Perving On My Virgin Cousins


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And making things hotter still was the sight of the lush triangle of pubic hair all over Belinda's feminine mound, the blonde curls proving that my cousin was a natural blonde, not that I ever doubted it. Belinda's pubes were so hot, in fact I found pubic hair on women hot in general. I didn't like the shaved look down there. In fact, the Saturday back in Canberra when my friends and I got arrested on the lake we had been looking at porno magazines that afternoon. While the girls in the recent ones from 2005-2008 were pretty hot, most of them removed all their pubic hair, while in the older magazines from around 2000 and 2001 most of the models sported pubic hair to some degree. I preferred the girls with hair around their pussies, much like Belinda who was sitting on the toilet showing me her pubes and pussy right now, only she didn't know it.

I looked down at my cousin's pretty flowery white panties, and my eyes affixed on the period pad attached to her panty saddle, the wings wrapped around and the white stay-dry cover of the maxi-pad showing that Belinda's menstrual flow was particularly heavy today.

The massive dark red stain on the napkin from Belinda's period looked something like the continent of Africa, there was even a separate smaller spot to one side that looked like Madagascar. Soon, I was not only seeing things that turned me on, I was hearing them too as Belinda began to urinate, her pee stream filling the bathroom as the yellow liquid left her urethra and she tinkled into the toilet.

Belinda's bladder was obviously pretty full by the length of time she needed to piss, before the sound of her peeing died away replaced by several large splashes then drops and it was all quiet. Left-handed twin Belinda then reached for the toilet paper, unwound some squares and applied them to her pussy, wiping away the residual urine and some period blood too, before she dropped the toilet paper into the bowl.

I watched as Belinda repositioned herself on the toilet, then she farted, the sound of her wind echoing in the toilet bowl. "Excuse me," she said to her sister, Cassie brushing her teeth at the sink.

"You're excused," said Cassie, as Belinda's facial expression changed again, I heard a slight squelching noise from her anus as Belinda began pooing into the toilet, me hearing her shit splashing into the toilet water as it exited her rectum.

Belinda reached for more toilet paper and wiped herself front to back, the toilet tissue getting red period stains from her front bottom and brown poo stains from her back bottom. I stayed put, staring at my shitting cousin on the loo, hard to believe that I was turned on by seeing her dirty toilet paper smeared in her period and poo, the latter looking like peanut butter.

More private toilet noises from Belinda's bottom indicated that she was nowhere near done, and my cousin took another massive crap into the toilet, me seeing her rub her tummy as some menstrual cramps went through her uterus. At the sink, Cassie who was now brushing her hair also had a bout of period pain in her uterus, and like her shitting sister clutched her tummy to relieve them.

Soon there was not only private things for me to see and hear, but smell too, as Belinda's toilet smell reached my nostrils as it drifted from the toilet bowl and into the closet. The smell of Belinda's poo was not overly strong, it wasn't like she was stinking the toilet out, but even if I was blind-folded and had ear-plugs, I would still be able to tell that my cousin was pooing on the toilet.

Belinda continued to sit on the toilet emptying her bowels while her twin sister finished brushing her teeth and now began to brush her long blonde hair. I felt like I might cream my underpants as I again watched Belinda unwind more toilet paper and use it to wipe her bottom, but at the same time I was thinking that this was the first time I had known of one of the twins actually using the toilet in front of her sister.

Still, they often went to the loo in pairs at school, church and out in different places, so it obviously didn't bother either girl. Belinda and Cassie continued chatting about a variety things, mainly about school today, how they were looking forward to the movies tonight and church on the weekend, seemingly not fazed that Belinda was on the toilet and Cassie could see, hear and smell everything she was doing. Evidently it didn't bother either sister, otherwise one of them would have gone and used the toilet in their parents' ensuite bathroom.

Although the way the bathroom was designed, there was a sort of partition that separated the vanity from the toilet, so Belinda had more privacy from her sister than she did from me. Not that I should have been watching my pretty cousin on the loo from the bathroom closet.

Belinda appeared to be finished on the toilet now. She got some more toilet paper to finish cleaning herself up, and she was certainly thorough. I couldn't see clearly what she was doing, but it looked like she was pushing her toilet paper into her anus to make sure she removed all the residual poo from her rear opening. She then stood up off the toilet, her knickers down around her ankles. Belinda put down the toilet seat, and reached over to flush the toilet.

