Penny's Promiscuity Ch. 08: Fornication


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I wailed loudly into the cushion as a third orgasm radiated rapidly out from my loins. This time Tony's pace increased markedly, the slapping sounds getting louder and faster, no longer muffled. I felt his knees forcing mine apart and his cock slipped a little further into me. I tried to raise my hips to help him reach deeper into my body but the increasing force of his thrusts pushed me violently back into the cushions.


"Oh Penny! Oh Penny!"

This long into our affair, I knew what that tone of voice meant; that his orgasm was merely seconds away. My body stiffened in anticipation. A moment later Tony's thrusts became wild and violent, hammering me repeatedly into the cushions, driving his short, thick erection hard into my body and as deep as its short length would allow.

"Fuck me! Fuck me Tony," I growled into the cushion, loud enough for him to hear but not enough for any returning neighbours to detect.


"Fuck me! Fuck me hard! Cum in me!"

I wailed wildly into the cushion, my body desperate for his seed.

"Oh yessssSSSSS!"

I felt Tony go stiff, his knees digging into the back of my spread thighs as he began to cum. The head of his amazing cock swelled within me, his body went into spasm and he began to ejaculate in my eager vagina.

Though I love orgasms and the pleasure they bring, the wonderful, primitive, almost primeval joy I get from feeling a man fill me with his seed goes way beyond any physical pleasure a climax can bring. To have that incredible, totally feminine, all-conquering feeling of insemination immediately after a series of orgasms such as I had just enjoyed was for me, close to sexual perfection.

I wanted to scream; to cry out loud as I felt his throbbing and pulsing erection inside me, filling me with his semen and afterwards when he began to soften within me, the tears actually did begin to roll down my cheeks.

"Are you okay Penny? Did I hurt you?"

Tony's voice was anxious as he pulled his flaccid cock from my body and slipped to his knees alongside the sofa. I looked into his strong, handsome face and realised that despite all my resolve, I really was perilously close to falling in love with this warm, attractive, overwhelmingly sexy man.

My body was already merging with his - I couldn't let my mind and heart follow.

From the expression on his face, he was already in love with me.

Suddenly I knew that I had to get out of that apartment quickly before it was too late; before we really had fallen for each other and the damage to my marriage was permanent.

I didn't want to fall in love with Tony; I was already in love with my amazing husband. All I had wanted was great sex. Tony had certainly delivered that yet again but how could I keep things physical without hurting him? How could I avoid hurting my husband? Or myself?

I shook my head and smiled.

"I'm fine. It was lovely. It's just..."

"Not feeling guilty about Pete I hope?" he asked, misreading my emotions, "I thought it was his idea and..."

"It was his idea. Don't worry," I smiled, stroking his cheek and stiffly bending my legs so I could sit on the sofa's edge, no doubt leaving a damp messy path beneath my vulva. We kissed again but I reluctantly avoided the long, loving embrace that so easily could have ensued. In my post-orgasmic, vulnerable afterglow it wasn't an easy thing to do.

"I'll get us another drink!" he said, leaving me trembling softly face down on the rather damp stained sofa cushions.


My legs were still a little wobbly when, just after 4pm, I went downstairs to meet my husband. I had put most of my clothes back on but another pair of ruined tights was in my handbag. I didn't dare put them in Tony's bin in case his kids found them.

As per Pete's instructions, I had not showered and my torn knickers were failing miserably to stem the thin trickle that continued to run down my inner thigh. Just how much semen could one man produce?

It was still pouring with rain when Pete saw me come to the door of the block. He got out of the car and came to meet me with the umbrella. That's when the problem started; I just couldn't open the door with the 'release' button.

I knew how to do it and had done it many times but right then, it just wouldn't work for me. I started to get a bit worked up about it. After a few minutes struggling I heard footsteps behind me and Tony came into the lobby. He had obviously been watching through the window and guessed something had gone wrong when I didn't appear in the car park.

For a few moments he fiddled with the lock and after quite a struggle the door finally opened - bringing him face to face with Pete for the first time since he had learned about our affair and less than fifteen minutes since Tony and I had finished having sex!

I had never been more anxious in my life than I was at that moment - and then almost immediately had never been more proud of him.

Clearly wrong-footed, Tony instinctively held out his hand then, seeing Pete made no move to shake it, snapped it back to his waist awkwardly. For a moment the tension in the air was almost unbearable.

"Tony," Pete said, speaking and nodding slowly.

"Pete," my lover acknowledged with a matching nod.

"Shall we go Penny?" Pete asked, putting his arm proprietarily around my shaking shoulders.

And that was it! No fight, no shout, no accusations. A feeling of pure relief washed over me as we turned towards the car. I was thanking every God in the heavens for my escape when Tony called out from behind us.

