Peggy Sanford & the Secret Society

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Peggy is introduced to a secret society of black men.
8.6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/18/2022
Created 01/09/2008
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Here I am, giving you another glance into a chapter of my crazy life. The year 2007 was filled with travel and sexual excitement for me. One of you asked me a few months ago if I was ever going to write again, as he was hungry for another chapter of my real life. Well, what you are about to read is just that, just another chapter of what a woman of 47 can get herself into when all alone. Come along with me and let me tell you what really happened.

I first met Joe as a result of having a car wreck. Someone ran into the back of me on an interstate close to where I live. I was on my way to meet a girl friend. I drive a baby blue BMW 325i. My husband was out of town on business, and I was overdue to catch up on things.

As the traffic slowed, I slowed but the guy behind me didn't. Boom! There we were, right in the middle of an accident. All I could think of was my poor BMW!

Sitting on the side of the highway, looked at my watch. It was 6:30pm It was pouring rain, and as soon as the police arrived, he directed us to a nearby parking lot so he could finish his report. Soon, the wreckers arrived. One of the wrecker drivers approached me and said, "Your car won't be able to be driven. I will have to tow it. Why don't you wait in the cab of my wrecker until the cops are finished. I'll get hooked up to your car and then take it to a repair shop. It will not take long, and you can get where you need to go." By this time, I just wanted to get things moving again, so I quickly agreed.

It was warm inside the wrecker cab. My summer dress was obviously not intended to keep me warm or dry on what had turned out to be a cool and rainy summer evening. Now it was wet and a little more transparent than the designer had intended it to be. I hardly ever wear a bra these days, and the cool air was making my obvious nipples stand at attention.

The wrecker driver walked back to the cab of the truck, climbed in and quickly introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Joe. I apologize for not introducing myself earlier. Are you okay?", He asked.

I assured him I was fine, just a bit nervous and cold and wet. He took off his black leather jacket and wrapped it around me and then turned the heat up in the cab. The police directed him around in front of my car, he got out, hooked it up and off we went. On the way to the shop he said, "I hope I don't offend you but I couldn't help but notice how beautiful you are." I responded by saying I wasn't offended and thanked him for the complement. He then asked if I always dressed so sexy. I asked him what he meant by "that way." "Without a bra?," he responded, adding, "It is very apparent you don't have one on". I blushed, knowing how obvious it must have been. As I glanced down at my very enlarged and obviously erect nipples, I pulled the coat closer around me and then replied, in a rather shameful voice commented that the sundress was just more comfortable without one on. He paused, focused his eyes on my 35C's and just smiled.

When we arrived at the shop, he dropped the car off and climbed back inside the cab. "Now where?" he asked.

I was a bit taken back by his offer, but responded by telling him I had planned to meet my girlfriend. Then without thinking, I mentioned that my husband was out of town. Then, I added that I was too wet and in too much disarray to go any where in public. Then he said, "Would you like to come to my place for a drink and then I can take you home?"

"Oh, I couldn't do that. I don't even know you," I said.

Joe then pointed to his wrecker license with his photo on it and said, "That is who I am. I am licensed. That is my license number. The name on the truck is my company. It is not like you don't know who I am."

I thought for a moment, having taken notice of how ruggedly handsome he was, not to mention he was obviously a full 10 years younger than my 47 years. Pausing, then looking up at him, I said "okay, I'll trust you. I'll go, but I can't stay long."

In less than 10 minutes we pulled up in front of a town home. He got out, ran around and opened the door. My mind said, "What a gentleman!" I awkwardly climbed down trying to keep my summer dress down as far as I could but still high enough to allow me to bend my legs and step down out of the high cab. I was sure he got a full view of me of which he would confirm later. I always wear sheer white, unlined bikini panties, and with my bush, there is never a doubt when you get a flash of my crotch and pussy.

We entered the town home, which was modestly furnished and clean for what I assumed was a bachelor pad. He brought me a scotch and soda. I asked how he knew that was my choice of drinks. "A good guess," was his answer. I drank that first drink way too fast and found another in my hand before I realized the first one was gone. "Are you feeling warmer yet," he asked.

