Penis Envy Pt. 01

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Mathew finds his college roommate Sean has a big secret.
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex.


Trying to walk up a stairwell with both hands desperately clutching an unnecessary number of my personal ideas is a bad idea. I've already dropped a few things and I'm bouncing from wall to rail to wall. Whatever, I'm just excited to finally be on my own and moving into my dorm room.

The heavy door swings open slowly when I push it with my back until it hits the inner wall. Looks like I beat my roommate. The bunk beds are in the corner with 2 desks on the other side of the room against the wall. I throw all the things I'm carrying on the lower bed to stake my claim and walk back down to my car to get another load while picking up the few things I dropped on the first trip.

Returning to the room again I open the door with my foot this time. I'm a little too forceful and the door swings open hard against the wall.

"Ahh. My god." I hear as a boy pops out.

"Hey. Whats up man? Just get in?" I ask.

"Sorry. I'm just a little jumpy. Yeah, I just get here."

Some of his clothes are laid out on the top bunk. Seems he's good with finders keepers. He's maybe 1 or 2 inches shorter than me and a bit skinnier. Otherwise just a normal nerdy boy.

"Cool. I just beat you by a few minutes. My names Mathew, but my friends call me Matty."

"I'm Sean."

"Nice to meet you Sean. Sorry I'm what you would call poor, so I don't really have anything besides just my clothes and random junk. No furniture, computer, tv, or any shit like that. If we need to get some stuff I figured we could scrounge up a few dollars and see if they have anything at a thrift store. They always have old cheap crap in college towns."

"Oh. No problem. I have a Uhaul outside. I was afraid I brought too much but if you don't have anything it should be okay."

"Awesome. I'll help get it up here. Did you come by yourself or are your parents with you?"

The hallway at this point was filled with teary eyed mothers not ready to cut the umbilical cord and ecstatic fathers you can't wait to get these freeloaders out of their homes.

"No. My mom wanted to help but my dad said it would be better if I did it myself. I guess it builds character. Plus he thinks I've had it too easy for too long. He's not a hardass or anything. He just wants me to figure it out without their help. What about you?"

"Sounds like a hardass to me. I'm a foster kid. No parents and if I never see my foster parents again, it'll be too soon."

I reach my hand out to give a good solid shake. Maybe a little too solid as Sean's whole body shakes too. We spend the next couple of hours carrying all brand new furniture up from the truck, unpacking boxes, and rearranging the room.

As the night rolls around a lot of the other kids on our floor seem to disappear. I think their mothers got their way and most are spending the night back at home before making the final plunge into college life. Sean and I walked down the street to get some food then saunter back to our room.

Sean's maybe a little nerdier than me but I'm also quite a nerd. We decide to spend the night playing video games on the ridiculously large tv we now have hanging on our wall. After a few hours we call it quits and get ready to go to bed. I strip down to my boxer briefs pretty quick, no need to be shy, and sit on the edge of my bed.

"Damn Sean, I don't think I'll ever be able to beat you. You knew every play was going to run before I even did. What gives?"

Sean seams a little nervous as he answers, "My dad and I play a lot of Madden. It's the thing we bonded over most. I didn't think I was that good. My dad wins most of the time."

"For fucks sake. If he is better than you, that is insane."

He is avoiding eye contact with me. He slowling pulls off his shirt and drops his pants, throwing them in the hamper. His boxers are huge, 1 or 2 sizes too big for his smaller frame. Quickly he turns around and scampers over to the end of the bed to pull himself up to the top bunk. But in that second after he turned around I thought I saw something. It was almost like a dumbell was hanging from his waist under his boxes and the quick turn made it swing from side to side. I'm pretty tired so my eyes must be playing tricks on me. I slide into my bed and fall asleep.

The weekend passes and our first week of school goes by as normally as one would expect. Sean and I have a lot of classes at different times. We catch each other in passing as one of us returns to the room and the other leaves. Everynight we hang out with each other and the other guys on our floor. Just shooting the shit, playing video games, or going out to grab food.

Throughout the week my mind keeps going back to what I did or didn't see before we went to bed that first night. Everytime Sean and I pass each other I shoot a quick look down toward his crotch. His sweats or shorts are usually a lot baggier than everyone else but it still looks like there is something banging around in his pants. Now I know this can't be his dick, the thing I'm seeing is way too low. It's almost at his knees.

Friday night we went out with the other guys on our floor to a house party. Sean left earlier and was asleep by the time I got back to the room. Saturday night was more chill. Sean and I grabbed something to eat and went back to our room to play video games.

"I know we've not really been in the room at the same time this last week Sean, but I think we need a plan for when we need some privacy. Some alone time"

"Oh, okay. Yeah, I do like to just have some alone time but its not a big deal. I like hanging out with you when we get a chance."

