Peach & Yellow Roses

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He goes to Shay's World.
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She glanced at the clock in the kitchen as she placed a bottle of Peter Michael Chardonnay in the refrigerator. It had to chilled just right. She wanted everything perfect. She checked the yellow and peach colored rose petals that were soaking in a covered bowl of peach scented oil. They were smelling delicious, she slid the bowl back in.

As she passed the coffee table in the den, she picked up a vase of yellow and peach long stem roses and took them to the bathroom placing them on a rattan table sitting next to a rattan king wicker chair.

She loved this room. It was so peaceful. A lot of silk greenery. Trees, plants giving it a tropical feel. A pleasant escape. The sunken garden tub was so nice.

She had chosen this room for their evening together. She would take him into a place he would never forget.

She had showered earlier and was in a short terry cloth robe. She had laid out something comfortable to wear. Before putting it on she took the towel from her wet hair. The scent of peaches filled her nostrils as she blow dried her hair that had just been shampooed and conditioned with a wonderful peach scent. After blow drying her long blonde hair she leaned her head over, brushing her hair all forward. Taking it in her hands she wrapped it in a loose knot on top of her head. Securing it with a peach colored clip. She then took her pinky nail and strategically pulled small strands of her long hair down. She called these her thingies. Two on her neck, one at each temple that touched her shoulders when hanging down. She wet her finger and took a thingy, one at a time and wrapped the dampened hair around her finger and held it just long enough for her thingies to take on a swirl.

Her reflection showed a sexy messy look as she called it.

She put her small diamond studs in her ears as well as some gold hoops. She had on her diamond heart necklace that she wore all the time. She loved bracelets and her left arm was adorned with the last engraved bangle bracelet her Mother had bought for her, an X and O diamond tennis bracelet and the gold twisted rope bracelet that was a gift from her little friend. And of course her "S" belly bo charm.

She lightly placed some blush and eyeshadow on. Some mauve glossy lipstick was all that was needed.

She stood back and looked at herself in the mirror and a smile came on her face. She could see that look in her eye...

She went into the bedroom and over to the bed where she had laid out a peach satin sleep shirt. It had a nice stand up collar, long sleeves and was made like a mans long tail shirt. She loved that look. She dropped her robe and leaned to pick up the sleep shirt. She unbuttoned the cuffs and slid her arms through the sleeves. The feel of the satin on her smooth, soft tanned skin was just what she needed to set her mood. Her breast filled the front so nicely. The feel of the satin on her breast caused her nipples to become hard very quick. She slowly rolled the sleeves up just below the elbow.

She glanced at the clock on the night stand. It was time, he should be close now.

She went into the bathroom area again. She started drawing a warm bath in the oversized sunken garden tub.

She went to the kitchen and got the bowl of rose petals from the refrigerator, the bottle of Chardonnay, and two fluted crystal wine glasses.

She took these things to the bathroom. Opened the Chardonnay and placed it in the ice bucket sitting on the corner of the garden tub. She placed the glasses beside the bucket. She opened the container with the peach and yellow rose petals and began tossing them into the tub. The scented petals were so aromatic. She then lit four peach scented candles and 3 rose scented candles that were placed all around the room and one sitting on another corner of the tub.

She took two big fluffy peach colored towels from the cabinet and placed them over the arm of the rattan king wicker chair. She took a look over the room and was pleased.

She went back to the kitchen putting the bowl in the dishwasher. She removed a crystal platter of fruit from the refrigerator. There was slices of cantaloupe, tiny wedges of watermelon, grapes, orange slices, apple slices, pineapple chunks, strawberries, kiwi and mango slices. All arranged around a bowl of whipping cream. She also removed a single long stem yellow rose.

Glancing at the clock she had to hurry.

She took the platter to the bathroom and placed it by the Chardonnay. Took a double take in the mirror. Dimmed the lights and watched the glowing candles flicker in the mirrors. Making the shadows of the plants dance. Put a continuous play CD in the player of soft romantic music and turned it on.

She made it to the foyer as she heard him placing the key in the door knob. She quickly leaned against the door frame the long stem yellow rose at her side.

