Pay It Forward Ch. 08


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She was asking him about lunch or something but really, he didn't understand, he had no blood left in his brain. Gianni shook himself. He had to get her away from him, or they were both screwed. He had given her father his word that they would not engage in any type of physical activity, and he intended to keep that promise. So aside from a few kisses and holding hands, they kept everything above board. He even went with her to the doctor's last week, and lightly caressed her stomach, but he kept his desires in check.

Now she was here in their apartment, alone, and so beautiful. He had to remind her of the boundaries that were set.

"Kara, who is with you? You know Reverend Johnson has stipulations about us being alone. Someone should be with you." He explained. He respected her father and was determined to abide by his edict. Although they were both well past the age of consent, Gianni was raised to respect and obey his elders.

Kara walked over to him and pushed him backward. He sat on one of the hard chairs he had available for now. She then sat facing him in his lap. The sight bulge of her stomach was barely noticeable between them. "Gianni, he doesn't know I'm here. He thinks I'm at the library. We have two whole hours before Shelia and Rodney pick me up." She said as she kissed him. Tasting the clear skin at his collar, she moaned,

Gianni caught her waist to help her strand, but she ground her pussy against his hardened cock. He moaned. He'd never wanted a woman this bad. "Kara, I gave my word. Nothing can happen: he hissed.

"Are you afraid you'll get me pregnant?" she chuckled. "Baby, that ship has sailed. Gianni, I need you. I need to be with you. We were drunk the last time, how do we know if we're any good. Let's practice. OK." She pleaded so prettily.

"Baby, baby, please. Two weeks, in two weeks we'll be married and I promise I am willing to do any and everything you are asking. But for now we need..."Ahhhhh" he moaned as she bit him.

"Gianni, I need you. I'm so hot. All I can think about is you." she hissed as she fought hastily to remove his clothes.

"Baby, I know you want me. I can feel your dick pressing into me. It's so big and hard Gianni. You know what, we don't have to do anything, just stick it in for a while. OK." She suggested.

"Kara, please, don't." and she reached and squeezed him through his slacks. Gianni lost it; he kissed her pulling her harder against him. He wanted her. She would be his wife soon. She carried his child. She needs him. He had to... Gianni lifted her and carried her to his bed. Kara laughed. "I won't tell daddy." she whispered.

He was too excited and he knew he's cum as soon as his cock touched her pussy. He had to get her off first. "We have to be quick. Undress." He ordered.

Kara was naked and laying back in seconds. Gianni looked at his Nubian goddess. She was absolutely breath-taking. The slight curve of her abdomen showed proof that his son or daughter grew there. He stopped and touched her stomach softly. Kara was awed by the sheer look of adoration on his face.

She reached and pulled him down to her where she kissed him, rolling him to his back, she straddled him. She positioned her pussy over his hard rod and rode them both into a screaming completion. As soon as her hot sheath covered him, Gianni was ready to blow. She moved and before he could utter a sound. He came hard shooting ropes and ropes of copious amounts of cum deep inside her.

They held each other, each panting and sated. Gianni started to apologize for coming so hard, so quick when Kara kissed him once more. Holding him close she whispered, "I knew it would be like that Gianni. I knew it would be special. That was amazing."

Gianni started to replay when someone knocked on the door. He got up and threw on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt to answer.

"Don't answer it," Kara whispered. "Maybe they will go away."

"No, it might be something important. I have to see who's there." He replied

"Who is it?" he called tentatively.

"It's me, Shelia. I know Kara is here open the door." She demanded.

"Ok, give me a second." He answered as he looked up and saw his love dressed in one of his shirts.

"Baby, it's your sister. She's looking for you." He whispered. "You might want to dress."

He then went back and opened the door. Shelia barged in, "Kara, take a shower, dress, and get your behind out here."

Furious at being found, Kara walked out of the bedroom wear Gianni's white shirt. "Shelia, what are you doing here? Are you following me now?" she demanded.

"Yes, little sis. We wouldn't want your fiancé to knock you up now would we?" She asked then laughed. "Little girl, shower, and dress. You know Daddy wants you home before ten. And you can't go home smelling like your man."