I said, "Yes, some." With that, he responded that he had an idea that would warm me up quickly. He didn't want me catching cold. With that he left and went up stairs. I heard water running. He came back down and said, "Please go upstairs, I have prepared a warm bath for you. I'll put your dress in the dryer and it will be dry in minutes. There really isn't a lot to dry." He followed that with a warm smile.

I thought, with my mind starting to whirl, how could I resist? I thought about how to say no. But, by then, after a couple drinks, I couldn't really think of a good reason. Okay, so I am married. But he doesn't seem to care and my husband won't ever find out. Then my drink fogged mind says I don't know this guy but I know who he is. Like I said, I couldn't think of a good reason. So, I said, "After you."

He responded with, "No, after you, I insist." I walked up the stairs knowing he was behind me watching my ass and legs exposed by my very short, very wet, semi transparent summer dress. I blushed but up the stairs we went, with me in front.

When we reached the bedroom he told me, "I'll give you a couple of minutes to get comfortable and then I will join you." That took me back a bit, but by this time the drinks had taken away most of my common sense.

I entered the bathroom and found a large whirlpool tub full of water and bubble bath. I quickly slipped out of my wet summer dress and high heels. Since I was wearing absolutely nothing underneath and it didn't take me long to be fully submersed in the warm water.

I knew Joe was going to join me and that he was most likely going to try and fuck me, I was fully prepared for his advances. He came in and pulled up a bench and took a seat on it. He then said, "Like I said earlier, you are a beautiful woman. I am very tempted to join you in your bath and then have sex with you but I choose to only do that kind of thing on my own terms."

I looked at him with a question mark on my forehead. He said, "Let me explain." "I would love nothing more than to have sex with you but, my guess is, after that, you would then go home and I would never see or hear from you again. That wouldn't be all bad except I don't want it to be that way. I want to have sex with you tonight, but I want you come back to me whenever I tell you to, and, I want you to respond to me the way I tell you to." The question mark on my forehead grew larger. Then he said, "Think about that for a few moments while you enjoy your bath. If you want to play by my rules, I will be in the bedroom, you may join me there or not. But, if you do it will be on my terms." Then he left the bathroom.

I thought about what he had said. I wondered what he meant by sex being on his terms. Here I was, naked in his bathtub, and a man I had only met an hour earlier was telling me HE was willing to have sex with me, but under his terms! What kind of insane approach was this? Perhaps it was my curiosity, my fear of not ever knowing, or just my wanton lust for sexual excitement, but I decided to get out of the bathtub, dry myself off, put my high heels back on and walk into the bedroom, bare ass naked, and see just what kind of man I was dealing with. Naked, I can bring most men to their knees they want me so badly!

When I entered the bedroom naked, with only my high heels on, I was expecting him to be waiting in the bed for me. No, that wasn't the case. There he was, setting in a chair in the far corner of the room, wearing a silk robe. He spoke, "I take it you have decided to accept my terms and do as you are told." I nodded my head.

"I need to hear you say it," he demanded. I spoke softly, "I will do as you say and I agree to have sex with you on your terms." I could feel myself growing wet between my legs from the building anxiety. As I think back now, by this time I still had the belief that this was some kind of foreplay. I would soon learn I was very wrong.

"I have a contract I need you to read and then sign," he said. A contract I thought! What could it possibly say. He reached over to a table setting next to him and picked up a single piece of paper and held it out to me.

"Here, read this and if you agree with every word, and you are willing to abide by it, then you will sign it, date it and we can proceed."

