Penny's Promiscuity Ch. 20: Movie


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For a minute or two I made no attempt to dispel them.

On his return, Will perched on the edge of the bed, looking down on the woman I was now certain was only the latest in a line of conquests. No inexperienced youth could have known to use that technique to tighten an older woman's vagina.

"When will your husband be back?" he asked as if trying to work out whether another round in bed would be possible.

For a moment I wondered that too, but then steeled myself for what must no follow.

"He'll be back soon," I sighed.

"Well can I take you out for a drink?" Will suggested.

I laughed.

"It's a lovely thought but I don't think it would be a good idea, do you? We don't want to telegraph what just happened. What would your girlfriend Keeley say?"

He gave me a look as if I had shocked him. It was obvious he did not want that young lady's name mentioning. Clearly embarrassed he started playing with the gold chain around his neck.

Even in my flushed, post-orgasmic state I could tell that the power balance in our relationship had just shifted. Perhaps it was just the let-down that so many men suffer after ejaculation but there was no question. Despite having dominated, fucked and inseminated me in what could only be considered a humiliating position, Will's demeanour was putting me at least partly in the driving seat.

The moment of truth was approaching. However good his fucking had been, if my life was to become manageable again I had to drive home my advantage mercilessly.

Lying there naked, freshly-fucked and flushed pink from my orgasms, this wasn't going to be an easy thing to do bit I had to steel myself.

"Keeley's more than just a casual girlfriend isn't she?" I asked, sitting up on the other edge of the mattress.

Will looked at me, frowning, unsure where this post-coital conversation was going. I pressed on.

"In fact you're actually engaged aren't you Will? F you're honest, you're practically a married man."

"How do you know about that?" he asked aghast.

Izzy had been right; he really wasn't the brightest star in the sky.

"It's a small world," I replied enigmatically. "I've found out quite a lot about the two of you."

"How?" he demanded, horrified.

"No-one can keep secrets for long, Will. That's why affairs are so risky. That's why we really shouldn't see each other again, you know that. Today has to be the last time."

"I'd rather it wasn't," he began.

"Will, you're amazing in bed, let's agree that. But I'm old enough to be your mother. I'm married and have kids older than you. You're going to be married soon too."

I watched his reactions carefully; Will winced but didn't dispute the fact.

I had been right; it would be alright. My hold over him was now as strong as his over me -- stronger in fact because unlike his fiancée, my husband already knew about my infidelities.

And Will still didn't know my big secret.

"This afternoon was good," I continued. "No, it was great, really great but we can't do it again. It's too risky for both of us."

How I could say those words with his semen literally dripping from my vagina still amazes me, but I did. His disappointment was almost tangible. I was amazed; it was like talking to a child who had been told he couldn't have a pet.

"Did you enjoy it?" I asked.

The look on his face told me all I needed to know.

"It was great," he grinned. "Really great. Thank you."

This was surreal. No one had ever actually thanked me so politely for having sex with them before let alone a boy who had all but blackmailed me into fucking him.

"It was my pleasure," I told him with a smile. "Literally my pleasure! But now it's time for us to put our clothes back on and for you to leave."

"But I thought..."

"Come on Will. You're really great in bed but it's too risky for both of us. Keeley mustn't find out about me or any of your other MILFs, right?"

He nodded, unaware that he had given away yet another little secret; as I had suspected I was a long way from being the only older woman who had succumbed to his charms. As I stood on my wobbly legs and began to wrap the robe back around my naked body I wondered briefly whether he and Darren compared notes on their latest MILF successes or maybe even swapped details.

But there was nothing to be gained from that unwelcome speculation.

"Today has to be the last time," I smiled, kissing him on the forehead as a mother might kiss a seated child. "Better get dressed."

Will reluctantly but obediently rose and began to pull on his clothes. He seemed oddly embarrassed as I watched that amazing body being covered once against by his close-fitting uniform. My own body was already stiffening with the effects of the awkward positions in which it had been fucked, I was hot, sweaty and must have reeked of sex.

Will appeared to be in a similar condition, as he pulled up his underwear I could clearly see that his long, flaccid cock was dark and swollen rather than erect and liberally coated in a shiny combination of my juices and his own semen.