Kara stormed off to the bathroom. Shelia looked at Gianni. Your Mom will be here in the morning right. Better change the bed sheets. Believe me she'll know you've been fucking. Gianni turned beet red. He was so embarrassed to be found out so quickly.

"Shelia, are you going to tell Rev.-" She stopped him.

"Gianni, I think his rules are silly, but it makes him feel like he's parenting to have them. That's why I dropped her off all alone and left her for a few minutes. She needed you as much as you needed her. So am I telling daddy. Hell no. It's not his business. But you need to make sure you wipe that I just got laid look off your face." She laughed when she saw he was again embarrassed. "Yep, it's the same look Rodney was wearing this morning."

Kara walked in freshly showered and dressed. She walked over to Gianni and hugged him. I'll miss you tomorrow. Then they kissed after which Kara and Shelia left. On the ride home, Shelia had to mess with her. "So, how was it?" she asked.

Kara smiled. "I am one lucky woman. I'll tell you that much." Both women laughed as they drove on home.

The next morning, all three women woke Gianni up with a list of items they needed to buy. After several hours, their entire house was furnished, as well as the nursery for the baby.

Kara was ordered to sit and the men were called over to help organize the furniture. Soon the entire apartment was set up and Gianni and Kara admired their new home. They held each other close as they took in every little piece that was added.

Maria stayed the night and Donna and Kara went home. Kara had another's doctor's appointment before their wedding. Gianni went with her because he had some questions for her doctor as well. The doctor assured them that Kara was fine and they could enjoy their first night an s man and wife. Just don't do anything to extreme he joked.

After her appointment, Kara was fitted for her gown. Their wedding was two days away and it was not a big affair, just family.

Kara put her gown on and looked at her reflection, she hated what she saw. "I'm not going out there. Look at me. I'm fat. I'm fat and ugly!" she declared hiding in a bathroom stall at the church crying.

"You are not fat, and you are not ugly." Donna reassured her. Delia and Maria came in and talked to her as well.

No one could get her to budge. Finally Janice had enough. Kara was so lucky. This man loved her despite her childish ways. He stood by her and was willing to give her his name. She needed to quit being a brat and grow up.

"Momma, Ms. Delia, Ms. Maria let me talk to her." Janice asked calmly.

Shelia walked in and Janice asked her to be quiet.

"Kara, what is wrong? You have a man that loves you. He will move heaven and earth for you, and you're crying over a dress." She exhaled. "I never knew you were such a scaredy cat."

"I'm not. Just Janice, my stomach is huge. He might be disgusted." Kara whined.

Shelia laughed, "Um baby girl, did he complain about your stomach last night.?"

Kara gasped, "You promised not to tell."

"Girl in less than fifteen minutes, you'll be married. The only person that would care would be Daddy and believe me, no one will tell him. Do you want Gianni to think you changed your mind?"

Kara smiled, "No. I love him. I wasn't sure at first, but now I can't be without him." She opened the door and faced both of her sisters, "Let's go. I have to marry my man."

Reverend Johnson didn't officiate the wedding, because he asked the associate pastor of the church to do so. He wanted to walk his baby down the aisle. Shaun and Delia smiled. They were happy for the young couple and would make sure to be there anytime they needed help.

The ceremony was short and sweet. Soon, the newly married couple greeted the world. Shaun had a gift for them, but he'd hold off. He'd give them a small one for now. He walked over to Gianni and handed him a card. Gianni read the card as tears formed in his eyes. It had the very same message Mr. Macgregor had given him years ago when he was a scared kid whose life was headed to ruin.

Gianni hugged his mentor, and thanked him. Not just thanked him, but he said something that made Shaun's heart soar.

"Thank you Dad. Thank you" Gianni whispered. "That title that name, meant more to Shaun MacGregor than all the riches in the world. He simply hugged him back and said. "Son, you're welcome."

Michal stood over to the side and witnessed the exchanged, smiling as tears shimmered in his eyes. His heart pounded at Gianni's utterance. Delia walked over and embraced her boy. "Are you alright, son?" she asked.

"Mom, I'm fine. I have three brothers, two awesome sisters-in-laws, and will marry the most beautiful woman on the planet of a few months. You and Dad have given me so much, so I don't mind sharing you and Dad with them. Gianni's right, he is his dad too." He explained.

