Pay It Forward Ch. 06


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Both breathless, drenched in sweat once more, they simply held each other close for a moment. Soon Clemmie move to leave the bed. Michal held her tighter. He simply didn't want to let her go.

"Baby, bathroom, I need..." she whispered, chuckling at his reluctance to be away from her for even a moment. "OK, I have to go to." He answered laughing at himself.

After the time they shared tonight, Michal knew he had to be with her forever. There was no way he could let her go. If she refused him, he'd be crushed, but he'd do everything he could to convince her that they belonged together. They'd spend the day together, and he'd propose after the wedding. He could wait a few days. His biggest fear was that she'd fine a reason to say No. But after last night, he was praying she'd say Yes.

Clemmie returned to bed and Michal went to the bathroom. As she lay in bed waiting for her lover to return, she smiled to herself. They had the whole day together. She wondered could she convince him to move back. That way they could all be close again. Then she thought about her visit with him in LA. She loved it. It was just the two of them. No interruptions, no nosy baby brother. She enjoyed her time with him. She'd actually looked at employment opportunities in the LA area and found that she could find work easily.

She would love living in California. She wondered would he consider having her move there. Soon Michal returned to bed and they snuggled. Once again they fell asleep,

The next morning, sunlight crept across the warm, toasty room, waking the two inhabitants.

Clemmie woke first, and watched her lover as he slumbered. She leaned over and kissed his brow. After that she put on her yellow night shirt and made a quick breakfast for the two of them. Michal awoke to the smell of coffee and toast and his lover's side of the bed empty. He didn't like waking up alone so he slipped on is underwear and searched for her in the small apartment.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." She teased, as he greeted her with a scorching morning kiss.

"Good morning, Love." Michal whispered. "You're all mine today, remember."

"Yes, but breakfast first." She answered. "I'm starving."

Michal laughed. "Well, baby. You've got a younger man. You have to keep up. I mean, I can easily wear you out."

Clemmie laughed and shoved him away playfully. "You might be younger, But boy I am going to teach you some things you'll never forget." Then she pulled him close and kissed him.

Michal was hard and ready to go once again, when Clemmie pulled back. "No, you have to go home and change. I bet your parents were worried. Did you even call and tell them where you were?" She chastised him.

"Baby, I'm a grown ass man. I have been on my own for years. I don't have to report to Mommy and Daddy anymore." He explained.

Clemmie laughed, "Oh right, but I'm older. Call your Mom and let her know you're OK." She demanded.

"Yes ma'am" he teased. "Go shower and dress, I'll call."

Clemmie hit her showers and Michal called home. Delia was glad that he called but she figured he was at a friend's home visiting. She was happy to learn he was at Clemmie's. They hung up and she asked Shaun. "I wonder how long we have to wait for an official announcement."

Shaun smiled, "Um he's proposing this week. I think after the wedding. So honey, we might have another wedding to help plan."

Delia smiled. She knew her son loved this girl. He'd been in love with her for years. Just as she knew that Clemmie had fallen completely in love with her son. They were so great together and they both deserved the happiness their union would bring them.

Michal dressed and he and Clem rode back to his parent's home. As they arrived, Michal went to shower and change as Shaun was headed out and met them. He and Clemmie talked for a moment. He loved talking with the kids and he would truly miss them when they moved to LA. Soon Delia walked in and greeted both of them; she was so happy to see them together.

The day went well and they had lunch with Delia and Sara. After a brief lunch, Michal and Clem had a few more hours alone before her time with the girls. Clemmie's phone rang; it was Darren, and she excused herself to take the call.

Michal took this moment to talk with his mother about his plans. Delia gasped, but he explained to them that the move to LA would not be the end of them seeing each other. They would visit more and more often.

Then he began to thank her. He thanked his mother for everything she had done to help Clemmie. His mother stood with her for months after she'd been hurt, and Michal knew it wasn't easy.

Delia smiled, "Michal, she's my daughter. You don't have to thank me." Michal rose and hugged his Mom.

He explained that he hadn't proposed yet, but he would after the wedding. Delia sat next to her friend grinning, tears shimmering in her eyes. Clemmie was returning, and she quickly wiped away her tears.

Realizing they were not really alone, he started to apologize to Sara for being too dramatic. She dismissed his apology immediately said , "I understand. We've all been there. I hope she says yes and when she does, you be a true man and take care of her." She then embraced him too. Clemmie walked in, and was wondering exactly what was going on.

"So what are you two young people doing for the next few hours," Delia queried.

Michal answered, "We're going to the cinema. I'm not sure what else, but this lovely lady owes me four more hours and I plan to collect." He said happily wrapping his arm around Clem and pulling her close.

With that they were gone out the door, when they arrived at the cinema they took seats in the back row. It wasn't crowded, so they sat next to each other in the dark, air conditioned room, as Michal put his arm around her shoulders. She snuggled up close and they both started to watch the film.

Michal had always wanted to make out in a darkened theater, but was never allowed the chance. Tonight he'd take a chance, As Michal sat there holding Clemmie, he rubbed his hand over her right breast cupping it. He stroked it, causing her nipples to harden.

Clemmie knew what he was doing, but decided to see how far he'd go. Next she felt his hand on her thigh. Stroking slowly, he slid his hand up her short skirt. Her panties were drenched; she knew the seat beneath her was wet. Clemmie spread her legs to give him access to her burning bush.

Michal smiled as she shifted. He knew she was more than aware of what he was doing. Her movement told him she was willing to go further.

Slipping his finger inside the leg of her panties, he found her pussy dripping with her juices.

