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I'd never experienced anything like it before, but it did not take much imagination to realise what was happening to him. He broke away from the kiss and moaned, "Don't...please don't're making me...oh God...ah...ah...ah..."

He had his hands behind my buttocks and was dragging me to him. I could feel his hard penis being thrust against me in spasmodic jerks. This went on for several seconds, and then he seemed to relax against me saying, "I'm sorry Jenny...I'm so sorry I tried not to..."

"It's all right darling," I assured him, "it's as much my fault as yours, I didn't realise you were so close. Take your jeans off and let's see how bad it is."

I helped him get his jeans and underpants off and he'd certainly made a mess. His underpants were soaked with sperm, and his penis, pubic hair and the lower part of his stomach was covered with it. I'd never seen such a large discharge of the sticky stuff before.

"Sit down," I said, "and let's get you cleaned up."

I took his underpants and put them to soak in the laundry, and then taking a hand towel I set about removing the rest of the sperm. He kept on apologizing and I kept telling him it was all right; in fact I was rather pleased to have inspired such a dramatic effect. It had never happened with the boy at high school or with Hal.

Byron's Perspective.

I felt terrible. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before, not with any of the girls. I tried to apologise but she kept saying it was okay and taking some of the blame on her self.

She was very kind, and helped me take off my jeans and underpants. There was a hell of a mess, and I don't think I'd ever shot so much cum before.

She took my underpants away and then came back with a towel and started to clean up the sperm that was coating me.

I thought she would hate doing it, but she seemed to enjoy it. When she started to wipe my penis it began to get hard again, and then she did something I could hardly believe; she kissed the head of my penis and then gave it a little lick.

That did it; I cried out, "Jenny, I think I'm going to come again."

She stopped licking and said, "No, wait darling, try to hold it back."

She stood up. She was wearing a rather plain green cotton sort of overall dress and she started to unbutton it. When all the buttons were undone she reached behind her back and undid her bras and they fell to the floor. Then she took of her panties and...

Jenny's Perspective.

I wasn't disgusted with him for coming like that, but I was determined not to let him get away with it so easily. As I cleaned him up I made sure I did a lot of manipulating of his penis. When I finished I kissed its head and started to lick it. I saw it start to shoot up and harden.

He groaned something about he was going to come again, and so I told him to hold it back. I can't say I had prepared myself for this moment. If I had I would have made sure I wasn't wearing bras and panties, and I certainly wouldn't have worn that old housework overall dress.

I unbuttoned it as quickly as I could, not sure if he'd be able to hold back. I got my bras and panties off and with the dress flapping open I sat across him and...

Byron's Perspective.

I thought hers were the most beautiful breasts I had ever seen. I wanted to touch them and suck her ripe nipples, but she gave me no chance. She sat across me, and then I felt my penis enter a warm, silky smooth paradise.

She lowered herself on to my length until it was all in her, and then she paused for a few moments and said, "It's beautiful Bryon, really beautiful."

As she started to move up and down on me with a sort of rolling motion I managed to get my hands on her breasts. Their skin was an ivory colour and her nipples were like pink raspberries. As I stroked her breasts she started to whimper, "Its happening's's coming..."

Her movements became almost frenetic and I let go of her breasts and putting my hands on her hips I started to drag her down on me hard.

"Oh God...oh God...darling..." she cried out, "ah...ah...ah...let it...oh darling...let it me...put it in me..."

I had no choice but to let it go because I couldn't hold back. I felt my sperm splatter into her and she gave a little scream and then started to sob.

I finished ejaculating but she kept on moving making low moaning sounds, "Mmmm...mmmah...I love you...mmm....I need you....mmm...mmm...don't stop...don't....don't....aaaaah..."

At last she finished and she began to smother my face with tear wet kisses.

It was then I knew...

Jenny's Perspective

It was beautiful; it was an act of love I was sure. I wanted it to go on forever, but nature took its course. I'd been too close to coming even before we started, and now I got those warning signs - those little shocks -- that told me I was about to orgasm. I think it was the most deliciously agonising orgasm I'd ever had and I wished I could be a virgin all over again just so I could give it to Byron.

He had started to fondle my breasts, but as I grew more frenzied he helped me by putting his hands on my hips and working with me, pulling me down firmly on to his length.

I felt his sperm burst into me and when he'd shot the lot he didn't, like Hal, try to pull out of me, he stayed with me until I'd finished. Even then he didn't pull out, and I sat there crying and kissing him and telling him I loved him. I wanted us to stay like that for ever.

Byron's Perspective.

It had been so different. With all the others, as soon as I finished, I wanted to get dressed and clear off. With Jenny I wanted to stay and stay. It was love, and she was telling me repeatedly that she loved me.