A swirl of water sent Belinda's pee, poo, period blood and dirty toilet paper down the drain to the sewers. The sound of the toilet cistern refilling continued, and I watched as Belinda took a wet feminine wipe from the container and used it wash first her fanny and then her bum.

She turned around to pull up her knickers, me seeing Belinda's beautiful bare bottom in the process, and the young girl adjusting her period pad so it was comfortable between her legs, before smoothing down her school skirt and walking over to the sink.

"The toilet's all yours, Cassie," said Belinda.

"Thanks Belinda," said Cassie, Belinda taking her sister's place at the sink, the teenager washing her hands thoroughly with plenty of soap and warm water while for me it was a sense of de ja vu as Cassie lifted the toilet lid, then her school skirt to show her knickers.

My mouth watered as I looked at Cassie's knickers. Like Belinda's knickers, they were white cotton bikini style panties, but while Belinda had pink flowers on her knickers, Cassie had a pattern of green polka dots on her pretty teen panties. Another thing Cassie's underwear had in common with her sister's underwear was that the shape of her sanitary napkin was very clear between her legs.

Cassie pulled her knickers down to her ankles, and I watched the pretty teenager looking so hot in her school jumper and skirt, her Mary-Jane school shoes and white ankle socks with her knickers with a period pad attached down around her ankles.

While Belinda flossed her teeth ahead of brushing them at the sink, Cassie adjusted her hot teenage bum on the toilet seat so she was comfortable to do her business. Like her twin, Cassie sat on the loo with her knees apart, showing me her pubic hair and pussy in the process. Being identical twins, Cassie's vagina was an exact replica of Belinda's vagina, the same perfect pink oval-shaped vulva, with menstrual blood visible on her fanny flaps. Cassie also had the same luxurious triangle of blonde curls of pubic hair growing over her feminine mound, and I stared at my cousin's perfect teenage pussy the way I had done with her sister a few minutes earlier.

My attention went from Cassie's crotch to her lowered panties, and I admired her period pad, the wings wrapped around holding it in place to her knickers. The amazing thing about the bloodstains on Cassie's period pad was that they were an inverse of the bloodstains Belinda had made on her own period pad. While Belinda's bleeding pattern looked like Africa, Cassie's bleeding pattern looked like Africa if it was reversed, and even had the same smaller Madagascar-like stain to the other side.

Fuck, I was a weirdo to be perving on my cousins' period pads while they went to the toilet, but I couldn't look away, even had I wanted to. The sound of teenage tinkling filled the bathroom as Cassie started to pee, her urethra releasing a yellow stream as Cassie's full bladder emptied into the toilet, relief on her pretty face as she urinated into the toilet.

Cassie's pee stream petered out to splashes the drops, and she was done. I watched in amazement as Cassie unwound some toilet paper from the roll and wiped her pussy, the toilet tissue getting wet from urine and menses as Cassie wiped her female area, before disposing of the used paper into the bowl.

Belinda was brushing her teeth as her sister farted on the toilet, Cassie's wind echoing in the bowl, as she had done when it was her turn on the loo earlier.

"Excuse me," said Cassie to her sister.

"You're excused," said Belinda, her mouth full of toothpaste, reversing the sisters' exchange earlier when Belinda had farted on the toilet.

I continued to watch my cousins, and soon heard Cassie's private toilet noises from her bottom and a change of expression on her pretty face as she moved her bowels, Cassie's poo exiting her rectum from her anus and splashing into the toilet.

Cassie unwound some more toilet paper and used it to wipe her bottom. Like Belinda, Cassie's front bottom left red period stains on the soft white toilet tissue while her back bottom left brown poo stains like peanut butter on the paper. I noted though that while left-handed twin Belinda wiped her bottom with her left-hand, right-handed twin Cassie wiped her bottom with her right hand.

Cassie disposed of the soiled toilet paper into the bowl, and soon more private noises in the toilet indicated that my cousin had taken another crap, confirmed when she again wiped her ass and shit all over her loo paper in the process.

Like earlier when she was on the loo, Belinda was completely at ease tending to her teeth and hair at the sink while Cassie was pooing on the toilet, and Cassie wasn't at all bothered that her sister could hear, see and smell everything she was doing on the loo. I don't think that either girl would have been happy though about me seeing, hearing or smelling these private things.

