Paula: The Girl Who Couldn't Say No Ch. 3

Story Info
She is forced into public humiliation.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 11/27/2000
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This is a continuation of my series.It can be read as a stand alone story or better still, read the first two episodes first.

Chapter 3

Paula sat opposite me fidgeting nervously.She was looking down at her red painted toenails as if the answer to all the world’s problems was etched into them.John was enjoying making the gorgeous blonde sweat.He always did.She was under no illusions.She knew that he had total control over her.Not only did he have a tape of her confessing to sleeping with seventeen men but he also had several tapes of her stripping,sucking and fucking.Sure the confession of her infidelities was just her lying to him to get her jollies but he didn’t care that it wasn’t true.All he cared about was that it had given him the lever he needed to blackmail this beauty into doing whatever his sordid little imagination could dream up for her.

However…she had thought of an escape plan to get her out of this predicament.Paula had talked her husband into moving away.Five hundred miles away in fact.

Paula had enjoyed the sex with John.Her husband wasn’t interested.She was a trophy wife and nothing else.Great legs,great tits,great face.The total package.But James was very seldom interested in her.He lived for his work and it had made him rich and powerful.

The last thing a rich powerful man wanted was the whole world seeing his wife laid bare on tape for anyone to see.His little princess stripping and being fucked and giving head and…Oh my God! Paula thought… John took me up the ass!

Paula looked up from her toes and looked straight at John.Be brave she thought.Brazen it out.

“If It’s sex you want we’ll have to be quick.James is home in an hour and he has plans”

“You both have plan don’t you Paula.Did you think I would just let you and James move five hundred miles away to a condo on the coast without letting you say goodbye to your friends”

Paula was shocked.She had hoped to move away this Friday coming.She had talked James into moving quickly in the hope John didn’t discover anything.But too late!She was busted.

“I’ll tell him to cancel the deal”She whispered. “He won’ t like it but I’ll tell him I’ve had a change of heart”

“No need” John replied nonchalantly “You’ve served your purpose almost completely”

“What do you mean?…almost?”She enquired.

“Well I’ve had my fun.I took a pillar of the community,a Stepford Wife almost,and turned her into a fuck toy who has to do my bidding completely.You have just one more task to perform and you can move away and your little peccadilloes will be left behind in this town.Your husband will remain blissfully unaware of what a slut you have become”

Paula was nervous.She was on the edge of escape but she had learnt better than to trust John.It wasn’t long ago that he had handcuffed her and taken her anal virginity.She was almost too nervous but she had to ask.

“What task”

John circled around behind her and gently kissed her neck.He breathed in the scent of her heady perfume.Paula always had a wonderful Parisian perfume on.He delighted in her smell as he put his arms around her alabaster neck and slowly undid the top three buttons of her blouse.

“The menfolk of this town deserve a farewell from you.They have all lusted after the unattainable Paula.The upstanding wife of a pillar of the community!”

John finished undoing the blouse and pulled her around to face him.She was trembling.Good! he thought.The bitch is going to be paid back bigtime for trying to run away from me!

“Please” Paula pleaded.”What do I have to do!”

John took a business card from his pocket and slipped it into the middle of her cleavage.Paula retrieved it and quickly scanned it.

“This is the address of a bar in town?What the hell has this got to do with anything?”

John had decided to end the teasing and put the blonde out of her misery.Apart from anything else he was dying to know her reaction.

“Tomorrow night that bar is shut.Or I should say that normally it is shut.It only opens on a Wednesday for a special occasion..and guess what?It WILL be a special occasion!For one night only there will be a special appearance by a high quality stripper…YOU!”

Paula’s eyes widened and her breathing faltered.She couldn’t believe what she was hearing…Her!doing a strip!Doing a PUBLIC strip!She gulped and found her voice.

“Not a FUCKING chance mister!Let’s get one thing straight now…It’s NEVER going to happen!”

This was exactly the response John had anticipated and looked at her almost pityingly

“My dear Paula”He began,as an adult explains to a small child.

