Pete the Pirate Ch. 05


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"I deserve that," I admitted.

He nodded.

"Do you like her meat pies?" I asked him.

"Yes, why?"

"I'll go buy you a couple and you can wait in the car. I'll visit with your mom for a bit and then bring the girls so we can move on."

He sighed, heavily, dug the missing leg from his pack, and handed it to me. I took it and put it into my backpack with the other one. He raised an eyebrow at me but didn't say anything.

"I'll be right back," I told him.

I turned and headed back for the shop. With his slightly longer legs, he passed me on the way there and held the door for me as we entered.

"Hello, mother," Xill said, again. "Might we impose on you for a bite of dinner and some gossip before we continue on our way. I promised Kuss a trip and I'm hoping to arrive by tomorrow morning."

"I would love to have you - all of you," she added, glancing at me. "If you enjoy my pies, that will leave us more time to visit."

"Might I buy a couple for the road?" I asked.

"Your money's no good here, young man," she replied.

"I'll hide the money in your home then, good lady," I told her.

She held her sides as she laughed at me.

Drying the tears from her eyes, she said, "Tell me which ones you want."

"I've only tried the beef - oh and the monkey-bread of course."

She held the dessert up and asked, "Is this the monkey-bread?"

"Yes, ma'am."

She snickered and said, "I've never heard it called that."


She shook her head.

"It's magical," I told her.

"Thank you," she replied.

She laid an assortment of everything on the counter - along with an extra beef pie and monkey-bread.

"How's that?"

"Perfect. How much?"

"One silver," she replied, grinning.

I glanced at the price-list behind her.

"Family discount," she said, her grin growing wider.

I estimated that there was about four silvers worth of goods on the counter. I touched them and stored them away and left two golds in their place.

"No," she said, somewhat sternly, looking from the coins to me.

"I forgot to get you anything for Christmas," I replied.

"Gods!" she gasped, laughing.

I relaxed when she took the coins and pocketed them.

"How much is my son paying you?" she asked me.

"What?! That tight-ass son of a bit....?"

I froze, realizing what I'd just about called her.

"Some bad men dropped those when they suddenly died. I picked them up. I'm lucky like that."

"Oh, my goodness, Liss," Nala said smirking at my lover.

I stepped over, wrapped an arm around her, looked into her eyes, and said, "Hey, hot stuff! You new around here?"

Kuss shook her head as Liss hugged my neck and Nala laughed again.

We waited as she gathered up some food for dinner. Xill disappeared, out of the shop for a moment and I got worried that he'd decided to return to the cars. By the time his mother had the food gathered up, he had returned. He gave me a wink.

Liss stored the food so we didn't have to carry it. We followed Nala to her house. I insisted on helping her get the places set for everyone. Liss told her it was just what I did and it was easier not to fight it. She finally shrugged and let me help.

Once plates, utensils, and napkins were in place, Nala told me where to find the tumblers. She headed to the refrigerator.

"I brought wine and mead, mother," Xill called out.

I stuck my head in the dining room and took inventory of who was having what. I helped Nala get the right number of each type of glassware. We carried them in and handed them out. Liss brought out the food and Xill revealed what he'd disappeared to go grab.

The mead here was just as good as the stuff from Fifty-Six. I whispered to Xill that we should pick up some more before we left and he laughed and told me that he'd already bought all that the brewer had in stock.

We ate, drank, and visited. Then we refilled our drinks and moved to the front room to visit a little longer. Xill answered as few questions as he could. Since I knew relatively little, I was quiet as well. The mead made everything alright.

Kuss, as always, remained faithfully cognizant of her husband's preferences and inclinations. We stuck around long enough for this to count as a mother-son visit but not long enough for Nala to suggest that we stay the night. I'm not sure she would have cared for Liss' and my normal bedroom antics anyway.

Although it was dark by the time we headed back to the parking lot, we were unmolested. Liss took her dragon form and we had no trouble seeing where we were going. Anything or anyone that might have bothered us was scared away by the small fiery predator hovering protectively above us. The snitches didn't see anyone around.