"What? No, I'm not talking about just being alone with your thoughts. I'm talking about personal time. You know, to work things out. To relieve the tension. You know what I'm saying?"

"I think so. Some time to just unwind. It gets a little claustrophobic with all these other people around all the time."

I turn my head from the game on the screen and look at Sean with a quizzical look.

"Jesus Christ Sean! I'm talking about jerking off. Polishing the knob. Slaying the one-eyed monster. Making the bald man cry."

Sean pauses the game and stares at the scree. His cheeks start to blush.

"Oh. Yeah...I...sorry. I didn't understand"

"No problem. We can either just set some ground rules on what time of day is cool. I don't think a sock on the door is really a good choice."

"Sure whatever you think is best. I...uh...I...don't do that so your call."

The game unpaused and Sean was back to playing. Now I am staring at Sean with my mouth wide open.

"What the hell to you mean you don't do that?"

"I don't masturbate. Never have."

"You're shitting me. That's not possible. I would go on a rampage if I didn't drain the poison daily."

"'s not that I haven't tried."

"Haven't tried? What is that supposed to mean. How can you screw up jerking off? Granted when I'm doing it I'm not always in my right mind, but its pretty easy to figure it out on your own."

"It's not that I don't know how. It's that I just can't physically do it."

I grab the controller from his hands, pause the game, and wait for him to look at me.

"Explain. It doesn't make any sense to me."

"Come on. I don't want to talk about it."

Sean reaches for the controller but I lift it up in the air and back behind me.

"That's just not going to do. We are roommates for rest of the year. We've got to be honest with each other or it's going to be a long year. Spill the beans."

He turns his head and a defeated look comes over his face.

"I pass out. Okay."

"Pass out? What does that mean?"

"When I start to try and play around down there, as soon as it gets really hard, I get lightheaded. If I don't stop immediately then I pass out."

"That's ridiculous. If you're some bible thumper and think you'll go to hell or something just say so."

"I'm not lying. I pass out so I can never finish."

I lower my hand and give him the controller back.

"Okay. That's stupid. You can't pass out from an erection. You'd never wake up in the morning."

"I swear I'm not lying. There's a differnce between morning wood and a real erection for me. Honest."

"Whatever. I'm going to bed."

I jump up and get down to my briefs. Sliding into my bed I starting thinking if it is really possible. No, he's just embarrassed to say he's scared to do it and thats the best excuse he could come up with.

The beginning of the school week goes by as normal. I take every chance I get to give Sean shit. If I see him adjust his junk or a hot girl shows up on the tv screen, I remind him to take it easy I don't want him fainting. Luckily he's a good sport about it and laughs it off.

Thursday night we are studying for a quiz. We have the same class but at different times.

"Okay, I've had enough Sean. I'm as ready as I can be."

I slam my book shut and chuck it across the room on to my bed.

"Yeah. Thats it for me too. Want to play a game. Loser does the other's laudry?"

"Only if you spot me 2 touchdowns."

"What? No. 10 points."


As always he destroys me by 28 points. It's my fault. I'm an idiot to keep trying to beat him.

"Fuck you Sean."

"What? We had a bet. It's not my fault you suck."

"Look at you, getting a little big for you britches. I'm a man of my word. I'll clean your shit stained boxers you degenerate hustler. But because we both know it really wasn't fair, you have to do something for me in return."

"Okay. Within reason though."

"I want you to get an erection. I still think you are full of shit about this passing out thing. It's not possible. You're lying to me and I don't like it. It's not what roommates do."

"No. First, I'm not lying. Second, it's demeaning."

"What's demeaning about it. I have a dick just like you. It's not like it's something I haven't seen before. You're lying to me and there's no other way to prove it."

"Come on Matty. Don't make we do this."

"Tough shit. Do it or admit you're full of it."

"Fine. You can't watch though. I'm not taking it out. I'm just going to put my hand down my shorts."

"I swear if you fake passing out I'm going to punch you."

"Shut up. Turn around so I can start."

I stand up, walk to other side of the room, and sit at the desk facing the wall.

"Sean, you want some reading material. I can make some moaning noises if that'll help."

He ignores me but I can hear him working his dick inside his shorts.

"Now Sean, don't forget to cup the balls. Some guys just work the shaft and they are missing out. Other guys like to give it a little twist on the way up and down but I find a straight smooth motion is best. Are you listing to me? This is real experimentally proven advice I'm giving you."

I wait a few seconds and get no answer. The faint sound of stroking is gone. I turn around and see Sean's head slumpped back on the couch. His hand is in his shorts but popping out the top of the elastic band is a huge pink mushroom head. I'm taken back a second and lose my breath.

"Holy shit. What the hell is that."

