Pedicure Therapy


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She found a little table that fit onto the armrests of the chair for people that wanted to put their laptops on it while they were getting their pedicures. When it was in place, it covered me from my stomach to just above my knee. This allowed her to reach all the way up under the legs of my shorts to my cock and balls, which had now become a part of my pedicure. The table concealed her actions perfectly. It was surreal to be sitting in the same little private room with Eileen having my cock and balls massaged by Hunni's expert hands. She always had this beatific smile on her face when she made me cum and cupped her hands around the head to contain the hot semen that she pumped from my throbbing cock.

I don't know how much Helen and Mary knew about how Hunni had altered the parameters of a pedicure but they always took excellent care of Eileen and never gave any indication that anything was out of the ordinary. I guess it helped that once we began to use the private room I increased the tips to forty dollars each.

These highly enjoyable biweekly excursions continued for about six months until Eileen began complaining of pain in her lower back and pelvis. I hoped it was only normal aging since we were both fifty now but it continued to the point of having to take her to the doctor. That's when we got some very bad news. She was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and it seemed to affect her hips and pelvis severely. She also had a degenerating disc between two of her vertebrae that caused intense lower back pain. These symptoms virtually destroyed our sex life and some times it was too painful to go to the nail salon.

The next time I went to the salon without Eileen, Hunni asked about her and I told her what was happening. She started crying when she heard about her condition. Then I started crying and for the first time she put her arms around me and held me. She looked at me and said, "George, I think you know how much I care for you and Eileen and I want to do something for both of you. If you will let me, I will come to your home and give you and Eileen your treatments."

"Oh Hunni that would be the greatest gift you could give us. Eileen misses her mani-pedis very much and we both would love to have you come to our home to do them. We will be very generous to you for doing this."

"I'm not offering to do this for money. I'm not a prostitute."

"That isn't what I meant Hunni. I didn't think that is why you offered to do this. If it makes you uncomfortable to continue the extra services you provide me in the salon then we will stop. Do you know the meaning of the English word reciprocate? It means to give back to someone who has given something to you. It is a mutually beneficial arrangement that does not make either the giver or the receiver feel obligated. The Roman philosopher Seneca put it this way: One hand washes the other. This is how we will do it. You give something of immense value to us and we will give something back to you. That's how life works. The farmer toils to give life to the crops and the crops give life back to the farmer."

"You are a very wise and kind man George. It will be my pleasure to do this for you and Eileen." I wrote down our address and phone number for her and made a date for her to come in two weeks.

That weekend I took Eileen shopping for a chair that she could sit in and be comfortable and we found a recliner that gave her all the support she needed to minimize the pain. Then we bought a professional home footbath that could be used for our pedicures. We were both excited the first night Hunni came to the house. After Eileen got her pedicure I washed out the footbath while Hunni did her manicure and put nail lacquer on her fingernails. Then Eileen went back to bed because sitting up had tired her and her back was hurting.

Now it was my turn in the chair. I started to sit down and Hunni stopped me. "George, take off your clothes. There is no need for them anymore."

"Hunni, are you sure about this?"

"Yes George, I am very sure. We are friends now."

I started unbuttoning my shirt and she pulled her t-shirt over her head and put it on the sofa. Soon both of us were naked. I put a towel down on the seat of the chair and sat down. She proceeded to give me my pedicure the same way we had done so many times before. She wasn't the least bit self-conscious about doing it naked.

When we got to the massage part she did my feet and legs the same but did not touch my cock. Then she stood and moved forward to straddle my knees and sat down on them.

"This is how I have wanted to massage you George." She put the silky lotion on her hands and massaged my thighs then slowly worked her way up to my balls and massaged them lovingly and gently for several minutes. My cock was rock hard and standing straight up. She slid her legs along the tops of my thighs until the silky hair of her pussy touched my erection. She poured some more lotion in her hand and wrapped it around my cock and began to stroke me. When it was covered with the lotion she placed it against her mound and lower stomach with my balls snuggled next to her warm pussy.

