Payback With Interest


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Before she left them on their own and headed to the pool area Megan tasted and fucked each of the interns. Back at the pool she saw her friends in the pool and the small groups talking. She had hoped for more by this time, but at least she had something to work with. A group across the way was perfect with three women and two men. It was this group that became her next target for conquest.

“Hi everyone, any of you want to fuck me? Is that too strong? Would any of you care to have sex with me?” Megan had their attention, and to keep it she reached out to grab a cock through its cloth covering and the breast of a busty blond girl. “You’re ready, but how are you doing?”

The girl initially jumped at Megan’s touch, but is also acted as a trigger. Her last inhibition barrier crashed and she covered Megan’s hand with hers. Not only did she cover the hand but used it to massage the large tit it encompassed. She massaged so hard the cloth covering shifted askew revealing the pink nipple to the other group members. Her exposed breast granted permission for the others to begin taking liberties not previously allowed. Hands caressed every part of her body removing the remnants of her bathing suit, and when she was undressed the hands worked on other group members.

Megan released the cock in her hand to concentrate on the woman. She knelt and pressed her lips between the girl’s legs up against her bikini-covered pussy lips, and the girl shook from the thrill of what was happening. No only the physical contact, but also the idea of public multiple-partner sex. She knew before this party was over many of the men in the department would taste a slice of her pie.

Megan untied the strings holding the suit together. As the cloth fell she placed her lips on the almost hairless ones before her face, and as she forced her tongue inward the girl almost swooned with excitement. Throwing caution to the wind the girl glided to the grass and threw her legs wide allowing Megan full access to her pussy and her asshole further below.

Megan’s mouth never released its grip on the girl’s nether lips and the tasty tidbits they covered as the girl move downward. Once in position Megan sucked and probed to find the points that gave the most enjoyment, and before long she was rewarded by a shriek as the girl experienced a mind numbing orgasm for which Megan was mostly, but not totally responsible. Others had contributed as they played with the various body parts on offer.

It was all well and good for the girl, but she was only one of many Megan intended to sample in a very short time. She looked at the naked group and began to direct the scene. One man she directed to lay on his back: “You lay here. I am going to ride you with my pussy. You, when I get going I want you in my ass. Don’t worry about going in easy; it will. Girls, one on each side where I can reach your pussies” and to a different girl she had not yet tasted, “I want you where I can taste that dripping cunt of yours. ……. What are you waiting for, move!”

Acting as one the group exploded into action. The first man laid down on the grass. Megan grabbed is rigid prong, aimed it at her cunt entrance and plopped downward impaling herself. One girl on each side of Megan moved very close and spread their legs allowing her full access to their clits and all their lower holes. The third girl, on her hands and knees, pivoted so her ass faced Megan before she backed up to straddle the face of the man on the bottom exposing both her pussy opening and asshole to Megan’s onslaught.

As this was happening the second man bided his time watching in fascination the circus unfolding before his eyes. When everyone else was in place and beginning to feel the pleasures of physical contact he reached out to caress the other man’s balls. It thrilled him knowing the power he held at the moment. He then glided his hand upward and entered Megan’s dripping cunt. She was very wet, and not all of it was female juice. He bent to sniff then buried his face between her lips sucking all the fluids from her cunt hole.

These actions were stalling activities to allow the others time to enjoy their role in the play. But, he had his own role to play and that was to forcibly ass fuck the wife of his work partner and best friend. Jason had known Jamie all his life. They went to school together and even served as best man for the other’s wedding. In the time that Megan had been on the scene he never once acted in any way to express his hidden desire to fuck the shit out of her, but now here she was asking him to do exactly that; fuck the shit out of her. He was standing in back of a woman he craved and he had explicit direction, given by her, to fuck her ass hard and without mercy. He would do exactly that.

Almost without warning Jason plunged his cock past the anal sphincter and deep into Megan’s rectum. He moved fast and hard without any sympathy to his guessed at discomfort on her part. Actually, Megan had applied liberal lube to her ass before the interns and again before she exited the house, and now as Jason’s hard, rigid, long prick slid past her anal opening all she felt was gratifying pressure. Now all of her holes were busy with cock or pussy, and she had accomplished one more objective; fucking Jamie’s best friend.

