Perks of the Job


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At the appointed time I was lurking inside the empty office entrance, ready to open up as soon as they appeared outside the big glass doors. Re-locking the door after them, I led the pair to my secretary's office which adjoins mine. I had previously activated the PC on her desk so I sat Brian in front of it and proceeded to instruct him on how to operate the program. It was more than I little difficult.

"Look," he said. "I don't understand these things but Carole does. She will show me what to do."

"You will have to manage by yourself," I told him shortly. "Carole has to do one by herself separately in another office. It is important that there is no collusion between you."

"But I thought this test was just...." Carole started to object but I held a finger to my lips to quiet her and bustled her through the door into my office, quietly sliding the lock behind me.

The girl walked confidently round my desk to the PC but then stopped on finding that it was not switched on. "You are not doing a test," I told her.

"Then why am I here?"

"I want something on account," I told her flatly.

"But we agreed."

"Things have changed," I said. "The auditors are in. Don't worry; the house is yours even if they pull the file. Well, yours for at least a year, while they go through the eviction procedure and then you will be offered somewhere far better than you could get now. It's my head that is on the line because I am sure to get sacked. The bottom line is that I will not risk my job if I do not get anything out of it. Either give me something now or I will scrap the whole deal."

"What do you want me to do?" she asked quietly.

Looking straight at her, I slowly pulled down my zip.

Carole walked almost casually forward and sank to her knees in front of me. She quickly released my already almost fully erect prick and then paused, holding it loosely in her fingers. Very slowly she licked her lips and then looked up at me. I waited. Moving her head slightly forward she licked round the head of my cock and my whole body twitched as an almost electric shock came from her wet tongue. She laughed, waited and then did it again.

Then she took me completely into her mouth and it was heaven feeling myself engulfed in her warm wetness. Perhaps she just wanted to get it over with quickly but I know that she held nothing back. For all her youth she was an expert. I rationalised that, largely limited to the confines of a small car, her sexual relationship with Brian probably comprised more this act than actual screwing. Even though I tried desperately to hold back to prolong the experience she was far too good. At the critical moment, I had half expected that she would pull her head away but, rather to my surprise, she swallowed greedily. Finally, she stood up mopping the mess round her mouth with a white handkerchief and walked away, leaving me to put myself away.

I joined her, rather amazed at her composure for there was no sign that anything had occurred between us -- except for the large glob of cum smeared across the front of her blouse. Carole followed the direction of my eyes and gave a cry of distress on seeing the incriminating evidence. Quickly I passed her a wad of tissues from the box on my desk and she gratefully tried to clean up.

Despite her best efforts there remained a suspicious wet mark and the poor girl was in tears. "Brian is sure to guess what we've been doing. Whatever shall I do?" she sobbed.

With an extremely quick bit of lateral thinking, I snatched a styrene cup containing some coffee dregs from my desk and flicked it over her blouse front, then gave her more tissues from the box with which to mop up the new mess. Then taking an empty mug, I filled it with fresh coffee from the percolator, added the number of sugars that Carole specified and after unlocking the door, carried the drink through to Brian. "Here is some coffee Brian. Be careful how you drink it -- your girlfriend has tipped hers all over herself."

Brian was smoking and I could see from the monitor screen that he had been unable to progress further than question three. I nodded deliberately at the 'NO Smoking' sign on the wall causing him to reluctantly started putting out his cigarette but feeling generous I said, "What the hell -- finish it. Just take the tab with you when you go."

Returning to Carole, she looked at me rather shakily. "Thank you," she said.

I grinned. "No harm done," I said. "-- to any of us."

Carole was waiting as arranged by the bus station. I pulled into the kerb and leaned over to open the passenger door. She jumped in quickly as if not wanting to be seen. When I was clear of the immediate traffic, I reached a folder from behind my seat and placed it on her lap. "Is this it?" she asked placing her hands possessively upon it.

"The whole kit and caboodle. The key to home sweet home - in fact everything that I promised you."

Carole nodded but did not speak and I knew that she was thinking about her end of the bargain that still had to be fulfilled. The poor girl was already nervous and with a fifteen minute journey ahead, I could see her arriving in a far different mood than the one I hoped for."

"Was Brian your first boyfriend?" I asked. I knew it might be a tactical mistake to mention Brian as this stage but honestly, I could not think of anything else to say and I badly needed to take her mind temporarily away from what was to come.

"Yes -- no. I have been out with lots of boys but Brian was my first real boyfriend."

I interpreted 'real' to mean the first one to know her in the biblical sense. Better and better -- the girl was almost brand new. "Have you started to arrange your wedding yet."

"Yes, I know it is jumping the gun a bit but I spent the last two days ringing places. I have got a provisional date for a month on Saturday."

"You should get nice weather. The first part of May is always very nice. It's my favourite time of the year."

"Are you married?"

"I used to be but it didn't work out."

"You could not keep yourself to yourself -- it that what ended it?"

