Peddling Pleasure Ch. 06


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After Constance landed, we shuttled everyone to the beach by zodiac. Bongo Island was crescent shaped and the Felicity Adele anchored in the bay. Not quite a perfect crescent but more like a two clusters of cones connected with a coma. The center of the coma was just more than a quarter mile wide. The island had one tall tree covered mountain of about four thousand feet on the north side and a spring running into a bay. The bay had coral reefs acting like a partial sea wall. A buoy protected ships from running aground on the coral. It was a modern buoy and no longer had a noisy chain. The other side of the island had a low grass covered rolling hills. This was a good anchorage. The good surf was on the other side of the island. The Spanish had let loose pigs and twenty or so were now feral and roaming on the island.

It was a quarter mile walk with our boards to get to the surf. Dyson carried a pistol to ward off any aggressive pigs. He also had his dive knife strapped to his leg. When we reached the beach, the surf was small and perfect for beginners. The water was clear as crystal and no sharks seemed present. Rick, Tammy and Elaine started to teach Beverley Constance and me how to surf. The water was not as cold as it would be more north on the coast. Each of us starting on a soft-top board as it was the easiest to get up on. The soft-top boards had increased grip and buoyancy. Soon we all were standing up on the boards. Kathy, Chad and Calvin were next. They were able to get up on the soft-top boards as well. Soon all the surfboards were in use and we all were enjoying the moderate surf. We all were able to surf although not very well by later that afternoon.

Angela and Marvin arrived and there Boston Whaler cruised in to the beach on the other side of the island. They had their own surfboards and shorty wet suits. The wind came up, a normal thing for most of the California coast. It made the surf too big for beginners.

"Let's go get the helicopter and film the real surfers," Constance said.

"Okay I will film while you fly," I said.

Chad and Kathy ferried us back to the Felicity Adele in the zodiac. We boarded the thirty million dollar vessel and went to preflight the modern helicopter. Chad and Kathy took the zodiac back to the island. Soon I was her nude wingman again. Constance had an expensive Sony video camera and once we were over the surfers, I started recording.

Rick and Tammy were accomplished surfers. Elaine was even better and she was paddling into some bombs. Elaine had won some surfing competitions in the past. Angela and Marvin were holding their own even with this tribe of talented Dude and Dudetts. She hovered the chopper just above the breakers and I recorded some epic footage. Rick pulled off a gnarly bottom turn and that enabled an amazing ride. Marvin wiped out and his board went tombstone. He was not injured and soon returned to the lineup. He was lucky the place he fell off was an all sand part of the beach. He rode the next one like a pro. Angela paddled into a crisp cutting wave and showed her metal.

When the fuel was getting low, Constance returned us to the Felicity Adele just as the sun was beginning to set. We tucked in Constance's baby, her helicopter. We strapped her down and rinsed the salt off her. The surfers returned soon after. Dyson had shot a pig that had gotten aggressive and had brought the skinned fresh hog onto the yacht. Elaine had picked a bunch of wild apples and brought them on board as well. The outdoor salon had a barbeque with a spit big enough to roast the whole hog.

"Constance, Angela that surf spot is a localism. Do not share it with anyone else," Tammy said.

"I will keep it close, I would never betray Elaine like that," Constance said.

"Cool we don't want kooks out there," Tammy said.

"We are happy you guys taught us to surf. We will honor whatever code you lay down," Beverley said.

"We will only surf that spot with you or Elaine," Constance said.

"Righteous," Tammy said.

"Looks like we will have a luau," Calvin said. I did not want to tell my English friend that the Hawaiians cook luau pigs in a pit with coals and banana leaves.

Marvin, Walter and Chad rafted the two yachts together with fenders. Constance had asked them to do this.

"Now we can have a luau orgy," Beverley said as she slapped Angela's bare ass. Constance had taken everyone's clothes. It was warm tucked in behind the island. The mountain was blocking the prevailing wind. I had never seen so many epically sexy bodies in one place. The electric motor spun the pig over the restaurant style charcoal fueled fire. The expensive motor was almost silent as it rotated the spit. It was going to be a while before the large pig roasted, two to three hours over a hot fire.

"Time to re-enhance them Terrence," Constance said.