After her action with this group Megan moved quickly to get to the other men before they were unable to get their cocks hard anymore. She randomly took men into each of her openings sucking and fucking until each deposited at least one load of cum in her body. It was similar with the women, but with a different intensity.

From the time she caressed the first intern’s tit until almost 6:30 Megan had some type of physical sexual contact with each and every member of the Marketing Department. She was kept aware of her progress by Sonja who checked people off the list as Megan fucked them, and only when the last name was checked off did Megan allow herself, and all those with her to move at a slower pace

“Thank you. I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed this great afternoon fuck fest. It was fucking fantastic! Thanks for helping me. Please, I beg of you, please do not ask me why as it is very personal, and never mention this afternoon to Jamie. In a way all of you have fucked him over, so please keep it our secret.”

“What I can say is the party does not have to end here unless you want it to. If you want your significant others to play I am more than ready. How about you?” Megan paused a moment then continued: “Do we party on or call it a day?”

The unanimous decision was to party on and as the new players arrived their significant others explained the situation and the true meaning of department togetherness. Nobody had to play, but everybody did. People saw and did things they later exclaimed they had wanted to try but never had the nerve to do so. Everyone went home well fucked by whatever combination they desired. Every action between people was consensual, and if it was agreeable nobody was denied any sexual experience. Bottom line; everyone had a fucking good time fucking.

Back To The Beginning

It is difficult for a monumental event to remain secret. Eventually, something is said that leads to something else and the secret is revealed. So it was with the party at Dave’s house. For six months Jamie knew nothing, but one day he overheard a conversation that made his skin crawl. A colleague was telling a new member of the team about a wild staff party where everyone got naked and fucked, and how the wife of one guy who was out of town fucked every single person there plus their significant others regardless if it was a man or a woman.

Jamie thought it was a boast from a previous job, but over the next few months he heard more and more about the “party,” and as people realized the topic was open for conversation they relaxed their guard and became more and more open talking about it. Eventually, Jamie knew he was a cuckold to every man and woman in the department. On the afternoon that realization struck home he submitted his resignation effective on receipt and without cause. As he handed it to Dave he asked: “How could you do this to me?” Dave looked down with embarrassment and was unable to answer him.

During those months Dave, Ellen, and Sonja, became regular partners in Megan’s bed, and kept her informed of what news was available for Jamie to hear. In truth they were the ones who leaked most of the information. Dave, directly after Jamie left his office, placed a call to Megan so she was ready as Jamie entered the apartment. She was dressed in a fittingly sluttish outfit sitting on the couch. Jamie entered as an angry but a beaten man.

“Why? I can understand screwing around, but why do it like this where I’m the laughing stock of the company? Why did you have to ruin my life?”

“I am not the person you thought you married. I tried, and was doing good when you were still with me. But, DAMN IT JAMIE, you left me. You left me alone. Fact is I’m a sex addict. I like it any and everyway I can get it. I was trying to be faithful and monogamous but you left me. DAMN YOU!!!!!” Megan arose from the couch and began slowly making her way toward the door.

“I have fucked more people in the past few months than you can imagine, but when I first fell off the multiple-partner wagon so to speak I started by fucking the people you know. I did it to get even, and all of them kept the secret until now. You deserve everything you have gotten you small-dicked, unimaginative sod. I hope I never see you again.”

“FUCK YOU BITCH!” the angry young man screamed.

“If you had done exactly that Jamie we wouldn’t be where we are now!” Megan retorted in a loud, harsh voice, and passed through the door closing it behind her forever.

Jamie cried in his anger and hurt. In his mind he asked WHY over and over of the bitch and all the others who were supposedly his friends. Why did they hurt him like this? For days and days he barely moved at all, never leaving the apartment. His mind could not adjust to what had befallen him; he was unable to cope. Finally, he resigned himself to his fate and reached into the bottom drawer of his bedside table.

BANG!!!! The gun fired once.




