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Trying the new 'Tinder for Rapists' App.
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Author's Note: This is a lighthearted rape fantasy, as much as such exists! Obviously, it contains a lot of non-consent & reluctant sex, with enjoyment by the victim. In addition to physical roughness, there is also a lot of anal, rimming, ass to mouth, toys, bondage, verbal degradation, humiliation, and some other stuff I missed. Please don't read if you are easily offended by any of this.


"Yasmin! Oh my God!"

I hadn't seen Yasmin in years before stumbling into her at a café on Rodeo Drive that afternoon, but she was as unmistakable as ever. Decked head-to-toe in designer clothes with a Prada tote resting on her table, she had to lower her oversized Gucci sunglasses to confirm my identity.

"Oh, Hey! Anna, what's up my bitch!" Yasmin answered. She rose up to give me kisses on both cheeks and an enthusiastic hug. Her makeup was subtle and perfect, and her hair was lustrous and wavy. I felt tawdry, conscious suddenly that I'd dressed casually for what was supposed to be a quick errand rather than an extended shopping outing. "Sit! Let's catch up before I have to leave."

I felt a little surge of pride that she remembered me. We'd been in the same circle of friends in college, but not the tightest ourselves. Yasmin had been a force on campus, beautifully exotic from her half-Persian heritage, and also unrepentantly wealthy, wearing Versace and Dolce and Gabbana clothing on campus and driving a Maserati her senior year. Her personality was even more outsized; she was brash, confident, and full of restless energy. Behind her back, we called her the missing Kardashian sister. She'd been our Queen Bee, and it was good to see her looking as hot and dazzling as I'd remembered her.

We caught up briefly, my own job working in a big studio as a junior exec was going fine, but I was still in the "pay your dues" period of my entertainment career. I wasn't dating anyone right now, and had seen a bunch of the old crew around L.A. at times. My usual boring life.

I was more interested in what Yasmin was doing. I'd heard all kinds of rumors about her being involved in the adult entertainment industry. Such news would be salacious gossip for anyone else I knew, except for her. She'd been a sexual force in college as well as a social force. I'd never met a more liberated woman and she had been shameless about flaunting her body in skimpy outfits and pursuing any man she wanted aggressively.

I was jealous of her in so many ways, but her sexual confidence was what I most admired. I had too much guilt from a conservative and religious upbringing to do more than fantasize about the freedom she'd displayed in college.

"Funny you should ask, I'd been producing some female directed adult films, you know sex-positive porn for women by women?" Yasmin said, as if was the most normal job in the world. "But, I just launched a new business!"

"Really, in the, uhm... adult space?" It was hard for me to even say porn!

"Sort of, it's more of a dating app. I describe it as a Tinder for consensual non-consensual sex," Yasmin said proudly.

"For... uhh... what?" I asked, not getting what she meant at all.

"For rape fantasies," Yasmin said matter-of-factly. "You know, find a hot guy who will come to your house, break in, throw you down, have his way with you as rough as you desire, and then leave. That kind of stuff. And much more creative scenarios, depending on what you work out with your partner."

"Wait, a Tinder for RAPISTS!?" I cried out, horrified. I aspired to be a sex-positive feminist, but this was too much. I lowered my voice as I realized people were staring, and continued. "Yasmin, that is awful! Those people are SICK! This will just enable—"

"Easy girl, we took that human sexuality class together, remember?" Yasmin said, grabbing my hand to calm me down. That class, nicknamed "fapping for credit", was infamous and featured guest speakers from the adult industry, erotic writers, and sex workers. We even had to watch porn for homework at times! "You know that rape fantasies, or non-consent fantasies, are the most common types for women. You even wrote your final paper on the topic!"

I blushed, but was also surprised that she remembered my paper. That class had been one of the few we'd had together and I had enjoyed discussing the materials with her in sometimes vivid detail. I'd never really talked about sex with anyone before and some of our conversations about things she'd done, or fantasized about, had been incredibly arousing. The course had been life changing and eye opening for me. I'd bought a vibrator in the middle of the term and started regularly masturbating, including watching porn, for the first time in my life! My boyfriend at the time was the lucky beneficiary of a crazy surge in my libido coupled with newfound curiosity about a whole bunch of kinks.