This is where more of Pleasure's idiosyncrasies came into play. Marvin and Calvin's penises only grew one more inch. Far less than expected, I had no explanation. Walter and Dyson had the normal increase of about 25%. Chad had no increase at all. All the women had breast size increase, but not as much as the first trials. They all went up only one-cup size. Tammy and Rick were not eligible for enhancement until the next day. Constance put the enhancement cream on me to retest my theory that it would not work again. My penis grew another two inches. It was now 12 inches long. I had no explanation. Could pleasure be subject to Constance's wishes? Perhaps she wanted her boobs to be the biggest. I put the enhancement cream on Constance again to test my theory. Her boobs grew another 10% insuring her size advantage over all the others. I sucked Constance's nipples and she climaxed. There was another potential explanation, but I did not want to admit it to even to myself. Pleasure could be subject to my wishes as well; after all, I was the boob man. We cued up the video we recorded of the surfing on the flat screen. It was amazing even without editing. After the video was over Constance took control again.

"You will stay hard until every woman here gets a ride on your twelve inch cock," Constance said.

The women drew skewer straws to determine the penetration order. Tammy went first and she gasped as my long board parted her surf.

"You cannot climax Terrence," Constance said. Constance seemed to want to please her guests as much as me.

Tammy worked over my shaft with her tight folds. When she climaxed all the women did as I had linked them all. Kathy went next and she soon caused herself and the others to climax again. They all went one after another until it was Constance's turn. She climbed on and started riding me.

"You can climax Terrence," Constance said. I shot my load and Constance had me clean out my semen. I knew this was her plan from the start.

The roasted pig was delicious and everyone enjoyed the meal. The Pig was served with foil wrapped potatoes and corn on the cob. The fresh rolls were delicious. After dinner, they decided to play another game. Constance and I were judges.

"You cannot play Terrence as your size would give you away," Constance said.

The game we called "whose cock is in my box." We blindfolded the women, and then bent them over a lounge. The men the entered their exposed sex, then girls were to guess who was in them. It was managed chaos. This continued until all the men had entered all the women in a very random order. The women wrote their guesses onto a piece of paper, after each switch. Beverley won as she had the correct order at the end of the game.

"What did I win?" Beverley asked.

"What do you want?" Constance asked.

Beverley whispered in Constance's ear. I did not like the way this was going.

"She wants all the men to be tied over the rail so she can spank your balls, but I want there to be some chance involved, I think it will add drama," Constance said ever the one to make things interesting.

"Not fair you said I could pick," Beverley said.

"I know but you will like this," Constance said. "Get some skewers and make 4 short and four long, short one get the cock and ball torture from Beverley," Constance finished.

Beverley held the skewers as we picked. One by one, we picked skewers. Each one of us hoped to be spared from Beverley's cruelty. I picked last and I drew a full skewer. Every man was perspiring as he drew. The losers were Ted, Walter, Marvin and Dyson. They women tied them spread eagle over the tall stainless steel rail. Beverley had a riding crop. Their partners used their mouth to tease their hard cocks. Occasionally Beverley would belt their junk with the crop. Then the women teased them again, until more blows that are painful with the whip interrupted them. This went on for quite some time. The four men enjoyed the treatment and the women were engrossed. When the four women put their men's penis heads back in there mouth again, Constance ordered the four men to climax. The women held the loads in their mouths and kissed their men feeding them their own cum. The lucky men undeniably enjoyed the game and were perverts now. Constance had them right where she wanted them.

"Now Elaine and I want you to torture Calvin's balls with a metal spoon Beverley," Constance said.

"Where did you come up with that idea?" Beverley asked.

"Elaine saw it in a video," Constance said.

The women released Ted, Walter, Marvin and Dyson and they tied Calvin to rail. Kathy went for a metal spoon. Beverley took the spoon from Kathy and smacked one of Calvin's balls. He moaned as she hit the other one with the spoon.

"Be careful you will have him pissing blood," Willow said.

"It would serve him right," Beverley said as she hit his balls hard again.

"Forgive me Beverley," Calvin said. Beverley hit his balls again.

"Not yet I won't," Beverley said. She struck the head of his penis with the spoon and Calvin cried out.

"Look how purple his balls are getting," Elaine said.