Cassie's toilet smell soon drifted out of the toilet bowl and reached my nostrils in the closet. Again like with Belinda's poo, I could smell Cassie's poo distinctly and it smelled just the same as Belinda's excrement, smelly but she didn't stink the toilet out. During this time, I noticed that when Cassie was troubled by menstrual cramps on the toilet, Belinda had the same problems with menstrual cramps standing at the sink.

Like Belinda, Cassie was sitting on the toilet for about five minutes before she finished pooing, the last of her shit splashing into the bowl. Cassie was also very thorough about cleaning herself up, and like with Belinda she appeared to be pushing her toilet paper into her anus to remove all the residual poo.

Cassie stood up off the toilet, put down the lid and flushed the toilet, her pee, shit, period blood and dirty toilet paper following her sister's waste products down the drain to Adelaide's sewer system. With her knickers and her period pad still down around her ankles Cassie took a feminine wipe and used it to wash first her pussy and then her ass, before disposing of it into the sanitary waste bin. With the sound of the toilet refilling Cassie turned around to show me her bare bottom that was identical to Belinda's bum, before pulling up her knickers and adjusting her period pad between her legs so it was comfortable and in the right position to catch her menses.

Smoothing down her school skirt, Cassie joined her sister at the sink, the hair-brushing Belinda making way for Cassie to wash her hands, Cassie using plenty of soap and water to complete this task after her shit.

As the toilet cistern finished refilling, Cassie turned off the taps and dried her hands, while Belinda took the toilet freshener and sprayed some around, assisting the exhaust fan to remove both girls' poo smells from the bathroom.

"I was just about to do that, so thanks Belinda," said Cassie.

"That's no problem, Cassie," conferred Belinda. "Did you find the water is a bit cold when you washed your hands?"

Cassie nodded. "Yeah I did, that's the problem with solar hot water. I wanted to have a shower to freshen up before we go out, but I don't think there's enough for two showers and we don't have time to heat it up with the booster."

Belinda was in the same mind. "Me too, but I was thinking, why don't we just share the shower?"

"Sure, it's like gym class after school," said Cassie.

My cousins left the bathroom to collect some things. I didn't have enough time to make my escape, but I didn't want to anyway, despite my nerves about getting caught in there and my conscience nagging me about my voyeurism.

In about a minute, the girls were back in the bathroom with their changes of clothes and feminine hygiene products, and closed and locked the door once more.

From my position in the closet, I watched the girls undress, taking off first their school shoes and socks, leaving my cousins barefoot in their school uniforms. This was pretty hot, but the view didn't last long as off came their jumpers, blouses and skirts, leaving them in their underwear.

I had seen my cousins' knickers before while they were using the toilet, and now I could see their bras, both Belinda and Cassie wearing white cotton bras, their ample teenage tits filling the cups. The girls' bras weren't on for long, the twins reaching behind their backs and unclasping their undergarments and removing them.

My erection throbbed as I looked at my cousins' bare breasts, Belinda and Cassie's tits as perfect as I had imagined them. I thought about how their boyfriends Mark and Jack hadn't seen the twins' tits, but I had and wow.

Casting their bras aside, Cassie and Belinda then pulled their knickers down, sliding them down and stepping their bare feet out of them. The girls were now completely naked, me perving on their pubes and then their buttocks as the twins turned around. My eyes went wider as Belinda and Cassie bent over to pick their panties up off the bathroom floor, their butt cheeks opening to show me their virginal vaginal areas, the sensitive areas of skin that separated the girls' vulvas from their anuses, and of course their anuses, both teenagers' rear openings pink and tight and as perfect as every part of their identical young, naked 18-year-old bodies.

Belinda and Cassie straightened up, and with their knickers in their hands, I watched as they removed their dirty and smelly period pads from the saddles, folding up their used napkins bloodied side down, wrapping the wings over them and placing the pads into sanitary waste bags, these going into the feminine waste bin next to the toilet.

Thanks to the girls' heavy menstrual flows, both Belinda and Cassie had visible menstrual blood running down their thighs as they turned on the shower, adjusted the temperature and stepped their naked bodies under it.