No ending satisfies everybody. I could leave this alone as it is a very plausible ending, but there are many endings to choose from. Please consider another possibility:

Jamie’s Ending

When Jamie was sure he knew the truth he did four things at work:

One: He wrote his resignation and submitted it with a long letter of explanation in person to the CEO. He sent copies of both documents to every company officer from the lowest VP upward. In the letter he laid out the reasons for his departure and the roll their supposedly upright and proper director had played. Jamie’s revelations were not well received nor was the fact he had involved the SEC and FBI.

Two: He quietly confronted Jason in his private office. After hearing Jason’s story and apology he said: “You were my friend. We shared a lot, but we’ll share no more.”

Jamie swiftly delivered a powerful right upper cut to Jason’s jaw followed by a swift left cross that broke Jason’s nose, split his lips, and rendered him unconscious. Using a pair of scissors from Jason’s desk Jamie cut away all the man’s clothes and propped him face down over a chair back. Jamie then delved into Jason’s desk to retrieve an interesting toy Jason liked to brag he had used on his wife and other women. Jamie removed it and snickered to himself as he put a thin layer of lube on the shaft and rammed the 15-inch long by 4-inch wide black dildoe up Jason’s ass. The sensation of his ass ripping in half brought Jason back to consciousness just long enough to pass out again from the pain as his balls were crushed by the toe of Jamie’s shoe.

To add insult to injury Jamie set up Jason’s video camera and plugged into the company’s closed circuit video system. The picture was very clear and unmistakable of Jason’s face and beyond that the butt end of a black dildoe sticking out of his lily white ass.

Three: Jamie delivered his resignation to Dave. He wanted to inflict physical pain on his soon-to-be ex-boss like he had to Jason, but knew hurting him in his pocket book would prove much more memorable. “You’re a shit. You know it and so does everyone else including the hierarchy. They weren’t very please with some of the things I told them about what happened and some of your business practices for which I provided documentation. James Jones (the CEO) kept muttering about not being another Enron. My guess is later this afternoon you’ll find yourself unemployed, and your bank accounts frozen while you are under investigation by the SEC and FBI. Matter of fact I imagine your entire department will need to look for jobs elsewhere. Next time you want a piece of pussy you better think twice before you cross a husband. Bye.” He stood to walk out the door and noted with great satisfaction the look on Dave’s face; a look of realization that his world had crumbled.

Four: As Jamie walked through the outer office he approached Sonja’s desk, leaned down close to her face and in an extremely ominous tone said: “You might want to think twice before you pick up that phone. If Megan finds out about this before I get home I promise you I will return, and I might not act as nice as I am right now.” Sonja’s already pale skin blanched to another shade white as she imagined the implications of his words. She was scared, but she nodded her understanding.

“One more thing. You can repay some of your debt to me by being at my apartment this evening at 6. Do not be late.”

Jamie went home to confront the bitch who had wreaked such havoc on his life. En route he made a few stops, and since he was not expected he quietly opened the door to find Megan asleep and naked in bed next to her newest fuck partner; the guy who had just moved into 105. Jamie went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of ice water which he poured over the length of their bodies. Megan screamed from the shock of the cold and the sight of Jamie being home. Her lover, seeing the anger in Jamie’s eyes simply cringed in fear.


Jamie quickly faced Megan who was working up her courage to speak, but as he faced her she realized this was a very dangerous Jamie she had never seen:

“DON’T SAY ONE FUCKING WORD CUNT! NOT ONE FUCKING WORD!” He had her attention and he lowered his tone to a calmer level, but his words were still filled with hate and disdain. “I’m expecting someone in a couple of hours. Until then you will remain in this room. You will not scream for help. You will lay her very quietly thinking on your sins. I’m just outside the door so don’t think of going anywhere.” Jamie ripped the phone line from the wall and confiscated Megan’s cell.

Sonja arrived two hours later at exactly six o’clock. “Welcome bitch. I’m glad you came. Now it’s my turn to cum. Get your clothes off!”

There was no kindness in Jamie’s words or actions. He was cold, clinical, and brutal as he took each of Sonja’s holes. First her pussy, then her ass, and lastly he made her clean her shit from his cock with her mouth before he again entered her pussy and sowed his seed.

Sonja, crying and asking for forgiveness began to put her clothes back on. “No, no, no my dear. You have much more to do before you can leave. Go in there and get in bed next to Megan.”