"So there won't be any more afternoons like this, understood?" I said once we both looked vaguely presentable once more.

Will looked so disappointed I could have hugged him but I had to be tough.

"Please Will, promise me this is the end of it all," I insisted while I felt I still had the upper hand. "Neither of us should be here; I have Pete, you have Keeley. I doubt she'd approve of her future husband fucking older women he picks up in the club."

"She wouldn't believe it," he began.

"She would if she saw it for herself," I countered slowly.

"What do you mean?" he asked, looking round anxiously as if expecting his fiancée to appear in the bedroom in person.

It was time to play my trump card.

"Will, I've not been entirely open with you. There are three video cameras hidden in this room. By now, the movie footage they took of us fucking will be in the cloud and safe from interference. If Keeley got to see any of those movies I don't think even she would be convinced that Wonderful William is quite as wonderful as she's posted on facebook. She'll probably decide he's not the man for her after all.

"Oh my God!"

"She's got three brothers too, hasn't she? They might be a bit unhappy about you cheating on her."

It was a long speech for me; one I had run over and over in my mind. I hoped and prayed it would work but the look on his face showed straight away that I had hit my mark full on.

"You wouldn't do it," he protested. "You're in the movie too. It would ruin you too."

"But I've got the original footage. A few hours with editing software on my laptop and only your face would be visible. And your body of course, we mustn't forget what you were doing with that."

The boy looked thunderstruck.

In truth I hadn't the least idea how to edit video files; all I had done was repeat phrases I had read on the side of the box that the cameras had arrived in. It was a straight bluff; I had to keep my poker face in place while Will's rather slow-moving mind went over his options.

"You mean..."

"I mean we have to stop doing this Will. However pleasant it was -- and it was really good, trust me -- it's just too dangerous for both of us."

He looked so downcast it was almost comical.

"Whatever you meant when you said it, your threat to tell my husband first about Darren then about us was a form of blackmail."

"I didn't mean..."

"I know that now Will, but I didn't know it then. We've slept together twice now and I'm glad we did it. Both times were good; today's was really good but it has to be the end, do you see that?

"I want my career and my marriage to continue. You want to start your career. Do you really think any reputable gym would employ you as a Personal Trainer if they knew you'd been screwing the female members behind their husbands' backs? Get real William."

He was standing with his mouth open.

"And there's no way Keeley will marry you if she thinks that's the kind of man you are." I snorted. "Let's face it Will, unless this is a last fling on your part you shouldn't be marrying anyone."

"I have to marry her," he mumbled. "She's pregnant."

"Jesus Christ!" I exclaimed automatically. "Doesn't anyone round here use birth control?"

Will looked puzzled and well he might. In an attempt to recover some composure I tried to bring things to an end.

"So there'll be no more fuck-dates, okay? And you will tell no-one about the two we've had, however pleasant they were. If we meet again in the club or the street we can talk as if we're acquaintances but you mustn't say anything that implies we're friends or have been in any way intimate. Can you do that?"

"As long as you promise not to show Keeley or her brothers..." he said with increasing unease.

An idea came to me and a smile crossed my face.

"Did you study the Cold War in history at school? I asked.

"I gave up history," he replied, nonplussed. "But I know what the Cold War was. Mum and Dad talked about it."

I frowned; that put me in my place age-wise. I went on.

"Well there was a phrase they used to use to describe how both sides had so many nuclear weapons that between them they could wipe out humanity several times over."

He looked puzzled.

"Mutually Assured Destruction it was called. M.A.D. It means if either side started a war both sides would end up destroyed. That way neither side would ever be the first to launch a missile."

He looked even more confused.

"We're like that Will; you and I. You know enough about me to ruin my life but I know enough to ruin yours too. Neither of us should even think of telling anyone about the other."

"I suppose so."

"So we can both get on with our lives safe in the knowledge that neither of our secrets will ever get out, right?"

"I understand," he said, looking like the penny really had just dropped.

"And we can simply remember what was a brief but very enjoyable acquaintance," I added.

