Penelope And The Woman Of Her Dream


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She could feel the wounds of her piercings but she loved it and the feel of them bouncing against her body. It was as if the pain was to prove her love so it didn't really matter how it felt to her. Meantime she was on fire. She could feel her breasts pulling so hard as she spun left then her feet were set to turn to the right and her breasts whipped one way then the flick as they were flung in the other. Her crotch was wet from sweat and her cum which now ran down her thighs and her clit throbbed.

If the moment could have gone on forever she wouldn't have feel the need to complain but nothing does an sure enough Eileen twirled her in one last time but this time she didn't sway and send her out again; she wrapped her arms around her and Carrie was in a cocoon- or at any rate that's how it felt.

She hugged back and closed her eyes for the intimate moment of the kiss.

The restaurant erupted. Everyone, but everyone, had been watching and now they were on their feet stamping, whistling, cheering clapping and, as the band members had wiping their eyes.

Except Martha.

Eileen smiled and waved graciously while Carrie blushed making everyone present love her even more. They walked back to the table as the applause continued with Eileen seeking Martha's eye but she had looked away and was now studying something on her I phone. A squeeze of Carrie's hand and Eileen was crouching beside the woman she had been besotted with for so many years.

"Jealous bitch," she commented off hand.

"Fucking tart."

"Insecure fucking lesbian."

"Never dance with me like that."

"Never danced with anyone like that."

They grinned and they were tight. A cuddle was essential, of course, and Carrie couldn't help feeling just a bit pushed to the side. It was the way with groups comprising items but it still made her feel insecure. All these women, including her Penny, had buckets of money while she and Jessie had none. She smiled moving away to give the lovebirds some room while doing her best to look indulgent.

Jessie was there, dressed still, doing, she imagined, a similar pretense of happiness. It wasn't going to work; she had just decided this when her older daughter yanked on her wrist so hard she nearly fell over. Penny was on the warpath. She dragged her po faced mother away and pushed her in the pool. A matter of seconds later she was nude and in there with her.

"Would you like me to push you under and all your troubles will be over?" she demanded staring levelly at her mother.

She got a shrug back and immediately moved forward arm up and the same level expression on her face. As her hand started to push down Carrie gasped "no!"

"God you piss me off mom! I mean fucking really! Eileen and Martha go back about thirty years and after one dance Eileen is going to forget about the love of her life? Do you not understand? We want you here so you and Jessie can build a life for yourselves. We didn't want you here to have a spare for a fuck when we were in the mood. We want you to make a life for yourselves but oh fuck, do you understand?"

"You don't want us here, do you?"

Before Penny could answer there was a splash and then Wilma's strong reassuring arms were round her and something about the way she was being held made Carrie realize everything would be OK.

"She has a bit of a temper, my girl," Wilma told her in a voice of great patience.

"Always has."

"She's just desperate for you guys to want to be here, to feel you belong. I saw you before too. Don't jump to conclusions babe, OK? "

Another splash and another arm round her naked body.

"I love it here mom," Jessie told her", I love it for me but I thought you would be happy here. We don't need to turn their twos into threes we've got each other. I haven't stopped loving you and there have been times today I have missed you so much."

"Really? Oh God I've so wanted to hold you; to have you hold me."

Wilma and Penny clambered up and out of the pool then had the shower and returned to the table. Penny gave the older two a hard stare and sat looking very disapproving.

Martha looked up, shrugged then looked away. And poked her tongue out. Then she did a shoulder wiggle with her tongue poked out. Eileen put her nose in the air and made a rabbit's face then looked around like a nervous bunny.

Wilma held it as long as she could then she snorted. Penny was beaten. She looked serious for as long as she could before she broke and was grinning. That was how it was, she knew, if someone went silly the others would bring her back into line.

She stopped grinning and smiled instead.

"Love you idiots," she announced getting an assortment of winks and nods back.

They loved her too.

Ten minutes later the freshly showered duo joined them.

"Could we finish the entrée before getting in the pool again?" Martha asked pleasantly and they sat holding their menus and laughing in silence while the tears ran down their faces.

Jessie caught Carrie's eye and she nodded. Yes, this is what she wanted too.

