Penny Learns Julie's Secret


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She filled my mouth again, and again, I couldn't believe the wonderful amount of her. I swallowed but managed to keep a mouthful once she was spent. I held her cock in my mouth as it slowly deflated, going from a beautiful and full 6 inches to just 2 or so, but still all wet from our combined liquids.

As I stood up, Julie was actually swaying on her feet. I guided her down to my bed and lay on top of her. She licked the errant drips from my face and chin and then we kissed and I shared her sweetness with her. Her kiss was still so soft, and knowing we were passing her own cum between us made me feel so incredible, I didn't want this feeling to ever end.

I rolled off her and cuddled up next to her, our size differences worked well horizontal! I was smiling, but also concerned how Julie would handle this change in events.

"Penny, are you nuts or something? Do you have any idea what you are getting yourself into?"

"Wrong words, Julie. Do you love me?"

"Pen . . ."

"Do you love ME?" I got up on my knees next to her. I looked her dead in her blue eyes and waited for the right answer. The only word that would absolutely destroy me right now was 'No!'

She looked up at me and nodded.

"Not good enough. Do You Love Me?"

"Yes, I love you, you insane lady. How can I not love you knowing you as well as I do. I have been in love with you for a long time, but . . ."

"There are no buts, unless you mean mine or your own cute butt. Look I know this is our first official pillow talk, but let me talk first, then we can deal with any buts' you might have."

She nodded again, this time it was an acceptable answer.

"This morning I saw you, in your bath. I didn't mean to spy on you, but I just happen to glance down while I was working on my bathroom window treatment and you were laying there. I saw exactly what you have been hiding from me and it scared the hell out of me."

I looked at her, making sure she understood me perfectly.

"I agonized over it for the rest of the morning and faced a few of my own silly conceptions. When you came up to my deck I was really going to try and talk to you about it. But I couldn't find the words.

"I really tried, but then I remembered all the words from so many of my friends when I decided I was bisexual. Almost to a person my girlfriends said that it didn't matter, that my life was my life. And while they were all pretty cool about it verbally, what they did really tore me up. Suddenly I was a pariah at my fitness center. My GF's wouldn't take a shower with me, or do sauna or steam. It wasn't that they were telling other girls to watch out for me, it was just suddenly they were more self conscious about me. It hurt; it hurt a lot, more than I ever told most of them.

"A few were honest about it when I approached them. Some of those are still my good friends when we both realized that we could still communicate about what was making them nervous. Quite a few others never adjusted and they started treating me with kid gloves. I hate being treated that way. Words are too easy sometimes. As I lay there on my lounger I was looking for the best words to not only tell you that you are still my friend and the accidental exposure this morning didn't matter when I knew in my heart that things had changed, and that nothing I could possibly say would make you understand that. I also knew I could never express it in words.

"What made the difference was the consolidation of my feelings for you. I have liked you for a long time, even fantasized about you, but I never thought you might return any feelings for me, so I never let myself think past the occasional fantasy starring you. I knew then that I had to discover if you could, and maybe if you would. The whole poker routine made perfect sense all of a sudden."


"Your beautiful poker face, the one you hide your emotions behind. Your eyes always looked like mirrors and I could never seem to know for sure if you were feeling anything. After a while I stopped trying and just accepted you as you, believed that underneath you were either a cold fish--something I never believed--or you were afraid of showing your feelings. Your display told me that you were hiding a hell of a lot more than your emotions, and that once again; words weren't going to bridge the gap between us.

"What happened wasn't planned, I was trying to talk to you but my body had other ideas. When you sat up on my railing, I figured out that the reason I spent the whole morning torn up was that I loved you and I wanted, no I needed, to love you. My hand acted of its own accord, but I think I knew any words might push you back away from me, something I couldn't bear.

"When you didn't run away, I knew everything was going to be alright. I saw you sweat and shift your position; I knew you were as excited as I was. I couldn't stop myself, Julie. The only thing in the world that would have stopped me was if you told me you didn't love me."

Julie did the right thing and pulled me down into a hug that held so much emotion. I could feel her starting to cry from all of it, and I knew she would be OK after a little catharsis. I held her as she let it all out.

I knew we had many more conversations to go, but this was a good start. Julie was the woman for me, now I just hope I am the woman for her!

