Pete the Pirate Ch. 01


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Xill showed me how to use the shingles to make a little structure over the flame. Once those were burning, we added more shingles - and then hugged the firewood in and around it.

As we worked, he told me that - given the size of flame that I'd first made - I could probably just hold that under a log until it burned on its own. He told me that he'd just wanted to have me practice. I told him I understood and thanked him for his patience.

"Xill's a good teacher," Liss told her daughter, as they sat together on the couch, watching us.

I glanced over at the gnome man's face. His eyes were the size of saucers. He muttered something about dark magic. I couldn't help but snicker at the astounded look on his face.

Satisfied that the fire didn't need any further attention, we returned to the table. Xill asked me for the two daggers - the one I'd gotten from his house - and the larger one I'd taken from the thief. When I raised my eyebrows, silently asking him what he was up to, he said that he was working on a sheath that would summon the knife back after it was thrown or lost. He held the thief's blade in his hand, weighing it and analyzing it. He finally said it wasn't perfect but it would do - and would be a good test - just in case his magical creation didn't work. At that comment, I asked him how many of his magical creations didn't work.

"When we first married," Kuss interjected, "maybe one or two a month. Now, I'd be surprised if he has one or two a year - but those are usually something complex - and the part that fails is always something small that he can fix."

I hadn't realized that the two women were sitting quietly, just watching us, until I heard Kuss speak. Her mom's eyes traveled between both of us but lingered on me enough that I was getting nervous about the extra attention.

We worked - well Xill did - for about an hour and then he announced that we needed to test the sheaths. He had bound the small leather scabbards in a metal band. There were filaments running along the edges. There was a small crystal in the middle of the band.

He had infused the daggers with some kind of magic. There was a small gem on each handle that matched the scabbard for that blade.

Xill stood, stepped to the fireplace, picked up a wire-mesh screen, and placed it in front of the burning logs to keep stray sparks from escaping.

"Lay your finger on the sheath gem, now and again, as you walk," Xill told me, as I stood. "It will recharge the magic from your pool of mana."

The girls followed us outside.

"First, just try throwing it - well both of them, I'd guess - across the yard. They should come back after a couple seconds."

I picked the one from his house first - it had a green gem. Realizing I might not be able to find the thing in the dark if this didn't work, I switched to the looted blade. As I hefted it in my palm, I looked over at the magical inventor. He was smirking at me. I realized that, with switching blades, I had kind of just suggested that I was worried his magic wouldn't work.

"Sorry," I told him guiltily.

"It's alright, Pete," he told me. "I probably would've done the same."

I threw the looted dagger into the grass - several feet away - and then (not hesitating, hoping to restore his trust) threw the dagger he'd given me.

I watched the shadows - where they landed. The first disappeared - and then the second.

"Cool," I said, looking down to find them back in the leg sheaths.

For now, they were both on my right leg - since that was my dominant hand. I had already told myself that I would be working to be able to throw with either hand.

Xill headed to the woodpile, found a large log that hadn't been split yet, and rolled it over. He laid it so that the flat side faced me.

"Stick the blade and we'll see if the magic is able to pull it loose," he told me.

None of them snickered but I hoped they couldn't see my cheeks in the dark. I knew they were crimson from the number of failed attempts I made before I finally got Xill's blade to stick. All of my previous throws had just bounced off because I still couldn't figure out the rotation. It was, at least, nice that I didn't have to keep walking to pick the damned things up!

When I finally got it right, the blade stuck and vibrated a moment. It disappeared before it had even stopped moving. It appeared back in the scabbard again.

I forced myself to keep throwing until I had stuck both blades multiple times. Xill nodded when I turned to him. He was smiling the smile he made when shit worked the way he'd expected.

I walked over, picked up the log, and carried it back to the woodpile. I brushed my shirt off and joined Xill - who was waiting at the door for me.

"Well done, lad," he told me.

"Magic is cool, Xill," I replied.

"I like watching you discover and explore it," he told me, ushering me inside. "I've had it so long now that I tend to take it for granted."

"If I ever take it - or your inventions - for granted, please kindly knock me on my ass," I told him.

