Perspectives Series: Martin


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Ordinarily, I would be dying to leave and get on with it. But this display was too good to be true. It was as good as sex. Hell, better than some sex I'd had. We ate dinner and had another bottle of wine. I noticed that the waiters were taking turns walking by our table to get a better look at her. It was nearing time to leave when I made up my mind. I'm not going to just take her home and fuck her. I want to keep seeing her.

I drove her home and as she was about to open her front door, I stopped her.

"Listen, I had a good time tonight. Did you?"

"Yeah. I had a great time. What's the matter? Aren't you coming in?"

"I can't believe I'm going to say this but, no, I'm not. It's not that I don't want to. It's just that I want this to be more than a one-night-stand. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah?" She smiled and looked down.

"I want to see you again. Would that be OK?"

"That would be great."

"Tomorrow night?"

"Yeah. Tomorrow night."

She wrapped her arms around my neck. I instantly regretted the decision when I felt her mounds pressing against my chest.

"God, I can't wait for tomorrow already." I didn't even realize I said it out loud.

"I know what you mean." She turned and unlocked and opened her door. I thought she was going to just pull me inside. Instead, she turned back toward me and said, "See you tomorrow."

She backed into her apartment and shut the door. I don't know how long I stood on that landing. As I was leaving, I noticed that she didn't live in a very nice apartment complex. It was pretty old and rundown. I decided that she couldn't continue living there. It just wasn't safe.

The next morning I had to seriously urge Sarah to go ahead and make the offer. She wanted to wait until Monday for some reason. I reasoned with her that it wasn't fair to keep people waiting, and that Teresa really wanted the job. Besides, with her qualifications, she was likely to have another offer over the weekend.

Sarah came through, and by 3:00pm she informed me that Teresa had accepted our offer and would be coming in Monday to sign paperwork and get started. I hid my excitement with professionalism.

"That's good news. I will have a lot of work for her very shortly. Thanks for your efforts, Sarah. She is a good choice."

I was the one who really made the choice, but if I made Sarah believe it was her decision, it would be easier to hide our affair.

That evening I showed up at her apartment with a bouquet of yellow roses and a Congratulations card. She was wearing a short dress that hugged her body.

"Thank you, Martin. They're beautiful."

"No, you're beautiful. I take that back...the flowers are pretty, you're gorgeous."

Teresa smiled and leaned in to hug and kiss me. She pulled away and said, "I need to put these in water. Do you want to come inside for a minute?"

"No. Bring them with us. We'll do it later."

I didn't want to see her apartment. Everything I knew about this mystical creature could be ruined with one look at her domain. It could wait. I wanted the magic to last a bit longer.

Our dinner experience was similar to the night before. All eyes were on her, and I took a certain pride in sitting beside her.

"Tell me what else you do for fun, Martin. Do you have any hobbies or anything?"

"Uh, and video editing is sort of a hobby of mine."

"What do you take pictures of?"

"Nude women, mostly." I wanted to test the waters. It was amazing how many chicks got turned-on by this.

"Oh." She giggled and looked at me to see if I was kidding.

I laughed. I decided I wasn't ready to be completely truthful.

She changed the subject. "So, we never got around to talking about how you went from Electrical Engineering to mortgage loans. That seems like an odd switch."

"I don't know. I've always had good business sense and so this is a natural fit for me. I don't intend to work for someone else for very much longer." I confessed.

"You don't?" Teresa sat up and seemed particularly interested.

"No. I'm putting away money to start my own firm. That's really why I'm living with my buddy, Simon. To save money."

"Are you close to having enough?"

"Not as close as I'd like. What I really need, is to find an investor. One is bound to come along sooner or later."

"How do you find investors?"

"I'm just waiting for the right customer to walk through the doors. I'll know when I see him. Then I'll pitch my idea."

"You seem pretty confident that all this is going to happen."

"Oh, I am. Sweetheart, I'm going to be filthy rich very soon. Do you have any idea how much money is made on these deals? It's unbelievable. I've been learning the business, getting to know how the money is made and building business relationships with the right people. All I need is some marketing capital to get started. It's not hard to get the right person to invest. They're dying to put their money to work for them."