"Yes, but my paper was about how those fantasies are caused by women having their sexuality repressed by societal norms, such as slut shaming. Society doesn't permit us to be horny and desire sex like men, so we subconsciously turn our sexual urges into rape fantasies, in which we are forced or coerced to get what we desire. And then of course, we feel guilty that we are turned on by such a taboo fantasy, which starts a vicious cycle that makes me... I mean, us... more aroused at being some kinky slut that enjoys being raped. And so on, etc.," I said, gathering steam as that paper, which I got an "A" on, thank you, came roaring back to me. I was getting a little flustered by the end of my speech with all the rape talk. "Anyway, none of us want to be raped for real, or even play raped, by total strangers! That isn't safe or healthy!"

"Sweetie, women have these fantasies, among a million others. Safe exploration of fantasies is healthy! Anyway, you know an awful lot about this topic, it seems," said Yasmin, eying me shrewdly. "Will you take a look at the app for me and let me know what you think, since you have such a... personal... interest?"

"I don't have an interest... personal or otherwise... I just wrote that one paper! Anyway, no normal woman is going to sign up for this service. Sorry, I just don't think it will work!"

"You say that, but I beta launched last year and the numbers are off the charts. Thousands of women are using it. My customers love it, in fact, and once they schedule a date, their usage just gets higher. Do you think, maybe, you are kink shaming a little bit right now?" Yasmin said, giving me an accusing look. I blanched and began to protest the accusation, but she started gathering up her stuff and continued blithely. "We're in three cities and I'm planning on rolling it out to twelve more next year. We have to do a lot of seeding before we launch a market. I should explain, every 'rapist' is background screened for a criminal record and we have a very robust review system that weeds out the bad guys quickly. The app even tracks your location when a date is set up, for extra safety."

"Yasmin, that sounds great, but I don't think I can be helpful. I find it too distasteful."

"I'm going to send you an invite code. Just check it out, you don't have to schedule a rape. Give me your perspective as a woman that is supposedly not into this kink." Yasmin continued. Supposedly? What did she mean by emphasizing that word? She was talking fast and I couldn't break in to reaffirm that I was NOT into rape fantasies. "We need to broaden our customer base long-term for this to really take off so that kind of feedback would be invaluable. I really want your opinion. Please Anna, as a friend?"

It was hard to resist Queen Bee, even as a twenty seven year old. She wanted my help and that made me eager to please her still.

"I don't know. I guess I could take a look."


I ignored her invite code for three days. I thought about it a lot for the first day, or rather about all of my secret and repressed rape fantasies.

You see, the entire conversation I was worried that Yasmin suspected that I wrote that paper because non-consensual fantasies were both my first and, even today, my favorite sex fantasies. My college paper was really a well researched and logical rationalization of why me having these taboo fantasies wasn't my fault, or in any way reflective of me being a pervert, but rather a natural result of our patriarchal society and my conservative upbringing.

I blamed my parents for slut shaming me early on. Sex was bad, girls who liked it were sluts, I should save myself for marriage, and on and on. They refused to let me date until my Senior year of high school, and forced me to lie about seeing my boyfriend when I finally had one. My parents were, of course, just following norms from their Church and projecting onto me their repressed view of the world. Good girls like me didn't like sex, right?

Regardless of who was at fault, I was a horny and sexually active adult now that still found it incredibly dirty to actually want to fuck a guy just for fun. Even joking with my girlfriends about how hot a guy was made me feel slutty. I still felt guilty for wanting sex if it wasn't part of some romantic, long-term relationship, like I'd get a big scarlet "S" branded on my forehead if I had a one night stand! My profile on Tinder warns "No hook-ups!" in the first line and I finish by writing about how I'm only looking for partners that are seeking a long-term relationship. Despite that, and the fact that all my friends use it, I still feel like a slut for even having a profile on 'that kind of service'.

Needless to say, Yasmin's app was a Pandora's box that I didn't want to open. I'd kept my non-consensual kinks in the back of my mind mostly, choosing more vanilla porn to get off to when I masturbated. And I'd been doing a lot of masturbation as I had no boyfriend and hadn't had sex in a couple months. Fucking on a first date is too slutty for me, of course, so the casual dates I had been on usually left me horny and unsatisfied.

