Pay It Forward Ch. 05


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"Dad, I'm sorry. I didn't want to embarrass you. I wanted to talk to Alison about some rumors she has been spreading about my relationship with Darren. She got loud and became aggressive. I tried to walk away when her friends, Benita and Joyce joined in. After they jumped in, I had to defend myself. Mrs. Black, the floor supervisor walked in and we were all reprimanded." Sharon explained.

Jeffrey sat and listened. "Sweetheart, how long have you dated this young man.?" He asked. He knew she was seeing a guy that was not of their social circle. Jeffrey Jr., his son, made sure he knew. He never interfered in their kids' lives, but if she was getting into altercations over this young man, he needed to intercede.

"I want him to join us for dinner Sunday." Jeffrey demanded. " Before you say, no. As your father, I have the right to meet the man you're dating. After today, my interest in this young man has peaked. I want to meet him Sharon. I'll make sure your mother knows so arrangements can be made. Sunday, dinner is at the house at six. Understand."

Sharon started to protest, but one look from Dad. She shut up and nodded. "I'll tell Darren."

"Now, get to work." Jeffrey ordered.

Sharon stood to leave, but Jeffrey said, "Come here." And he gave her a big hug. "I love you, baby. Now, stay out of trouble."

Sharon hugged her dad back and went back to work. Mrs. Black had reassigned both young women, and Sharon had been placed to geriatric for the day. She assisted two patients that were new admits, and difficult for the staff to deal with. Soon half of the day was gone, and she went to lunch.

Sharon grabbed a sandwich at the deli when Alison and her crew entered the café. She didn't feel like another argument, so she took her lunch and went back to the hospital. She finished her shift and was happy to head home. She needed to see Darren. After today, she needed him. She drove straight to Darren's apartment. Unfortunately, he was not home, so she sat on the stoop. Darren drove up and smiled when he saw her waiting for him. He quickly parked and rushed over to her. He was happy to see Sharon sitting, but one look at her face and he knew something was wrong.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked as he walked to the stoop.

"You can read me like a book. Just a bad day at work." She answered, not wanting to relive the events of the day.

"Come on in. Let me shower and change. We can go out and get some dinner." He suggested. Sharon stood, and stopped him. The she kissed him on the lips and said. "I missed you today."

Darren quickly showered, and Sharon lay down in his bed. It smelled like him and before long, she was asleep. Darren walked into is bedroom and watched her for a moment. He'd just turned twenty and was just starting what he hoped would be his career. Sharon was golden. She was perfect and deserved the world. He knew she grew up privileged and he wondered was she with him because she cared for him or was he just a bad boy to her. He knew she thought she loved him, but what if she realized one day she didn't.

Once again he pushed any doubts of his lover from his thoughts, she loved him. She was here with him. That was proof enough. Smiling down at her beautiful face, as she slept, he bent down, kissing his darling Sharon lightly on the lips, deciding to let her have 40 winks. But, just as he began to pull away, her arms went around his neck, pulling him down to kiss him back. Darren stretched out beside her and held her close. He was exactly where she wanted him to be.

He hated these dark thoughts, but at work the guys ragged him often. He'd dismiss them, but in the back of his mind he wondered. Normally he'd talk with Kevin, but he was working. So he watched her sleep, and soon she began to stir.

"Oh God, what time is it?" Sharon asked.

"A little after eight, you were tired. I've been keeping you up too late." He added as he slid into bed with her pulling her to snuggle against him.

"No, I had a harsh day. And needed to see you, that's all." She explained as she yawned.

"Baby, what happened" Darren asked. Sharon loved her job, but it was clear that something was not right.

"Nothing, just a woman. It was nothing." Sharon answered as she moved to leave the bed.

Darren gripped her waist. "Sharon, baby. You're not telling me everything. What happened?"

Sharon closed her eyes. The women at work were making her doubt him. As was her own self-doubt. She'd met his sister and they were nothing alike. Where Clemmie was tough and streetwise, she was sheltered. What if he was just wasting time with her until he met a woman with whom he had more in common? She opened her mouth to vocalize her thoughts, but the words would not form. Darren seemed to know, and he gently stroked her cheek, kissed her temple and held her close for a moment.

"Sharon, I love you baby." Darren whispered. "As much as that scares me to admit, I need you to be honest with me alright. What is really wrong?" He asked as he pulled her back into his embrace.