"You need to be gentle," Willow said.

"The pig is ready," Dyson said.

"I am not done with this pig yet," Beverley said.

"Cut it out Beverley and everyone come to dinner," Constance said.

The pig was now cooked and everyone followed Constance in for dinner. The women untied Calvin and we all ate. Willow had put some homemade rolls in the oven to go with the meal. The pig was very good and the rest of the dinner was good as well. It was late by the time we ate so everyone was very hungry. Beverley forced Calvin to eat with his legs spread so she could hit his balls occasionally with the spoon. He was about to cry with pain several times. After dinner, the women were very horny. Constance locked every man's cock hard so the women could use us all as sex dolls all night.

The next day I had forgotten to unlink Constance the night before. Everyone must have been exhausted, because she was not complaining about lack of sleep. I licked her first thing in the morning again. After a light continental breakfast, we all went back to the island. We surfed all day or at least until the wind came up. Constance and I filmed the late afternoon sets again from the refueled helicopter. It was another epic day, but we had to return. We cruised through the night reaching Santa Cruz by early morning. We anchored off the beach again. Angela and Marvin had sailed south. They were no longer with us. We ate breakfast and played another game. This game was whose shaft is up my ass.

"The one with the least right will have her partner try to redeem her by taking the same test," Beverley said.

"You play too Constance, we all want to feel Terrence up our ass," Elaine said. I hoped Constance would not loose.

"I will judge this one," Willow said.

We blindfolded the remaining women and a mayhem of sodomy ensued. Every penis invaded every female contestant's ass. Willow tallied the results and Kathy had the most wrong order. She did not even have my placement correct. It seemed as if she had thrown the contest. Chad kissed her on the lips.

"Thanks babe," Chad said. Male on Male sex part is in this section.

Kathy blindfolded Chad and Beverley lined us up smallest to largest. Kathy moved to suck Chad's cock as the first cock penetrated his ass.

"Terrence put your cock in his mouth and he can suck you as he is getting fucked," Beverley said.

I put my hard cock in Chad's mouth and he was happy to suck it. I did not want this, but Constance's pleasure enabled control was stronger than my ability to resist. Calvin entered his ass at the same time. After Calvin finished shooting seed in his ass, Beverley asked Walter to screw his nephew. Walter hesitated; he did not want to sodomize his nephew.

"Fuck his ass or I will make sure to lose next time," Elaine said.

Walter shoved his cock up his Nephew and he enjoyed doing it, even if he was trying to act as if he did not. After every male except me on board sodomized his tight asshole and I shot my load in Chad's mouth. He did not guess correct order at all. Chad did climax three times though; he must enjoy being ass fucked. We all took a hot shower in the outdoor shower.

"You are worse than me at guessing Chad. We should make you suck all the men off as a penalty," Kathy said.

"Next time we will," Constance said

We dropped Rick and Tammy back off at Santa Cruz beach later that morning. They surfed their way to the beach later that morning.

When we got back to the Bay Area, Constance and I went to the lab to run the purple mold batch through the still and synthesize it. Something was not right with it. I wanted to throw it out before testing it. Constance talked me into making one male kit out of it. I did as she asked, but was very careful to label it experimental. I did not want to mix it with any other product.

A few days later Marguerite was at Constance's place. Constance, Marguerite and I were out at the pool. Marguerite was a lovely woman, although she looked her age. She had very fine features and classic French beauty. She was five foot six and lithe in build. She wore her curly brown hair shoulder length. She had a small chest and a small bottom. Constance was spraying her with the Pleasure perfume.

"Do you like the smell?'" Constance asked.

"Yes it makes me giddy," Marguerite said.

"Do you still love Jack?" Constance asked.

"No, he is just cruel and controlling prick to me now," Marguerite said.

"Do you want to look young again?" Constance asked.

"Yes, how would that even be possible?" Marguerite asked.

"With New life cosmetics, I am fifty-five and Terrence is sixty," Constance said.

"Is that true?" Marguerite asked.

"Yes, I am sixty," I said.

"We can give you a makeover as well, but you have to get Jack to have one also," Constance said.

"Ok, but Jack does not listen to me," Marguerite said.

"We are counting on him wanting to look as good as you will," I said.

