Pedicure Adventure Pt. 02

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Further adventures at the spa.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 01/03/2023
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When I got home from my pedicure, I admired Rose's handiwork. My cock ached from her attentions too, but in the most positive sense of the word. For the next several days, the events of the afternoon at the salon kept replaying themselves over and over. Every time I thought back on that incredible experience, the excitement built again and my imagination took over. It was the subject of my fantasies as I took care of myself in the shower.

It was all that I could do to keep myself from going back to the salon again that same week. Rose had been dominating my thoughts since the pedicure and I was looking forward to seeing her again. She was at least twenty years older, but I had a soft spot for Asian women and she was exceptionally attractive. And busty! My fantasies had almost always revolved around older, well-endowed women for as long as I could remember. Lilly fit that bill too, but Rose was the one I was fantasizing about.

I would drive to the plaza after work and sit in my car, telling myself to get a grip, that it was too soon for a return visit. I had had myself waxed with a Brazilian the weekend before and was anxious for a chance to show it off by getting a massage. I got hard just thinking about it. However, my budget didn't allow for any more indulgences before my next pay cheque and I had to bite the bullet until then.

The next Friday, my pay safely deposited in my account, I hurried home for a quick shower, took a Viagra and sprayed some cologne in a few vital spots. It was just about dinner time and I hadn't eaten, but I was too excited to worry about that. I hustled over to the plaza, anxious to see both Rose and Lilly again.

As I parked, got out of the car and approached the front door, I became aroused in eager anticipation of seeing them both again. I couldn't remember feeling like this since my teenage years and was almost trembling in my excitement. My penis was at full mast as I opened the door.

I had assumed that it would be busy but it wasn't. In fact, it looked like Lilly was here on her own. She greeted me very warmly as I came in and that sent a shiver down my back. She noted my darting glances, looking for Rose. She stood up from her work station and put her arms out wide, gesturing for me to come over for a hug.

Raising her arms had had the effect of pulling her already short skirt up high onto her thighs, revealing a hint of bare skin above the panels of her stockings. She hadn't worn stockings on my previous visit, so I was quite taken by this. I had always loved the sight of stocking clad legs, many a masturbatory fantasy revolving around ads cut out of department store catalogs showing such legs as a youth.

As I approached her, she stepped forward and gathering me into a warm embrace, leaning in close, one leg planted between mine. This resulted in VERY close contact with little to no space between us.

I returned the hug, aware that my erection would be immediately evident against her abdomen, the top of her head at my chin. I was conscious of just how firm her breasts were as the bore into my ribcage with her tight squeeze.

As she continued to hold me tightly, her hands planted firmly on my lower back, she didn't wait for me to ask about Rose. She stood up on her toes drawing us even closer together which raised her pelvis tightly against the underside of my erection, which had been forced up by our close contact.

She then put her lips next to my ear in an intimate gesture, (one not lost on Lilly I was sure) and whispered that Rose had left an hour earlier for the weekend and that she wouldn't be coming back to work until Monday. She was thoughtful enough to suggest that Rose would be VERY disappointed to have missed me, then kissed me lightly on the cheek as she lowered her heels back to the floor.

I was let down that Rose wasn't here, but was taken aback by the intimacy of Lilly's greeting. As she unwound herself from our embrace and stepped back, her skirt was still riding high. As she sat back down in her chair, it rode even higher and she made no move to adjust it even though her panties were now visible.

She asked if I had been pleased with my pedicure the previous week. I assured her that I was - that I had dropped by hoping to see both her and Rose to share that with them. I had also hoped that Rose might be available to give me a massage tonight. Lilly had a pensive look at that and pursed her lips, reluctant to let me leave now that I had returned. She reminded me that their niece Janet was a certified reflexologist. It was just the two of them here tonight : would I like a foot massage?