We stayed like that for a long time, but finally Jenny sighed and removed her self from me.

She laughed and said a little shakily, "I think we'd better have a shower, darling."

I tried to pull her back to me saying, "I do love you Jenny," but she laughed again and said, "In that case we'd better have that shower and then you can show me how much you love me."

That sounded like a promise of things to come, and so I followed her to the shower. She showed me how to remove my sperm from her vagina and then she washed my penis. She seemed bent on making it rise again, and in this she succeeded.

When we'd finished we dried each other and then she led me to the bedroom. I wasn't sure how I was to show her how much I loved her, but I was going to have a damned good try.

Jenny's Perspective.

As we lay on the bed together he started to explore me. He was so gentle and loving, not like Hal who often hurt me. Of course I like being hurt a little sometimes -- sexually I mean - but most times I liked the gentle touch.

He started at the top of me and worked his way down with his hands and lips. He lingered for a long time over my breasts, pressing them as he sucked my nipples. Who says you have to die before we can experience heaven?

It was when he reached my vulva that I became a bit afraid. Hal had once tried to give me oral sex at my request. He put his tongue in me and then pulled it out quickly and said, "Yuck, you smell and taste horrible."

Can you imagine how I felt, and I'd washed myself there very carefully.

If I smelt and tasted so bad I didn't want Byron saying, "Yuck."

I told him not to do it to me, but for the first time he became forceful. He pulled my legs apart and knelt between them. I didn't physically resist him, feeling that if he was going to be repelled it might as well be now as later, and it would be his own fault if he didn't like it.

I felt his soft tongue starting to lick. At first it seemed to swirl round the entrance to my vagina and then started to make little forays into my tunnel. After a while he found my clitoris, and realising by then that he didn't find me repellent, I put my hands behind his head as he gave me a beautiful orgasm.

I got the impression that Byron had given oral sex before he did it so well, but I decided I didn't want to know when or who with; all I needed to do was to appreciate his expertise.

Although Hal refused to give me oral sex after his first attempt, he did expect me to do it to him, so I thought, if I could do it for Hal, I can certainly do it for Byron.

I asked Byron to lie on his back and then I took hold of his penis and began to massage it very slowly and gently. I got some very satisfying groans out of him. After a while I pulled back his foreskin firmly so as to extend the head of his penis, and then started to lick and suck it, gradually making my way along its length.

It was when I did this for Hal he often hurt me, trying to force more of his length into my mouth than I could take. He did this by putting his hands behind my head and pulling me on to him.

I felt Byron put his hands behind my head and I waited for the next move, but it didn't happen. He just held me gently to him.

Of course Hal always insisted on coming into my mouth, and I hated it. It was different with Byron. I felt him getting ready to come and he said, "I'm going to ejaculate Jenny, and took his hands away from my head. He left me free to choose what I wanted to do, and you may think it sounds stupid, but I felt so much love for him that I wanted him to come into my mouth - to taste him -- to feel his sperm slip down my throat.

His warm young semen flooded my mouth and I couldn't swallow all of it, and it started to run out of the corners of my mouth.

Byron's Perspective.

As she lay on the bed I wanted to do everything to her at once but I'd have needed the eight tentacles of an octopus to do that.

I contented myself with slowly exploring her body. She looked so lovely and I think I could have lingered over her breasts all day. But I knew what women like, and in fact some of the women I'd had insisted on my doing it to them.

It wasn't easy with Jenny. She seemed reluctant to let me do it to her and when I first started to lick her I could feel her tension. After a while she relaxed and I could hear her making little gasping, sobbing sounds.

She smelt and tasted very sweet and I wondered if she smelt and tasted different from the other women or whether love made the difference.

She had a very quiet orgasm, and the only real sign was the little flicking movements she made with her genitals.

I made sure she'd finished and then lay beside her. I admit that although I'd hoped she would return the complement, I had no intention of forcing her to give me oral sex. I wouldn't have needed to anyway because she soon had my penis in her mouth, sucking and licking.

Some woman don't like having sperm pumped into their mouths, so when I was about to come I left her to make the choice, and she took the lot. When I stopped my sperm was oozing from the corners of her mouth.

Jenny's Perspective.

He was so gentle and loving. He got some tissues and began to wipe my mouth and chin, something Hal had never done.

He had said he loved me and I thought of all that he'd done for me and Alec over the years. I don't think all that had been to try and manipulate me into having sex with him; in fact in the end it had been me who had initiated sex, and I was glad I had.

As we lay side by side on the bed, I started to wonder where things were going. I hardly expected that a young man like him would want to enter something long term with me.