I stand up and walk over to the couch. I can't take my eyes off what I'm seeing. It takes a few moments for me to realise I'm staring directly at the head of Sean's dick. I shake my head a little to wake up. I reach down and put my hand on his shoulder and start shaking.

"Sean...Sean...Sean. For fucks sake Sean stop acting."

He doesn't move once I take my hand off his shoulder. His face has gone completely white. I try to wake him for the next couple of minutes. Nothing works. Finally I reach back and slap him straight across the face. Nothing.

"Okay. I was wrong. I think he really is passed out."

I sit down on the couch next to him thinking of what to do next and talking to myself.

"So he passes out when he gets an erection. Maybe he loses too much blood? But it should drain out when he stops. I know I've had erections that seem to last all day but the only way I got rid of it was to jerk off. God damn it. I'm going to have to jerk him off aren't I?"

With a look of horror on my face I reach down and touch the head of his dick with my finger before yanking it back.

"Come on Mathew. You've touched your dick thousands of times. It's no different. This dick is just not attached to you. Also based on the head, it's insanely bigger. Suck it up. This is your doing."

I reach down and try to fit my hand under the band of his shorts but it's too tight. With both hands on the sides of his shorts and boxers, I start to pull them down slowly, shimmying them from side to side. Slowly they move down and it's clear that the rest of his dick is in proportion to the head. It is huge and it just keeps coming as I pull his shorts further down. I start see the base of the shaft and then the sack. For fucks sake it's another couple inches before the balls actually appear. Finally with everthing free I sit back and take it all in.

"Holy motherfucking shit. That is way too big of a package on a kid this size."

What I am staring at should be on some 6'10", 350 lb monster of a man. It's no wander he wears such oversized pants. I don't think it would fit in there otherwise. I've been staring at this thing for so long that my inhibitions melt way. It's the most perfect thing I have ever seen. I reach out and take hold of it with one hand but that doesn't seem to be enough so I support the base with my other hand.

I can feel the heat radiating off of it. My fingers and thumbs can't even touch. Slowly my hands move up the shaft. The friction is too much so I pull my hands off and spit into them. Saliva has been building up in my mouth so there is more than enough. Quickly my hands find their original positions on the shaft and beginning coating the entire length. They glide up and down with a hypnotizing motion.

My hand near the shaft sinks lower until the grapefruit sized balls are cradled. The other hand slides up and starts polishing the beautiful pink tip. His entire package is now glistening in my spit. I find a stroking rhythm and start to really lean into it. Several minutes later and there is a change. Almost as if it is comming to life. I snap out of my trance and realize he's about to cum.

I hadn't planned for this. Normally I have some tissue ready when I burst but it is too late. I can feal the contractions as the balls lock and load. A second later a fountain of cum shoots from the top of that gorgeous pink head landing on Sean's shirt as he lays back on the couch. Bursts after burst erupts like a geyser with each load going up in the air and landing back down on his chest. After five eruptions, the head starts to ooze out the rest.

I lean over and strain to grab a shirt off my bed and start hastily mopping up the head. Next I jump up and quickly try to get Sean's shirt off over his head before the massive globs of cum dribble down onto his crotch. Sean doesn't move but it is clear the color is coming back to his face. I only have a few more moments too clean up. I run over to the closest and get another one of his shirts and quickly drape it over his head and insert his arms. Finally I reach down and shimmy his shorts and boxers back up his legs. His dick is clearly not as stiff as it was before but the size is still relatively the same just softer. I manuever it back under the band, pick up both soiled shirts, throw them in my hamper, run to my bed, and slide under the covers.

"What...what happend?" Sean groggily asked as he came back to life.

"Dude you passed out like you said you would. I guess I was wrong."

"How long was I out?"

"Just a couple minutes. I figured you'd wake up sooner or later."

"Okay. I feel really tired though. Never felt like this after."

"Don't know what to tell you but I'm tired too so I'm going to bed."

"Yeah I'm right behind you."

Sean slowly made his way over to the end of the bed and climbed up. He was out as soon as his head hit the pillow. Laying there I couldn't get what I just saw out of my head. Why would something like that be on a kid like him. Lucky bastard.

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Sounding22Sounding22over 1 year ago

Other day something hilarious happened. I have a cock with full balls for a screen saver and a friend Dena saw it, her mouth hit the floor cuz she loves sucking as much as I. Talk about penis envy lol

Sounding22Sounding22over 1 year ago

Other day something hilarious happened. I have a cock with full balls for a screen saver and a friend Dena saw it, her mouth hit the floor cuz she loves sucking as much as I. Talk about penis envy lol

Sub_curio36Sub_curio36almost 2 years ago

This story remained me if my college days. I got rock hard! Please do a part 2

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Please bring part 2!! Please

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
You did good...

I would've had to suck that for him.

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