"See you both at New Year!"

We drove in stunned silence for a while then I put my hand on Pete's left thigh and squeezed it.

"Well done. I'm proud of you," I said and meant it.

He squeezed my hand in return and said he was proud of me too. For a while he drove holding my hand with our fingers intertwined.

Then it struck me. New Year! The ball!

Pete and I were part of a group of about twenty friends booked into a smart hotel restaurant for the evening. There would be food, a live band and dancing which was great, but I hadn't thought that Tony would be there too.

The booking had been made almost a year ago, before he and Julie separated. I suppose I just thought neither of them would come; it seems I was wrong. In just two days' time, my husband, my lover and I would be together for a whole evening!

My nerves returned with a vengeance.


When we got to our bedroom we went to what was fast becoming our usual post-date positions; me naked on the bed, legs spread, Pete looking at the 'scene of the crime' asking me about my date. I answered honestly even when it clearly caused my husband pain but this time, when it was his turn to fuck me, something changed.

Pete undressed as usual but instead of mounting me violently as before, he began to kiss my boobs - one of which had become noticeably bruised by Tony's hard squeezing - then kissed down my tummy until he reached my 'messy parts'.

He paused, staring at the goo on my vulva and in my pubic hair. Then, to my amazement he lowered his head and tentatively licked one of the sticky patches above my dark triangle. He paused again then licked another at the top of my thighs. Then I felt the tip of his tongue tangling in my pubic hair.

"Pete, no..."

My first reaction was to be revolted. I reached down to try and stop him. He ignored the pressure of my fingers on his shoulders and continued licking Tony's semen from my groin.

"Ohhhhh!" I sighed.

However yucky it was in my mind, the feeling of Pete's tongue on my sore slit was undeniably pleasant and my husband really wanted to do it. I told myself firmly that this was supposed to be his time, not mine. I'd already had my fun; however disgusting it might feel to me, the least I could do was let him do what he clearly wanted to.

But it didn't feel disgusting. Pete's tongue tickled and despite my misgivings, his hot breath was beginning to arouse me. Then to my surprise, he lowered his head deep between my thighs and the next thing I knew, my husband was giving me full-on oral sex, his face buried in my messiest part of all.

Whereas Tony is amazing with his fingers, Pete is even more adept with his tongue as I had learned over the previous twenty-plus years. My body was sore from Tony's energetic attentions but once I had got over my initial revulsion, I quickly began to enjoy what was really a very pleasant experience indeed.

My legs opened involuntarily; soon I could feel my husband's eager, searching tongue all over my vulva, seeking out every last drop and spatter of Tony's semen on and within my body. He teased it from between the tight curls of my pubic hair, plumbing the folds of skin within my slit and at the top of my thighs.

My clitoris was very sore from the hard grinding it had received but I gritted my teeth as Pete's mouth touched it. There was a little pain but then I felt his tongue slip underneath its fleshy hood.

"Oh Jesus!"

The first wave of climax hit me almost immediately. I grabbed at his hair as I came hard and suddenly. Pete grunted in satisfaction, his tongue thrusting deep into my vagina, eagerly lapping up the extra surge of semen and my own juices that flowed from it and bringing me a second, stronger climax within seconds.

"Please..." I mumbled, trying to lift his head away from my crotch.

Pete ignored my feeble protest and continued tonguing me; reaching deep into my body, almost sucking on my gaping hole until the room filled with crude, unpleasant, slurping sounds.

"Please... Sore..." I mumbled as my body trembled with small but repeated climaxes.

To my relief, Pete finally took the hint and reared up, mounting me properly, thrusting his long, slim cock into my vagina. Already loose, slippery with Tony's semen and now weeping from my new orgasms it offered no resistance and in a single thrust he slipped easily his full length into my body.

Moments later he was fucking me, but unlike after my previous dates, this time he was much less violent both with his language and with his thrusting. After all that had happened I was far too loose around him to come anywhere near another orgasm, even when he pressed my knees hard together and raised them to my chest to tighten my loose vagina around his slim shaft.

Fortunately Pete's arousal was powerful enough to bring him to orgasm almost immediately and unassisted; within a few minutes of wet, noisy thrusting his body had gone tense, his face screwed up tightly and I knew his ejaculation was close.

"Yes!" he grunted as his hips slapped wildly against my buttocks, "Yes! Yes!"

"That's right, Pete!" I growled, my vulva now burning from overuse, "Cum! Cum in me now!"

"Nnnngh! Nnngh!"

"Yes! Give me it all! Cum in your Slut wife's messy cunt!"

"Jesus Penny...!"

