Peggy's Diary: Excerpt 07


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Then the guys got even more into it and started telling us what positions they want as they argued about who should fuck who. It's not like they had a favorite (but I think Sarah got the most attention and I got the least). It's more a "Hey let me do Annette, you do Peggy now," sort of thing where they aren't satisfied with any one of us for long. It was a lot of fun but the constant change of partners and positions kept me from getting aroused to the point of orgasm, And the guys were simply pleasing themselves with little concern for the girls pleasure. They did, however, have a fascination with feeling inside, rubbing clitorises and licking our genitals so it wasn't like there's no pleasure for me.

I was on my back sucking on Josh's penis while Gabe was finger fucking me and licking at my clitoris. I think Dale was fucking Sarah at the time while Annette was fooling around with Gabe's genitals when there's a knock at the door. It was one of the workers telling us our time in the room was up. It startled me and I got up from the bed. Sarah said we could take a few minutes to "finish the guys off". I went back to Josh's penis but used my hand to massage it vigorously while Sarah and Annette did the same to Dale and Gabe. Josh came first and I managed to get the few drops of semen he emitted in my mouth. Sarah got Dale off shortly after. It took a little longer for Gabe to come and I helped by massaging his testicles.

I'm pretty sure the three guys were exhausted and based on the weak final ejaculations I'm not sure they had a lot left in them but our activity banished their shyness. Almost as soon as we got downstairs they each found a girl and took them to mattresses. Sarah and Annette were quickly snagged by guys. I turned down a couple of requests because I was ready to leave.

David and Kate were in the bar waiting for me, Ron was already in the car. We dressed (Kate had misplaced her panties and had to go looking for them) and left. On the way home we talked about our experiences. Despite her original misgivings, Kate said she had a great time. She had lost count of how many guys fucked her but said Mr Malone had come to her when The Captain finished. She also said that David's dad had come by her mattress. She didn't recognize him until he said her name. We talked about whether he might come on to us when we were at their home with Ron. David thought not but Ron said he might, especially if David's mom wanted another session with him (she had dropped by Ron's mattress to try out his cock).

Everyone got a big kick over David's mom trying to set him up. They seemed to enjoyed me telling them about Josh, Dale and Gabe. I asked about cock sizes and whether guys actually had cock measuring contests. Neither Ron nor David had ever been in one or even heard about an actual one. Ron said he thought that it was just a metaphor for testosterone fueled competition over trivia. David said that if Ron was in one he'd win. Kate interjected, "Unless it was with Jerry Malone." She and I disagreed about who was larger but decided it might depend on which of them was more excited and harder. I let Kate have the last word, "I bet I could get them both entirely hard and as long as possible." David agreed, "I don't doubt that!" Ron sat quietly, his ears reddening.

Back in Ron's basement we undressed and I got into bed with David again. No sex, everyone was too tired.

Apr 1

David was still sound asleep when I woke up. But Ron and Kate were back at it in the other bed. I went over and joined in. I was enjoying riding Ron's big cock and Kate was sitting on his face when she stopped massaging my breasts, "I smell coffee."

Ron mumbled something into her vulva. She pulled away and stared at him between her legs. I could see fluid dripping from her onto his nose. He repeated his mumbled statement, "Breakfast, I'm sure we're invited."

I wanted to keep his cock inside me. Coffee wasn't enough to make me stop. But when Kate was riding him and I was experiencing the almost as good feeling of his tongue licking me out we all smelled bacon and decided it was time to go upstairs.

Kate asked Ron about his niece and nephew and he reminded her that they had gone to visit his parents for spring break. At that, Kate said, "I thought that's what you told us. No need to dress. Let's give Dave Sr. a show," and headed upstairs.

I hesitated a bit but Ron said, "Pool party today, clothing optional."

I was a little miffed that he hadn't mentioned a pool party when he invited me over but decided it wouldn't have made any difference and headed up. He stayed behind and on the way upstairs I recalled the date, wondering if he was playing a prank and was downstairs getting dressed. Prank or not, I went into the kitchen. Dave Sr. was drinking his coffee, fully clothed. Well. not doing any drinking at that moment since he was occupied staring at Kate who was posing provocatively for him. "Want a rematch of last night?" she asked in her sweetest voice, kissing him on the cheek and, I'm pretty sure, rubbing his cock.

"I bet he would, dear," Ron's aunt said. It almost sounded like an invitation. "Bacon and coffee first?" she turned away from her cooking. She was naked underneath a silk kimono which was too small for her and open at the front. "Party today!" she exclaimed joyfully, putting a plate of bacon, eggs and toast in front of her husband. "What would you two pretty ladies like?" She looked approvingly at our lack of clothes. "What about you, Ron, sweetie?" she said to Ron who had come in behind us, his substantial cock and balls swaying with his walk. "Where's David?" she added.

"Still asleep," Kate told her. "I can get him up."

"Don't dawdle." Ron's aunt said as Kate left, the meaning of "dawdling" crystal clear.

No dawdling, she was back upstairs within a minute to tell us David was up.

We had breakfast and I helped with the cooking. While Ron's aunt and I were cleaning up, Mr Malone came by with a bunch of mattresses from the swingers party and Kate got dressed to help the guys take them downstairs. Then I borrowed Ron's aunt's computer to update you with yesterday's activities.

Guests started arriving before I finished: a next door neighbor couple, Sarah Malone with her boyfriend (Neal), Eva, and Jennifer. But the cutest were these two guys who were classmates of Davids', Dan and Ethan. They were dumbstruck when Ron's aunt met them at the door with her kimono open to her crotch. And their eyes were as big as saucers when they saw me naked. What a kick I get out of guys admiring my body! I had to go over and introduce myself.

