silence descended as the mothers came to terms with what they had seen; a virgin responding the way Pat did to such comparatively little anal stimulation was nearly unheard of. Julie used this time to comfort her son and bask in the warm glow of total victory, a cheshire grin lighting up her face; Daniel's mother, once so assertive and confident, now unable to meet her eye, had been put in her place.

The short silence, broken by Sam, was not shattered quietly. 'FUCK ME! Julie, you lucky bitch! I've never seen a virgin nearly come as quick from their boi-pussy.' Both her face and voice were awe-struck. Her expression quickly changed, though, to one of playful mischievousness. 'Have you been cheating? Did you train him before you came here?'

Pat's mother had not stopped comforting him during her friend's questioning. 'Give me a minute,' she told Sam, her tone relaxed. She moved, graceful as a lioness, until she was squatting next to his head, her mouth grazing his ear. 'Did you like that, my sissy slut?' she whispered, her breath hot on his face. His frantic nods had her huffing a quiet laugh. 'Good, I'm glad to hear it. Do you like being my sissy slave?' Again, his head fiercely bobbed in the affirmative. 'Then prove it: lick up your mess.' Pat baulked, never having considered tasting himself. Seeing his hesitation, his mother threaded her fingers through his hair at the nape of his neck, pulling his head back until he looked at her in the eyes.

'Pat, this is vitally important. Listen,' saying such, she tugged his hair, making sure she definitely had his attention. 'To me. If you want this to continue, and to get even better, then you have to do what I say. You can't pause or hesitate. Being obedient will make this more pleasurable for you, but don't ever forget,' here she stared deep into his eyes, noses and foreheads almost touching. 'My pleasure is paramount. Your pleasure is always secondary. And, for me and the women here like me, we get a large part of our pleasure from watching our sons being good sissy sluts, and being subservient. Do you understand?'

It was fair to say that Pat had a lot of confusion and even more questions about this whole situation, but he understood the main idea.

Obey her, get pleasure. That sounds deliciously easy!

He nodded his head as best as he was able, with his mother gripping his hair. Seeing his agreement, his mother kissed him on the forehead. 'That's a good sissy. Now, follow me.' Using her grip on his hair to steer him, she had him turn around, still on his arms and knees, until his head was hovering over the puddle of his cum. Pat struggled to believe he had made such a mess. All of this came from me? Usually, I only dribble out a few drops!

As soon as she had him where she wanted him, she wasted no time before pushing his head down towards the small pool of his cum. Although he had acquiesced to his mother's demand regarding his submission, there was no way he would ever enjoy this; the sweet flutter in his belly from being dominated, especially in front of others, did not outweigh the bitter, salty taste of his watery ejaculate. He licked it up as fast as he could to get it over with quickly, trying to distract himself with thoughts of the pleasure to come.

So focused on his task was he that he missed the look of disgruntlement that appeared on his mother's face. Briefly giving Sam her attention to motion for her continued patience, she quickly returned her focus to her son. While he continued his task, she again set about rearranging his position. 'Don't you dare stop,' she instructed him, tone frosty. Without waiting for his compliance, she moved his legs so that he was no longer resting on his knees but instead, with the exception of his uppermost torso, lying on the floor. From there, she spread his legs, creating an upside down 'v,' at the top of which lay her objective; his dribbling dicklet and tiny nutsack.              

While she waited for him to finish, she toed off her high heel, flexing her toes. While she waited, she noticed Sam's son Joe staring at her feet. Feeling her attention on him, he looked up from her well-pedicured foot to meet her eyes. Immediately, he blushed. Deciding to have a little fun with him after Sam's teasing of her own son, she blew him a kiss. However, before she could progress further with her teasing, she noticed that her son had finished cleaning up the mess she had pressed from his pathetic cocklet. Julie gave an exaggerated pout of disappointment at Joe before concentrating again on her son.

Julie walked toward him, stopping between his legs. 'Don't move, my little slut. Put your face on the floor.' Hearing his mother address him in a manner that was quickly becoming familiar, he complied quickly, thinking that he was again to be the recipient of that unmatched pleasure from earlier. Suffice it to say, he was wrong. Julie stood over his vulnerable body, remaining motionless, allowing the tension to build. Then, with no warning, she lightly placed her barefoot on his insignificant manhood and marbles; so small were they both, they fit under her foot with room to spare.

'Here's your next lesson, slut. If I order you to do something, you NEVER,' as Julie raised her voice, she too started to gradually increase the pressure her foot was exerting upon his pitiful package. 'Rush it unless I explicitly instruct you to do so. I shouldn't have to tell you this, sissy! Well?! What do you have to say for yourself?'

