People Can Change Ch. 02


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I reached out to the drawer by the bed and pulled out a condom. "No," she said, as I fumbled to open it.

I looked into her eyes. "Yes," I said, "or we stop right now."

She waited until I had rolled the condom on before taking hold of my dick and feeding it up into her pussy. Soon she was riding me cowgirl style and the groans were coming thick and fast. Suddenly she threw her hands back to grab her ankles and she started moving her hips as she came down to get greater penetration. She gave out a loud scream as another orgasm shot through her. I was still hard when she recovered so she turned herself round so that she was facing my feet and started again. I could sense another orgasm building and this one coincided with me filling my condom. She fell forward onto my feet as she felt the last throws of her orgasm. I reached down, pulled off the condom and threw it into the bin.

I don't know if she passed out or fell asleep, but she lay quite still on top of my legs. As she lay there I started gently stroking the inside of her legs. I moved further up into her arse crack and her hips lifted in response. When I did it again she clenched her buttocks so they held on to my hand as I lifted it away. I started to massage her little anus, and again she lifted her arse in the air. I pushed one finger into her anus, just up to the first knuckle. Her sphincter gripped the finger and her whole arse move up with the finger when I started to pull it up. As I pulled it out she turned to look at me.

"Fuck my arse, Greg. Please fuck my arse," she said.

I reached for another condom and, putting it on, called her back to the cowgirl position. Her pussy was really dripping now and I used its fluids to lubricate both my dick and her anus. I positioned her anus over my dick and allowed her to sink down onto it. As she started her rise and fall her hand came around to rub her clitoris. I reached forward and took hold of both of her breasts. We often used to say in the service that more than a handful was a waste. Well if that's true then Kelly was wasting nothing. Each breast fitted my hand perfectly and as I squeezed and massaged her moans increased. She soon started bouncing up and down enthusiastically on my dick. Her rectal muscles and sphincter were gripping my dick as she rose . The experience was mind blowing. Suddenly, I felt her clench around me and she screamed as once again an orgasm flushed through her. She fell forward onto me and I just held her. It was after twelve when we hit the shower and nearly one before she left.

As I lay in bed that night I tried to make sense of what had happened. I had been well and truly fucked, of that there was no question. As to whether it had been a pleasurable experience I was not so sure. However, I certainly slept well and almost missed the alarm in the morning. Kelly called in to see me the next day and made arrangements to meet again that evening. I decided on a meal and a film, though she seemed keen on a repeat of the previous night. I would be lying if I said that I didn't like being with Kelly. She made me feel good, but I wanted to get to know her, not just fuck her. During the meal I told her some of my life story and tried to get her to open up with some of her own. I wondered what must have happened to her to make her so withdrawn, getting each little bit of information was like drawing teeth. I decided to be patient and let things happen at their own pace.

Eric had obviously seen Julie in the supermarket again because on Sunday when I picked up the girls she made me a coffee and sat down for a chat. She asked about my new girlfriend with not a little jealousy in her eyes.

"I'm so pleased for you," she said. "You need a woman in your life."

"Yes, I do," I agreed. "I do need a woman in my life. I need a particular woman in my life, but in spite of the fact that she still loves me, she refuses to have anything to do with me. All I can do is find a pale imitation."

"Now, Greg we've been through this before. You know why we can never be together. I just can't trust you. I wouldn't feel safe."

"Just who is that talking, Julie? It can't be the woman who is about to let me leave with her two precious children. Who is it that says I'm still a danger to you?"

"I know who it isn't," I continued. "It isn't the social services. They think it's perfectly safe for me to be unsupervised with my children. It isn't my shrink. He thinks I've made amazing progress and doesn't need to see me any more."

She seemed totally shocked at my mention of a psychiatrist and for a moment was at a loss for words.

"You can't just expect me to forget what you did to me," she said.

"Of course I don't expect you to forget it," I said. "Why should you? I certainly can't. I'd just like the chance to show you that I am not that man any more."

"I don't want to discuss this Greg. I think you'd better take the girls out for their daddy time."

As I was leaving I suddenly realised that she had not denied that she still loved me. Clare was right. I put Grace and Annabel in the car and drove away. When I returned Julie just let them in and kept me on the doorstep while we sorted out the time for the next visit.

The relationship with Kelly continued and seemed to be getting ever more sexual. Her refusal to let me into the rest of her life puzzled me. I was so troubled by it that one night, as she was about to leave my flat, I asked her.