She used her hands to rub my cock from the base to the tip with her palms flat against the topside of my shaft, slowly pressing it against her stomach to feel the heat and the hardness on her skin. I could feel her juice leaking out of her onto my balls. My cock was a little larger than average but seeing it stretched from her clit to her navel made it look huge. She never took her eyes off mine as her face expressed what she was experiencing inside her. She was silently telling me a story of passion, desire and longing. I listened intently and absorbed the meaning to mix with my own feelings. I had never felt closer to anybody in my life.

Another one of her angelic smiles transformed her face into a living Madonna. Her eyes sparkled and she raised her hips up to stand on her knees straddling my hips with the head of my cock poised at the entrance to her vagina. Her delicate little hand softly held the shaft. As her eyes slowly closed she began her descent and, inch-by-inch, enclosed my hard cock in her pink embrace. She paused half way down to allow her small channel to adjust then continued lowering herself onto my hard shaft.

When at last her stretched labia touched my pubes she opened her eyes. "Oh George, it feels wonderful."

Wonderful? That word didn't come close to what it felt like. For me it was a transforming moment. From this point on sex would never be the same. She had completely redefined it for me. This was a quantum leap, an evolutionary mutation that took sexual intercourse to a whole new level. I knew this fundamentally in the very fiber of my existence. And she hadn't even moved yet.

When she did it just got better. I was instantly aware that she was as talented at using her pussy as she was with her hands. Pleasure centers in my brain were rapidly reconfigured to accept the ecstatic impulses that she generated in my nervous system by her erotic movements. I needed a new word to describe what we were doing. It sure wasn't fucking and it went way beyond making love. This was Hyper-eroticism.

I soon realized that her sexuality was not confined to her pussy. Her entire body was a sexual dynamo that generated a sensory field all around her. Her hair, her skin, her breath all radiated sex in its own way. She was moving slowly back and forth, undulating her hips and literally milking my cock with her vagina. She did this so naturally that if you saw her from her chest up you would think she was sitting there watching TV. I wondered how she could be in such total control of her body and then it dawned on me; she wasn't controlling her actions, she had become her actions. She was allowing her sexuality to possess her in a way I had never even heard of let alone experienced before.

I let myself be drawn into the sexual aura that surrounded her and surrendered completely to her. She continued this super copulation for a long time building us both toward... What? A climax? A peak? There didn't seem to be a destination for what we were doing. I quit trying to discover it and just went along for the ride. The sensations of our joining pushed aside the thoughts I had and immersed me in pure sensuality.

Finally I saw her smile change, we had arrived at the culmination of our lovemaking. Of course she knew it before I did, that wasn't surprising. What was surprising was the nature of our conclusion. It was the most perfect orgasm I had ever experienced. She went first and without making a sound her vagina communicated her climax to me and compelled mine to begin. It was unlike any climax I'd ever known. Her throbbing pink walls milked cum from me like a pump. My body gave her all she wanted as my cock offered up spurt after spurt of my hot cream for her delectation without me having to do anything but enjoy it. I didn't feel drained or tired or any of the things I would normally feel.

Her sparkling eyes held me in their gaze and I saw the happiness there. It energized me and made me feel I could keep cumming in her forever. Then she stopped moving and said, "Was that what you meant by reciprocity?"

"That's precisely what I meant Hunni. You learn quickly."

Her head moved toward me and closed the distance between us until I felt her soft lips touch mine. Her kiss was as powerful as our coupling and sent waves of joy through my body. I put my arms around her and pulled her tight against me and the waves increased in frequency and intensity as we simply merged into one another. Holding her was now my only mission in life. Her petite body pressed against me like a baby orangutan clinging to its mother. My hands slid down her back until I covered her ass cheeks with them. Her warm fleshy globes fit perfectly in my big hands as I caressed them tenderly. Her head lay on my shoulder and we breathed as one.