He stepped inside and their eyes met. His look said it all. He liked what was waiting on him.

Her heart smiled as a smile came across his face. No words were spoken.

She stepped to him bringing the rose to her nose as he was laying his keys on the foyer table with his eyes still on her. She inhaled the scent of the rose and handed the rose to him as she bit her bottom lip. They were both totally in a zone locked in on each other.

As he took the rose from her, his fingers touched hers. He said in a soft but masculine voice, " Shay....."

She placed her finger over his lips to quieten him and took his hand. She slowly walked him to their little piece of the world for tonight. He could see the candles flickering in the bathroom and the scent of peaches and roses were everywhere. He loved her girlie touches. And she loved doing them.

As they passed the bed she stopped and had him sit. She removed his boots and socks. He watched her in awe as she worked him. Watching every move she made. Watching every time the satin would shift on her body.

He was still holding the long stem yellow rose as she had him get up and slowly took him into the bathroom. Magic is the word that came to his mind as he seen this little piece of Heaven she was taking him to.

She walked him over to the double shower. She looked up at him and whispered as she began unbuttoning his shirt, " Welcome to Shay's World."

As he began to reply she shook her head sweetly and said "shhhhhh." She had his shirt untucked and unbuttoned and began pushing it off his shoulders. Feeling his strong shoulders as she pushed it off his body. It fell to the floor. He never took his eyes off his lady. He was overwhelmed and absolutely under her control.

She then reached for the buckle on his belt. She unbuckled it and opened the belt. Sliding her finger behind the snap on his pants, she unsnapped his pants. She hooked her thumbs inside his underwear and pants at the same time and began pushing them down. As she was pushing them down she stepped up to him. He leaned down, tilted his head and kissed her soft lips as he felt his pants being pushed down the rest of the way with her foot.

He was hard. She felt it touch her tummy.

They held that kiss for a minute or so.

She stepped back and opened the shower door. Making sure the nozzle was away from her she turned the water on and made sure it was warm. He watched her. Then he glanced over at the tub with floating rose petals in it.

She turned back to him and reached for his hand. Without a word he handed her the rose and entered the shower. She tossed the rose in the garden tub and stepped in the shower with him.

The shower had two shower heads. One at each end and a bench in the middle. She positioned the nozzle to hit the bench and had him sit there. She was still in her satin shirt. He thought it looked even better as it got wet.

She soaped his head with peach shampoo. And rinsed. She took a loofa sponge and washed his face. Then she soaped it up with peach soap. She started at his neck, then his shoulders. Washing him so carefully. He would catch her blue eyes looking at him at times. His heart was racing. He wanted to take her right there in the shower. He could have. But he loved being pampered by her and he knew she loved doing it. She washed his entire body and did not linger long in certain areas because she knew it would be over too quick. That was not in her plan for them. Slow easy loving was the plan.

After she bathed him, she moved in front of him where he was sitting on the bench. She moved up to him...water hitting her back. She straddled him. He placed his hands around her ass to hold her onto him. She placed her lips on his. They both parted their lips allowing one another to explore and taste their lovers sweet mouth.

Shay begin to tug at the wet satin shirt, pulling it up. Then she began unbuttoning it. He then held her ass with one hand in his lap and used the other to help her unbutton her top. They both peeled the wet shirt from her. Never breaking their kiss.

She arched her neck as he began to kiss her neck. Too many kisses to count. She lifted herself up just enough to push his cock behind her. It laid along the crack of her ass. As he began to move with his excitement she could feel his cock stroking against her.

She pulled away from him smiling at her. " Come with me baby," she whispered as she cut the water off and opened the shower door.

She knew his eyes were on her ass. He done that ever chance he got.

She took a towel and wiped his face off as his cock touched her tummy again. She giggled and twisted back and forth and told him," I am wiping his face off too with my tummy.." He couldn't help but laugh at her. She made him do that a lot.