“Do we need to go over this again?If you strip for me and my invited guests you get to sail off into the sunset and put all your troubles behind you…If for some reason you do not appear for the show my friends and I will be bitterly disappointed.You see I have already promised them that the woman they have thought was unattainable will lay bare her modesty for them,layer by tantalising layer.You wouldn’t want them to lose out on your farewell to the town would you? Well…would you”

Paula was blushing a delightful shade of red by now.She knew she couldn’t say no to John as the consequences were too dire to even contemplate.

“You will come to the bar won’t you Paula?And then you will give a show won’t you?”

Paula nodded in defeat.the earlier petulance had disappeared

“And once on the stage you will give my friends a good performance.No half measures.I demand nothing less than your finest effort.”

Again a nod.

“Pretend to be enjoying yourself.I don’t care if you are or not but you will entertain my guests with a smile on your face and a spring in your step”

To Paula’s amazement he began to button her blouse back up

“Who..who have you invited?”she stuttered.

“When you turn up you’ll find out.That’s all.You can go home to James.Run along!”

Paula rose from the chair and found her feet.She was still in shock and didn’t look back as she left John’s house.

Wednesday came quickly for John.But not nearly quickly enough for the hundred residents of the town who were gathered in the smoke-filled bar.There was something Paula didn’t know.Every single person present knew Paula.They knew what a wonderful looking woman she was and that her husband knew nothing of her stripping tonight.They had all paid $20 for the privelege of being there and every single one of them considered it money well spent.

John was standing at the back entrance as the card had instructed Paula to arrive there.There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that she would go through with it.She had too much to lose.

The knock on the door was quickly answered and as Paula entered John locked the door behind her and pocketed the key.He grinned at her as she looked at him in discomfort.

“No escape now Paula.Glad you didn’t let me down babe…there are a lot of horny guys waiting to see you naked”

Paula blanched visibly.She was shaken to the core and several times during the day she had thoughts of making a run for it.The lifestyle she had with James was too much to lose.This was a high stakes game and Paula knew it.As of course did John.

“I..I..can’t go through with it…not in front of all those men.What if...”

That was as far as she got as John cut her off.

“Look Paula you are doing it!.They are ready for a show.I have the key to the back door and the only way out is through the front.That was locked the moment the last guest arrived.If I tell them you don’t want to perform they’ll strip you anyway!They are horny guys!I couldn’t stop them!”

Paula started to sob.The poor girl was terrified at the prospect and John had to reassure her.

“Look babe..there were two of my friends on the door.Everyone was frisked for cameras on the way in.Do the show and get your life back.When you hear the music start just come on stage and do what I told you…okay?”

Paula nodded her acquiescence.

Paula looked around but John was gone.She heard the music start and went through the backroom door and onto the small stage.She was instantly dazzled by the strong spotlight that engulfed her.The smell of tobacco and strong drink assaulted her senses.She had instinctively covered her eyes to shield them from the beam.

From the wings she heard John’s voice.

“Drop your hands Paula and begin the routine!”

“Yeah Paula…and that won’t be all you will be dropping tonight will it!”A voice yelled from the shadows.

Paula shuddered at the crude comment and heard others even worse.She thought she recognised the voices especially the first but in her current state she struggled to identify them.

Paula was wearing a business suit as she had been instructed.She had her hair scraped back behind her head in a ponytail and wore a pair of glasses.She hadn’t worn them since she had contacts fitted but John had ordered her to dress like a high powered businesswoman.She thought it was a strange request but John was in control.Very much in control.

To the crowds chant of “Get on with It!”Paula hesitantly began her routine.The blonde closed her eyes and raised her arms high above her head.She moved rhythmically to the music and every man there hooted their approval.Her hands went to her jacket and slowly and provocatively she unbuttoned it and with a flourish it was soon discarded.

She was trying to act seductive but Paula was feeling more alone than she ever felt in her life.Her hands went to the button of her skirt and the noise of the crowd hit her like a wall.She was unnerved but did as John had bid and smiled back into the darkness.A very thin,weak smile was all she could muster.