But there was nothing left to say. His body flexed, his tension broke and for the third time in a single afternoon I felt the unmistakeable and, to me, incredibly desirable feeling of a man ejaculating inside me body.

At the risk of baring my soul, I can say that nothing - nothing at all compares with the full-on earth-mother elation that comes from a copious, much-desired insemination by a strong, attractive man.

For me and I suspect for many women, the objective of all sex has to be insemination. However powerful my orgasms; however frequent and however intense the lovemaking has been, in the end, the near-serenity that flows over me when my body is filled with a man's seed is all but impossible to describe.

And when his thick, strong erection begins to soften within me and the last drops of his seed pass from his body into mine, I feel truly fulfilled and content.

This attitude was to get me into difficulties in the coming months and almost did so that December afternoon because no sooner had my husband's ejaculation ceased than we heard a car pulling into the driveway.

"Shit! The kids!" he exclaimed.

"Oh No! Get dressed!" I hissed grabbing my top, forgetting my bra in the rush.

Pete leaped out of bed and started pulling on his clothes in a panic. I tried to do the same then realised that I must smell even more strongly of sex than before and dashed into the shower.

I think Pete made it downstairs before the kids came into the house.

When I came out of the shower I was looking at my rather pink, flushed face and chest in the mirror when I found a small box on my dressing table. It contained a third blue glass Pandora charm. I threaded the charm onto my bracelet straight away and was wearing it when I came nervously downstairs.

There was no sign anything was wrong. The kids were all chatty, happy and red-faced; no-one noticed my own pinkness of chest and cheek.

We had a cup of tea together; my bracelet chinked a little as I filled the pot and I looked down at my new present. It looked a bit unbalanced with an odd number of charms. I told Pete later I would have to change their sequence or of course, earn another one! He grinned and winked at me. My tummy fluttered at the shared joke.

We spent the early evening hearing all about the indoor ski adventure which the kids had loved then our son had a long telephone call with his girlfriend in London, a call made behind closed doors while our daughter spent a truly extraordinary amount of time in the bath and her other brother watched TV.

Afterwards, we had a relaxed dinner together then the kids went out with their friends and Pete and I met ours in a lovely old pub in a nearby village. It had been an unexpectedly amazing day and very welcome on many fronts.

That night I lay in bed thinking; of Pete, of Tony, of my extraordinary new relationship with them both.

It was still early days but it really did look as if this new lifestyle might just work for us. If only I could keep things physical. Tony and I had come perilously close to falling in love that afternoon. I suspect we had already been a tiny bit in love before our first copulation but it couldn't go any further for all of our sakes.

I didn't want to lose either of the men in my life; I had to find a solution and find it fast!

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Sonicperfection1Sonicperfection110 months ago

This chapter was the best. Pete is starting to embrace being a cuckold. I can’t wait to see where this journey take he and Penny!

StubbyoneStubbyoneabout 1 year ago

Simply amazing writing ! I feel like I am taking this journey with them.


cmj711cmj711about 1 year ago

I had been waiting for Pete to feast on Penny after Tony filling her with his cum.

Peter_ClevelandPeter_Clevelandover 2 years ago

PS: I guess I spoke too quickly about Penny's uninterest in Tony's fertility or infertility. I've since read one and a half additional chapters--which do repeatedly mention that he is infertile. Sorry.

Peter_ClevelandPeter_Clevelandover 2 years ago

I am much enjoying this series. I especially like following the developing thoughts and perceptions of the female narrator/protagonist. My personal tastes run more towards polyamory than hotwife/cuckoldry, but obviously there's a good deal of overlap.

I especially like the complexity--of emotions and of plot--depicted in this series. For instance, the still-developing relationship of Tony, estranged wife Julie, and Julie's lover. And I like the depiction of Penny's and Tony's growing emotional attachment to each other.

On the latter: I'd prefer to perceive the two people as "coming to love" each other (= good, including good for Penny's marriage) rather than "falling in love with" each other (which P&P both perceive as bad and a threat to their marriage). Is erotic love a fixed quantity? Can a woman love only one man at a time (even in England)?

But I'm not being fair to the writer here: this is your story, not mine. By all means, write the story YOU want to write. I'm enjoying it plenty.

One final quibble: Penny's uninterest in Tony's fertility or lack thereof (she thinks maybe, probably he had a vasectomy--didn't he?) seems highly improbable and an overly clear signal of a future plot development.

Speaking of the 1st 8 chapters together: perhaps in places the style gets a little florid for my personal tastes. But--in style and character and plot--Chapter 8 impresses me as very well done indeed. Likewise Chapter 3 (Penny's first adultery). A solid 5* for both of them--and for the series as a whole.

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