I walked toward him to retrieve the "contract." For those of you that don't know me, I am 5''3" and with my heels on I am a full 5''7" or more, depending on the height of my heels. I have wavy auburn hair that is past my shoulders and I wear it down most of the time. I weigh 105 pounds and have 35C upturned, natural breasts with perky upturned nipples that are a full 3/4 inch long. They are so sensitive that I can cum when a cool breeze blows over them. Their sensitivity also makes them almost always rock hard and erect. I have a smooth flat belly, a full round, very curvy ass, and I keep my pussy natural, trimming only the edges. I could feel his eyes on me as I walked closer. I retrieved the contract and then turned to walk back into the light toward the bathroom to read it. Here is an summary of what it said:


It is hereby agreed that I now declare myself the personal property of the Master and I hereby agree to deliver my body and mind in totality to the demands and wishes of the Master at all times and in all ways, immediately, and without restraint or reservation as instructed. At such times as the Master wishes I hereby agree to be assigned to the servitude of other Masters as instructed to do so. I hereby agree to always have myself available and prepared as instructed to serve the Master or other Masters as instructed to do so. I will not disclose to anyone under any circumstances of my servitude or the identity of the Master or other Masters.

At times I am requested to do so I will recruit others to submit to servitude under the Master and other Masters. I agree to provide monies to cover all expenses incurred during times of my use, including acquiring proper dress, travel, food, drink and accommodations when needed. I also agree to pay fees that are required by certain Masters for their use of me.

By agreeing hereto I will now be known by just my first name, Peggy, sex slave to the Master and all Masters.

I hereby agree, being of sound mind, the terms contained herein.

Below that I found a signature line, a place to print my name, my present address, home phone number, mobile phone, place of work, and work phone number.

Still with the belief that this was some kind of foreplay game I turned to Joe and said, "This sounds like fun but when does it expire?"

He smiled and said, "It doesn't." Then he instructed me to neal before him so he could explain a couple of things to me. I walked over, nealed before him on my knees, squatting to rest my butt on the calves of my legs. He began to talk.

"I am a member of an organization that believes women are here to serve man's needs, without restriction or reservation, in every way. That includes sexually, of course. It is our belief that women, not all women, want and need to be subservient and enjoy the lifestyle. By signing this Contract you will become one of those women. You will serve me, your Master, and all others, as I direct. You will learn how to identify other Masters when you meet them, and you will be taught how to serve them upon request and not just in my presence.", he continued.

"You will be allowed to live a normal life with your husband, at your home, at your work place, and enjoy your friends and family almost as usual. Then, there will be times when you will be required to be with me and serve me and other Masters. There may be times you have to explain to those around you that there are circumstances in which you must have time away. This time away, of course, will be so you can make yourself available for your agreed to servitude. If you agree to the contract, you are entering a world you know nothing about. This highly erotic secret society that will take you places in your mind and physically that you have never dreamed of. You must ask yourself, do you have the courage and real desire expand your horizons and live life to it's fullest. If the answer to that question is yes, then sign the contract and we will begin."

With that he held out a pen for me. My heart was beating fast. I felt flushed. The wetness still building between my legs that were now pressed tightly together. I felt as though I needed a tissue between my legs. Afraid to do and unwilling to give in to my fear, I took the pen. What the heck, he couldn't be totally serious. After all, this had to be a game, and I was fully awake and found it exciting, to say the least.

I stood, walked into the bathroom, placed the contract on the counter top, signed my name, filled in the other information and walked back over to "my Master" and knelt before him and held out the contract and the pen.

It was with tremendous anxiety that I knelt before my Master who I had only met a couple of hours earlier as a result of a freak accident on the highway. He literally came to my rescue in the form of a wrecker driver. Now, here I am kneeling before him, paying my respect to him as the controller of my destiny. I had signed the contract he presented to me, turning over my body and mind for him to use as he so chose and for those other Masters of which the contract disclosed that would also have use of me as they chose. This was a fun game. But too, I was wondering what I had gotten myself into. My mind said, "This would never hold up in a court of law, so what was the real risk?" I was game. Let's play.

It is time I disclose to you that this man, calling himself "my Master," is a black man. He is 6'2" tall and weighs in a muscular 230 pounds. He is clean shaven on his face and he has chosen to shave his head as well. He is very dark. That alone made this a completely new and totally unique experience for me!