At this point, Clemmie had decided to join in on the fun. She reached into his lap and pull down Michal's zipper. She reached inside and took his thick seven inch cock out, stoking him slowly, she spread the clear precum all over his cockhead, causing him to moan. Then she stroked him, as he fingered her.

The two of them enjoyed their time at the theater, but had no idea what the movie was about.

So engrossed were the two of them in each other that neither noticed that they'd acquired an audience. Someone cleared there throat, snapping them out of their exploration.

"Young man, young woman, you may want to do those things someplace else. You two are a bit vocal." An older gentleman suggested. Michal was glad it was dark and no one could see inside the seats. He removed his fingers from her pussy, as she let go of his cock. The older gentleman had returned to his lady friend and seemed to be chuckling at the two of them.

"Hey, baby, Clemmie suggested. "Let's go."

They left the theater and went back to her apartment, where they spent the rest of their time loving each other.

In the meantime, Darren was at home, trying to convince his fiancé to join him in bed. He was sure he was winning when she announced that she was moving out.

"What?" Darren demanded. "What do you mean? We're getting married in a few days."

"Exactly, and until we marry, No more living together, no more messing around. I want our first night as man and wife to be special." She explained.

"Baby, we can be here. We don't have to do anything." He explained.

Sharon looked at her dark skinned Adonis. Darren was so handsome, so strong. She wanted him every time she thought of him; even now her panties were soaked. His brown eyes twinkled with mischief and she knew he was going to try and seduce her again this morning. Not that he had to do too much; her panties always vanished when he came home. As a matter of fact she could stop wearing them altogether.

"Baby, I love you, but we both know we'll keep fucking like bunnies. I hate it too, but I want the night to mean something and I think we should stop for now." She explained.

It was hard to explain because Darren was already nibbling her neck, as he slid his hands inside her panties. He cupped her mound as she moaned. Then with one thick finger, he parted her folds and rubbed her slit. She was wet and ready for him,

"Baby, you're so damn hot and wet. Fuck, Sharon, I need you bad. Once more and we'll stop, OK. I promise baby. I'll stop." He pleaded.

"Nnnnnooo, Darren. Three days. We marry in three days. We need to wait. I'm staying at my parents, Ok." She answered as she pulled his hand from her burning crotch.

Darren was rock hard and needed release. "Fuck baby, just this once. You, me, this will be the last time before the wedding, I promise."

"You lie and you know it." Sharon laughed. "I'm going and I will see you in three days."

"Fuck, this is so wrong. You know Papa Jeff will not let me sneak in" Darren complained. Sharon laughed and hugged her man.

Gianni Russo was on break from school. He came home for his brother's wedding and was extremely happy for him. Gianni was worried, not that he let on, he kept his secret hidden. No one knew, and he didn't know what to do. Normally he'd call one of his brother's but with the wedding approaching, he could not burden them. So he suffered in silence.

He called her. He had to make sure she was alright and hadn't made any hasty decisions..

"Hello, Gia" she answered. "You don't have to call every day. I told you I wouldn't do anything before you came back. You don't have to call."

"I know. Look Kara, I wanted to see if everything is alright." Gianni replied. He couldn't stand that girl. He could not figure out how he got so drunk that he had drunken sex with her resulting in the child she now carried. She detested him just as much.

"Look, Gia, we are both fine. I thought you were at a wedding or something? Shouldn't you be with your family and not bugging me." Kara stated.

Gianna decided not to be aggravated, so he quickly ended their conversation. "I am, but until Tuesday, I'm still a Dad right. Look, Kara, I just wanted to see if you are OK. I can see you're fine, bye."

"Hey, son. What's going on?" Maria asked concern etching her brow.

"Nothing Momma. Everything is fine." He answered, as he tried to go past her to check on his younger brothers. Maria didn't buy it. She grabbed his arm to halt him. She knew all three of her sons, and she knew her oldest was holding something in.

"Mijo, you can tell me what's wrong. Maybe I can help. We are family. Let me help, OK." Maria pleaded.

Gianni hugged his mother, "Momma, nothing is wrong. Listen, Darren and Sharon are getting married in three days. Let's be happy for him." He embraced her thinking. I wish I could tell you, but I can't hurt you that way.

Maria hugged Gianni back, and she reminded him. "Son, you have so many people that love you. No matter what it is, what is wrong, we will be here for you, alright,"

Gianni closed his eyes, wishing for a different outcome, hating this situation, despising the woman who forced him to be here, and wanting more than anything to be able to raise his child.


I hope you enjoyed Chapter 6. Chapter 7 will be written soon. Thank you forn reading this series.

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dozendozenabout 7 years ago
Good story, BUT you need an editor ...

... "His voice, hos touched reached deep inside her and calmed her inner c=beast. "

I'm not sure what that sentence meant but an editor would have drawn your attention to it and had you clarify it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Italian vs spanish!!!

it really drives me crazy on this site how people can't get Italians and spanish speaking people straight! We're told Gianni is Italian, then his brothers are given spanish names (Jose and I can't remember what). Then his mother calls him 'mijo'; which as the other anon said, is Spanish. These things matter... And all it takes is a bit of research on Google prior to writing. Otherwise, nice story but please please spend a little time on details- they make the story more believable and stronger.

LadeesageLadeesagealmost 11 years ago

When Gianni was first introduced, it was stated the he was Italian. In this chapter, his mother addressed him as "mijo" which is a Spanish term of endearment...

MizTMizTabout 11 years ago

Still catching's a really good story

ariesgirlariesgirlabout 11 years ago

Hopefully Gianni's mom will mention her concerns to Shaun and Delia. Shaun will get to the bottom of it.

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