"Please make me look young again," Marguerite said.

I put the face cream on her. It soaked in about seven minutes and she looked thirty again.

"Take off your clothes," Constance said.

Marguerite took off her blouse and brazier. Her breasts had bruising as if they were beaten. She took off her slacks and panties to reveal more bruises on her legs and bottom.

"Did Jack do this to you?" I asked.

"Yes he came home as I was packing to leave," she said.

"I will be gentle," I said.

I slowly caressed the breast cream onto her small petite points. As the cream soaked in her breasts grew and healed at the same time. Her breasts were now a "C" cup. She looked at her breasts and a smile grew on her face.

"They are so big and sensitive," Marguerite said.

"Turn over so I can put another cream on your bottom," I said.

She turned over and I put the cream her behind. I rubbed it onto the visible welts that Jack had left on it. I compassionately rubbed some onto her bruised thighs. The sun activated it and her bottom was fit and healed. This was the first time the creams did not cause sexual feelings in the subject or me. I just felt sympathy for her before her healing.

"Roll over and put hands above your head," I said.

I rubbed the toning cream on her. The sun activated it and she was tone again. All the marks of cruelty 'pleasure' erased there also. I applied the hair remover on her under arms, legs and vagina. Her nipples grew hard from the tingling sensation on her sex. I set the timer for ten minutes. Her skin was radiant as if totally restored. The timer went off and we all went for a swim. We got out of the pool. I linked there orgasms together. I was now able to do this with only my thoughts.

"Give her the taste test Constance," I said.

Constance licked Marguerite between her legs and Marguerite was very responsive to her tongue. Marguerite stroked Constance's head as her breath became more rapid. Marguerite climaxed with a scream and a squirt. Constance did the same.

"If Jack wants you back he will have to come for you. You are staying with us for a while," I said.

"I know you want Terrence to screw you Marguerite, you can if you lick my pussy at the same time," Constance said.

Marguerite began licking Constance as I entered her doggie style. Marguerite gasped as my twelve inches invaded her moist crevasse. Constance smiled at me knowingly. I pounded her pussy with my twelve-inch hammer.

"That is it Terrence punish her with your big monster," Constance said.

"No slow down it is too big," Marguerite said. Even though I knew, she did not mean it.

I thrust in and out as Marguerite spasms beneath me. I used my cock as a battering ram to try to make her climax. She finally did, but Constance did not allow me to.

"Lick me harder," Constance said as she climaxed.

Constance sent me for some wine. Constance was questioning Marguerite while I poured the wine.

"Are you happy here in America?" Constance asked.

"I should have stayed in Paris," Marguerite said.

"What did you do in Paris?" Constance asked.

"I was a chef. I came here to work at a San Francisco restaurant," Marguerite said.

"Do you still love cooking?" Constance asked.

"Yes, I love cooking and sex," Marguerite said.

"Did you know Jack embezzled two million dollars from me?" Constance asked.

"No, but he has been quite secretive. I think he has another new love," Marguerite said.

"Would you be our chef both here at the house and on my yacht?" Constance asked.

"I would love to," Marguerite said.

The next day Jack came to get Marguerite. Constance was waiting for him. Her security man was there, Frank. Jack was small in stature, about 5 foot 8 inches. He had thin features and grey hair. He was balding and looked like he was a total prick.

"Marguerite you look so young," Jack said.

"What are you doing here jack?" Marguerite said.

"Marguerite you need to come home now," Jack said.

"Wait a minute Jack. I want to ask you about the two million dollars you embezzled," Constance said.

"No Candy embezzled the money," Jack lied.

"No I traced the money to your account," Frank said.

"What that is impossible," Jack said.

"No I traced the fourteen separate bounced transfers to your offshore account," Frank said.

"How did you do that?" Jack asked.

"It is what I do, but no worries the money has been safely returned to Constance," Jack said.

"Oh," Jack said.

"If you do not want charges brought against you, you will do exactly as I say," Constance said.

"Ok, what do you want from me?" Jack asked.

I sprayed him with the perfume. His eyes glazed over.

"Why did you steal from me?" Constance asked.

"I am so in debt, they are going to take my house," Jack said.

"Why were you stupid enough to think you would be able to steal from me?" Constance said.