The meal was delicious but it was interrupted by an almost continual stream of well wishers. Not that Carrie minded at all. She had invitations to lunches and dinners as well as just to meet with ladies. It was all a bit overwhelming but it did the ego no end of good too.

Eventually they had to get dressed so they could leave. They swapped cars too with Jessie now in with Eileen and Martha while her mom travelled with Wilma (driving) and Penny who was on cuddling duty.

Perhaps surprisingly Jessie was coping better than her mother had. Just like her sister she adored Wilma and had immediately realized how much better Wilma's taste was than her own. The shopping was a blast and she now had so many outfits, to say nothing of more 'essential' items of makeup than even she could imagine possible. What really made her confident was hearing how Penny made her living and being invited to join her.

She loved older women- always had done. That girl at school she had the crush on? It was her teacher. Not that she had dared say anything. Well it wouldn't have been fair, would it? Not with Miss Parker liable to lose her job if she got into a relationship with a student. She might have been unaware that she was the object of Jessie Josephson's affections but it didn't stop her being the center of the aforementioned Miss Josephson's masturbatory fantasies.

Now though she was with Martha in the back of Eileen's Cadillac feeling like a Rock Star. Martha had slipped her dress off and, being in the commandos, was now naked.

"We were pretty naughty back there, weren't we?" she asked Jessie sweetly.

"Very naughty, really; now I come to think of it," Eileen admitted from the front seat.

"I guess," Jessie offered, knowing where this was going.

Martha pulled on her nipple rings so her tits were stretched right out then slipped her fingers into her snatch.

"I'm wet. Oh I feel so ashamed Jessie. Here I am, not wearing a seatbelt, thinking inappropriate thoughts of a perverted sexual nature..."

She felt the hands take hold of her and drag her to lie bottom up over Jessie's knee.

Smack. Sigh. Three more smacks followed by three more contented sighs.

"She likes it," Eileen protested from the front ", it's hardly correction if she likes it now, is it?"

"Cunt," Martha mumbled from near the carpet.

"She does, I had this issue with Carrie" both sets of ears pricked up "but I sorted her out. I have my friend here."

The spanking paused while Jessie fished in her bag to find her friend. It was a small paddle, just a handle and a thick rubber paddle on a stem which screwed into the handle. She screwed it in then making sure it was good and tight. Martha got four and that, Jessie decided was enough. Poor Martha sobbed it hurt so much and even the gentle massaging of her bottom by the teen's hand or her telling her how impressive she was only managed to slightly ease the agony he was enduring.

"Oh for fuck's sake girl! Sit up and put your belt on," Eileen ordered impatiently as she squirmed and tried to imagine it being done to her. In truth Eileen adored being spanked. No one dared of course what with her being the authority figure but if she wanted to get off on her own which, she thought thankfully, was not very often these days then being spanked while tied up was the scenario that got her over the edge.

She drove on in a sour mood until Jessie leaned forward and grabbed her hair then yanked hard.

"I'll do you when we get home you sullen little girl."

"Yes ma'am."

It hadn't been, to be completely honest, all that terribly hard a yank and given that it was accompanied by a caress of her cheek at the same time it wasn't all that ominous a proposition. None of that stopped Jessie from feeling more than a little pensive the rest of the way home.

Martha sat-on the seat- having gone from star of the show to an observer as the two were in their own intensely private thoughts. As mentioned Jessie was worried sick that she had gone to far and was in danger of a quiet word about, well Jessie, to put it bluntly 'suitability.'

Up front the lady driving had had it up to here with being the go to person. They were adult women. Highly intelligent and level headed each was capable of making the trivial decisions she made everyday. In short she wanted to be one of the girls not the bloody Den Mother.

She was so looking forward to her spanking. Perhaps they might tie her up too in some awfully exposed position. Not that they hadn't seen her but this time she would be bottom of the pile. That would be nice.

They arrived in silence and went through individually in through the front door.

Penny was incensed.

"Welcome to your new home darling Jessie," she snarled at the two women ", please let me show you around before we go in to see you and Carrie's new room which we hope you'll love. Actually, no, find your own way in and feel the fucking love!"