We loaded into the hybrids, set the destination for Florida, and settled in for the night.

I begged my bride to let me molest her breasts and she gave in. I lay back on the mattress and took her mouth-watering globes in-hand as she mounted my ribbed cock.

She leaned down, pressing her firm, pert mammaries into my fingers. She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly as she kissed the breath from my lungs. All the while, her magical muscles massaged and milked my aching member.

She cheated. I told her so. She giggled and ignored me. Right out of the gate, she used that special talent of hers to rip the orgasm, mercilessly, from my body. She pressed, fully, down onto me, accepting my offering. Once I was sucked dry, she rode me through orgasm after orgasm until she finally gasped, shuddered, and ejaculated all over me.

She ordered me to roll on top of her. She wrapped her legs around my hips and closed her eyes. I pulled the cover over and passed out, exhausted.


Morning found us in Orlando. Ruby and Sapphire brought us to the front gate at Mickey's magical domain. Originally, I had intended to wear my long-legs and be "the adult". I decided that wasn't really fair to the others. I put on my short-legs and the four of us "little people" headed in, to partake of everything the large-eared rodent had to offer.

Kuss was in heaven. I think she bought one of everything. I don't know how much space Xill had in his storage-item but he passed a couple boxes to me before the first day was over.

I think Kuss liked the Magic Kingdom the best. Xill and I preferred Epcot - mostly for the food and drinks. At Disney Springs, we took in the Cirque du Soleil show to finish the day. I'm pretty sure that was Liss' favorite.

We could have slept in the cars but we all needed a shower so Xill got us rooms. We ended up with bungalows at the Polynesian. We liked it a lot. It was solitary and private.

The next day, we finished going through the parks that we hadn't already seen. We left the last park as it was closing. We had talked about doing the Harry Potter stuff at Universal but it was closed by then as well. I'd heard that the Butterbeer was to die for but we'd been in Orlando long enough, so I resigned myself to waiting to try it later.

Xill buzzed me and said that he was overriding Ruby to have her follow Sapphire. He'd made some calls and found an "inside man" who could get us a couple gallons of the famed wizard brew.

The "brew", as it turned out, is a rich, creamy, soft-drink dessert. It IS pretty magical. What was even more magical was that we pulled into a dark alley, met a Gods-honest goblin, and paid with coins - rather than cash.

When Liss finished her sample, there was a little foam on the top of her lip. She giggled as I leaned in to lick, suck, and nibble to make sure I got it all. That quickly turned into making out - which turned into making love. Meanwhile, the Prius took us towards Louisiana.


As the sun came up in the Big Easy, Ruby and Sapphire dropped us off at Jackson's Square for beignets and hurricanes. Who needs coffee when you have alcohol? We ate our way through the French Quarter and bought more shit that we didn't need at the market.

I found a couple kids with a junkyard band thing going on and plopped down to pull out the pan-pipes. I didn't add TOO much magic to the tunes - mostly just tried to keep up with the youngsters. When we left I gave them a bit of the cash we'd acquired in Arizona.

Towards evening, we ran into a voodoo dude and a swamp witch that weren't cosplay actors. We chatted for a little bit and everything seemed cool but as we started to leave they began acting a little weird. Liss growled at them and her hair ignited for a moment. They raised their palms to show there were no ill-intentions and backed away. We decided it was time to leave town before things started getting any weirder.

As we loaded up in the cars, I warned Xill that I was going to need a shower soon. He said we should be at Liss' place by the following night.


I opened my eyes to discover that we'd returned to Fifty-Six. Xill revealed that he'd finished the other two flying-rigs. I put on my long-legs, the three of them got into their hover-saucers, and we took off. I could only run at about half of my enhanced speed, but it still greatly reduced our travel time.

We hit the brewer's shop as soon as he opened, grabbed a load of sandwiches from my favorite to-go supplier, and paused for a few minutes while Xill checked in with the tinker.

After that, we stopped to say 'hello' to the hag. Her overnight guest was just stumbling out of the hovel to head home. Both of them were smiling so I assumed things were going well.