I was going to stop there but she seemed so interested, I had to continue. "It's so simple, and the return on investment will be less than 12 months. I have the business plan ready and everything. My most conservative figures estimate me pulling down a half a million dollars a year without breaking a sweat. And that's my salary, not what the business will make."

"Really? That much?"

"Oh, yeah. More than that...that's a low estimate. Honey, you wouldn't have to work another day in your life." I surprised myself by saying that. I don't know where it came from. "Anyway, it's a damn good investment for any business man. Are you ready to go?"

"Uh, yeah, I'm ready."

I helped her with her coat. "Would you like to go somewhere else?"

"Um...How 'bout your place?"

I was surprised that she suggested it. I thought the date was going okay, but she seemed real bored with it at times. I really thought she was going to say she was tired or sick, or something.


I rushed her to the door and out to the car. I wanted to get going before she changed her mind. We sat in silence for most of the ride.

"Don't forget your roses in the back. We'll take them inside and place them in water."

"Oh, yeah." She shifted and craned her neck to see them. "I forgot."

She grabbed them and placed them on her lap. She held them up to her face and took a deep breath.

"They smell wonderful! Do I really have a job that I start Monday?" She looked at me and smiled.

"You do."

"I can't thank you enough. I know you had everything to do with my getting hired."

"Well, I'm sure you'll find some way to pay me back." A blow job would be perfect.

"What do you have in mind?"

It was a loaded question, and I had no intention of answering it.

"We're here."

The house was dark and quiet, indicating that Simon wasn't home.

"Would you like something to drink?"

"Wine, if you have it."

"Let me check...we have white wine, will that do?"

"That'll be fine." I filled a glass for her and poured myself a glass of water. "You're not having one with me?"

"No, I'm done drinking for awhile."

"What's the matter, Martin?"

"What do you mean?"

"On our first date, you could hardly keep your hands off me. Now we're in your house, alone, and you don't seem the least bit interested."

"What are you talking about? I'm interested. Believe me, I'm interested. I just don't want to do something we're going to regret." God, I sound like a girl.

Teresa set her glass down and walked over to me. She wrapped her hand around my drink glass and removed it from my grip, and then placed it on the counter. She took my hands in hers and started walking backward, pulling me with her.

"Which way?" She whispered.

"Second door on the left."

She nodded and kept walking backward. When she got to the open doorway, she dropped one of my hands and turned around for a brief moment. She pulled my arm toward the bed and pushed me onto my back.


"Shhhhh..." She whispered. "Don't say anything."

She crossed her arms in front of her and then pulled her sweater over her head in one swift motion. Her breasts were unbelievable! They were firm, with rock hard nipples that protruded at least a half an inch. I swallowed hard. Teresa lifted her hair and piled it on her head while she turned to the side and looked at me. She held that pose for a few seconds then dropped her hair and leaned forward with a pout for another pose. She turned her back toward me where I could watch her unzip her skirt.

Her pink thong was bright against her smooth skin. She dropped her skirt and turned around. She ran her fingers along the lines of her thong pulling the straps outward and upward. She tugged on the top until the material was riding up her pussy lips. It was then that I realized my hand was stroking my hard cock. At some point I had managed to unzip my own pants. It was my usual reaction to watching a woman pose in front of a camera. Only this one was not being taped.

It was too late when I realized I was about to cum. It's not how I planned to get off. My head fell back against the bed and I let out a guttural noise that I didn't recognize. I managed to not have a complete orgasm, but I couldn't stop it, entirely. I was instantly pissed-off. "Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Teresa climbed onto the bed and leaned over me. She had taken off her thong and I could see a small line of pubic hair down the middle of her clean-shaven, smooth skin. She was as perfect nude as I had imagined her.

"Have you ever thought of being a model? You are so perfect you could pose for Playboy Magazine, I swear."

"You think so?" She pressed her lips to mine and kissed me.

"Yes. And I know what I'm talking about."

"Oh, yeah, that's right. You photograph nude women, right?"

"Actually, I do. I wasn't kidding about that. I also videotape."

She cocked her head to the side while she contemplated.

"You're a natural. I can't believe you've never been a model. Let me tape you, I'll show you how gorgeous you are. I promise."