"Fuck you do go on Pumpkin," her sister told her causing Penny to blush and turn away- her balloon well and truly pricked.

"Now young Eileen, over here dear and I will teach you the error of your ways," Jessie had done a scarily accurate impersonation of an English School Mistress which had the other very intrigued and if we are going to let honesty rule here, just a little moist down there.

Eileen sucked on her thumb as she did her school girl walk to the table. She stripped naked and leaned over loving having her asshole and cunt on show. Her ankles were bound and pulled leaving her wide open then her wrists were bound, the cords stretched tight and secured to the legs of Martha's mahogany dining table ( with matching chairs). Eileen worried briefly that the cords might wear the varnish on this wonderful table.

Jessie, seeing this plump bottom jutting out had gone straight for her friend catching Eileen by surprise and getting a scream as she gave her an absolute belter to start. Immediately Eileen started trying to get free but there was no help and not a lot of pity.

"You wanted this babe, now you're getting it," Martha told her just a bit miffed that no one appeared to have noticed her own tanned ass.

Strokes: two, three, four and five followed in quick succession and Eileen was gasping. Her butt hurt so much; how could women find this to be such a turn on? Unexpectedly Jessie had stopped and not only that but she was stroking Eileen's butt. Now that was nice; having her cheeks fondled like that- that was nice.

Strokes six, seven, eight nine and ten weren't though, not at all. If anything they were harder and this time she was sobbing. It was taking her places she had never thought existed- not for her at least. She wanted to submit, to give up and have Jessie do as she wanted with her. It was easy now. The cane struck her or it didn't and she had no say in it whatsoever. Jessie had stopped again but now her butt was hot Eileen missed the smacks. She wiggled pushing her butt out.

'My God! Eileen you slut!" Martha declared, her own clothes on the floor and her butt turned for easy observation by any one who care to look (even a glance would be nice) in her direction.

"What happened to you Martha?" Wilma asked as if she had just noticed.

"Well I got spanked first, of course," she confessed humbly pausing in the hope someone might want to know more.

"Martha!" it was Penny. "You have a gorgeous bottom, everyone says that. Why, you know Doris that I fuck on Tuesday afternoon?"

A pang of anxiety; Doris had ripped Martha apart when the lesbian house hold had started and Martha had felt like slapping her. She didn't though and managed an interested look as if to say 'do go on' instead.

"Well she said she's always admired your gall."

"She what?"

"Your gall, she sort of told me it's an old Scot's term for backside or butt as we call it these days."

The others erupted.

What was it that was so funny? Penny wondered.

Wilma had stood to the side, next to Penny, and saw the hurt in Martha's eyes, the confusion in Penny's. This was not going to ruin the moment so fuck Doris. She nodded emphatically to Jessie with a significant look at the very red bottom on the table. Jessie nodded back then moved round to face Eileen who had heard the call "No one fucks with Penny" and wanted to respond.

'Little girls getting their bottoms spanked lie still and take their punishment, don't they?"

"Yes Miss Jessie Ma'am," came the contented reply.

She opened her mouth when Jessie put the handle to her and now had her instrument of correction in her mouth while her Mistress stroked her hair then moved as she liked back to caress the bottom and slip a few fingers into the soaking pussy.

While this was going on Wilma had taken Martha and Penny in an arm apiece squeezing them tight.

"Karma," she pronounced significantly before kissing each of them on the tip of the nose then on the lips. She looked at Jessie and smiled. Penny put an arm out for Carrie who had been engrossed in watching Jessie.

"My God she's good," she thought feeling each glorious stroke in her own bottom.

Martha had looked so gorgeous when she had come in before with that pink bum back ground to the four paddle marks which were a much darker red. Carrie moved Penny's hand down to her bottom and sure enough the palm moved over her cheek so the fingers could explore. She did the same to her older daughter.

Wilma caressed Martha's butt and turned her face to lean over and poke her tongue in her ear.

The paddling went on and on. All the sobbing and shrieking had stopped and were replaced with a gasp at each strike then a contented moan which was followed by an equally contented sigh. Finally she lay still having orgasmed herself to sleep.