Delia hugged her son as Clemmie walked over. Michal kissed his fiancé and said, I am a little jealous. We need to elope so Kevin won't beat us getting married next. Or even JJ." He joked.

"Clemmie laughed, "Um, baby. We have time. I love you." She kissed him and they soon forgot all of in the room.

Darren and Sharon congratulated the new couple and were about to leave. Darren wanted time alone with his new wife and she promised if he behaved, he'd get a treat. It was time to collect.

"Gia, man congratulations. You take care of her and that baby, alright." He said as he spoke with his younger brother.

"Let me guess. You're leaving early, right." Gianni teased.

"Um, hell yea, Ooops,man I'm in a church." Darren grumbled. "Sharon goes back to work tomorrow so I need to store up..." Gianni laughed.

"Say no more. I actually understand now." He answered cutting off Darren's explanation. Both men laughed and bid farewell. Gianni spoke with Sharon and wished her the best,. His sister-in-law kissed his cheek as she blushed and followed her amorous husband from the fellowship dinner.

Gianni held Kara close as Kevin walked up behind them. He was about to make his exit as well. He loved his family, but for some reason watching Gianni marry affected him deeply. He felt as if he wasn't really needed anymore. Shaun noticed and moved to speak with him. Kevin assured Shaun he was fine and made his excuses to leave. Shaun let him go, but a part of him still worried.

Soon the festivities ended and the bride and groom left for their weekend getaway. The Macgregor's, Maria, and the Johnson's stood together as they watched their children drive off.

"Sunday evening, we're having dinner with all the kids before the kids separate. Why don't you all come. Bring your lovely daughters as well. I think it's time we all got together." Delia suggested and Donna agreed.

"I have service Sunday night, Donna. I have to-" she looked at him and frowned.

He smiled, "I'll ask Pastor Troy to preach instead. Shaun and Delia, we'd be honored to join you." He answered.

Shaun chuckled thinking, He really thinks he's making the decisions.

Lizzie laughed. She was so happy for her granddaughter. Kara worked so hard to please others. It was time she had a little happiness for herself.

Janice called her twins and they left, but not before her baby sister gave her a big hug and thanked her for being there.

The twins were all over Gianni. They loved him. He spent so much time with them and little Alicia, that no one doubted that he'd be a great father. Everyone watched as Tracy begged her Uncle Gianni to take her with them. Gianni smiled at the beautiful four year old angel and spoke softly. No one knew what he said, but whatever it was, Tracy's eyes lit up as she hugged her new uncle. Trey, her twin, stood beside his uncle and promised him he'd look out for his sister and Mom like he taught him. Two year old Alicia, not wanting to miss out, had to give her new uncle a big kiss as well.

The older ones laughed at their antics, and Reverend Johnson thanked God for bringing such a fine young man into his family. Shaun loved the kids. Ever since they'd met he and Delia had decided to spoil all of them. The first time Shaun met Janice the twins' mother, he was awed by the quiet strength of the woman. He never asked her about the father of the twins, but like her father, if he ever found out who the man was, and learned that he'd crushed this young girl, he would make him pay.

Her sister Shelia and her husband Rodney were equally as nice. Shelia was also very protective of her sister as well. Being the oldest of all three girl's she secretly blamed herself for the pain Janice had gone through.

Ever observant, he noticed the strained relationship between Janice and her father. He actually spoke with Otis and learned the man felt like a failure. Someone hurt his child and she didn't trust him enough to protect her. So they often argued. He hated their strained relationship, but one day he'd earn her trust once again.

He looked at Gianni with the twins again and deep inside he smiled. It seemed that the youngest one of all was living what he tried to teach. He was reaching out to two kids who didn't have a father, and in the best way he could. He would be there for them. He was paying his kindness by helping these two small children.

Delia saw her husband watching the twins so intently, and she wondered what he was thinking.

"Shaun, do you regret not having more children?" she asked. It was a moot point for them now, they both were almost fifty.

"Love, you gave me a wonderful son. And in all of our years together, you have been a perfect wife. Even when I brought three kids home, and people told you they were criminals, you opened your heart to them. Hell, you even found your own daughter. Honestly, we have five kids. Now it's time for us to enjoy our grandkids." He laughed. "Delia, I love you." He whispered as he kissed her before they decided to go home.