"Kelly, are you ashamed of me or something?"

"Of course not," she answered. "How can you ask that? You're a successful businessman with the body of Adonis and hung like a mule. What is there to be ashamed of?"

"You live with your parents, but you never let me meet them. You have two children, but we never take them out. It's almost as if you're trying to hide me from them."

"You have nothing to worry about, lover boy," she said, as she was leaving.

Two days later I got the answer to my questions. Following another marathon sex session, Kelly had just got in the shower. I reached out to turn the clock round and accidentally knocked her handbag off the shelf. I got out of bed and started gathering up her belongings to put them back in her bag. That's when I saw them. There, with her phone, lipstick and make-up kit, were two gold rings, one with a solitaire diamond set in it. A chill went through my bones. I put on my robe and slipped the two rings into my pocket. I told myself there might be a perfectly reasonable explanation. She could have taken them off months ago and simply forgot they were in her bag. I thought about it and decided if she hadn't missed them in a couple of days I would tell her I found them while cleaning and give them back.

Kelly came out of the shower, tripped across the bedroom and got dressed. I went to the door with her and as she kissed me goodnight she whispered, "See you tomorrow, lover." and was gone. I have to admit I expected it to take longer than five minutes, but just as I was making my way back to the bedroom my doorbell rang.

"I think I dropped something in the bedroom," she said.

I let her go straight to the bedroom and could hear her turning it upside down as she searched. When she gave up in the bedroom she came back to the lounge, searching down the sides of the sofa and under the cushions.

"It would help," I said, "if I knew what you were looking for."

She stopped for a moment, obviously trying to think of what to say.

"My phone," she said. "I've lost my phone."

I walked to the kitchen, picked up my mobile, and punched in the speed dial sequence for Kelly's phone. The first sound was the vibrator, then came the ring tone.

"It sounds like the phone is in your bag," I said as she started to blush.

I sat down at the table and put the rings down on it.

"You see I asked because I thought you might be searching for these," I said, pointing at the rings.

"You've been through my bag. How dare you? You have no right," she screamed at me.

"This is good," I said. "The woman who has lied, cheated and deceived at least two men is suddenly concerned about what is right. Now sit down." I pointed to the chair opposite.

"So," I said. "Now I know that you are not divorced, what else is a lie? Do you have any children? Do you live with your parents? And what does hubby think you're doing when you're round here getting fucked senseless?"

"Yes, I do have two lovely children and they are my pride and joy. Yes, I do live with my mother. We can't afford to buy a house and living with mum helps us save for a deposit. Rob doesn't know that I go out at night. He works the night shift at the plastics factory. Mum thinks I go out with the girls and I let her. That's why I never let you call for me - don't want the neighbours talking."

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe it's because I hardly see him. I work all day, he works all night. He's like a bear with a sore head on Saturdays so that only leaves us Sundays. Then all day I'm surrounded by men. Men who find me attractive, men who want to flirt with me, men like you."

She was starting to look sad and pathetic, but I was in no mood to stop.

"So why me? What was it that made you take off your rings and show me your naked hand? Was it lonely business man, easy prey? Was it the challenge of cracking the Ice Man? Or were you looking to trade up to a new husband with more cash?"

The tears started to flow now. There's nothing like confronting your behaviour to make you feel like shit.

"All of them, I suppose," she said, being honest for the first time. "The other delivery girls kept going on about how good looking you were and I wanted to see for myself. Well I did see, and I liked what I saw. They told me you'd been on your own for a couple of years, but you never responded to any of their flirting. Eric told them you definitely weren't gay so they called you the Ice Man and I wanted to see if I could thaw you out. Yes, I thought you were lonely and would be appreciative. But once we started making love, I started falling for you."

"Making love?" I said. "You call what we did making love? We were just two people using each other for sex. You fuck like a porn star, but there was never any love. For what it's worth, I found it satisfying but I can't say I enjoyed it."

"So why did you let it go on?" she asked. "If I was so useless."

"I never said you were useless. I liked you. I liked being with you. Add to that, yes, I was lonely and I needed a woman in my life. I thought I could teach you the lovemaking."

"You still can," she said quietly. "I can get a divorce."

"If you do get a divorce it'll be nothing to do with me," I said. "I am a sad and lonely man because my wife divorced me just over two years ago. I am not about to do that to someone else. If I had known you were married I would never have got involved with you."