"Wait here; don't move." I whispered, as I sat up and slid off the bed. I dropped my pants to the floor to reveal a raging hard on. The thought of capturing her graceful figure on tape was enough to completely revive me.

I turned up the thermostat as I passed it in the hall and then swiftly returned to set up the camera on a tripod in the farthest corner of the room. Lots of practice had reduced that setup time down to a mere 3 minutes. I did one final check with my eye behind the lens.

"The most important thing is that you don't look at the camera. Just act like it isn't here."

I laid back down on the bed next to her where I had been previously; the camera running silently to my right. I pulled her face to mine and started kissing her, parting her lips with my tongue. She responded by pressing her lips harder onto mine and thrusting her tongue into my mouth. She ran her hand down to my hard cock and began stroking me. She used the cum on my stomach for lubrication and maintained a regular rhythm, running her fingers up and down my shaft in a slow, deliberate motion. Then, without warning she pulled her mouth from mine, swung her leg over my torso and slid down onto my cock.

Her nipples became rock hard as she arched her back and shut her eyes. Her pussy was hot and soaking wet. I reached up and squeezed both her tits so that her nipples were standing out even farther. Then I ran my fingers over the nubs. I was amazed at how hard they felt across my fingers and palms. She lifted her hips until I pulled out a bit, and then she released again, spreading her legs farther apart, allowing me to sink even deeper inside. My hands ran down to her waist to guide her on the next stroke.

She began moaning in rhythm with my thrusts and whispered, "Oh, yes." Her head tilted backward as she closed her eyes. She lifted her hair on top of her head and then pinned it there with one hand while she ran her free hand over her breasts, tweaking her nipples. My thrusts increased in speed and depth as I approached my climax. She lowered her arms and balanced herself, arching her back into me on every stroke.

"Oh, God!" She cried out, just as I shot my load inside her.

I shuddered for several seconds and then just lay there spent. I was startled by her voice.

"That was fantastic, baby."

She leaned forward until I slid out of her, then she threw her leg back over and positioned her body next to mine, facing the camera but not looking directly at it. She ran her fingers through her hair, stroking her neck absentmindedly with her fingertips while she looked into my eyes. In a soft voice she sheepishly asked, "How do you feel?"

"Good." I replied in a barely audible voice.

"Mmmmm. Me, too." Her hand slid down her body over her breast. Her nipples seemed to stay stiff at all times, but pebbled up even tighter when she ran her fingers over them. She trailed her fingertips up and down my chest and stomach, and then around my sagging balls. I had to grab her wrist; the feeling on my balls was almost painful after having just come.

She giggled. "Will you excuse me for a moment?"

I nodded.

"It's across the hall."

I lifted up my head and noticed that the bedroom door had been open the entire time.

"Simon may come home at any time. I have t-shirts in that top drawer." I pointed toward the dresser.

"That's OK." She scooted off the bed and trotted across the hall.

I considered whether or not to unhook the camera. It was connected to a cable that ran to the next room so that all the footage was going directly to disk. This allowed me to film for hours without running out of tape. I ran the cable months earlier, but hadn't been able to test it out. I'd gotten lucky the previous couple of weeks with willing subjects, but that was after a long, dry spell.

I sat upright when I noticed that I could hear her in the bathroom very clearly. I leaned over to one side so I could see the bathroom door. It was open. She is peeing with the door open. At any moment, a strange man (Simon) could walk down the hall, and she didn't seem to mind.

I could feel it starting again. The thought was making me horny. I hoped that Simon would come home, so I could see his expression.

She appeared through the doorway and paused for a moment to look at the camera before coming into scope. The red power indicator was clearly visible. She then floated across the room toward the bed. She was as graceful as she was beautiful.

"What?" She asked as she stood, bedside.

"I know you probably hear this all the time so I'll stop saying it, but you are so beautiful."

She looked down and back at me, "I don't hear it as often as you think. And I'll never get tired of hearing you say it."

"I'll remember that. Although it may be difficult for me to keep from saying it at work."

Teresa giggled.

"I have all sorts of plans for you around the office."

"You do...already? Like what?"

"Oh, nothing specific. Images, really. I'll let you know when the time comes."