I looked again and realized Julie had dozed off. For some reason I felt like I should have been annoyed, but instead it touched me so deeply that she could relax to that extent. Taking the opportunity, I studied her body, her face, the shape of her jaw, even her hairline looked as much a female as my own. Her bone structure was light, and that made her hidden 'talents' easier to conceal. Her waist was thin and while she was muscular, there was no sign of washboard abs. Her hips were the amazing part; they were woman's hips, childbearing hips for sure. And her legs, down to her painted toenails were long, beautifully shaped limbs. There were only two things that might give away the fact she wasn't genetically female, one was her 6 inch penis, the other was a tiny Adams apple that was actually positioned a little higher than I thought it should be. In clothes her appearance was obviously perfect, if fooled me for years.

Instead of being angry at being fooled, I thought it was the most amazing thing. Julie wasn't playing at being a woman, she was a woman! That's why the appearance is so convincing, there was no doubt in her own mind that she was female, and that belief carried through all her actions. I have met several cross-dressers before and a few . . . what was the term . . . pre-op transsexuals. For the most part the cross-dressers were too easy to identify. It takes years of practice to change everything about yourself to pull off really coming across as a woman, everything from your handshake, walk, voice, even the angel of your head while you are listening, to what to do with your hands in any given situation. I think most tend to over exaggerate the movements, and that calls attention to them. The pre-ops transsexuals are usually on hormones which help make the changes in their bodies appear more natural, but still a lifetime of practice is ahead of them. Did I have any feeling for or against either group? To be honest I haven't really given them much thought, as a group. Individually, when one comes into my direct contact, I would hope I gave them the treatment they expected as one person to another and hope I've never done anything to cause them any discomfort. I remember once in a club there was an obvious cross-dresser, and one of my gf's spent the whole night with him giving him make-up tips. I think that might be one of the differences, a cross-dressing man is still a man, while a transsexual sees themselves as a woman. I know, my preconceptions and I could be miles off-base, but those were the thoughts banging away in my blonde head while my lover napped.

So what does this all have to do with my sleeping beauty? Just letting those thought run rampant for a while has given me some small insight into what her life may have been like. She talked about her family often, but always in the past tense. I realize now that I had thought some tragedy had taken them away, but it might just be possible that they are alive and well someplace, but Julie's life may have come between them. I know my own problems of being who I am have caused some problems with my family. My mom finally realizes and I think understands. Dad, well let's just say that when I bring home a boyfriend, he breathes a sigh of relief, and when I bring home a girlfriend he treats her like she was one of my college roommates that would visit us between semesters. He knows, but isn't sure how to deal with it. I do know that I have their love, maybe not perfectly unconditional, but I KNOW they love me. If Julie's family is alive, then I hope they someday can come to terms with her as she is rather than whom they want her to be.

"Dammit, Penny, you are really getting ahead of yourself. How do you know anything of the sort?" I thought as I looked at her.

I tried to imagine her school life, from what she's shared with me. She was a good student, but never stood out socially. She wasn't athletic, or popular, not even losing her virginity until college. By contrast, I was always popular, and an athlete, but shall we say not always the best student. Mentioning when I lost my big 'V' is none of anyone's business. Julie knows, in fact she knows about when I lost what I call both of them, to a boy and to a girl. Those activities were years apart in time.

College was a particular painful time for Julie; I know how hurt she gets when she mentions some of it. My guess is that college is when she really started coming to terms with who she is. I did see one picture of her from college and it most certainly was Julie, but without the flair and flash (and breasts) that I am so familiar with. I just assumed she was a late bloomer, I guess in a way she was. I remember a gf who told me she shot up like 8 inches in college, shocking the hell out of her folks by putting on 3 inches between visits to home one year.

But Julie's change would have been much more drastic, and without someone to really help and support her emotionally, may have been a very trying time.

She works in the travel industry, and I know everyone she works with thinks she's a woman, especially this one sleazy guy who never leaves her alone at work. He bugged me when I visited her at work once. You know, now that I think about it -- for someone in that industry, she doesn't travel too often. One of my other gf's has a similar job and she's always traveling at cost or free. She's always inviting me for trips and some of them have been great. I wonder if her reluctance to travel has anything to do with her life.

Life, that's a stupid way to think of it, it's her, and now I hope part of me. Dad better not walk in on her in the shower like he did to one of my friends. She still refers to my dad as my own little perv.

I can tell that life just got a hell of a lot more interesting!

I looked at her face again and realized she was awake and watching me.

"Do you know that when you are thinking hard it's all over your face?"

"Yea, I know, I lose money every time I try poker, because my face just says 'SUCKER' all over it."