The shower door was clear glass, and I could see every detail of Belinda and Cassie showering. The sisters soaped up their boobs, boxes and bums, suds and bubbles running down their flat tummies and down their legs to their shower floor and their bare feet before swirling down the drain. Period blood ran down both girls' legs or dripped directly from their pussies to the shower tiles, before the red blood was washed away.

Watching pretty young women shower was hot enough, but watching menstruating young women showering? That was off the planet hot. I watched them intently, before Belinda and Cassie rinsed off and turned off the shower and reached for their maroon towels.

Due to being on their periods Belinda and Cassie remained in the shower to dry off, and I watched the girls apply the towels to their bodies, drying their pussies and asses thoroughly, any red period blood from between the girls' legs not visible on the terry fabric.

Now dry, Cassie and Belinda reached for their new panties -- Cassie's white with blue seascape, Belinda's white with different colored stars -- and new sanitary pads. In the closet, I trembled in excitement as my cousins removed their new napkins from the plastic packets and folded them out.

I watched eagerly as the twins folded out their period pads, removed the peel-back strips and pressed them to the saddles of their knickers, wrapping the wings securely around their panties. Holding their knickers out, Belinda and Cassie stepped their bare feet into them, the menstruating teens pulling up their panties, adjusting their period pads between their legs around their boxes and bums and making sure their panties were nice and comfortable, and the pads in the right position for their pussies to bleed into for the next few hours.

Belinda and Cassie got out of the shower, and put on new white bras, followed by matching white tee-shirts, blue jeans, white socks and sneakers and the only thing that was different was the color of hooded jackets they wore -- Belinda's red, and Cassie's green.

Collecting their school uniforms and their worn underwear, Cassie and Belinda left the bathroom, and I heard Belinda's voice as the dog was yapping from the patio, creating a racket as usual.

"What's Percy doing outside in the rain?" Belinda asked her sister.

"I don't know, I wouldn't put anything past that stupid mutt," I heard Cassie say while sighing. "Let's go and see."

This was my chance to escape the bathroom closet and I took it, dashing out of the bathroom and when Belinda and Cassie returned inside with the dog, I was innocently sitting in the living room watching television, my jumper casually slung over my groin to cover any evidence of lingering excitement.

My cousins looked surprised to see me. "Oh hi Trent, we didn't see you before," said Belinda.

I tried to act normal and relaxed, as though nothing unusual had happened at all. "I've been around. I was in my room studying. Sorry, I must have missed you come in."

"Do you know why the dog was outside?" Cassie asked.

Again, a casual response from me. "He was being naughty, harassing the cats again so I put him on the patio to cool down. I must have forgotten about him."

"He's gone in seven days, thank goodness," said Belinda.

"Next Friday can't come soon enough," agreed Cassie.

Belinda, Cassie and I sat talking for a while about a variety of normal subjects, before the twins stood up to leave for the cinema.

"Are you sure you don't want to come along with us, Mark and Jack, and our friends?" Cassie asked.

"Yeah Trent, it will be fun," said Belinda.

"Thanks, but the movie you're going to see isn't really my taste," I said. "Plus there's a movie on TV tonight I wanted to see. And with your Mum and Dad away for the weekend, someone needs to keep an eye on Percy to make sure he behaves himself."

"Well good luck with that Trent," laughed Belinda.

"We'll see you later, Trent," said Cassie, as she and Belinda collected their purses as their boyfriends arrived.

"Have fun at the movies," I said, giving my cousins as they departed to spend the evening at the movies with their boyfriends and other friends.

I hoped my cousins would have fun at the movies. And alone in the house, I would have a lot of fun.

It wasn't the first time that I had sniffed the girls' panties from the laundry, getting high on the smells of pussy from the cunt stains on the saddles of their knickers, but now I could actually visualize Belinda and Cassie's identical cracks.

Nor was it the first time I had sniffed my cousins' used feminine hygiene products, and I did just that this evening, sniffing their period blood stains while jerking off, the musty stains of menstruation a huge turn on. I thought about my cousins' menstrual cycles from start to finish, wild with excitement. I thought about Belinda and Cassie's ovaries releasing an egg, which travelled down their fallopian tubes, and when not fertilized as the girls were virgins, shed the linings of their uteruses, the blood flowing down the twins' birth canals past their cervixes and out of their vaginas into the panty pads they wore in their knickers.