She walked over to the drawer and took out a hairbrush. She then came to back to him, took his cock in her hand and led him to the sunken tub that was covered in rose petals of peach and yellow. She stepped into the warm water and he followed. She went to the far end and sat down on the edge. She leaned forward and parted the rose petals with her hand and motioned for him to sit between her legs. He did. His back against the tub and his shoulders locked in between her thighs.

She leaned to the ice bucket and took the Chardonnay. Handed him a glass and poured him some to taste. He took a sip. She told him if he preferred something else she would go to the kitchen. He said with a smile, "You really think I am going to let you leave this room?" He sipped his wine.

She poured hers and sipped hers as well. Holding her wine glass, she began brushing his hair. He leaned back being so relaxed by her touches. He knew she loved him and he felt the same way.

She began feeding him fruit. Dipping it in the whipped cream. She placed an apple slice to his lips that had been dipped in the whipped cream. As he sucked the whipped cream from the apple slice he also sucked the cream off her finger. She loved the feeling of that. She fed him fruit for a while loving the touch of his shoulders against her thighs.

She tapped his shoulder with the base of her empty wine glass and smiled at him as he looked up. He took the glass and as he leaned to the Chardonnay, he gently kissed her inner thigh.

She inhaled deeply. If he only knew what he had stirred inside her.

As he was pouring her more wine she raised her leg over his head and stood.

He turned to her and was looking up at her full tanned breast.

Shay looked at the wine glass over flowing in the water turning some petals a purple shade and smiled. He realized this and they both laughed as he blurts out, "Dayum!"

She took her glass and walked to the opposite end of the tub. " Hey," she said with a smile and her back to him looking down at the petals in the water," you are supposed to be looking at the petals separating in the water...I know you are looking at my butt."

She could here the smile on his face as he replied, all giddy, " Now sweetheart, would I be doing that?"

She sat at the far end. Crossing her legs and loving him with her eyes. He loved her eyes. They were always so inquisitive, always sparkling and definitely able to draw him in.

She sat her wine glass done and reached to a big basket sitting beside the tub. It was filled with bath salts, bubble baths, oils and loofa sponges of all sizes and shades of color. She asked him if he liked to play in the tub as she is arranging the sponges.

His reply was quick," of course I do."

She began to slide into the water parting the petals and holding two rubber ducks.

A smile as big as TEXAS came on his face. He knew her. She was up to something and he had come to love her imagination. He was usually the beneficiary of it.

She held one up. " Hey ..." she whispered, "this is my duck, you play with mine." She pushed some petals away and placed the duck in the water and gave it little push in his direction. She held up the other one and told him, "this one is your duck, I will take care of him. Is it a deal?"

"Your duck is in good hands Shay, just as mine is. You have a deal." He stated with all sincerity.

She reached to her left and retrieved two back cushions. She pushed one to him on top the water as she placed hers behind her back. Resting her head on the pillow. As she slid down to rest her back and neck on the bath pillow it brought her body closer to his under the water. He slid down too.

He loved watching her breast in the water. They bobbed and the petals were attaching to her. "Lucky petals" he thought to himself as his cock swelled.

She had noticed him watching her breast. She took her right foot and placed it gently between his legs. He moaned softy at her touch. She stroked his balls with her foot.

She looked at the duck floating close to her. Picking it up she said, " Come here little duck." She squeezed it and allowed water to be sucked up inside it. He had a feeling she was about to mess him up. She had a way of doing that. She held the duck up to her breast and squeezed so the water was streaming from it. Causing the petals attached to her breast to wash away. She was looking at him with her " fuck me eyes" as the petals washed away exposing her hard nipples. He had to fight for composure.

She could tell by the look on his face that he was into her. She was going to take him to their special place.

Looking into his eyes she whispered while rubbing him with her foot, " I guess he has to come up for air some, huh?"

He knew she had been watching the water in front of him as well. He blushed. As he slipped his foot between her legs.

That's all it took. She got on her hands and knees and began to crawl to him. He watched as her breast touched the water. Her thingys were wet at the tips now. The scent of peaches and roses were being intensified by the movement of the water.

He spread his legs welcoming his lady.

She slid up him feeling his excitement as she pressed her body to his. His finger tips softly trailed along her back.