"You really enjoyed it? You're not just saying that?" he asked with almost childish eagerness.

I smiled indulgently.

"You're one of the best I've had, honestly." I assured him, pleased with the repeated effect on his demeanour.

"If you ever feel like another try..." he volunteered.

"Then I'll know where to come. In every sense of the word!"

It took a moment before he understood the meaning of my last sentence but when he finally got it, he grinned.

Whatever Will's original plan had been, I did indeed now have a hold over him as strong as his over me; possibly stronger. The danger had been neutralised -- this time permanently.


I was sitting at my laptop in my running clothes when my husband returned barely half an hour after Will had left. I hadn't showered or tidied the bedroom in any way; all I had done was pull the minimum of acceptable outdoor clothes over my soiled body.

The cameras had been retrieved, the files recovered and safely saved on our desktop pc. I had briefly looked through the footage; about a third was unusable -- either Will and I had been out of shot or so close that we were out of focus -- but there was more than enough to show clearly in picture and in sound what had taken place.

My own ecstatic cries of 'Oh God!' were particularly loud and alarmingly close to what I imagined my daughter had screamed during her infamous first night in bed with Simon, her now ex-boyfriend.

Like daughter, like mother?

Whatever the truith, I was tired but my work was done, both in the bedroom and out of it.

Pete entered the house quietly as if he half suspected Will might still be there but of course the boy's car and the boy himself were long gone.

"Penny?" he called anxiously up the stairs.

"I'm in the study," I called back, rising to my feet as the man I loved stood nervously in the doorway.

"Is it all over?" he asked, looking into my eyes.

"I think so," I replied. "He's gone."

Pete's eyes began to scour my body as if looking for evidence of the fornication that must have taken place. From my flushed face and chest and the aroma of sex that must have clung to me, this would not be hard to find.

"Did you let him..." he began.

"Fuck me?" I finished his question. "Yes Pete. He fucked me."

"Was it good?"

"It was one of the best I've ever had, Pete. It was a good farewell fuck."

He winced then asked:

"It really was farewell?"

I nodded.

"So your plan worked?" he asked.

I took a deep breath.

"Yes Pete. It worked better than I expected."

He looked into my eyes. From his expression he was desperate to know more; to hear more about what had just taken place in his house, in his bedroom, in his bed and with his wife.

A wave of anxiety washed over me. Was this a step too far? Would it actually alienate my husband?

Or would it be the first step along the road we both wanted the rest of our lives to follow?

There was only one thing I could do now and I had to do it.

Though I was by no means certain what the outcome would be, I had to trust the man I loved. In one way, my husband would be fulfilling his long-expressed fantasy. In another I would be putting our entire future at risk.

But it was a risk I had to take.

I placed my hand on the desktop pc. Pete's eyes followed the movement. Then I placed a small flash drive on the table in front of him and said softly, my hand on his shoulder.

"This is for you. It's not exactly what you asked for but it's a step on the way."

"You mean...?"

"It's a sex tape Pete. It's me and Will in our bed. He's fucking the life out of me Pete and I'm cumming hard. It's what you said you wanted to see."


"It hasn't been edited; there's been no time so it's just the raw files from the cameras. I hope it gives you a little of what you want."

Pete looked up at me, stunned. I kissed him on the cheek as I whispered:

"I'm going out for a while. Take your time."


"They say you should always be careful what you wish for, Pete."


For an hour I pounded the footpaths that led into and through the woodland near out house. My body ached from the fucking it had received and I could feel something gooey seeping from my vulva as I ran but there was nothing else I could think of to kill the time.

Whether I was running away from the past or towards the future I don't know but I was sure I couldn't be in the house when Pete watched the video I had genuinely taken of Will fucking me half senseless in out bed.

When I entered the house an hour later, the sweat from my run had mingled with the sweat from Will's fucking and the sticky evidence between my thighs.

Pete was sitting at his desk, the large computer screen glowing before him. There was a whisky glass next to his right hand and a half empty decanter alongside it. There was no water to be seen.

He did not turn to greet me as I entered the room.

"Hi," I said tentatively, unsure what my reception might be.