Sharon hugged him back. She could not imagine her life without him in it. Darren became nervous. "Oh, I got in trouble at work and ended up in my dad's office. Some girl kept saying things and I had enough so I called her on it. We had words and ended up being reprimanded. My dad called me in and now I have to bring you to dinner on Sunday." She explained.

Darren smiled. Then he asked, "What did the girl say? What was she talking about?" he asked.

"Darren, am I just a fun time for you? I mean Alison said..." she stopped talking.

"Who is Alison?" Darren asked, confused, She looked away. Then he stopped and thought about his own insecurities.

"Sharon, you can have any man you want. Are you slumming with me? Wasting time until Dr. Right comes along?" Darren asked.

Sharon looked at him, surprised. "How can you doubt me? Darren, I love you. You're everything to me." She insisted.

Darren smiled, "You're everything to me, Sharon. Those other women are jealous. Don't listen to them. They don't know about you and me. They don't know about this here," he explained placing his hand over his heart.

If she hadn't lost her heart to him already, those words and that gesture would have sealed her fate. "Oh Darren." she whispered as she moved to embrace him. Darren pulled her close as she straddled his lap. She could feel his hard cock pressing into her, turning her on. She wanted him like never before. She wrapped her arms tightly around him. She moaned letting him know how much she wanted him. He could feel her nipples pebble through her thin top and press into his chest. He was hard instantly, and wanted her. But she didn't need that, she needed to be treasured,. She needed reassurance. He'd be patient and just hold her for now. Sharon had other ideas, and soon he felt her hand grip and caress his thick cock. Stroking him slowly, she stared at him.

No words were needed, everything showed in her eyes.

He could no longer wait. He kissed this amazing woman. Within minutes Sharon repositioned her body and slid her hot box over his throbbing member. Darren groaned. "Baby, wait. Condom, we need a condom." He whispered.

"No, I want to feel you, all of you." Sharon whispered, as she rode him slowly, making claim on her man. She wanted to brand him. She wished she could somehow mark him, so every woman he encountered knew he was taken.

Soon, Darren felt his balls contract. He knew he was going to cum. "Baby, baby, wait." He hissed. He wasn't a virgin, but he'd always worn protection. He'd never in his life gone bareback until now. So within minutes, he was about to explode. "Sharon, Sharon," he hissed. "Stop, please."

She growled, as she seemed to become possessed and rode him fiercely, shoving him over the edge. Darren screamed as he shot copious amounts of cum into her unprotected womb.

When she felt him climax, Sharon too came. Breathing hard and fighting for breath, Sharon lay his arms, holding him close.

Darren held her tightly. "I love you so much." She whispered.

"I love you too, baby." Darren whispered.

Darren held her and laughed. "Now what time am I expected for dinner? : he asked.

Sharon laughed, "At six, and I need to give you the 411 on my family."

"You know after I meet your parents; you'll have to me my family as well.' Darren teased.

"I've met your family. Clemmie is great. And your roommate Kevin is alright, kind of grumpy, but alright" Sharon explained.

"No you have not been formally introduced. If I'm meeting the Simms, the you have to meet the members of my family." Darren teased.

Sharon groaned. And then she laughed. She loved this man and he loved her. They belonged together. Sunday, she'd introduce him to her family and they could decide for themselves how they felt. She hoped they liked him, but even if they didn't she did.

"Hey Baby," she whispered. "I'm hungry. Can we please go to Moo Shu Chang's?" she asked sweetly.

"Yes woman, I was waiting for you to wake up." He teased.

For the rest of the week, Sharon arrived at work and simply did her job. Alison and her friends tried to goad her, but she'd think about her night with her lover and just smile at them. On Friday, Darren stopped by the hospital, and brought her lunch and flowers.

"Hey Darren? What are you doing here?" She kissed him before she could finish his thoughts.

Darren kissed her once more. "I'm taking my woman to lunch."

Sharon smiled, and kissed reveling in the feel of his arms.

As they were leaving for lunch, Jeffrey saw her leaving. "Hello young man. I take it you are Darren. I'm Sharon's father." Jeffrey extended his hand. Darren looked him in the eye and shook his hand.

"Hello sir. It's nice to meet you." Darren explained.