I hadn't even considered that, having had my heart set on a full body massage. She overcame my reluctance by calling Janet out from the back : she proved to be a young, buxom beauty (of course) who had just finished with a client a short time ago. There was a exchange between the two of them in Vietnamese and Janet cracked the most sincere and warmest smile I could have imagined. I wondered at that but realized that I was sporting an erection that I had made no effort to hide. I gave Lilly an enthusiastic thumbs up as I followed Janet over to the same pedicure chair that I had sat in less than two weeks before.

Janet was short and slim and was wearing very snug, knee-length white cotton leggings that hugged her fit, muscular legs. So snug in fact that it was evident that she was going commando with a camel toe in the front and muscular cheeks that were lifted and separated at the back. Little was left to the imagination. It might have been considered almost indecent by a lesser mortal, but was, at the very least, immodest.

Did I mention that she was buxom? That does not do her justice. Her breasts were melon-like in their size, but firm and pert. Her erect (why were they erect?) nipples were the size of accorns. I was surprised that her incredible endowment didn't require the wearing of a bra, but she wasn't. The matching top was cropped and did little to conceal that fact. It was meant to be short and loose fitting, but her large breasts pushed the material to stretching. The hem rode at the top of her muscular midriff so that an upblouse was inevitable unless she was standing up straight.

The underside of her breasts were visible when she moved and she looked to be top heavy. I thought that a strong breeze might tip her over, but this did not detract from her looks. She was incredibly sexy and her "bustiness" was jaw dropping. Her small but muscular frame carried it all very well. It was a stunning look and she was not the least bit self conscious of just how exposed she was. Was Lilly OK with this x-rated outfit?

To finish the look, Janet had topped off (bottomed off?) her outfit with colourful, wedge-shaped sandles that added about three inches to her height and showcased her beautifully polished toe nails. She had small and shapely feet that I particularly appreciated, having a bit of a foot fetish.

I knew that red nails signified confidence and an outgoing personality. Was Janet trying to communicate that with this choice of colour? I commented on how striking they were and how they complemented her beautiful feet. She blushed at that without comment, appearing flustered at my flattery.

There was something familiar about Janet, but I couldn't put my finger on it. As she led me over to the chair for my foot soak, I asked her if we had met before. She blushed and told me that yes, that we had both attended the same high school. She had been a freshman in my senior year and that her and a lot of her gymnastics teammates had had a crush on me. They had nicknamed me "Legs", which I had been unaware of. I could feel myself flushing now and it wasn't the Viagra!

Janet went on that she had recognized me immediately when Lilly called her out to the front. It pleased her to no end when Lilly let her know in Vietnamese that I was a repeat customer of Rose's and that she was to make sure that I didn't leave disappointed. In English, Lilly suggested that Janet offer me a shoulder and neck massage while my feet were soaking to help make up for Rose being unavailable.

As I sat down in my familiar throne, it registered with me now just how high and exposed I was. This particular chair was at the end of a row of four and overlooked the rest of the salon, right beside the walkway to the back rooms. It hadn't dawned on me the other day with only Rose and Lilly on hand, but I now realized that my bare thighs would be on full display. Not just for Janet, but for anyone else who took a close enough look at me as they moved around or went to the back. I was thrilled!

I told Janet that I had been here before, sitting in this very chair. I noticed a sly smile at that and I raised an eyebrow, looking for an explanation. She hesitated only briefly and then reminded me that both Lilly and Rose were her aunts. She related to me that the last time I had been here, I had made quite an impression. The two of them had shared with her and the other attendants a lot of the details about this most interesting pedicure the previous week. That, in fact, they had been effusing about it on and off since, trusting that I would be coming back again soon. Janet suspected that both Aunt Lilly and Aunt Rose had a crush on me.

Imagine Janet's surprise and delight when she realized just now that an old crush of hers had been the one to create such a stir with her aunts! They were anything but prudes, but they had been overwhelmed by my blatant exhibitionism. They had been both enticed and excited by my show. She suggested that, no doubt, I would be the subject of another round of gossip again over the next few days. I told her I expected I would be too!