He laughed and patted me on the back, closing the door behind us and setting the lock.

"If you boys are done tinkering for the night," Liss said, "I'll show Pete where he's sleeping."

When I turned to Xill, he waved me off to follow her. I had understood her statement to mean that she thought it was time for bed - but I thought I'd check with my employer first. As usual, he wasn't going to go against 'the dragon'.

Liss showed me to the bedroom, checked and double-checked to make sure that I had everything I needed, and then gave me a kiss on the cheek before bidding me 'goodnight' and closing the door on her way out.


The next morning, I arrived at the dining room table to find Liss in a semi-transparent nightgown, placing food on the table. I tried not to stare at her nipples that were expressing themselves through the thin fabric of her gown.

Xill and Kuss arrived moments later and the healer immediately tied into her mother for parading around the house while exposing herself to the guests. Liss growled about not being used to having company since nobody comes to visit anymore before heading off to her room to change her clothes. Soon she was back in something neutral like she'd been wearing the previous day.

After breakfast - where little was said but Kuss and her mother threw several eye-daggers at each other - Xill and I escaped back out to the yard.

We set the log-chunk on a stump and I worked on learning to throw the daggers better. I tried a few times to throw left-handed but that would need to wait until I could get the right one down first. My arm was growing sore by the time a visitor arrived.

The solitary blonde female was wearing too much makeup. Her outfit was way more revealing than most of what I'd seen the others wearing.

"Oh, look," Xill said, "Bike's here."

"Why do you insist on calling me that?" the woman asked him.

"You're the town bike, Lolli," he said matter-of-factly. "Everybody here has had a ride."

"Not you," she said, fluttering her eyelashes at him.

"Not happening," he told her. "First of all, I love your cousin too much to fuck around on her and - second of all - I value my balls too much to risk them - against either her knife - or against the many virulent diseases you probably have swirling around in your nether regions - since you persist in spreading your legs for anything with a dick."

"Silver tongued devil," she cooed at him, completely ignoring his insults.

"You could fuck Pete if you want," Xill told her. "I built his dick myself. That's the closest you'll ever get to my private parts. Bet he can fuck you so hard you pass out!"

I'm pretty sure I was standing there with my mouth hanging open at that point.

The gnome jezebel turned her eyes to me and asked, "Well?"

"Well what?"

"Fancy a ride?" She glanced at Xill and looked back at me and said, "... on the town bike?"

I tried to stammer out something about having better things to do.

"Oh, go on," Xill told me. "You need to know if that damned thing works and she's more than willing. It'll help me find out if the antibacterial imbuement I put on there works or not."

Lolli grabbed my hand and began pulling me down the path.

"It'll pretty much do whatever you tell it to," Xill called out to me. "I doubt you'll do worse to her than anybody else has. Just enjoy yourself."

"Whatever you do," I heard Kuss' voice call out from the door of her mother's home. "Don't let her talk you into eating her out. Don't put your face anywhere near that thing!"

At the wide-eyed look I threw over my shoulder at the two of them, Xill collapsed onto the ground in a fit of laughter.


A few minutes later, I was naked - and legless - in the middle of the strange woman's bed. Her eyes played over my parts.

"How's it work?" she asked, staring at my metallic cock and balls.

"I don't know," I told her. "Pissing works the same so I assume everything else does too."

She began disrobing.

It was tough to tell how old she was - I was still so new at even acknowledging that gnomes existed that I hadn't even tried to start figuring out their ages.

Kuss' mom, honestly, didn't look that much older than her daughter. Lolli, though, that was tougher. Either she was older than either one of them or - as the saying goes - she'd been "ridden hard and put away wet" one too many times.

Her tits were floppy but the nipples were stiff. They got harder as she pinched them and pulled them. Her stomach was fairly flat; her mons had a small tuft of hair on it that matched her head - if a little dustier.

She stroked a finger through her vulva and then used that as lubrication to slick my cock - which immediately began responding to her ministrations.

"Mmmm," she moaned - before throwing her mouth onto it like it was a Popsicle on a hot day.

From everything I'd felt so far, the penis (and balls) that Xill had gifted me behaved just like my old ones.