"So, you're Darren James. There has been a lot of commotion here this week about you. I just had to meet you." Jeffrey teased. "Well you two enjoy your lunch. Darren I look forward to talking with you, Sunday." Jeffrey added before he left.

As Darren and Sharon turned to leave, Sharon heard her Dad say, "Alison, my office now."

Smiling, she left the hospital with her man.

Darren walked into their bedroom of the new home they were purchasing to find Sharon smiling. "What are you smiling about?" Darren asked as he walked in to find his fiancé smiling as if she had a wonderful memory.

"Nothing, just thinking about the first time you met daddy." She teased. "You came to the hospital to take me to lunch and he stopped us." She laughed. You played it cool, but you were so nervous, I thought you'd crush my hand."

Darren laughed then. "Funny, I was scared shitless. But you dad is good people Sharon. Now that brother of yours, I don't know. But your parents are golden." He added.

She shoved him playfully. "He's a groomsman in the wedding. I thought you liked him?" she asked

"I like him, but if he keeps flirting with Clemmie, my other brother, Michal will kick his ass. Then I'll have to take sides, all because your brother can't take no for an answer." he explained jokingly. "Think you can set him up with that girl from your job, Alison?"

"Oh no, not her." Sharon declared laughing. "My brother is a pain, but she might break him for good." But then, maybe a woman like Alison was just what her pompous spoiled brother needed. He only dated bourgeois women, and Alison was down home. She realized that girl was not all bad. After their encounter at work the other woman sought her out to apologize. She realized that she was out of line and assured her that she and Darren never had anything between them but friendship.

Being a forgiving person, Sharon listened and she and Alison learned to tolerate each other. They weren't friends, but they weren't enemies either.

Anyway, enough about them, I thought we were christening the house. Darren whispered he nibbled her neck. Quickly and deftly, he removed her top and had her naked beneath him in minutes.

Laughing, Sharon played along. "We don't have much time. Momma and Delia are stopping by to work on wedding stuff." She moaned as she gave into what she wanted.

Undressing quickly, Darren, mumbled. "I'll be quick."

Sharon laughed as her future husband proceeded to make her forget her own name.

The next several months seemed to fly by. The wedding was a week away, and everyone from both families had started arriving. Darren was so excited; it had been over a year since he'd seen all three of his brothers and he was looking forward to being with them again. Michal was arriving first, and he and Sharon were eating dinner at the MacGregor's to welcome him home.

Clemmie had finally gotten JJ to accept the fact that she wasn't interested, and now Darren was not worried about fall out between him and Michal.

Michal MacGregor was excited about returning home. He came back for the trial a year earlier and managed to convince Clemmie to visit him in LA. She actually came for a short visit after he left, and it was the most glorious time of his life. He now worked for Lang Corp as a junior vice president, so their time together was shortened. But he called her every night. She knew how he felt, and he was certain that even though she hadn't admitted anything, she care for him too. Now at the age of twenty-six, it was time she accepted that he was her man. She belonged with him.

Then he thought about Darren and Sharon getting married, and laughed. He was so happy for his brother, He never saw either one of the guys as anything but. He couldn't wait to rag on him.

Gianni was a in the graduate program at Pembridge and he was so proud of him. And Kevin, man it seemed years had passed since he'd seen their more mercurial brother. Yes, Michal was glad to come home at last for this happy occasion.

When he finished Pembridge, he approached Clemmie and told her how he felt. She was hesitant, doubtful. She wanted him, but she wanted to stand on her own first. She hugged him, and he kissed her putting every ounce of love he had into that kiss. Clemmie cared for him, but she needed time.

So, he had asked to be assigned across the country. Clemmie told him she needed time, and he would give it to her. Clemmie, with encouragement from Delia, had become a registered nurse. After Michal announced that he was moving to California, Clemmie became depressed. She loved Michal, but the sadness she felt was more than that of a friend leaving.

You know. a small voice whispered. Clemmie pushed it down. I'm not what he needs. Besides, he can have any woman he wants. He doesn't want someone like me. She castigated herself. Over time, Michal came home to visit for holidays. Delia insisted that he come home every Christmas.

His first Christmas visit home was bittersweet. Although he loved seeing his parents and adopted brother, his heart raced at the thought of spending time with his woman.