A few minutes later, we were back on the road - heading to see the brothers in Missouri.

Liss and I did our morning calisthenics (aka "yoga for couples", aka fucked like rabbits) and then took a little nap.

Ruby woke us up an hour out and we got geared up for our hike.

Xill and Kuss were out of Sapphire and ready to go quickly as well. The three of them headed for the first brother's campsite and I channeled my inner mountain-goat and took off leaping up and down the trail.

The artificer took time to visit with the first miner. Liss and I quickly moved onward to meet with each of the other miners. We completed our trades and got everybody gathered at the first site for meat pies, sandwiches, mead, a few leftover beignets, and some of Xill's mom's monkey-bread.

It was funny - watching the inventor-mage sitting and happily visiting with grubby miners - when he had to be forced to spend an hour with his mother. I ribbed him about it on the way back to the cars but he just growled at me.

We hadn't gotten quite as much ore this time, but the point of the trip had been for Xill to check on his friends - not necessarily for us to stock up on more minerals.

Back on the road again, Liss was anxious to get home. Xill and Kuss had agreed to allow me to spend a couple weeks staying with my new wife. All of the stuff we'd collected on the trip had been loaded into Sapphire so that the two of them could take off whenever they were finished checking on the cottage.

Liss and I re-watched the recording of our magical marriage ceremony and then snuggled until we fell asleep again.

She instinctively woke up as we got closer to home. I grabbed our packs from the front and we checked to make sure we had everything we needed.

As soon as Ruby unlocked the doors, the two of us were out and ready to go. Kuss waved at us to go on ahead. I sent the snitches out wide, just in case, but they didn't pick up anything. I figured the two gnomes would be pretty safe from thieves and attackers now that they had the flight-rigs. I would have been really surprised if Xill hadn't built some defensive measures into them - at least into the one that Kuss used.

Once we verified that the house was in order, we headed to the washroom and got the tub filled and warming. We started the laundry and climbed into the bath. We scrubbed each other, relaxed for a bit, and then started getting frisky.

As soon as we had taken care of our foreplay needs, we dried off, moved to the bed, and did our best to break it in two.

Liss laid face-down on the bed, crossed her wrists behind her, and waited for me to use my bulky body to press her into the mattress, pinning her in place, and ram my cock into her.

It had been several days since I had tasted her sweetness. She was quietly patient as I pressed my face between her thighs and licked her entrance. She waited several seconds but then wriggled her butt to tell me that she was ready for her reward.

I teased a fingertip along the crack of her ass, eliciting a growl. That quieted as I used it to rub little circles on her taint. It turned to a moan when I dragged the fingertip across her entrance, up her slit, and brushed it across her clitoris.

I pulled the finger back, grabbed her glorious glutes in my fists, and drove my cock all of the way inside - to kiss her womb. I bumped up the girth and length until she moaned - and then added three shallow grooves. She'd gotten used to the ribs and I wanted to try something different. She seemed to like it.

"Hard and fast, husband," she ordered. "Mark me. Claim me."

My fingertips turned white as I gripped her ass and slammed into her. She cooed and keened until her first orgasm arrived. She called for me to go faster. She moaned as the second climax washed over her.

The Gnomish cuss words were flowing like water now. She called for me to fill her with my seed. She prayed to the fertility goddess for my sperm to be swift and her egg to be strong.

Despite the fact that I knew what was coming, she used her magical talent and wiped the thought from my mind as her body carried mine with it into her final orgasm.

I roared as I shoved my cock as close to the entrance to her womb as I could reach, and pumped my seed into her carnal chasm as her muscles sucked me dry and pulled my seed into her cervix.

I collapsed onto her and was out. I didn't even get the covers pulled over us.


When I woke up, I realized it was morning. I kissed my lover's cheek. She told me she wanted breakfast in bed. I told her to come and get it. She growled at me as I rolled us over, lifted her up, and mounted her on my cock. I pulled her sleepy form to me and sucked her breasts like a newborn baby.