That night I gave in and started reading rape fantasy stories and watching non-consensual porn. I'd never just focused exclusively on that genre before for masturbation, usually I just snuck in a rape themed video every now and then when I was especially turned on. I wore out my batteries on my favorite vibe and must have had a dozen massive orgasms over the course of three or four hours.

My twisted logic was that I could empty all this filth out of my mind if I had enough orgasms and essentially overdosed on the kink. The second night was even worse, and if anything my tastes had gotten more extreme and darker, as if my mind now needed even more taboo content to get the same level of arousal!

The third night I found myself lying naked in bed again, my laptop fully charged next to me and my vibe with brand new batteries all set to go. I was horny, but also disgusted with myself. The revulsion at my arousal only made me feel dirtier and more eager to masturbate. I felt like a drug addict about to shoot up heroin.

Suddenly, Yasmin texted me.

"Hey Anna, have you checked out my app yet?!! Please do!" She added a string of emojis, hands together in thanks, smiling faces, and a couple hearts.

"Oh - I totally forgot about it!" I lied and felt butterflies fill my stomach. I should have replied that I didn't want to look at it, that the idea was too perverted, but instead I typed out, "I will download it right now, Yaz!"

"Ok - enjoy!" She added a string of thumbs up emojis and a winking face.

She had caught me at my weakest moment, naked, porn on the screen of my laptop, and my vibrator close at hand. With a clear mind I never would have downloaded her evil app. I was worried it would be called "Rape Me" or something similarly incriminating that I wouldn't want on my phone, but she'd chosen the name "Persephone." At first I thought she meant the name to be pronounced "Purse - phone" and I thought it was both random and terrible, but then I remembered that Persephone was the name of the Greek Goddess that was famously abducted and raped by Hades. Appropriate and tasteful, I suppose, so she did a good job there.

My heart hammered and I felt a tingling warmth between my legs as I opened the app up. I couldn't believe how turned on I was already.

"Persephone - Find Consensual Non-Consensual Taboo Fun Near You!"

There was some legal stuff to accept and I set up an account quickly using the name "Curious Amanda" to maintain some anonymity. A quick tour followed, the app explaining that I could update my public profile later with pictures, a description, and my sexual preferences.

Next up was a "How This Works" page, which explained that anyone could browse profiles. When two individuals matched after sending "Rape Me" or "I want to Rape You" requests, a chat window opened for them to talk. If they hit it off during the chat, the app would let them schedule a "Rape Date."

I couldn't believe the language for these actions. Yasmin had to change them to less offensive terms! Although, to my chagrin, I was finding that seeing the word rape everywhere was so taboo that it was making me really horny...

What the fuck was wrong with me? I still couldn't believe I was even looking at this service!

There was a safety message that popped up, warning me that although all the "Rapists" were screened and background checked, I should be careful, keep the app on, have clear communication beforehand on boundaries, and use a safe word. All in person contact should be scheduled with the app so the service knew if you were meeting and when. It was all kind of reassuring.

Then it launched me into the male profiles. Oh boy, oh boy!

I thought I was turned on, but I was literally dripping after skimming through the roster of my potential rapists. The phone was navigated with one hand, while the other began to rub my aching slit. There were hundreds of them to go through, if I had endless time, for just the L.A. area alone.

Of course the top ones were total hunks. Most seemed to cut their heads off for anonymity in their pictures, but were not shy about displaying all of the rest of their body. Every type of physique was represented, including overweight and relatively unattractive guys. Some of the less than model quality men had five star ratings, so I supposed certain woman liked having ugly or average men take them against their will. There were also a lot of Black and Latino men, likely another fetish for women who might have racial hangups and got off on the idea of being forced to have sex with a minority. Plenty of tattoos, beards, biker guys, and anything else a girl might find hot in their "rapist".

Turning off the gender filter, I discovered that there were female "rapists" as well, which was shocking to me. They ranged from classic butches to very femme, lipstick wearing Dominatrix types. Some seemed to specialize in raping men, although it appeared like the women charged money for their services, which made sense.