My cock gradually deflated and she pushed back and up to uncouple us. Her feet reached for the floor and she stood up with her legs on either side of my knees and looked at me. It was a look like no other I had ever seen; a mixture of love, satisfaction, playfulness and expectation. It invited me to look at her whole body and admire what our lovemaking had done to her. She was beautiful. As my eyes moved slowly down from her face to her extended nipples standing proudly from her breasts and over her stomach to finally reach her adorable pussy I realized just how much of a woman her little body contained.

"Stay there." She said as she walked away toward the bathroom. Watching her walk naked made my heart flutter. She moved with the sinuous fluidity of a cat. She returned in a few minutes with a warm wet towel and used it to clean my cock, balls and thighs. When she finished she leaned over and kissed my cheek and said the words I didn't want to hear: "I have to go."

I watched her get dressed while I put a robe on. I reached in my pocket and took out an envelope and handed it to her. There were ten twenty-dollar bills in it. She put it in her purse unopened. I walked her to the door and she reached up standing on her toes to put her arms around my neck. I leaned down to kiss her. She reluctantly broke the kiss and said, "I'd stay longer but my baby sitter has to get home."

"Hunni, you have a child? I didn't know that."

"I have a little boy. He is five years old and I had him when I was twenty-five not long after I arrived in America. His father is my boyfriend."

"Why doesn't your boyfriend watch your child?"

"He works at night in a restaurant and doesn't get home until after eleven."

"In that case you'd better get back to your home. We will see you in two weeks."

The biweekly visits continued for a couple of months and Eileen was happy that she could still have her nails attended to and liked having them done at home much better than going to the salon. Due to her condition and erratic sleeping habits we no longer slept together. I stayed in one of the upstairs bedrooms and she stayed in the master on the first floor. I bought an intercom so she could let me know in the middle of the night if she needed me. We tried to have sex when she thought she was up to it but we couldn't do much without hurting her.

One day at breakfast she told me, "George I think we need to get something clear between us."

"What's that my sweet?"

"I've known for some time now that Hunni gives you special treatment when she comes to visit. I don't want you to feel like you have to sneak around or that you're doing anything wrong. I'm sorry I can't be the lover I used to be but I won't deprive you of what you need while you're still healthy enough to enjoy it."

"Eileen you know I love you and I've been very happy being married to you for all these years. What you just said makes me love you even more and I realize how much you love me for saying it. I feel like I should tell you that I care deeply about Hunni. She and I have an unusual relationship. She has a boyfriend and a five-year-old son and she obviously knows I'm married. We've grown close since she started giving me pedicures but I would never let her come between you and me. I would also never try to interfere with her relationship with her boyfriend."

"What we do for each other when she's here is very special to both of us. We both know it could end at any time so it makes our time together even more precious. I'm very glad to hear you say that you understand. If the situation were reversed, I would feel the same way about you."

"While we're on the subject of Hunni I've been thinking that she may be able to help you with your conditions. We've talked about redoing our master bathroom for years and I think it's time to get started. I want to transform it into a spa. You need a place where you don't have to climb into or out of a tub or shower to bathe. I think hydro-jets would be good for you and we could have a massage table. Hunni is a superb masseuse and I think you would benefit from her giving you frequent massages."

"Oh George that's a fabulous idea. When can we start?"

"Right now. I'm going to contact some contractors and start making plans."

I spent the next few days talking to contractors and looking at plans for constructing our new spa and signed an agreement with a company that specialized in bathroom makeovers. Since the master bath was on the back of the house we had room to enlarge the area so we could really go all out for our project.

Even with all the new equipment and rearranging existing walls the project only took a month to complete since the contractor made clever use of the connections that were already in place. The shower and toilet were only unavailable for a week to minimize the time Eileen would have to use the guest bath upstairs.