Michal and Clem were driving back to her apartment. He'd stay with her tonight and fly back to LA the next day. He hated leaving her. In a few months they'd be married and moving together to LA.

Laying in bed, Clem saw that Michal was distracted. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just wish you could go home with me." He whispered. "I hate going back without you."

"I miss you went you leave, but I'll be with you for good in a few months." She kissed him. "Let me see if I can take your mind off of leaving me." She moaned as she climbed on top of him. No more words were needed as Michal gladly let his lover distract him.

Clemmie kissed her way down his chest to his rock hard cock, She loved Michal's cock. It was perfectly formed and tasted divine. Her mouth watered at the taste of him. Slowly she tasted his member, taking him deep into the back of her mouth.

Michal wanted to cum, but nit in her mouth. He wanted to be buried balls deep inside his woman., "Clem, wait, baby, please. I want to be inside you." She stopped and looked at him.

"Michal," she whispered, "Yes," as she climbed on top of him., She slowly slid onto his cock and rode her man to completion. Michal loved the feel of his woman loving him. He couldn't hold back and was about to erupt. "CLEM!" he shouted as he exploded deep inside of her. She lay on his chest, in the safety of his arms.

"Baby, will you stop talking the pills when we marry?" he asked. After watching Gianni with the kids today, Michal wanted to start his family. Clemmie hugged him. She loved this man and would be so happy when their child was conceived.

"Baby, yes, yes. I want babies with you." She whispered as they kissed once more.

"Well, we need to practice making babies' right?" Michal suggested. Rolling her over and covering her body with his.

Kevin was back at his townhouse recalling the events of the day. He was happy for Gianni, but for the first time he felt alone. He loved his family, and he wanted what all three of his brothers had found. He could find women. Most women would be with him just because he was successful. All how had to do was buy them a gift and they'd flock to him. A few even tried to trap him, but he was careful when he slept with any woman.

If he wasn't prepared, nothing happened. That's why Gianni's predicament tickled him. But it was obvious that they were head over heels in love. Darren was so gone for his wife, but Sharon was a great woman. Michal and Clemmie were destined to be together from since they were kids.

Kevin looked at the time. It was after midnight and he was bored. He thought about work. He always arrived at work early. The alone time was needed before whichever secretary that was assigned to him showed up. People didn't like working with him. Gender didn't matter, male or female, they kept crying and quitting. His last secretary quit Friday, Buffy, Bunny, some ridiculous name. So many names, that he forgot them instantly. Mrs. Rosenthorn was the only person that stayed. She pointed out to him that she was too old to deal with his bluster, so he treaded lightly around her. He liked her, because she never tried to change him.

Kevin was off Sunday, and he knew he was expected to join the family for dinner Sunday night. He was actually looking forward to seeing everyone again, which for him was different. Then he yawned and was ready to sleep. Sharon had to report in Sunday morning, so he'd stop by Darren's and visit with him. They would both give Michal a ride to the airport. He smiled, people thought he didn't like people, but he loved being with his brothers.

Yawning and stretching, Kevin looked around his spacious room. Then he quickly fell asleep. Dreaming of the day he'd find the right woman for himself. She would be meek, and quiet. She would be lovely and generous. She would love him completely and be willing to dedicate herself to him. She would be the most beautiful woman in the world. And she would be his.

Thank you for reading. Your support is appreciated.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
@Your editor is broken.

s/he already said that they wrote this story a while back. Also said they didn't use an editor, so there would be spelling errors, punctuation errors, or even random letters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
your editor is broken

it's probably a good idea to stop giving compliments to your editor. there are many distracting errors. otherwise, it's a good story.

MizTMizTabout 11 years ago

I'm all caught up and now have to wait like the rest of your readers. This has been a wonderful story to read and I honestly look forward to the rest of your story, so pleeeease don't make me wait to long.....

ariesgirlariesgirlabout 11 years ago

I can't wait to find out who Kevin's woman will be.

donaldedonaldeabout 11 years ago
good chapter

was very good sort of sorry to hear it is ending soon

looking forward to reading more

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