I could feel my dick beginning to grow harder and Teresa noticed the movement. I really wanted her to go down on me, but usually that's not something you get after you've had intercourse.

"You never answered my question earlier." She teased.

"What question?"

"How do you want me to pay you back?"

I smiled big. "Hmmmm. Well, I can think of a couple of things. Several things, actually."

She plucked two pillows off the bed and dropped them to the floor. She knelt down on them and said, "How 'bout this?"

She wrapped her hand around my shaft and held it up in the air. She pulled her hair out of the way so that there was a clear view for the camera, and myself. While looking into my eyes, she opened her mouth and started circling the head of my cock with her tongue very slowly. She did this for several seconds. My dick was engorged.

"I guess that's a 'yes'?"

I nodded. "Yes. That's what I want."

She slid her mouth down my shaft and back up again, stroking me with her left hand. Then she slid her hand down to the base and wrapped her fingers around my balls and held me in place, erect. She ran her tongue up and down the length of my hard-on, circling the head and then sliding me into her warm, wet mouth. All the while making sure that her actions were clearly captured on video. She alternated rhythms, changing from a slow, deliberate stroke to a more frenzied pace. She wasn't in a hurry to get me to come like so many chicks are when doing this. She was very skilled. I had to lay back and stop watching because every time I saw those green eyes looking up at me, I wanted to come.

I heard the door leading from the garage to the kitchen open, and I knew Simon was home. I didn't hear any talking so I figured he was alone. He didn't usually bring home women. It wasn't his style; that was my department.

I lifted my head to see if Teresa noticed. She continued as if nothing was different. I considered saying something, and then she took me even further into her mouth until I was sliding past the back of her throat. My head fell backward. It was impossible to maintain conscious thought. I heard footsteps go past the bedroom door. They paused for a brief moment and then continued through the master bedroom, to the master bath. Teresa didn't miss a stroke. She gives the most amazing head.

Her pace began to quicken until she was bobbing her head wildly while she stroked me with her hand. I grabbed her hair in my hand as I was about to come. "I'm..."

I couldn't get the words out between breaths. She took the first shot in her mouth and then pulled me out and allowed me to spew onto her face and open mouth. It was a perfect camera shot. Her beautiful face was dotted with white cum. She swallowed what was in her mouth and licked her lips between breaths. She was panting hard; hell, we were both panting hard.

A few moments passed before I sat up and whispered, "Come here."

She stood up and sat down on the bed facing me. I ran my thumb across her cheeks, wiping the spots of cum. I pulled a tissue from the box of Kleenex on the nightstand and started drying her face. Her cheeks flushed and she cast her eyes downward.

"Hey. You look even more beautiful right now." I kissed her lips very gently and held her face in my hands.

"Was that OK?"

"OK?! Baby, that was phenomenal. You're amazing." I wrapped my arms around her and held her for a few minutes.

It struck me kind of odd that she was so confident and poised before and during sex and then right after, she sought approval. I marveled at how childlike she looked. It was just so damned cute. When I pulled back from the hug, though, the look was gone, and she was back to her regular self.

"I left my wine in the other room. Do you want your water?"

"I think I'm ready for a glass of wine now." I started to get up.

"Don't worry; sit back down. I'll get it." She stood up and started for the door.

"I think Simon is home." I warned her.

She looked over her shoulder as she was walking through the door nude.

"He is. I heard him come in."

I sat there for a few seconds listening, then I quickly threw on a pair of shorts and walked down the hall. I didn't want to miss Simon's expression if he ran into her.

Simon was sitting in the recliner with his headphones on, beer in hand, looking down at his iPod screen intently. He didn't notice her as she passed by the opening to the living room. I stood in the hallway where I could see both Teresa and Simon. She entered his view again as she was moving about the kitchen. The movement caught his attention and he lifted his eyes from his iPod screen.

She didn't seem to notice him sitting there. She set the roses on the island and started searching the drawers. She produced a pair of scissors and held the roses over the sink while she trimmed each stem. Simon didn't move a muscle at first. He was frozen in place, watching her move about the kitchen. Then she started searching the cabinets for a suitable container. She produced a pitcher and turned and faced Simon directly, holding it up in the air toward him.