"So what are you thinking?"

"That if my dad ever walked into the bathroom on you, he might actually have that heart attack he's been predicting for decades."

Julie laughed! "You looked pretty intense to be thinking about something so simple. I may never meet your parents."

"Actually I was thinking lots of things, just letting the two brain cells pass stuff back and forth. As to my parents, you will be meeting them this Christmas when you come home with me."

"Are you su . . ."

"Julie, do you love me?" She nodded. "Are we now officially an 'item' as they used to say in college." She nodded again. "So if that's true, then you will need to meet my parents and quit being so self conscious with my friends. They will see you as Julie, nothing else, because you are Julie!"

"I don't know if I can change this radically?"

"Get used to it, lover. You know me, and I can't change the person I am, and I won't change the person you are."

I'm not much into family stuff."

Not true, lover-mine. You love families, kids, relatives, and all the headaches that come with it. Remember, I know you to. I don't know exactly what happened with your family, but I think I have a clue."

Reaching over and lightly stroke her penis. It responded quickly and I got to see it rise slowly, majestically.

"But you have missed all that insanity. My family knows about me and will accept you as my girlfriend. Dad might treat you a little off because he does prefer when I am dating a guy, but you'll see. Five minutes after you walk in it will be like you lived there your whole life."

Julie smiled at that thought and then frowned? "But your friends"

"Who are already intrigued by my friendship with my sexy-as-hell neighbor. They will see it as simply the next step for us, because I think they know how much I care for you, even before I knew it. They already know you a little, and I think you will fit right in. Maybe you can help me ride herd on a few of the crazier ones." I smiled as I said it, because she knew exactly who I was talking about.

We snuggled and Julie made what was probably a real milestone in her life. "You know, you can ask me anything you like?"

"I know!"

"So. . .?"

"Julie, I am not gonna start asking you a billion questions, even if you'll allow it. Just let you open up to me, as it feels right. Like if we are discussing school, or family, or whatever, that you don't have to edit things the way you have been. I know I can ask, and I may, but you need to know that you can also share, or not, at your own speed."

She hugged me closer, and I realized that her cock was full and my cunny felt so empty.

"Speaking of feeling good . . ."

I rolled atop her and took my lover's cock and slipped it into my very well lubricated pussy. It felt so right there, fit in like we were made to fit together. She hissed as I did it, which made it all the hotter. Our minimal pubic hair curled together.

"I do have a couple of immediate questions?"

She looked so sexy with her hands clutching the sheet. "OK?"

"Do I need to worry about pregnancy?"

I lifted up and slowly descend, loving the feel of her cock going into me.'

"Penny, you don't want my ch . . ."

I bent quickly and stopped her from saying something foolish with a kiss.

"Someday I do want children, but not right now, so before we discuss having kids, I need to know, right now, that if your wonderful cock . . ."

I went up and down in two rapid movements which made her back arch beautifully.

"Yes, I could get you preg . . ." She ended that with a musical groan that corresponded with a jerk of her cock."

Reluctantly, I got off before she released her little baby makers into me. I haven't been on the pill in years, and the last supply of condoms I had laying around were blown up as balloons for a party last year. A word of advice, lubricated condoms don't make good decorations, but they are a conversation starter when you relate how much fun they are to blow up!

I slid down her body, pressing down as hard as I can. Her cock started cumming before she reached my breasts. I stayed pressed against her, smearing it between us, her thigh came up between my legs and it gave me the perfect place to orgasm myself.

One day I was going to have her children, you can count on it!

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DianeRedfernDianeRedfernabout 8 years ago

As well written as any story I've ever read - but hotter - oh, so much hotter! SO WET!!!!



debaucherdebaucherover 10 years ago
Very nice story

Really well-written. I was hooked after just the first two paragraphs. And I was not disappointed at all.

Joanne86Joanne86over 10 years ago
Fantastic story

I loved this story from the first line to the last it was like a book I couldnt and wouldnt put down.

Thank you for sharing this lovely story with us.

LafielLafielover 11 years ago
loved it

I'm not sure what I am in many ways, but I do know that this story spoke to me in a way that most don't. I don't know if I'm just a crossdresser, or something more. In my head its still all very confused, but I'm working on sorting it all out.

As for you story I think you wrote it well, and it show cased the kind of relationship I want for myself. So for me at least that was a very nice addition to everything else in the story. I'm going to have read your other stories too and I'm sure I'll enjoy those I read just as much.

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