The finished result was spectacular. As an added bonus, everything in the spa was wheelchair accessible. This was planned in case Eileen got to the point of needing one and to increase the value of the house should we ever sell it. The final touch was a real pedicure chair just like the ones in a salon. Of course it was 'Deluxe'. When Eileen walked into it for the first time she was like a kid at Christmas walking around inspecting and playing with all the new things we now had to enjoy.

The next time Hunni came for her visit she reacted the same way Eileen had. I asked her if she would start giving us massages and bathing us. She was thrilled at the prospect. She loved the pedicure chair. When she and I had our alone time together I told her about Eileen knowing we had a special relationship and that she was OK with it. She was very happy to hear that because she did have some guilty feelings about having sex with somebody's husband; especially in the woman's home. She had some ideas about what we could do in the spa to help Eileen feel better.

On her next visit, before we got our nails done, we all got in the huge tub together and made the water as hot as we could tolerate then turned on the hydro-jets. Hunni and I bathed Eileen and then helped her do some stretching exercises similar to yoga while the hot water bubbled all over her.

She said she hadn't felt so good in months and was able to sit in the pedicure chair with no pain for the entire time. She then lay on the massage table and Hunni gave her a fabulous massage. Even I had no idea how much she knew about therapeutic massage. She actually managed to put Eileen to sleep before the massage was over.

We helped her get in bed and I kissed her goodnight. Then she said she wanted Hunni to kiss her goodnight and told her, "Thank you so much for everything you do for me. You really are an angel and I love you for what you do for George."

Hunni got tears in her eyes when Eileen told her that.

The remainder of her visit now belonged to me. We headed back to the spa and she told me to hurry and sit in the pedicure chair because she wanted to finish my feet so she could do something special for me. She didn't skip any steps but she did accelerate the pace of my pedicure a little and stopped without the usual attention to my cock.

"Your feet are finally in good condition George. You have been a good patient."

"I've had an excellent doctor so it was easy to be a good patient."

"For being so good I'm going to give you a reward. You're going to get a Vietnamese massage tonight. Go get on the table."

As I walked over to the massage table she left the spa and returned in a couple of minutes with a bottle of olive oil she had found in the kitchen. She came over to the massage table and poured some of the oil on my back and began my massage. Other than just being a fabulous massage I didn't see what made it Vietnamese as opposed to Swedish for that matter. That's when she poured more oil on my back and climbed up on the table to lay on top of me. Then she used her perfect little naked body to massage mine.

"In Hue, where I am from, this is how a woman massages a man." For the next twenty minutes I was in heaven. She slithered and slid up, down and around me using her hands, feet, tits and pussy to rub every part of me in every way it could be done. Then she slid off the table and told me to turn over. When I did she climbed back up and lay on me again. If I thought she felt good on my back I had to rethink my definition of the word pleasure when she began to slide her oily body around on me face to face. This was the most fun I had ever had in my life.

She spent at least ten minutes massaging my cock and balls. She did it in such a way that it didn't feel like a hand job but like a real massage. I was amazed at how good she made my genitals feel. Her little fingers slid between my ass cheeks and I felt one of them enter my anus. This was a new and unexpected treat. She moved it around in my rectum pressing against the sides and massaging it. Then she inserted another one. She continued massaging my asshole paying particular attention to my prostate. She would press on it and massage it while she slowly stroked my cock with her other hand. This had the glorious effect of making my cock as hard as steel yet kept me below the threshold of wanting to cum.

"Do you think you could keep doing that for another hour?"

"Next time. I'm glad you like it. I have some toys I can bring when I come again. You'll like them too."

"Nobody has ever made me feel as good as you do Hunni. What did I ever do to deserve you?"

"I've waited all my life for someone that is basically good and kind and loving. I knew you were that person the first time I saw you. You are my special gift. Giving you pleasure is the source of my joy now. You are second only to my son in my life."

"Not even my mother ever told me they love me in such a sweet and poetic way. I can't tell you how much that means to me."