Speaking of filters, there were tons of ways to filter, including height, weight, physique, race, hair color, facial hair, and of course, even dick size. What girl doesn't dream of filtering by dick size? And it quickly became apparent that the guys had their various specialties and niches, ranging from jocky "date rape" types, who wouldn't take no for an answer when they got back to your apartment, to burglars, who snuck in and assaulted you while you were sleeping, and of course the classic creeper, who lurked in the dark alley while you were walking home. Roleplay ideas were a big part of the profiles, including bosses, professors, doctors, landlords, and whatever authority figure you wanted to coerce or force you into sex.

My vibrator had replaced my fingers in my pussy. I was so turned on reading the profiles that I knew I was going to cum soon. A text popped up, from Yasmin, suggesting I look at "Big Dave" as a good first time partner. I was annoyed at her presumption that I might want to use the app, versus just looking at it to give her feedback on the design, but found myself searching for his profile. I'd have to write her back later and explicitly remind her that I was never going to actually use the service, of course.

Big Dave was indeed big, his cock was compared favorably to a spray can in length and girth in one of his pictures. I was more turned on by his smooth body, ripped and toned with a killer six pack that transformed into a vee which pointed at his long cock. The bottom of his strong, stubbled jawline was visible in a couple pictures, hinting that he was good looking as well.

"I'm a nice guy that likes blowing the minds of curious girls with taboo fun. Not into anything too rough or heavy, but if you like a good hard fucking, being bound and restrained, and plenty of spanking, hair pulling, and slapping, I'm your man. I am very good at mind games. I'll do any number of roles or set-ups, but nothing in public. Your place, mine, or a hotel are fine. I have a professional job, so discretion is important to me."

I came as I started reading his reviews. He had over fifty of them and most were five star. Girls gushed about him, much as I gushed onto my vibrator reading along, and praised how well he played his role and how sweet he was afterwards. The reviews weren't long, but read like little smutty vignettes of many of my fantasies come to life.

"Dave pretended to be my Uber driver and took me back to my apartment from my office. His conversation was a bit unprofessional, asking me about whether I had a boyfriend, telling me I was hot, and wondering if I lived alone. He asked to use the bathroom once we got to my place and I let him in reluctantly. After all, even though he was cute, he was a TOTAL stranger and acting a bit sketchy. Once inside, he deadbolted the door and grabbed me. I tried to scream for help, but he muzzled my mouth and threatened to kill me. He stripped me down, tied me up with some rope he brought, and proceeded to fuck me senseless for over an hour while calling me a whore for orgasming so much. Then we showered together, he helped tidy up the mess we'd made, gave me a kiss, and left. Will repeat ASAP!"

"Dave pretended to be my ex-boyfriend, jealous over me cheating with a mutual friend. He still had the key to my apartment and lay in wait, pouncing on me when I arrived home. He proceeded to hate-fuck me hard and call me dirty names. He kept character well and I was incredibly turned on the whole time as he verbally abused me while making me tell him the things I did with the other man so he could do them twice as rough, and then some! 5 stars!"

"Dave "hired" me to model at his apartment for a photography gig. He didn't tell me it was nude instead of the sports wear shoot we discussed, until after I got there. I should have left, but he offered me more money and sweet talked me into staying. I agreed, but he started getting grabby and asking me to use toys on myself. This was way more of a hardcore shoot than I felt comfortable doing! I tried to leave and he wouldn't let me! He was a bit scary. Eventually, to try to appease him, I fucked myself on camera for him with a dildo, but he said that I'd have to do the same with his cock next. No hole was left unstretched and undocumented when our session was over. I especially liked the ending when he made me confess on camera that I was a whore that he paid only $100 to fuck. He sent me the footage the next day!"

They went on and on, like my orgasms did while reading them. Yasmin was right, Big Dave seemed like a perfect and trustworthy first partner for this kind of service as I studied his cock again. It didn't seem so sketchy now that I was in the app and reading profiles and reviews. This was just roleplay, the kind of stuff you might do with a significant other, but in reality most couples would be too lazy to pull off scenes like this without breaking character. Plus, doing it with a stranger added an extra edge of thrill, especially given the vulnerability of the scenarios.