Paula realised that there was no turning back and she unzipped the skirt.It slid over her knees and formed a pool around her feet.She was wearing stilletoes.Stupid idea she thought but it was another request.She stepped out of the garment and the crowd went wild!she was now left wearing an almost transparent blouse through which you could see the red lacy brassiere beneath.At her throat was a tie to add to the businesswoman effect.The blouse was short and Paula was left showing a red satin pair of bikini briefs cut high on the thigh.The overall package was added to by the addition of stockings and suspenders and the black high heels.

“Come on Paula..get more off!!”

The blonde was startled to hear the cry close by from the front of the audience.Her eyes snapped open.

A huge smile came across John’s face.As the bitch had danced she had closed her eyes and he had taken the opportunity to slowly turn the lighting up.It had come as a huge shock to her when she opened them to look into the crowd.

The shout Paula had heard had come from her eighteen year old nephew ,Stephen.Sitting at the same table as him were her next door neighbours son Anthony( whom she had babysat as a child!) and their friend Simon who packed her groceries at the local shop!

“Keep dancing Paula!”John hissed from the wings.

Paula stalled and threw the crowd her clip-on tie.Joyously Stephen grabbed it in mid air and shrieked his delight.The glasses wasted a few more seconds…

“Come on Paula…your nephew was eighteen last week.Give him a thrill!”John implored her.

Paula wobbled on her high heels and was struggling to keep her composure.She slowly unbuttoned her blouse as she once more perused the crowd.

She was horrified!It contained many of her neighbours,delivery men and tradesmen…hell!Even the boy who cleaned the pool was there!

She had undone her blouse on autopilot and realised that it had to be discarded.Paula twirled it above her head frenetically and her tits wobbled from side to side in an effort to escape the confines of her bra.

As she released it the blouse sailed through the air and was eagerly clutched to the chest of her postman.

The music continued and so did Paula.The crowd cheered their approval as she slowly undid the stockings and suspenders.The crowd both implored her to continue and called out what sexual practises they would like to engage in with the blonde.

She slid the silks from her smooth legs and threw both the stockings and suspenders from the small stage and into the crowd.A mad scramble ensued as the fight for mementoes broke out.Paula saw her husbands friend Dave emerge triumphant with a garter.This was the same man who had propositioned her at every company party.The same man who stared at her cleavage and ogled her legs and here she was being forced to show the letch exactly what he had wanted to see for all these years.

Paula stifled a sob and turned her back to the crowd to unclip her bra.

“Turn back around aunt Paula..I want to see those tits”Stephen cried.

Paula was beaten and she turned towards her audience shame-faced.As she slid out of her bra as sexily as she could manage her twin orbs of loveliness were exposed to her “friends” and acquaintances.The bra fell to the ground but was quickly snatched away by a man she recognised as her old music teacher from school.

Paula bent over and her tits swung downwards.As she shook them they jiggled delightfully and the crowd lapped it up.She strutted her stuff up and down the stage.All the time feeling sick to the pit of her stomach.

As she continued to dance everyone took in the sight before them.A beautiful blonde in high heels was performing for them.She took the scrunchie from her hair and tossed her head from side to side.

The crowd gasped their appreciation both at the cascade of blonde locks now swinging free as she gyrated and at the sight of her magnificent tits unfettered at last.Her small,button nipples topped off her twin orbs of loveliness.The crowd wolf-whistled and cheered and Paula hooked her thumbs into the red silk material of her panties.

“Not so fast Paula!”John shouted

“You will masturbate for us all but still with your panties on.Unfortunately every man here can’t fuck you but you will cum for us all…understand? “

Paula reeled at the thought of the shocking act she had to perform and its dire consequences.

“You cannot remove those panties and finish the routine until they are stained with your own juices.I want to know my princess is enjoying herself as much as we are..understand?”

Finding her voice Paula begged and pleaded with him.The crowd were hollering bawdily at the prospect of the next chapter of the show.

", please, you can't do …… I can't do that, I can't!"

"You will and you will do it now. The men in the crowd leered at the almost naked Paula. She continued to search for mercy, begging them, silently, with her big, hazel eyes.

"Go on Paula, get on with it, and stand with your legs slightly apart facing us and cum for your fans." John ordered.