They were checking out the other girls too, saying "There's a bunch of cheerleaders here," pointing out Sarah and Jennifer. One said, "There's Kate O'Reilly. Remember she was in most of our math and science classes." "She's lookin' GOOD!" the other commented. "I Had no idea she had a body like that," The first agreed.

They asked where David was and I told them I think he went upstairs. "With all this beauty around? " one said and they headed upstairs.

I went over to Kate and mentioned what they had said about her. She said that she had been pretty shy and withdrawn in high school. "Ron and his attentions kind of changed that. But I'm still sometimes withdrawn with strangers."

When Dan and Ethan came back out they ran over to us, "Hi Peggy," they said, almost simultaneously.

"Hello Dan," Kate said, extending her hand, "and Ethan. I'm surprised to see you here."

"Not as surprised as we are to see you, I bet," the one designated as Dan said. emphasizing the "see" as a comment on her minimal bikini.

"David invited us," Ethan added in the way of an explanation.

"Of course, David's cousin Ron invited me," she explained.

David says he's fucked both of you," Ethan blurted out.

"He did, did he?" I responded.

"Well he implied it anyway," Dan told us.

"I see," Kate responded with a smile. "I think we'd know if he did. I don't think you need to tell us that."

"Is it true?" Ethan asked impulsively.

"None of your business," I answered playfully.

"He said you might let us fuck you if we asked," Dan stated in measured tones.

While we were talking, Sarah came over with her boyfriend in tow. "HI Dan and Ethan, what are you guys talking about."

The two stood speechless just looking at the well build blond and her escort. "I'm sure you remember Neal, He went to school with us."

"Of course," Dan found his voice. "What are you doing here, Neal? David invite you too?"

"He's my boyfriend," Sarah said, "and the Whipple's invited us." At that Dan and Ethan were struck speechless again.

I decided to answer Sarah's initial question, "The two guys here were kind of suggesting we might let them fuck us."

"OH?" she said. "Isn't that kind of the point? What do you think, Neal? Three on three?"

Neal answered, "If you'd like. Sounds like fun. I don't remember you having quite this body," he ended, speaking to Kate.

"Always had it. Kept it covered up at school, " she told him. "Want to see it all?" and with that she whipped off her bikini and slowly turned around. "And I'm up for some sex. But not three on three. Lets just couple up and then change partners until we've all had a chance which each guy." Then she added, "You wanna show us what you've got?"

"Ethan said, "Here? In front of everybody?"

Sarah told him, "not much of a sex party unless everyone's naked. You want some help, Neal?" and with that she pulled Neal's trunks to the ground, exposing his nice sized, thin cock.

"You boys need help?" Kate asked Dan and Ethan.

"I guess not, "Dan answered, taking off his shirt.

"I think Ethan here does need some," I commented, going over to the clearly dumbstruck boy. I kissed him on the cheek and whispered, "This won't hurt," with a laugh and tugged on his shirt. He raised his arms so I could pull it off.

Dan was sitting on a patio chair removing his shoes. He stood, unbuckled his belt and Kate unzipped his shorts and pulled them, with his underwear, to the ground, kissing his cock as it popped out.

I helped Ethan remove his shoes and asked if was "ready for a blowjob."

He was still speechless but nodded his head slightly so I pulled his shorts to his ankles and started sucking at his exposed penis.

Sarah interrupted me, "You two should do Neal first while I do Dan and Ethan. Then Neal and I can go off to do our own thing while you take care of the other of D&E." (I found out later that Dan and Ethan spent so much time together in high school that they were called "D&E").

Well, Diary, after having them all do me, I understood why Sarah had latched onto Neal. D&E were good but they both used identical approaches, fingering, then licking me to orgasm, then a nice missionary fuck, turning over so I could ride. Kate and I compared notes after and decided that Sally's sex training for them didn't go any farther than knowing how to please Sally. They hadn't gotten the message about being sensitive to the woman's needs or desires like David, Ron and Neal had.

Neal! now there was the epitome of Sally's training. I mean David is great and Ron is unbelievable, but NEAL! Neal seemed to know exactly what to do and when. I'd never expect to be able to have such intense orgasms after all the sex I've had over the weekend. A blow-by-blow description wouldn't do it justice. He talked to me and caressed me and kissed me in all the right places. He got me off twice (once amazingly intensely) before he even penetrated me, And I was so ready that I came again as soon as he slid inside! And he talked soothingly, having a real conversation about all kinds of stuff saying the most wonderful things about me and my sexual abilities, What a kick!

I was severely and completely in love with him, wondering if there was some way I could get him away from Sarah. There was this moment while he was fucking me missionary and I grabbed him, pulled him to me and kissed him passionately while I felt his cock sliding in and out, filling me and leaving me empty. At that moment I'd never felt closer to any guy and my body erupted in tremendous spasms of erotic pleasure. We kissed, our tongues intertwining throughout. He pulled out and finished me off with oral and lingual and digital pussy play that gave me a final throbbing orgasm! I didn't want to let him go but Sarah took him away while I lay exhausted, still pulsating from the memory.

Diary, I was ready to leave after that. As you know, I have modelling sessions the rest of the week and nothing else I'd experience here (or likely anywhere, ever) would match that session with Neal. Kate said she was ready to go too and had had just as intense an experience with Neal. David was MIA, his mom was engaged with Ethan, Ron was sinking his tool into one of the neighbors. Ron's uncle was relaxing in the hot tub so we said our goodbyes to him. He was clearly disappointed that he hadn't had a chance at us, but didn't say anything. I'm sure he'll have another chance.

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