He was still in his chair in the corner of the bedroom, dressed in his silk robe. He took the contract from my hand, then the pen I used to sign with. He spoke, "Congratulations Peggy, you have chosen to open yourself to a new life. One that will enrich your emotions, your very existence, your sensitivities, your awareness of yourself and the appreciation of those you have chosen to serve." He stood and walked over to an upright chest. He opened one of the doors and took out a metal box. It had a combination lock built into it. He dialed the combination and then with a click opened the box. He first took out a gold anklet and then placed the folded signed contract inside the box. He then turned and walked back to me holding the anklet. I had heard and knew that when white women wore an anklet on their right ankle, it was a sign that they were available for black men to openly pursue and then to fuck. This wasn't new to me.

"Peggy," he said, "With this anklet that I will now place around right ankle, you will be recognized by all the members of the secret society of which I spoke earlier as a contracted servant. Note the charm that has the special symbol on it. Every where you go you are to wear this anklet and keep it in plain view for all to see." He then leaned over and placed the anklet around my right ankle and clasped it. He then took my hand and had me follow him to the mirror in the bathroom. He then instructed me to view the anklet. I looked down and saw a gold chain that just fit around my ankle, with the special symbol charm in the shape of a spade that was most likely made out of black onyx. It was attached so the bottom of the spade with the point aimed downward. The chain was short enough that the spade would be in plain view at all times unless I was wearing slacks.

Then Joe led me back into the bedroom and instructed me to kneel again. He showed me how I was to place myself on my knees, setting back with my buttocks on my calves, my hands behind me with my palms facing out. I was to keep my white breasts up high but my head tilted downward unless told to look at him. I was instructed to remember that this was position two and to remember that. He then went back to the upright chest and took out a one inch thick binder. It had a black cover with a spade on the front just like the one now hanging n my right ankle.

He spoke, "Peggy, this is your new life. You will read this and know it from front to back. You will be required to live your life the way it is described herein. You are to keep this and read it and study it and learn it. Failure to perform as instructed herein will bring harsh punishment to you. When you leave later you will take this with you and protect it at all cost. You will not disclose it to anyone. You will not talk to anyone about it. Now stand and I will show you position one." I stood.

He instructed me to stand with my hands in the same position, behind me with my palms out. To spread my legs so that my feet were a full two feet apart. I did as instructed, although my heels made me wonder how long I would last. I could feel the coolness of the air in the room as it passed over the hairs of my moist pussy. My breasts were to be held up, shoulders back, my head tilted forward unless told to look at him. I would remember this as position one. Then, on to position three.

Just as in position one, only bent ninety degrees at the waist, my arms and hands up and along side me and behind and with palms open. Position four had me bent further over, legs still spread wide and straight, now with my hands holding my ankles and my head tilted out so I was looking straight at the floor. Then on to position five. On my hands and knees with my head up and looking straight forward, my legs spread and my lower legs and feet straight out not together. My back arched with my ass tilted up. Need I mention I was fully exposed and fully flushed from excitement and embarrassment.

Position six had me flat of my belly with my hands along my side, palms up, legs straight and spread, head upward with my chin flat on the floor, back arched with my ass up. Position seven had me flat of my back, arms along my sides, palms up, legs straight and spread. Position eight was the same as seven except with my legs straight up in the air and spread. My mind wondered if this was really a game or if this black man was totally serious! Most men would have been humping me by this time. After all, my pussy was totally and completely exposed, making my cunt completely available.

There I was. Fully exposed with absolutely with nothing left to the imagination. My wet pussy spread for Joe to see. I was sure it was glistening in the light from being so wet. I could feel my pussy lips part as I raised my legs and spread them. I could feel his glaring stare. Then on to position nine. "Bring your legs back so your knees touch you, keeping your legs straight, hold them with your hands tight against your breasts and shoulders, spread them wider," he demanded.

I was breathing heavy from just the anxiety! I only thought I was exposed before! Now even my ass was spread and open for him to see. Then, he told me when I received instruction, I was to take a exact position I had been instructed on, and stay in that position until told to take another one, even if "the master" left the room. I was to stay as instructed, without moving, until he returned. It would be to my personal benefit to always do as told, especially with regard to positions.