She kissed me hard, bit my jaw, and rode me to climax - forcibly dragging me into it with her. When she released my jaw, I nipped at her lower lip and kissed her again.

We emerged from the bedroom (thankfully, dressed) to find scrambled eggs and fresh-baked bread waiting for us.

"I figured you guys would be gone already," I told Xill, as I passed him to hug his wife and kiss her cheek.

"I wanted to check something before we go," he replied.

He motioned for Liss to stand in front of him. He took a device out of his pocket and held it over her lower abdomen. After a moment, it let out three quick chirps. Kuss gasped and rushed to her mother to throw her arms around her.

"Can you tell how long ago?" I asked him, assuming I knew what the chirps meant - at least based on Kuss' reaction.

"No. It usually takes a couple days to register though."

The two of them ate with us, we exchanged hugs and kisses (Xill even accepted a kiss on the cheek from Liss), and then the two of them left for home.

~~~ Epilogue ~~~

Liss and I continue to make supply runs for Xill. We make three trips a month and take the last week off. The first week, we head to the east coast. The second week, we circuit through Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Missouri. The third week, we head west. When we go west, we alternate between going to Arizona, Nevada, and Utah one month - and then Idaho, Montana, and the Dakotas the next month.

Xill's little boy, Xamm, was born a month before my little girl made her appearance. I joked with my wife that we should put our names together and name her Piss. She didn't think that was a bit funny. I'm still not quite sure how gnomes pick their names but she ended up with a combination of her mother's name and her sister's. Kiss stole my heart the moment I saw her. All of the bad things I warned Xill about will, undoubtedly, be visited upon me before him.

For now, he and Kuss are waiting to have another. I know he said he wants a girl but I'm not sure he expected the level of activity around the house that came with Xamm. I think they'll wait until he's old enough (and mature enough) to take lessons with his father before the artificer will try for a daughter.

My little boy, Ziff, arrived two years after his sister. Kiss has her mother's sweetness; Ziff has her fire. He may be the death of us. At this point, we're holding off on having more kids as well. When we travel, they go with us. At this point, most of the thieves have given up coming after us. I think they watch for the red Prius and lay low when we're around. It's been years since we've been in a decent fight.

Xill finally had mercy on Lolli and made her a dildo like the one we gave to the hag. She named it after him. She walks around town, telling anyone who'll listen, how many times Xill has fucked her that day. The lowlifes that used to visit her bed have found their fortunes elsewhere. Lolli has never been faithful to a lover in her life but she can't find another to compete with Xill. The two houses on either side of hers come up for sale more often than any of the others in town. It's like living next to a fucking airport.

I finally got to meet Kuss' other brother. He's a wizard, Harry. As Kuss suggested, neither of her brothers seem overly bothered that their mother and I are shacking up - or producing offspring.

I haven't been back to the dome home since probably a year after Liss and I were married. We store all of the resources from the supply-runs at the cottage and Xill transfers whatever he wants back home with him when they come to Iowa.

Kuss called last week and wants us to come visit - she wants to take her mother and me to Ren Faire for our anniversary. I dug my pirate costume back out and I told my lover that I'm looking forward to seeing her in the bar wench outfit again.

We'll stay the night. Xiff and I can camp under the stars; Kiss and Liss will take the room behind the waterfall. While we're at the Faire, maybe I'll get a pirate outfit for Xiff as well.


The End.

Thanks for reading!

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AnonymousAnonymous35 minutes ago

I've read "almost" almost all of your stories but Pete the pirate is by far my favorite!

ender2k2kender2k2kabout 1 month ago

You have a real gift for this type of story. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Always happy and sad to reach the end of your stories. They are so much fun. I read through them with the hunger of a starving man. Then, even knowing the ride would be ultimately short from the beginning, I mourn the end of following the characters lives. First was Goblin Queen's Plan, now Pete the Pirate and looks like you've just finished one called New Rider. I'll have to go sate my hunger on it next.

QidaQida3 months ago

Thanks for a most enjoyable reading :)

So how old is Liss and Pete in the end?

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Loved this. The only story I rated 5 for every chapter

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