I took this opportunity to reassure Janet that I certainly hoped that neither Rose or Lilly had felt uncomfortable or, heaven forbid, unsafe at any time that afternoon. It had never been my intent to embarass anyone other than myself and that my actions were not meant to be harmful. I had wanted to get a positive reaction and I had been more than pleased with how everything had turned out. I hoped that they were both pleased as well.

She reiterated that neither of her aunts had suggested other than an utter fascination and satisfaction with my actions that afternoon. They had been turned on and had loved it! They both realized rather quickly that I was harmless and that my exposures to them were meant to please and excite them. They had enjoyed every minute of it!

If anything, they had been a bit worried that perhaps the two of them had over reacted. That they might have scared me away. They had been anxiously awaiting my return for over a week now and were upset that I hadn't come back yet. They wondered if they had chased me away, spooked me.

We were talking in hushed tones as there were only the three of us here now and the salon was quiet, absent the usual hub bub that you would expect on a Friday night. Janet told me that she knew that Lilly would be relieved that I had returned and that she would have called Rose to let her know. They were both divorced and neither of them were dating. That, despite the age difference (or, perhaps, because of it) they had been hoping that I would return soon to carry on with another round of my shenanigans. They had feared that my pedicure was done to please a girlfriend and that, perhaps, she was taking up my time now. No doubt, my return had been hotly anticipated. My showing up late on a Friday afternoon was a welcomed development for Lilly.

I had to ask - why wasn't she wearing a bra with such an endowment? She explained that she had always worked out, first as a gymnast (until her developing breasts had thrown off her center of gravity and made apparatus work very difficult) and then as a dancer and that her muscle tone kept her "melons" (her term, not mine) firm and pert. No doubt she would have to have a breast reduction when she aged but, for now, she passed the pencil test.

I wondered out load, was Lilly OK with her "X-rated" outfit? She blushed again and I marvelled that I could embarrass her so easily with that, yet she could be perfectly at ease dressed as she was and talking about her incredible endowment.

I suggested that our discussions were getting personal now and that perhaps we should save them for another time. Was she free tomorrow (Saturday)? I offered to give her my number and she could call when she had some time to talk. I lived close by and would be happy to meet for breakfast somewhere convenient. She agreed enthusiastically and told me she would call early. She also lived in the neighborhood, our old one from our high school days.

Leaving it at that for now, I removed my shoes and socks as she began to fill the spa. As I was about to start with the zippers to remove my pantlegs, she put her hands on both of my knees and, without a word, unzipped them both herself and allowed them to drop to my ankles. She lifted each foot seperately to set the leggings aside and caressed each calf muscle momentarily as she held them. It was a very familiar thing to do and she was not very careful (even careless) with her fingers. I found it incredibly sexy and her ministrations were working. As my member responded and the glans was throbbing, I had no doubt that she was aware of the effect she was having. A good part of my erection was on display now as she had not bothered to pull the cuff of my shorts back down.

Emboldened, I stood up and pulled the cuffs of my shorts up higher, exposing my thighs even more and asked Janet whether "Legs" was still an appropriate nick name for me. She stammered for a moment, blushed, and told me yes, that seeing them up close like this after six years was a real treat. "Does that meant that you still have a crush on me? A crush like your aunts?" I asked as I sat back down, my erection all but completely exposed to her gaze. I could see that I had embarrassed her, so I let her chew on that for the time being.

As I set my feet into the spa to begin my soak, Janet told me that she was going to massage my neck and shoulders while my feet were soaking. My enthusiastic smile told her I thought that was a great idea and that I was all for whatever she had in mind. She smiled and excused herself to go to the back, to "get oil". She advised me that she would be a few minutes and for me to take off my shirt while I waited to save some time. She wispered that Lilly might appreciate it if I talked to her for these few minutes.

Sure enough, Lilly had been playing close attention to us and as we were now alone for the moment, I glanced over at her and silently gestured for her to come over. She stood up from her work station and sauntered on over and stood in front of my throne expectantly, not more than three feet away.

I commented to her that her niece was a beautiful woman and that she must have inherited her good looks from her two aunts, hoping that flattery on my part was appreciated. It was. She agreed that Janet was, indeed, a beautiful woman as she she stood there with some anticipation, not sure what I would do next.