"So what do we do now?" she asked.

"Well, you are going to pick up your rings and walk out of my life forever. I don't want to see you here. I don't want to see you in my garage. If I do, I will go round to see Rob and tell him all about you. I'll also call Tony Brandon and let him know what damage his flirtatious girls are doing."

"But I have to call on you. It's my job and I need the money it brings in."

"How you do it is up to you, Kelly. I don't care. But turn up at my business again and I promise you that I will reveal all. Now I think you should go."

As we got to the door she turned to me and said, "I'm sorry, Greg." Then she pulled my head down and kissed me tenderly.

"Now that is where you start with lovemaking," I said as she left.

No one called from Brandon Auto Factors the following day and on Friday a nice young brunette called Tricia turned up to take our orders. Eric gave me an inquisitive look, but got nothing in return.

It was another week before I had the girls for the Sunday. When I got there Julie invited me in for coffee and a chat. I knew what she wanted to talk about, but we had to skirt around all the other things first. We talked about how the girls were doing at school, where she was taking them on holiday, etc. Then she got onto what she really wanted to know.

"And how are things going with your new girlfriend?" she asked.

"Oh, didn't Eric tell you? It's all over," I said in a matter of fact sort of way.

"Well, no, actually he didn't know," she said. "What happened?"

"You know, I'm surprised you two get any shopping done, the amount of time you spend talking about my private life."

"We care about you. Is that so wrong?" she asked.

"Yeah, well, it's best we don't go down that road or we'll both get upset again," I said, referring to the conversation a few weeks previous.

"Anyway, if you must know, it turned out that she was married."

"Oh, that is awful, Greg. How did you find out?"

I told her the whole story and she listened.

"And you just sat down and talked to her?" she asked.

"Yep. Cool as a cucumber, me. Never even raised my voice," I told her. "I phoned John the next day to tell him about it."

"You must have been hurt, though," she said.

"Of course I was. Hurt, angry. You name it, I was it."

"And nothing happened? I mean, Eric said she hasn't been seen around the workshop," she said.

"Of course not. What did you think? That I'd done her in and buried her in the garden?" I asked. "Oh, what it is to have people trust you. I just told her I didn't ever want to see her again, and if I did I would blow the whistle on everything."

"I am sorry, it's just that, well, you know."

"Yeah, I know. Greg Maitland, violent man, knocks women about. I'll bet they were rubbing their hands in your office, thinking of all the money they would make defending or prosecuting me. How many times must I tell you, I'm not that man any more."

"Who is John, by the way?" she said, changing the subject. "You said you rang him and told him all about it."

"He is, or was, the psychologist who runs the program I went through. I was really pleased at how I handled it, so I rang him to tell him. I was just sort of reinforcing what a good job he had done."

"You actually went through some sort of program to..."

"Get my mind right," I interrupted. "Yes. You told me I needed help, and you were right, so I got some. How do you think I got the supervision order quashed so quickly?"

"Still," I said, "once a wrong un always a wrong un. Isn't that the way they look at it in your line of business?"

I called to the girls, swept them up one in each arm, and headed out to the car.

This was the way of things for the next couple of years. I had no further romances and the situation with Julie remained unchanged. I became convinced that someone in her office was getting at her, convincing her that I remained a threat to her. During holidays, especially Christmas and New Year, we would be on the verge of giving it another try, but after one day back at work all the barriers were back up and I was back to square one.

To be continued......

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Frustrating to be typecast or profiled on a one time outburst. (Living the purgatory of Tantalus?)

inka2222inka22224 months ago

1 star because he should have told the husband his wife was cheating on him ASAP. Not made it into a stupid useless blackmail game.

mariverzmariverz6 months ago

la agredio, tuviese motivo o no, la agredio.

ahi termina la historia de loving wives y empieza la historia policial y judicial.

el resto es solo mierda.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I liked it, and YES, the story is improving. I too liked how the anger problem was getting fixed as well. As for Kelly being married, it didn't surprise me, as she kept that part of her life compartmentalized, which is what most cheaters (those in the LW forum)do. I wouldn't be surprised if Julie isn't seeing a married man at work too. That would explain the changes before and after the holidays (Christmas and New Years). We'll see how that plays out in chapter 3.

BAnde53507BAnde53507over 1 year ago

The anger problem from Ch.1 is explained nicely in this chapter. Story continues to improve.

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