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This third guy really seemed to be excited and grabbed my tits as he fucked. He was definitely nothing special – crude even – although I pretended to enjoy it. That is I pretended until he stage whispered into my ear "I always knew that you were a whore Amy."

I craned my neck the best that I could and got a good enough look to see that it was my asshole ex-husband Chauncey.

"Let me up you asshole," I growled, although I doubt anyone besides Chauncey heard me through the din of the crowd, but he had no intention of stopping. "I paid my $400 whore so enjoy it – I always did when we were married. I hope that you liked fucking my nephew Ben; I specifically got him to ask for you knowing what a good piece of ass you are; I just hope that you didn't spoil him for his wife."

When Chauncey ejaculated into his rubber I felt nothing, and made no attempt at faking an orgasm. I would have liked to get up, but it was not to be since Chauncey had no sooner pulled out than another guy was cleaning up my pussy with a towel and grabbing my hips. I could barely feel his little dick when it was inserted but decided I'd pretend to be satisfied. Things got really bad, however, when guy #4 snarled into my ear "What a treat to fuck my ex-stepmom; sorry that I never got to fuck you when you were married to dad."

I recognized the voice; I didn't need to turn around to know that it was Mitchell, Chauncey's moronic son. Once I recognized that I made no further attempt to act like I was enjoying it although based upon his grunts and activity I think that Mitchell really did – damn!

Again, I was about to get up when guy #5 wiped off my cunt and inserted his cock. #5 had a really nice cock and was obviously trying to please me by rubbing my asshole and lightly pinching a nipple. I blocked the last two fuckers out of my mind, and actually thoroughly enjoyed #5 as he deposited a large enough load into his condom that I had a decent orgasm. I was pleased, that is, until after he ejaculated and withdrew and I rolled over. Fucker #5 was Julian – the jackass who drugged me in the Bahamas.

Suddenly everything was clear to me; Chauncey had set me up in the Bahamas because he wanted to ditch me, and obviously paid both Julian to drug and fuck me and the hospital administrator to provide a fake drug test report. I leapt to my feet before the next guy in line could take Julian's place, and while in a fog gathered up what clothes that I could. Despite the protests from a line that had to be nine guys long I told Walter "Get me the Hell out of here!"

Walter actually had to pull his gun to make sure that we could safely exit. Once out the door of the "reception" room I put some clothes back on to get to the car where my regular clothes were, and we hustled out. Walter was very considerate as he drove me back, although it was clear that he enjoyed looking at my tits while I changed.

I got no sleep that night thinking about my prick ex and his miserable son and friends, and felt completely violated. I was as angry as I have ever been in my life about the stunts that Chauncey pulled on me both to divorce me and to get me to his nephew's bachelor party. I thought "I'll bet that Beatrice informed him that I was working at Event, Inc.," adding another person to my shit list.

When I met with Susan the next day I was loaded for bear. After she paid me my money "Along with a $500 tip from the bachelor party attendees," it took her a good half hour to calm me down. I made it clear that I would never again work an event where my ex or any of his buddies or family was present. In as nice a way as she could she informed me that since they had given a tip I could not refuse in the future, and if I did I could no longer work for Event, Inc. I left without further comment.

I was still stewing several days later when Susan called me to tell me that Richard Hawkins would be in town and had asked for me. After a moment of reflection when Susan said "Are you still there?" I responded. "Susan, I will happily go with Richard, but I will not charge him. Just get your fee from him; I want nothing."

Susan argued with me a little bit, but in view of our session earlier in the week, and the fact that I was a big money maker for Event, Inc., she relented.

When I met Richard at the hotel reception room where the occasion he was in town for was being held he kissed me passionately then asked "What's this I hear about you refusing to accept money?"

I replied "Simple; I really enjoy your company and your love-making skills. I wasn't always a call girl and won't be one in the future and I am fantasizing that maybe sometime in the future you won't consider me just a sperm receptacle but something more. Was that blunt enough for you?"

From the look on his face I thought that I might have made a big mistake; however I never took my eyes off of his. After an uncomfortably long staring contest he said "Thanks for your honesty," and then we attended the event just like nothing had been said.

By the end of the evening I was horny; he seemed to be too. As we walked outside, but before we got in the limo, he whispered "Do you think that I'll have as much fun tonight without paying for it?"

I grabbed his crotch and snarled "I guarantee it!"

I was able to deliver on my guarantee. The sex we had was so much more intense than any other sex in my life that it was like a different experience. Fortunately, we had put the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door because when we finally woke up the next morning – almost at exactly the same time – it was 11:30. Fortuitously he was staying another night so he didn't have to check out.

That day at brunch I told Richard of my plight. He recommended an attorney in our fair city and even called her to set up an appointment for me.