Unfortunately for him, she had him locked in friend mode. No matter what he did, she'd remind him they were friends. It was his second visit home when Michal lost his composure with his reluctant lover. He'd gotten up and driven to her apartment to take her out for breakfast. They went to a local Denny's and were enjoying their morning meal. Two guys came over and spoke to Clemmie. She smiled and flirted with them, much to his discomfort. Clearing his throat, she introduced him as her friend. That was it, the last straw.

"Yeah, I'm her friend. Or so she wants you to believe. If you gentlemen don't mind, my friend and I were trying to enjoy our breakfast and time together before you came over. We'd like to continue our meal in private." Michal insisted.

"Ok, sorry dude. Hey Clem, we'll see you later." Both men replied as they left.

"Michal, that was rude. How dare you speak to-" Clemmie began chastising him.

Michal had heard enough. "No, you listen. You claim to see me as a friend when you know I want more. You claim to care, but yet you flirt with those guys in front of me. I know to you like to think I'm a kid but the truth is Clemmie, I'm not a little boy. I'm twenty-four years old; I'm a man, and you know it. You want to pretend I'm your friend. You want to act like you have no real feelings for me, then fine. I will not sit here and watch you flirt with other men. Not when we both know you belong to me." He concluded his tirade.

Clemmie stared at him speechless. "Who do you think you are? Michal, I've told you why we won't work. You're like family to me." Clemmie insisted.

Michal had heard enough. He stood to leave. He'd call a cab to get her home, but right now she had to be away from him.

The rest of that visit was tense. He and Clemmie barely said two words to each other. Then he came home for the trial. He recalled how she embraced him when she saw him.

"Michal" his name sounded so sweet on her lips. "You're home. I'm so glad you're home."

He held her close, inhaling her scent, knowing he couldn't' let her go, ever. He sat with her and held her through the short hearing and rejoiced with her when that monster was sentenced. He was nervous, but he wanted her to come to him. So he invited her out to LA and she agreed to come for a week. It was the most magical week of his life. Now he wanted her to come to LA with him once more, but this time for good.

When he returned to Los Angeles this time, Clemmie was coming with him. Not just for a visit, but as his wife.

He would not rush her, but do it the right way. He'd ask Darren for her hand. When he arrived at the airport, he drove straight to see Darren. He was doing this the right way,

Darren was in his element when Michal arrived at his shop. Michal stood for a moment and admired his brother. Who would have thought seven years earlier, the angry guy he met in a detention center, would be marrying one of the most amazing women he knew. He loved Sharon just as much as he loved his brother. He loved her even more because she took care of his heart when she was hurt. For her care and compassion towards Clem, Michal would always be grateful.

"I see you still don't handle frustrations well." Michal teased as he finally entered the garage.

"Michal, man you are early." Darren stopped working to greet his brother. He'd seen him last year but he didn't come home as often as he used to. "Ms. Delia let you out of the house." Darren teased.

"I haven't been home yet. I wanted to ask you something first." Michal explained.

He sounded so serious that Darren stopped. "Man, let's sit. What's going on?" Darren asked. This had to be serious if Michal came to him.

"Darren, I'm in love with Clemmie. I have been in love with her for years." Michal spoke candidly. "But I'm sure you knew that already. As a matter of fact, I know you knew. You teased my ass enough." He laughed.

Darren laughed as well. "Yea, boy we all know you're sprung. But you left and rarely come back, right."

"She said she needed space, so I gave it to her. But that's sort of why I'm here. Darren I want to ask your permission to marry Clemmie."

"Damn, boy, you don't need my permission. You've always had my permission. Damn boy, you have to get her to agree." Darren said excitedly. "Can I tell Kevin and Gianni? Man this is big. I'm calling Sharon, she'll be tickled pink. You know you have to talk to your Dad, right. This is big, man huge. Let me congratulate you first."

"No, not yet, let me ask her first. She might slap me and tell me off." Michal explained. "But, I'm not taking no this time. She belongs with me." Michal declared.

Darren smiled. He knew this day was coming. He saw the way Michal watched Clemmie when they were kids. He witnessed him crying when she was hurt. He saw how he stood by and pretended to be just a friend, when it was clear to everyone else, he wanted so much more. Yes, Michal had his blessing. How could he deny a man that loved his sister so completely. He couldn't, and he wouldn't.