"Neither of us could." I answered honestly. "It was me who wanted the divorce and it was a mistake. I used to think it was fine for men to mess around but not their wives. Now I can see that nothing matters as long as it does not do any harm."

"I am making a sacrifice, not messing around with you," she said firmly, clarifying our relationship.

"I know that you are. It's a very worthwhile sacrifice but you must love Brian a great deal."

"People have done worse for love," she said enigmatically and I was unable to think of a fitting reply - fortunately we were only two or three minutes away from our destination.

I unlocked the door and led her to the kitchen where I put the kettle on straight away. Earlier in the day, I had called round to ensure that the central heating was switched on and there was tea, milk and sugar available. "Do you fancy a cup?" I asked.

"Yes please," she said, sitting at the table waiting for me to prepare it.

With a cup each in front of us I sat down opposite to her and lit a cigarette, again unable to think of anything to say.

"Could I have one of those?" she asked suddenly. I handed one over and lit it for her.

We sat in silence for several minutes with Carole taking frequent quick sips from her cup and long hard drags from the cigarette. I could see that she was trembling all over.

Suddenly she stood up decisively and ground out the still only half smoked cigarette into the ashtray. "Let's do it," she said.

I followed her up the stairs and guided her to the correct bedroom. Once there she began to undress without haste, carefully placing her discarded garments on a chair, and all the time making sure that her back was turned to me. The moment that she was naked, she skipped nimbly towards the bed and slipped quickly under the cover - apart from her buttocks, she had managed to ensure that I caught not a glimpse.

I was going to walk round the bed but she had scrambled over to the far side -- so I undressed where she had, dropping my clothes on the floor by the side of her chair. Getting into bed, I rolled close and reached out for her but she winced at my touch. I lay for a few moments to let her relax and tied a kiss, hoping that would help, but she turned her face away saying, "I only kiss Brian."

I began to gently caress keeping mainly to her midriff area, merely brushing the bottom of her breasts and not allowing my hand to travel much lower than her naval. After a while I could tell from her breathing that she was no longer so tense and moved my hand up to gently squeeze her tits and toy with the nipples. Carole seemed happy with this but when I moved my head down to suck a nipple she stopped me. "I said that you could fuck me but nothing else," she specified.

"I know that but can't you give me a little leeway," I argued.

"You used up all your leeway when you made me give you a blow-job"

I could not grumble because already I was getting more than I was entitled to. She did allow me to play with the lips of her cunt but fingers inside were I found, outside the terms of our agreement because she quickly squeezed her thighs together to stop me. With nothing to gain by further delay, I rolled on top of her and she opened her legs to let me in. For quite a while, she just lay completely unresponsive but, with all due modesty, I am quite an accomplished lover and I doubt if Brian humped her with any great finesse. Gradually, I started to get through to her. I went fast for a time and then very leisurely and slow. I pulled my dick almost clear and then paused when she was expecting the return thrust and in that second I could feel her wanting it. Eventually, Carole's arms stole round me and her body started moving in unison with mine. Had she allowed me some foreplay I could have made her cum. As it was I got very close, but on feeling the first tremors of her orgasm building I lost it and pumped jet after jet of my seed inside her.

I rolled off more than happy with my hour of delight. Relieved of my weight she got straight out of bed and ran to the bathroom. It would have been very tempting to just lay there and luxuriate awaiting her naked return but I did not want selfishness to spoil a possible longer game. I dressed and made my way downstairs to wait. I was on my second cigarette when she appeared, all made up and ready to go. Without a word she extracted a cigarette from the packet and then removed the one from my mouth to light it with. "I can run you out to your house now for a look round," I offered.

Carole shook her head. "I want to be with Brian when I see it for the first time. Besides, I want to go home and have a shower."

"I haven't contaminated that much have I?"

She gave me a smile. "No -- actually you were rather nice. I was rather surprised."

"So I am not such an evil ogre after all?"

"Yes you are," she grinned. "Tricking me into sucking you off -- and with Brian in the next room. How could you do that?"

"Guilty as charged. I have to admit that was pretty evil."

"You were very clever though with that coffee trick -- it did not stain the blouse either. I thought that I was lost until you thought of that."

"Quick thinking was always my strong point," I said. "Come on, let me run you home. I can drop you at the end of your road."

And that, apart from some further inconsequential chat was that.

I continued to watch the pair of them from a distance. I knew of course when they moved into the house and later, I secretly observed the wedding from a distance. Some subtle detective work also revealed where both of them worked and to a degree, their usual patterns of behaviour. It was not until three months later that I really started looking for my opportunity. I needed a time when Carole would be at home alone with her husband guaranteed to stay away. Eventually that combination occurred.

Parking the car, I walked down the path and rang the bell at Carole's door. She seemed surprised but not displeased to see me. "Is Brian in," I asked.

"No, you have picked a particularly bad time because he is going to be unusually late."

"Pity. I have some overlooked papers about the house that need to be signed."