"Can't make it longer, can you?" she asked, pulling her face off of it.

I imagined it getting an inch longer and it grew in her hand.

"Oh! THAT's lovely!" she gasped - before shoving it into her mouth and all the way down her throat.

She swallowed around my metal rod again and again. It felt fucking amazing.

She pulled off with a pop and in a heartbeat she'd plopped her ass-cheeks onto my lap. My cock was buried, to the hilt, inside of her ragged twat.

"Can you go a little wider?" she asked.

I eased the girth up a notch.

"Fucking right!" she crowed. "Gods love you, Xill! I don't suppose the damned thing vibrates?"

Apparently it did.

"Dragon shit!!" she gasped.

For the next several moments she rode me like a rodeo bull and screamed Xill's name the entire time. I would have felt a little left out if her battered cunt hadn't been doing some pretty amazing things to my cock at the time.

I wondered what would happen if it was ribbed or studded - maybe both - alternating?

My magical left ear translated the stream of gnome curse words that flowed from Lolli's mouth like a river as the upgrades I had thought about sprouted along the length of my rod. She squirted on me in seconds and continued to bounce on me, cussing loud enough for the neighbors to hear. She leaned forward, bit my jaw, and started slamming her pussy onto my unflagging cock.

She gasped, her channel clenched around me, her eyes rolled back in her head, and she collapsed onto my chest - unconscious.

Well, fuck! I hadn't gotten to cum yet.

I laid my head back and tried to decide how long I thought she'd be passed out. As I lay there, I thought back to Xill's - and Kuss' - advice as the two of us had headed off. They didn't seem to be too worried about the woman. Hoping they weren't wrong, I grabbed the gnome whore's hips, lined us up so that I wouldn't bang her around unnecessarily, and proceeded to use her body for a cock-sleeve.

For the next three minutes, I jackhammered my piston-like cock in and out of Lolli's vagina. Just as I felt my balls clench and my cock lurch, she woke up - and screamed at the top of her lungs as I came inside of her - and she climaxed again.

She lay on top of me and just kept saying, "Oh, fuck!" over and over again.

Deciding that I'd already been away for too long, I eased her off of me, used the towel lying on the nightstand to clean myself up, and began getting dressed. I put on my short legs to get out of the house and then switched to my regular ones.

Lolli came stumbling out of her home. Her loose dress was only halfway covering her body. One saggy breast was hanging out of the low-cut neck of her stained outfit.

"Don't leave! I love you!" she begged me.

Feeling sorry for how miserable she looked, I leaned down, tucked her tit inside of her shift, gave her a kiss on the forehead, and turned to hurry back to Liss' house.

Lolli called out to me a couple more times and then I couldn't hear her anymore. I never looked back.


By the time I got to Kuss' mom's place the three of them were sitting in the shade with a gnome couple that I hadn't met yet. I plopped onto the ground, next to Xill. Liss brought me a glass of tea and I nodded my thanks to her.

Every eye turned to me. Obviously, even the newcomers knew what I had been up to.

"So," Xill asked, laughing, "how did it go?"

"It did everything I asked it to," I replied vaguely, and nervously.

"Did it," Kuss asked, unable to keep from laughing, "do everything that Lolli asked?"

I decided there was no safe answer and chose to remain silent. Instead, I drained my tea. Liss refilled the glass and returned it to me.

My answer was interrupted by a half-dressed gnome stumbling into the yard. Lolli had finally caught up to me.

"I'll give you whatever you want," she promised. "Just don't leave me."

"Lolli!" Liss growled. "Get hold of yourself!"

"He's ruined me," the woman told her.

"You were ruined before he got to you," Xill said, laughing.

Kuss didn't scowl at him but her look told him to stay quiet.

Lolli spun on him.

"He did what you said," she accused the mage.

"What's that?" he asked her.

"Fucked me so hard I passed out. When I woke up, he was using me for a cock-sleeve to masturbate himself."

"Lolli! Close your trap or leave!" Liss growled.

The woman shot a look at Kuss' mom but she didn't win the staring contest. A few seconds later, she turned and - like a dog with its tail between its legs - she hung her head and headed off in defeat.