I wasn't going to keep her waiting. I stood up, my feet still soaking in the spa, and unbuttoned my shirt to remove it. My erection had waned slightly, but was still quite visible as it retreated slowly back under the cuff, Lilly's rapt attention focussed. I slipped my shirt off of my shoulders, revealing my muscular chest for the first time.

She was staring as I slowly reached up and "air-pinched" my nipples, hoping to pique her interest as I did so. She took the hint and reached up with her fingers and tweaked both nipples rather tentatively. I used my fingers to sqeeze hers, telling her that there was no need to be gentle.

As her attentions to my nipples became more vigorous, her play had the desired and inevitable effect. I pulled the cuff of my pants up, revealing my restored erection in all it's glory, inviting her with a glance down to check it out. She released one of my nipples and reached down to grasp my penis, stroking it gently. She then bent slightly and took that same nipple between her incisors and rolled it between them, sending wave after wave of sensation coursing through my body.

We both realized that Janet would be returning shortly, She straightened herself up and we both went back to what we were doing : I sat back down with my penis exposed and throbbing, Lilly reluctantly back to her seat. Not because we were trying to hide anything from her neice, but because we wanted to avoid "getting caught" in an awkward position while I was waiting for Janet's massage to begin.

When Janet did return less than two minutes later, she had changed out of her outfit and had put on one of Rose's uniforms. It did not fit her well and she was spilling out of the top, her large breasts pulling the hem of the uniform high on her thighs making it far too short as a cover up. She hadn't fastened any of the buttons, so she had to hold the lapels together with one hand while awkwardly carrying the oil bottle in the other. As my eyes locked on her new outfit, she answered my unasked question by telling me she did not want to get any oil on the leggings or top that she had been wearing. Oil spilled on the fabric would make them transparent and hard to clean.

This new outfit was even more revealing. She was really just using it as a wrap and it wasn't suited for that. Modesty had to be sacrificed. It was obvious that she was still commando by the generous glimpses of skin visible as she struggled to keep herself contained. Her hem was riding high exposing thigh and her lapels were doing little more than hiding her fully erect nipples. She was quite the sight.

As my feet continued to soak, she sat down on the stool in front of the spa and leaned forward to slip off her sandles. Realizing that she couldn't do so without letting go of her lapels, she placed her left foot between my thighs, inches from my exposed glans and asked me to do the honours. Her right foot followed the left and I got the opportunity to caress and hold those beautiful feet, if only momentarily.

To start the shoulder and neck massage (yeah, remember that?) she asked me to slide forward in my seat so that she she could step up and position herself behind and above my shoulders. She was having a tough time keeping herself covered, so she gave up on even trying. With her hand no longer holding the lapels together, she placed it on my shoulder to steady herself as she planted her foot beside my hips and stepped up into the chair. As she did so, the uniform parted and opened up completely, right before my eyes. She was completely naked and I got my first clear and unobstructed view of those incredible breasts. And her bald pussy. They were magnificent and she was a vision to behold!

As she was stepping up into the chair behind me, she turned around and then leaned back, planting her beautiful feet beside my hips. Her bare calves pressed against my lower ribs, skin-to-skin. As she got herself situated, she asked me to lean back and get comfortable while she squatted behind me, gently forcing her knees apart, looking for the perfect positioning. She guided my elbows back so that they draped over her knees, my hands hanging down the outside of her calves. A few more shifts of the feet gave her a comfortable position from which to knead my neck and shoulders.

Janet was completely nude under the open uniform and her knees were spread wide to accomodate my upper back. I could feel the heat generated by her thighs through my arm pits and shoulder blades and her breasts were RIGHT there at the back of my head. They were so large and firm that they massaged either side of my head to the rhythm of her hands as she started on my shoulders. I could feel her nipples rubbing against my ear lobes with each forward thrust. As she shifted and moved her hands down to massage my shoulder blades, her breasts were on either side of my neck now, doing an effective job of massaging it too.