Blindsided by this extreme reversal of his expected fortunes, Pat was less than verbose with his apology. 'I-I'm s-s-sorry! SORRY!' he gasped and shouted simultaneously, the pressure between his legs quickly becoming painful rather than merely discomforting.

His mother eventually removed her foot after leaving him to suffer in silence for a few seconds more. 'You're one lucky sissy. If we didn't have places to be,' she explained, respectfully nodding to the priestess who playfully mimed tapping a non-existent watch on her wrist. 'And this wasn't your first time making this mistake, then your punishment would be... harsh, to say the least.'

'Ladies!' the priestess called out, clapping her hands loudly to get everyone's attention. 'We've gone way off the road here. Get your sluts in the bath. Chop-chop.' At her direction, the mothers who, until then, had been standing around watching Pat's domination at the skilful hands of his mother grabbed their sons under the arms and lowered them into the still white liquid until only their heads remained visible. Pat wasn't long in joining them, his mother sliding him into the warm bath the same way a husband would his wife. 'Sissies,' the priestess, standing at the edge, began. 'This is a potion to remove all of that pesky hair that might give you notions that you are somehow still a man... which, after what you're all soon going to experience, is pretty unlikely. BUT! It never hurts to be safe! So, while you're in there, keep still and don't get any on your face!'

After the priestess finished speaking, she and the mothers left the room via a door opposite the entrance. A tense silence immediately descended. Pat, now no longer caught up in the moment, was mortified that not only had these unfamiliar guys seen him nearly cum from his mother playing with his ass, but so too had his friend Joe. The first one to speak was his friend: like his mother, Joe's problem wasn't being quiet but never shutting up.

'I bet this wasn't how you pictured this summer going, eh Pat?' he joked.

His attempt at levity, weak though it was, broke the tension, the other boys weakly chuckling. As they all laughed, Pat, again for what seemed like the thousandth time, was grateful he drank that calming draught at the start of this whole crazy adventure. Thank fuck for that potion. It's the only thing holding me together.

'You're damn right, Joe. I thought I was in for a boring as fuck summer trip with my mom to some place full of greedy assholes. I never thought I'd be the one with the greedy asshole.' With his self-deprecating quip, the other boys started to loosen up, laughing genuinely. His wisecrack, so out of the blue for him in an already strange situation, achieved what was until then thought impossible: he left Joe speechless.

'Nothing to say, eh Joe? That's a first,' he taunted, relishing in one of the few verbal victories he had ever scored against his friend. Looking around at the other youths, he didn't recognise anyone. 'So,' he started, curious if they knew what was coming next, 'do any of you know where our moms are off to? Or do any of you know what else is in store for us?'

One of the boys, silent so far, haltingly spoke. 'I'm not supposed to say. Hell, I'm not supposed to know...' Here, he drifted off, gaze hazy with recollection. Seeing the other boy had become lost in his own world, Joe piped up, eager to cover up his previous silence. 'Well?! What's the big secret? Fess up!'

The lad, brought back to reality by Joe's blunt inquisitiveness, sighed. 'Are you sure you want to know?'

Joe's response was cutting. 'No, I don't. I'm just asking you to pass the time. Damn it, man! Of course, I want to know! My ass could be on the line.' Pat didn't miss his unsubtle dig at what he had let happen to him earlier. Fuck you too, Joe.

The boy laughed in Joe's face. 'If only you knew.'

'Know what?!' Joe demanded, patience visibly wearing thin.

'Look around, you idiot! Have you seriously not puzzled it out? he mocked. Pat didn't understand. Joe did, though. 'No,' he whispered, eyes comically wide, mouth hanging open. 'No way.'

Frustrated at being left out of the know, Pat demanded an answer. 'Are one of you idiots going to clue me the fuck in?'

For the second time in as many minutes, Pat witnessed Joe speechless. Seeing that his friend couldn't clue Pat in, the other boy spoke up, tone weary. 'Your mother, she has a-', he was abruptly cut off by the noise of their returning mothers. From his position, Pat had a perfect view of them re-entering the room.

Oh my God!

He didn't notice the tight, back corset pushing up his mother's massive fantastic tits, leaving her rock-hard nipples exposed to the chilly air. He didn't notice the black nylon tights connected to a black garter belt, such emphasising her incredible ass. He didn't notice the black fuck-me pumps doing amazing things to her long legs. What he did notice, however, was what was between her legs: a massive penis, easily the length of his forearm, while not yet being fully erect, accompanied by great pendulous balls swaying underneath. Suddenly, things made sense.

My mother has a fucking DICK!

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AnonymousAnonymous14 days ago

I am fully engaged to this story. Penetrate my ass and I will be your willing slaved forever.

Lustdemon76Lustdemon764 months ago

Hopefully this "ceremony" is in the next chapter and the boys get completely sissified

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