The only thing between them was peach and yellow rose petals and their need for each other.

The excitement he felt pierced his body as he felt her firm breast against him. Feeling the hard nipples touching his skin. He had wrapped her in his arms just as he wanted.

She felt his cock between them. Her tummy jumped with excitement. She could feel it pulsating against her. She knew she would feel that same pulse inside her soon. Going to a place inside her that he touched so well. So tenderly. Unconditionally. And with respect.

She reached to her cleavage and took a peach rose petal and smiled as she placed it on his forehead.

She tilted her head to the right a little and placed her lips on his. Softly kissing him. Brushing his lips with hers.

He responded. Their lips began a slow seductive assault on each other. Their tongues poked and teased each other. She gently tugged on his tongue as her body unconsciously began to grind into him.

He cupped her ass with his hands squeezing her. Pulling her closer to him.

She took his mouth and deeply kissed him. She inhaled slowly taking his breath away and slowly filling his lungs with her.

From that moment...they were one. He was hers and she was his. There were no boundaries. Only pleasure for themselves. There attraction and love was so deep he knew, when pleasing her he was pleasing himself. She felt the same way.

She slid her hand to him. Taking his cock in her tiny hand. She will forever hear the sigh in her mind that escaped him. She lead him to her opening and rubbed her clit. A feeling of lightheadedness came over her.

So appropriate, the soft music being played was an instrumental by Chicago. The song was "Color My World." She softly started reciting the words as she stroked his face, her eyes never leaving his...." as time goes on... I realize... just what you mean... to me, and now... now that your here... promise the words... I been waiting share. And dream... of this moment together...color my world ... with hopes of loving you."

He knew she was there. He leaned forward and with his mouth on hers he mouthed, "Come on Shay ... let me love you and take you there." She began to make a trail of kisses along his neck trying her best to hold back the tears she felt welling up in her eyes and her heart. She loved him so. He felt her soft whimper and placed his hands on both sides of her face. Pulling her away so he could see her. As her eyes lowered, he kissed her tears streaming down her face. He pulled her ear to his mouth and whispered, " I love you."

They both stood and stepped out of the tub. He took a towel from the rattan chair and began touching her tiny body. Drying her and leaving every rose petal on her. He smiled to himself thinking of her sitting and de-petaling roses just for their evening. That was the way his Shay was.

She took the towel and started drying him. Loving his body. She wrapped the towel around him securing it in front.

He stepped to the rattan chair taking the other towel and wrapping her up in the same manner. Their respect for each other was so evident.

He then stepped to the edge of the tub collecting their glasses and the ice bucket with the Chardonnay.

As they walked into the bedroom, she started to pull back the comforter, laying it across the end of the bed. As she pulled the sheet back he couldn't help but smile. She had also scattered the same yellow and peach colored rose petals in the bed.

She shot him that smile he loves so much as she began to crawl into the middle of the heavy oak four poster king size bed, wrapped in a peach towel. She leaned to him standing beside the bed and pulled his towel away and patted the pillows with her hand.

He poured two glasses of wine and handed her one. Then he slipped into her bed.

She quickly drank her wine and placed the empty glass on the bed. She had other plans.

She turned on her side placing her leg over him. She scooted up to where she was at his neck, knowing his neck and ears were his weakness. Her towel had fallen from her body.

He knew this too. It was a very evident in the moan that escaped his control when her lips touched him just below the ear lobe. She smiled to herself. She placed butterfly kisses all along his neck. Trailing with the tip of her tongue connecting them. Leaving a trail of wetness on his skin. He sensed the wetness as her warm breath hit it. She took his ear lob between her lips and gently mouthed it. He pulled away still holding her as he sat his wine glass down on the night stand. He then rolled to her on his side. Wrapping her up in his arms as she totally messed him up working on his ear.

She began to trace the outer ear with the tip of her tongue. He could feel her wet tongue on him and hear the sweetest sounds coming from her. These sounds were causing him to want her right then. He knew she was ready. Her body language told it all. She was needing him.

There was so much he wanted to do. Again, pleasing her was pleasing himself.