"Hi," he replied flatly, turning on the swivel seat but still not looking at me.

His face was pale, his eyes red as if he had been crying.

"They say you should be careful what you wish for," he said flatly.

"You've watched it?"

"All of it," he replied unemotionally.

"Are you upset?" I asked, moving a little closer.

I put my hand on his shoulder. He winced and moved away, then thought better of it and sat back. A moment later his fingers were on mine, his eyes fixed on the blank screen.

"I honestly don't know how I feel," he said. "It's either the worst day of my life or the best one. Or both all at once."

"It's what you said you wanted."

I told him this quietly but firmly though in truth there was no sign of him reacting angrily.

"Did you... enjoy watching?" I asked. "You've wanted to for a long time."

He laughed hollowly.

"I don't think enjoy is the right word."

"Okay then, was it all you wanted it to be?"

Pete pushed back in his chair and swivelled towards me. Instinctively I knelt next to him, still holding his hand. Our heads level, he leaned in and kissed me on the lips. He tasted salty; he had been crying.

"It was the most erotic experience of my entire life," he said, looking me in the eyes. "And the most painful."

"Not what you expected?"

He took a deep breath.

"The thrill; the excitement was greater than anything I had ever imagined. Even though it was only on video, actually watching you cum on another man's cock really was as good as I had imagined it to be but..."

"But..." I prompted.

"But the pain and jealousy were pure, unadulterated agony, Penn. In all our fantasies I never imagined I could feel so conflicted; so aroused yet so angry and jealous all at the same time. Even when you told me about Darren and Will -- even all those times with that shit Tony -- it was still somehow just a story. Now I've seen it for real..."

He let the words hang in the air.

"And in our bed in our bedroom too."

There was silence between us though he did not let go of my hand. I leaned towards him, our heads touched then nuzzled together.

"At least I finally understand what it really means for you," he said after a minute or two. "I've never seen you lose it like that in all the time I've known you."

"Does it hurt to see me doing it?"

"Of course it does! But in a perverse way it helps too."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Well I can see for myself that it's just sex. It's just physical. There was no love there, just raw, animal fucking."

"That's all it was ever supposed to be," I told him. "Tony was different; he was a friend I cared for and who I thought cared for me. I thought he loved me; I let myself fall in love with him. Tony was a mistake in so many ways."

"You can say that again," he laughed mirthlessly.

We stared at the blank screen together for a full minute.

"Does really good fucking inevitably lead to love?" Pete asked.

"It needn't lead to it," I told him. "Not if we keep our promises to each other."

"The Geneva Convention?" he snorted.

"Pete, if you want it all to stop here, it will stop here," I said, meaning every word. "Now you've seen what it's like, I'll understand if you tell me it all has to end."

He was looking at me with an expression I couldn't quite read.

"I can't change what's already happened," I said, my hands on my lower belly where the baby lay. "We can't ignore the consequences and go back to being a normal couple but we can have a monogamous marriage again if that's what you want."

Pete thought for a moment.

"I'm not sure what I want right now," he said, toying with the flash drive. "But I agree, after the last months we can't ever be a normal couple again."

"Do you regret it?"

He thought again.

"No. I don't regret it. I wish your first affair had been different but I'm not sorry it happened. Not now."

I stood alongside him. My husband's arms snaked around my waist and pulled me towards him. I tangled my fingers in his hair and he kissed my tummy; the tummy in which Darren's baby was growing then stood and kissed me on the lips.

"You taste of him," he whispered. "You smell of him too."

"Come with me!"

I took him by the hand and led him upstairs to the bedroom where the rumpled, semen stained sheet lay exactly where Will and I had left it. I had deliberately left the windows closed; the smell of sweat and sex in the room was strong.

Pete inhaled deeply, kissed me again on the lips. I peeled off my running clothes and stood naked and guilty in front of him. He led me to the bed, sat me down on the dirty sheet and leaned me back against the pillow.

"Open your legs!"

His voice was low but commanding. I obeyed, spreading my thighs wide, my sticky vulva opening to reveal its messy secrets. Pete undressed quickly without taking his eyes away from my groin then knelt between my knees.