Lolli was barely out of earshot when Kuss snickered, turned to Xill, and whispered, "The poor woman can barely fucking move. She walks like she's been on horseback for weeks."

Xill gave her a look that said, "I thought we were supposed to be quiet."

That just made Kuss break into a fit of giggles. Soon all of the females were giggling and covering their mouths with their hands.

They had just quieted when Xill turned to me and stage-whispered, "I'll have to check you for sexually-transmitted diseases later to make sure she didn't override the enchantment."

At that point, every one of them busted into belly-laughs - with tears in their eyes - and I couldn't help but join the jolly little band of gnomes.


The rest of the morning, Zett (the older of Kuss' brothers) gave me music lessons. By the time the girls called us in for lunch, I had gotten to the point where my listeners didn't actively cover their ears anymore.

After the meal, we returned to the front yard for more tea and music lessons. We practiced with both the harmonica and the pan-pipes. By midafternoon, after a couple more hours of instruction, Zett announced that all I needed now was "lots of practice".

I felt a little overwhelmed - and worried about the implication of "lots" - but he assured me that (with as little time as we'd had to work together) he thought I was doing pretty well - and just needed more time. I thanked him for his patience and helpfulness.

Xill and I left the rest of them to visit and headed back out to work on dagger practice some more. I could now throw decently with the right and was improving with the left. After an hour of that, Xill had me work on the needle gun.

I was not a dead-eye by any means - but I was better with the railgun than I was with the daggers. I could hit thimble-sized targets from 20 feet away. When I asked about the size of what Xill was giving me to shoot at, he explained that those were the closest he had to the size of an eyeball. He reiterated that, in extreme situations, the eye/brain was the best option for stopping a foe with the needle gun.

After dinner, Zett suggested I play a tune for everyone before they left. Trying to remember everything he had taught me, I used the harmonica and played a little song about how thankful I was for Xill, Kuss, and their family - for saving my life, teaching me about magic, taking care of me, helping me with my music, and introducing me to Lolli. As I finished the last bit, they all started laughing - and then broke into generous applause.

Xill and I offered Zett and his wife our goodbyes and then we headed to the bedroom that Xill and Kuss used so that the artificer could check my magical-member for signs of taint. My song had reminded him that he wanted to double-check how things had gone with Kuss' cousin. As much as all of us carried on and laughed about Lolli, Xill was still the consummate scientist. I kept that thought firmly in mind as I dropped my pants so that he could do his analysis.

Satisfied that everything had worked like it was supposed to, we returned to the front room - just after the visitors had left.

"Liss?" Xill asked.

"My son?" she responded.

"Would it be alright if the boy had a bath?" Xill asked. "I've checked him over and he's clean ... but ..."

"Of course, of course!" Liss said, hopping up. "I'll draw it and set it to heating."

She headed to the back of the house and then returned to the front room and we chatted for a while. She got up a couple times and checked the bath, finally letting me know that it was ready.

I went to my (well, her) room, collected a fresh set of clothes, and followed her voice to the room with a big wooden tub. She had a bar of soap, a washcloth and a towel laid out for me on a table that stood within easy reach. She told me to pile the dirty clothes by the door of my room and she'd launder them the next day.

Again, she checked and double-checked to see if I needed anything else. When I assured her that I had everything I required, she stepped close, gave me a peck on the lips, and told me to make sure that I was good and clean because she would be visiting my room after everyone else in the house was asleep.

With that, she went to the door, gave me a sultry wink, and closed it on her way out.

My cock was so damned hard, I had a difficult time getting my pants off to climb into the steamy water.


End of Part 1.

There are 5 in total.

(Sorry to make you wait, but this is running long ... and hard ... LOL!)

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Richh815Richh8154 months ago

Phenomenal story!!!

gunmakergunmaker4 months ago

Interesting. It is fantasy and should be treated as such. Still, well thought out. Like your other stories, it starts out very strong.

TrampsAnThievesTrampsAnThieves4 months agoAuthor

[WretchedMonkey] My assumption was that Kuss kept (and cleaned/repaired) his original clothes.

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