Angela Gallini, attorney at law, was most helpful. When I described my situation with Chauncey she assured me that it was classic fraud. After she did an investigation of his background and finances she would tell me whether or not she would represent me on a contingency fee basis. She also recommended a private investigator that I could use for an extra-judicial project that I had in mind.

Over the next three months Angela did her investigation and completed the complaint for fraud that she would be filing on my behalf against both Chauncey and Julian – whose identity she had also determined. She was holding up filing the fraud complaint until I gave her the go-ahead; it was still more than a year before the statute of limitations was up.

The P. I. that I had hired found out some very useful information about Chauncey and his son Mitchell, including the fact that Chauncey had married a rich socialite who was older than he was, in fact past child-bearing age – so much for his bogus reason for dumping me (I couldn't have kids). I just needed Chauncey to hire Event, Inc. again – something that I knew he was sure to do in order to debase me further.

Three weeks after Angela had the complaint ready to go Susan called me and said that a social club had phoned and asked specifically for me. I had my P. I. immediately investigate the social club and found that Chauncey was one of the officers. I immediately found a way to meet with Chauncey's new wife – Tinsley Wharton (she kept her maiden name).

When I met Tinsley at her country club at first she was aloof. However, after I explained what had happened at the bachelor party, and gave her correct date, time, place, etc., information, her ears perked up. By the time that I had finished with my hour long meeting with her she had already called my P. I. and told him that she would pay for filming of the upcoming event – the nature of which Chauncey had already lied to her about.

The social club event was humiliating for me; the only way that I got through it was by reminding myself that Chauncey, Mitchell, and Chauncey's nephew Ben would pay dearly for it. Once all three of them had fucked me at the social event and the P. I. gave me the signal that he had everything on video from two different angles, the P. I. called in security to escort me out of the event as I put my clothes back on.

In view of the shit storm that followed, I really would never want to get on Tinsley's bad side. She crucified Chauncey and also financed Megan's (Mitchell's wife) and Ben wife's divorces.

Angela hit Chauncey and Julian with fraud complaints the same day that Tinsley filed for divorce. Angela also had the Bahamian authorities send letters to Chauncey and Julian that they wanted them to return to the Bahamas to be interviewed about possible criminal action being taken against them for drugging and defrauding me. Chauncey saw the handwriting on the wall and settled with me for $2,500,000 as well as paying Angela's 1/3rd contingency fee, and I got a default judgment against Julian when he went on the lam.

Of course I immediately quit working for Event, Inc. After that I partnered with my old friend Charlene to develop and market our own line of cosmetics – a business that became very successful within only a couple of years.


For those of you also expecting this to be a "Pretty Woman" story with me getting married to Richard, sorry to disappoint you. Although I will always be grateful to Richard for putting me in touch with Angela he turned out to be slimy. He was married when he was hooking up with me. His wife got an "anonymous" tip of what he had been doing with me; I don't know if she divorced him or just put him on a short leash; I never bothered to find out.

There was a Pollyannaish ending to my tale, however; I re-married my first husband, John.

Shortly after Charlene and I started our cosmetics business I ran into John – now a successful businessman – at a party. We both had matured significantly since our divorce, and started dating. I was completely honest with him about my activities since we had been divorced, and he with me (including cheating on his second wife). We fell in love all over again and now with one kid [that bastard Chauncey had also paid the OB/GYN he sent me to to tell me that I couldn't have kids, when I could], and another on the way, we are extremely happy to have rekindled our first love. This time it will last since we are now mature and have a great financial situation so that we don't have to worry about making ends meet.

Life is strange!

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26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

That was an Amy special. She was a.happy hooker, but got her revenge and a happy ending too.

jimjam69jimjam69almost 4 years ago
Actually very good

Kind of recognize the plot line from somewhere but can't place it. Interesting story and intriguing to the end. Our heroine had a tough raising, especially that rich sob, but she figured it out and ended up on the top. Good for her.

someoneothersomeoneotheralmost 4 years ago
Nothing made sense

There were too many things that never made any sense.

Why didn't she get a legal review of the pre-nup given the age and status of the husband?

If the OB/GYN lied about her not being able to bear children, she presumably would not have had any reason to take precautions against pregnancy. Why didn't she get pregnant before? And, why would husband want to lie about infertile to begin with?

Given the pre-nup, why would husband need to go through the whole cheating play rather than just divorce her? Why did the husband want to to divorce anyhow?

Stupidities just go on and on.

KRD19254KRD19254about 4 years ago

The reason for 4*, is she did not get enough $$$, and the three men did not get any physical pain. Chauncey deserved to be chocked in a public square, bamboo lashed 20 times, then castrated - can they do that in the Bahama's?

robroy93robroy93over 4 years ago

I did not quite expect it to go in that direction, but I read it and enjoyed it.

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