Poor, humiliated, Paula knew that she had no choice. Tears rolled down her cheeks, as a sheen of perspiration formed on her naked chest and breasts. Very reluctantly Paula reached down to her perfectly toned ,perfectly flat stomach. Smoothing it with the flat of her palm she continued down to her panty covered mound. The crowd quietened and gawked at the spectacle before them as she moved aside the thin material and moved her right hand under the hem and onto her pubic hair. For one last time Paula looked at John hoping against hope for mercy, praying it was all a joke. But it wasn't.

She cupped her now, slightly moist, pussy, then grasped the lips firmly, massaging them with her fingers.

"Oh yes, go on," came an encouraging plea from the crowd. Paula pushed down and into her mound, groaning slightly as she inserted her index finger into her slit.

"Oooohhhh," she moaned, closing her eyes once more as she pushed slightly against the intruding finger. She moaned gently as she felt her own finger begin to create stimulating little circles inside of herself. Conscious of the need to come as quickly as she could so as to end her ordeal, Paula removed her finger and sucked it into her mouth, wet it, and put it back inside of her pussy, attacking it from under the top of her panties this time.

The men went wild, frantically stroking their hard erections openly through their trousers. Finally Paula was being forced to enjoy the proceedings.

Paula became more horny, as she tried to shut out the men and concentrate on the need to come.The sooner she came the sooner she could finish her strip and leave. She cupped her hand over her pussy mound and gasped as her fingers rubbed over her stiffening clitoris. She had done this many times before, but only ever in private for her own self satisfaction.she had never thought in her wildest dreams that she would masturbate in front of a hundred of the men who knew her best. Teasing it further she nipped the erect little bud, and quivered as two fingers slid up into her slit. She now used her thumb to massage her clit and she could feel herself coming. Paula gasped urgently, as her hips were grinding down now in hopeless abandon against the attentions of her own hand. Her lovely, exposed ass clenched and opened under the feel of her own touch, and she threw back her head on the verge of orgasm.The red panties were staining with her own juices as she shuddered near to the end.The crowd rose to their feet and applauded as the blonde collapsed exhausted.

“Get to your feet and finish the show” John ordered.

Paula rose on her stilettoes before kicking them off and into the sea of faces before her.She once more began her dancing but knew that the small scrap of red material that was her only clothing left was next to go.

As she twirled and gyrated and bent over to the delight of the men her panties were staining more from her own earlier frigging.The wonderfully white twin peaches of her ass were tight and firm and the red silk set them off wonderfully.

Paula once more hooked her thumbs into them and lowered them slowly as she rocked her hips to the music.As they made their way past her knees the men gloried in the view of Paula’s wonderfully manicured pussy.It was a view none of the audience would have ever have expected to see.

The blonde removed her red silk panties and threw them into the crowd and they were soon lost to a lucky admirer.A memento of a glorious night.

As the crowd cheered and shouted their approval of the strip show the ashen-faced Paula spun on her heels to escape into the back room.The events of the night had overcome her.

“Not so fast lady!”

Paula turned and looked quizzically at John.Surely no more? she thought.

“Like I said earlier.This is your finale.Your swansong if you like.Walk through the audience and show them the glories of your womanhood.The strip was nice but let them see your naked beauty up close and personal!"

Paula was shaken to the core at the thought of parading close by these…these animals.Her garbage man was amongst them for Christ’s sake!But there was no other option available and Paula was very aware of that.

“All of you listen up!” John yelled above the din.

“If you remain seated Paula will continue the show with a walkabout.You can touch her but that’s all.If any of you grab at her or rise from your seats that’s it.The show will be over!I want NO marks on her!”

The announcement was greeted by cheers and whistles again.As far as the men were concerned this was just getting better and better!

Paula stifled a sob and began a journey around the acrid,smoke filled room.The men were even more raucous than they had been at the beginning.They were now fuelled by the beer and whisky they had imbibed copious amounts of.

As Paula circumnavigated the room she knew she had to pass every table to satisfy John.As Paula walked past the first table a man…Derek her occasional taxi driver she thought…reached out and gently cupped her breast.She stood there helpless as he sucked her nipple to attention.The man sitting next to him inserted his middle finger into her sopping wet pussy and gently stimulated her clit.She looked at him…Oh my God!she thought…Billy her West Indian “friend” from the café around the corner!