"Can I sign them."

"No. It has got to be him -- or at least both of you. Can I come in, I will show you what needs to be done and then call back when your husband is at home."

Carole led me to the dining room table. From my briefcase I took two pieces of paper and a cassette tape which I laid by the side of them. "What is that?" she asked, pointing at the tape.

"It's from the security tape in my office. It runs all the time to protect me against false accusations. Because this one has you on it, you need to listen and sign that it is a true account and then the tape becomes the property of you and your husband. Do you want to hear it now? I can play it again when I return."

Looking rather mystified, Carole nodded, so I took a small battery player from my case and inserted the tape. It was my voice that was heard first. I was saying -- 'So Carole Benetton with two T's -- what can I do for you?' and this was followed by Carole asking, 'Mr Singleton, do you fancy me?"

Carole leaned forward and stabbed the off button. "You had better come with me," she said.

I followed her up the stairs and noted that she had taken me to the guest bedroom. Turning to face me, she started very deliberately to undress, dropping her clothes on the floor and looking at me all the time. Even when completely naked, she stood letting me gaze upon her body. Marriage had been good for her because she looked more rounded, more womanly. "You are a real bastard -- you know that?," she said. "I hope you realise that this is blackmail."

I shook my head. "Hardly blackmail," I said. "We just keep getting into situations where I have something that you want and we come to an equitable arrangement about it."

"Whatever you say," she replied without smiling but I had the feeling that she was not too upset by the situation. Deliberately brushing past me she walked slowly round to the far side of the bed and got in. I quickly undressed to join her and when I reached out, this time she did not flinch.

Remembering before, I made no attempt to kiss her and again proceeded slowly with gentle caresses. However, this time when I bent my head to her breast she did not stop me and I felt her give a delicious shiver as my lips closed round her nipple. I pleasured her and myself for some minutes and then removed my mouth. "Isn't this against the rules any more?" I had to ask.

"I have told you -- you are a blackmailer. How can I impose rules on a blackmailer?" she said and her words gave me effective carte blanche for anything that I wanted to do.

I will not bore you with a blow by blow of the next two hours. Suffice to say that I screwed her twice, licked nectar from between her thighs and lost count of the number of times I made her cum.

We went downstairs together with Carole leading. She walked across to the table, ejected the cassette and then purposefully pulled out the tape scrunching it up as did so until there was a tangled mass hanging down to the floor. Then, handing the cassette to me she ordered, "Dispose of that for me when you leave,"

I put the cassette in my pocket and scooped the ruined tape in after it, "You know that I will do anything for you," I said.

She gazed at me with a penetrating look. "Is that it?" she asked. "You are not going to turn up in another three months with something else that I will need to persuade you to give me."

"No -- you will never see me again unless you want to."

"I don't think that is very likely, do you?" she asked with a funny kind of smile.

"All the same it has been rather nice," I said and she did not dispute it.

Carole was making no move to hurry me to the door and a silence developed. "You have made your house very nice," I said and indicating the furniture with a sweep of my arm, I added, "All this looks good stuff."

"We did go a little bit mad, getting it all on credit," Carole admitted. "Brian is working short time at the moment and that puts us under a bit of pressure."

"You are not going to have problems with your rent I hope."

"No -- that gets paid before anything else. We have just left ourselves a little short and for the next two years there are going to be no nights out or holidays abroad."

"I could fix your husband up with a job working on house maintenance for the council," I offered.

Carole smiled. "Thanks -- but no thank you. We are fine for now and anyway, I would be bound to find that there were strings attached."

I could not deny that so contented myself with saying, "Just keep it in mind. Anyway that I can help you I will." Then, as if it was an afterthought I said, "I've just remembered -- I have got something else to give you."

Carole's face fell and I could see she was wondering what new trick I was going to pull on her. From my inside pocket I drew an envelope and handed it to her. "A belated wedding present," I said.

Nervously she opened the envelope and then her face lit up on seeing that it was a cheque for £200 drawn on the councils emergency fund. Spontaneously she stepped forward, threw her arms round me and kissed me on the mouth. "I don't know what to say," were the only words that she could manage.

"Don't say anything. Just have a couple of good nights out with Brian. And remember -- there is more where that came from if the need arises. The important thing is not to lose my number." With that carefully calculated exit line, I departed.

That was three months ago and she has not telephoned me yet. However, informants tell me that Brian is now averaging only three days work a week.

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Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19699 months ago

creepy character.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsalmost 2 years ago

I agree with BetterEnding.

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Typical garbage from one of LW's all-time worst .

lance_spearmanlance_spearmanover 9 years ago
In an alternate version

Richard gets nicked he tries to get the bj from Carole, because he's been under suspicion, and Carole and Brian are a setup.

Lynn_MXXLynn_MXXabout 10 years ago
UK's Feeble Fable

UK may be a good read much of the time, but not this time. A paltry six comments says it all.

Blackmail just isn't sexy

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