Jamie followed her into the room noting Megan’s surprise. “In case you’re wondering I fucked her. Don’t say anything. “You two, particularly you Megan owe me a lot and it is payback time.

“Listen very carefully. I will say this slowly so you can take it all in. You, my pretty bitches, are low-life whores. Megan knew it when we married, and I know it now. Megan, what you did, and I assume continue to do, has hurt me professionally because I now have no source of income. You have also hurt me personally because I was stupid enough to love you.

You hurt me, but right now I am not the only one who is hurting because of you. Dave and the rest of the department are all in need of a job, and because of the way things went down Dave is unemployable and he and Ellen do not have access to any money.

Jason, my now ex-best friend is also hurting. His ass is well stretched and bleeding from a dildoe I’m sure you have experienced. Also, he received a little extra for his indiscretion. He will never father a child as that requires working balls; crushed ones don’t work.”

“All these people hurting because of you, humm…… and Sonja, you’re just as guilty because you helped her do it. Now whores, it’s your turn to pay. Just like Dave I need a source of income and you are that source. You’re whores and starting tomorrow or the next day you’re going to earn your keep as whores. However, before you go to work I have arranged for a training program. I’ve heard you two like to fuck anyway you can get it. We’ll see.”

Jamie opened the front door and in walked the start of a long line of men and women who, because of economic necessity, resided under street bridges. If you have never met one of those people they have very distinctive grooming standards and their body aroma is most impressive. Sonja was stoic, but Megan physically flinched as she saw these people enter her room.

“Cunts, this is where it starts. This is a free warm up performance before the real show begins.” Turning to the bums at the door Jamie continued: “Ladies and gentlemen, folks, my friends these formerly high class whores are now worthless cunts who I have arranged for your enjoyment. Fuck them anyway you want in any hole you want for as long as you want. When you can’t do it anymore go back and get in line again. I am here if you want me, otherwise; Bon Appetite.

Megan cried, begged for mercy, and screamed as the first five or six approached and began to touch her body. Sonja quietly cried as the first dirty cock entered her pussy. Jamie smiled as he turned up the stereo volume to a level that would hide the sounds of continual fucking the women would receive.

For the next 97 hours Megan and Sonja took on every smelly, dirt-covered body who could find a way into their bed. When the last bum left both were beyond tired, torn and bleeding, dirty, and stank, but they were alive and properly prepared for their new role in life as whores for bums and miscreants.

Jamie had no intention of remaining in such a low class situation. Not for him was the life of a pimp to lowlifes. When every stranger was gone he walked into the stinking room: “Well how did you like payback? I really don’t care. You are free to go or you can stay here. The rent is paid for the next six month. Megan, when the papers come just sign them. Any fight and the settlement offer will disappear. You did this to yourselves by underestimating me. Now live for as long as you can with whatever diseases you may have. Good bye.”

Jamie turned and never looked back as he walked toward the sunset and into a new life; a new life with a high six figure salary attached to it.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Complete Shit!

Even flies would gag on this steaming pile!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
shit or piss with that?

Make a sandwich then top it with a shit-loaf or French-dip it in piss: how about neither - I vote a "1" and move on...

The Erotic AvengerThe Erotic Avengerover 20 years ago
All Right

I give this two ratings, zero for the first ending and 100 for the second. It is unlikely that the guy would kill himself, he would more likely kill the wife. THe second ending is great. Finally a husband with balls.

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
Nice second ending

I've wondered why there are so few cheating wife stories with a strong ending. Why so many other authors prefer the husband to be without the guts to make hard decisions? Most of the husbands in these types of stories are in management, and have learned to analyize their situations and make good decisions. Shoot, even blue collar men have their pride and being cheated on simply brings out the hard edge more times than not.

Hustonm, thank you for the second ending. Suicide, your first ending, is always a possibility, but not in most cases.

thatawaythatawayover 20 years ago
Finally A Cheat is justly rewarded

was losing hope but finally see some revenge on the cheating ones. Male or female all deserve what the woman in Texas gave her cheat, a fast trip under a large vehicle. Suicide is just to the cheat, not the cheated on. Keep up the good work.....You may guess I have no sympathy to those who see vows as of no consequence. or only for a season. What part of forever has lost its meaning?

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