I loved him very dearly, and in that moment realised I had loved him for a long time. Did he, was it possible, he might love me in the same way?

I couldn't, I didn't dare ask him because to do so always seems like an act of emotional blackmail to me. What can the person asked answer, especially after just having had sex with you?

No, if they love you they must be free to say so.

He turned on his side to face me and kissed me on the shoulder and reaching for one of my breasts he said...

Byron's Perspective.

I'd once performed in a melodrama at school. I was the hero who rescued the heroine from the clutches of the evil squire. As she clung to me, gazing up at me adoringly -- well it was supposed to be adoringly but her blonde wig had slipped and was covering her left eye so it was more of a squint -- I said, "I adore you; I love you with all my heart, be mine for ever."

My problem was, how do you say it in real life?

What I said was really quite inadequate for the way I felt.

"Jenny, I do love you, and it isn't just for sex."

In the play the heroine was supposed to say, "I shall be yours for all eternity my darling," but she was busy trying to get the wig straight and forgot her lines. I got us out of this by saying, "I can see in your eyes that your answer is yes."

Jenny's response was to starting crying and unlike in the play I wasn't able to improvise, so I just held her to me.

Jenny's Perspective.

He told me again that he loved me, and men don't usually do that after sex, only before. I started to cry and he held me close to him.

I started to think of the complications: Alec; his parents; our age difference; the studies he was in the midst of.

It all seemed so impossible. I decided to say that we should keep it at the level of sex, but the truth was, I wanted more -- I wanted him in my life completely. I suppose I tested him by saying, "We can't be anything more than lovers, Byron, there's too much against us, for anything more."

He started to argue.

Byron's Perspective.

I think she was trying me out because she told me there couldn't be anything long term for us.

I tried a test of my own, and in doing so took a big risk.

"I'm not going to have sex with you on some sort of casual basis, I want it to be the real thing with us," I said.

She lay there silent, looking at me searchingly. I thought I might have blown it and she'd tell me a go away.

Then she said, "All right Byron, if you really are serious then we can consider a permanent relationship, but I want you to be very sure."

I started to interrupt her but she said, "No Byron, we must give it time, and for a while I don't want Alec or your parents to know."

That seemed to be the deal, and so I grudgingly accepted it.

Jenny's Perspective.

I dearly wanted to have Byron in my life permanently but I didn't want to rush anything. For the time being I believed it would be better if we just kept the relationship confined to sex.

He challenged me by saying that if it was only at that level then he didn't want to go on with me. I could tell he was testing me because I knew he wanted the sexual aspect as much as I did.

Then I thought of all the things he'd done around the place and his relationship with Alec, and realised he was almost a husband anyway. So I told him that we should not rush into things and that if we kept it at the sexual level for a while we could consider a more permanent relationship later. In the meantime we should not tell Alec or his parents what we intended.

Of course I was trying to make sure that Byron didn't feel totally committed at that stage, and he was free to change his mind.

I could see he didn't like it, but he did agree and then we made love again.

Alec's Perspective.

You know, the trouble with adults is that they think us kids are deaf, dumb, blind and stupid. I could tell almost from day one when they'd started having sex, mum looked a different person; much happier.

Of course they do it when I'm not around except on the nights Byron comes in after I've gone to bed. He hopes I'll be asleep. They'll have to tell me soon because I can see the signs that mum is pregnant, and the way those two are I reckon that means wedding bells.

It's okay by me because Byron has virtually been a brother and a father to me for years, so we might as well make it legal.

I hope the baby isn't girl.

Tania's Perspective

Byron told us today about him and Jenny. Of course Dennis and I had known for a long time, but we didn't tell him that.

I have to say that we'd been concerned for some time about the girl that Byron might have ended up marrying, but if we'd had to choose, then Jenny couldn't have been a better choice.

I hope the baby is a girl.

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LudvigBlomSELudvigBlomSEalmost 3 years ago

I wished that it would have been brought to a fulfilling ending!

I don't score unfinished stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
basically a good story but tedious

as it kept swapping back and forth which made it dis-jointed....much prefer the straight story

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
very mixed up tale

lost the plot on this one apart from it involving two men and two women who are related...but as they say....vice is nice but incest is best....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Again and again.......

Your stories/writings are up there with the best of them. The sexual aspect is very well written but the emotion and deep feelings that you evoke in them is just the best feeling in the world. Thankyou so much for your gift....

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichalmost 16 years ago
just absolutely beautiful

Your story is so well written, that when I came to the end, I wasn't ready for it to end. I wanted to know what is going to happen in the lives of the older woman and younger man. Thank You for the very beautiful story......Rich

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