Martha went to the bathroom and came back with the lotion which she spread over the butt she loved most of all in the world then gently massaged it in. Jessie went to release her but Martha put her hand up.

"My darling loves being bound, I never knew, let's let her stay like that for a while longer huh?"

"How will we fill in time before we can see our new room mother?" Jessie asked politely.

"Goodness child, must your mater think of everything?" Carrie replied with equal primness.

Their audience had tears in their eyes trying not to giggle. They ended with all five in an orgy on the lounge floor. Not that they weren't aware of Eileen in between their own orgasms but she was very soundly asleep. Penny was licked out by her mom smiling contentedly as Carrie watched Penny's vagina from close range while Martha licked Jessie out then rolled her over and smacked her bum a few times getting very contented purrs back.

It was late afternoon at this point and they were not going to cook. No way. As it happens they got pizza delivered and, yes, Penny had to be forcibly restrained from flashing the pizza guy. Eileen did wake up, after a few hours. She promptly demanded that she remain bound and at least one thing be inserted in either passage. She wasn't choosy which but now would be good.

The message was clear; I don't want to run things. It was clear but it was a bit terrifying as well because none of them could make as good decisions as Eileen- not even Penny.

However that was in the future; right then Martha got a toy, switched it on and pushed it all the way home. When they checked twenty minutes later she was fast asleep again with the noise coming from deep in her vagina. Martha excused herself and pulled up a chair to be with Eileen; conversation was irrelevant- it was being with her that mattered.

Carrie and Jessie finally excused themselves and made their way to the new room. They didn't check all the cupboards and drawers out that could wait till the morning but they did explore going out on the patio and staring at the gorgeous garden like a private little Eden.

"Sometimes it's just given to you. We don't deserve this but it's been given to us. So we should accept it, do you see? One day we will be in a position to help-"

"Mom! You've spent twenty years helping already for gosh sakes," her daughter told her shaking her head in disbelief.

Carrie looked at her in wonder; had she? She had done her best to bring her girls up but that was just what you did when you were a mother, surely? All the same it was a pleasantly warm feeling to be told it. She beamed at Jessie and put her arm out as she sat on the edge of the little patio with her legs stretched out her; heels resting on the dew covered grass. Jessie parked her bare butt next and snuggled in lifting her arm so Carrie's could slide under her armpit and her the hand could clasp Jessie's breast.

"It is nice though," Jessie commented after a spell.


"We've never done it on grass, have we?"

"Not that I can recall, no."

"Like to?"

"Love to."

They slipped off the patio onto the grass. It was chilly anyway and the wet grass was very cold but it didn't stop Carrie from lying on her back nor Jessie from kneeling so her pussy was over Carrie's neck then lowering her top half so that once she had hooked her arm round Jessie's butt and lifted that area slightly her daughter's pussy was in exactly the right place for her to her pussy. The fingering progressed with both vaginas now heavily and naturally lubricated.

Jessie slid her hand in first anticipating then enjoying the contented gasp and exhale from Carrie then her own pussy was fisted with the familiar hand now inside her and the orgasms started. Carrie could be relied upon to orgasm almost continuously from this stage in their lovemaking. She had been so timid that first night Jessie remembered- the night she had seduced her. It had taken ages for to finally pop her head around Jessie's door but she did.

Jessie smiled at the memory. Did it matter who did what? She got the most wonderful lover she could imagine and she finally got to be treated as an equal. That was so satisfying; she pulled her weight too even if her wages were just a pittance all of it went in the kitty. That had been such a good feeling; to know every cent went in there with no 'keeping a few dollars back for herself.' She taught her mom how to find bargains on E-bay and garage sales while her mom taught her how to cook and all in all they were getting by so well until the news about Carrie's job. It crushed her. All the spark she had went as this 'final straw' as she herself had called it forlornly had just seemed to emphasize that no matter how hard Carol Josephson tried she would always fail.

Jessie had made her write the letter to Penny then afterwards when they would normally have made love she had held her while Carol has sobbed with the desperation of one whose hopes have been taken from her. Then that letter back and underneath all the words the message 'we are here for you'