Petting Zoo Ch. 02


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Fine white hairs sprouted from the inside of her folded, narrow ears as they rotated forward to catch what the man was saying. His low, rumbling voice was too difficult to make out but he soon walked to a seat almost exactly opposite her on the other side of the office with a clipboard in his large hand.

Emi swallowed again, refusing to look up at him. She felt embarrassed at her own arousal but it pulsed within her, the animal part of her brain growing larger and dragging her along with its rising desires.

Her fists moved again, deep within the pockets. She grabbed them out before the temptation rose. Placing her hands flat on her seat, she fidgeted, feeling awkward with their placement. She rested them against her thighs but it still felt wrong. Finally, she hid them beneath the hoodie, pressing them against the warm, raised line of skin.

"Ohh," she moaned quietly, hanging her head. It wasn't nearly as intense as the strange spot lower on her stomach but, as her thumb slid back and forth against the line, she was forced to shift in her seat.

Emi toyed with the raised skin as her mouth slowly opened. A few short red hairs grew next to the white lining her jaw to creep glacially towards her cheeks.

Suddenly, the line of ridge of skin separated from her body and her hand slipped into her warm pouch. Emi moaned and then bit her lip but she could stop from touching herself. Black hairs lined the interior, tickling her fingers until they bumped over two short teats.

The girl's head thrust back and her legs opened briefly before she closed them again. She stared down at her stomach, her eyes a million miles away as her ears burned. A part of her knew she should stop but she couldn't. The alien sensation of the two wrinkled teats was incredibly erotic.

One of the new nipples stiffened in her fingers and she turned her head to bite the sweatshirt. Her hips rocked once but she held herself still, opening her fingers to clutch both teats together. The black fur on the back of her hand grew dense as gray-flecked keratin flowed out from her nail bed to strengthen her fingernails into claws.

She gasped, losing herself to the pleasure of it. Finally, she looked up to stare at the man across from her. He was lost in his paperwork, rubbing his nose occasionally while slowly tapping the pen against the questions.

Emi opened her knees while she eyed him, pulling and pinching the teats hidden in her pouch. Her palm rubbed the soft skin inside as the fur growing along her hand and arm tangled with the long hairs within.

Claws from her left hand rubbed against her swollen clit. She pushed against the crotch of her pants and they glimmered in the light as she soaked them with her pussy. Her hand slid down her engorged lips until her index finger reached the base of her pussy. The tip of her now-sharp claw pierced the crotch of her pants and she pulled, dragging it carefully up until her white-furred pussy lay bare. The hairs lay slick against her lips and inner thighs, drenched by her excitement. She rocked, arching her back as she slipped a finger between her pussy lips.

The man glanced up for a moment as he considered a question and then down again before his eyes snapped up to stare between Emi's wide open legs. He forced his head down but his pen froze in place. She smiled lazily at him while she toyed with her teats with one hand and her pussy with the other.

The combination felt incredible and she stopped caring about where she was or who was watching. All she knew was a male was before her. An unchallenged male, large and strong and rough looking. Perfect for breeding her. Her chin rose suddenly as a tiny orgasm burst through her and she sighed as her hand sped up.

When the man snuck a look at her again, she grinned and raised her hand. Her fingers were coated with clear liquid. She opened her mouth and her tongue stretched out while narrowing slowly. It wrapped around her fingers and she moaned clearly for him while cleaning herself off. His face burned bright red and he ducked his head once more.

Emi stood, ducking bending as she stepped forward. Her tail rose, longer now, and slipped free of her pants. She could feel it wriggling against the inside of her hoodie but she ignored it as she walked to the man sitting before her. He froze in place as she leaned forward with a wide smile and an exaggerated groan.

"I want you to fuck me," she said, rubbing her lightly furred cheek against his before licking his earlobe.

"I, uhh," the man stuttered. "I- Uhh."

She took his hand carefully and he gave no resistance as she placed it between her thighs. She held his pointer finger and slid it against her pussy, growling and licking his ear once more as she showed him how incredibly wet she was.

"Jesus," the man gasped.

She tugged him gently until he stood. Turning, she led him past the receptionist desk. One had her back turned while digging through filing cabinets while the other focused on her phone call and the computer angled away from the waiting room. Their attention was the least thing on her mind as she led the man to the bathroom beyond their desk.

The large bathroom's light clicked on automatically when she entered and she led him to the toilet.

"I. I think, uhh," the man said, swallowing and rubbing his nose once more.

Emi released his hand, took two steps and leaned forward, grasping the silver railing on the wall surrounding the toilet. She spread her thighs and the tear in her pants widened further. Her pussy lips separated wetly and a single clear drip hung from her clit.

"Do you want me?" she purred, slowly shoving her ass back. The hoodie lifted in a small tent as her tail continued to grow. The base of it slid against the rough band of her yoga pants and she moaned as if a lover's nails scratched along her body. "Please. Just fuck me."

She pressed her forehead against the wall as a high-pitched whine filled her ears. Bones cracked and clicked and her nose burned as her face pushed forward.

All pain was forgotten when she felt large hands against her round, powerful ass. Her ears flattened when she heard the unmistakable sound of a zipper coming undone.

"This is such a bad-" he started to say.

Emi shoved back while raising her hips when she felt the tip of his cock bounce against her pussy lips. The man groaned, clenching a hand against her waist as she cried out. She gripped him tightly as he pressed deep into her. She reached back, grabbing his hand and pulling it higher to her tail but he misunderstood and, instead, leaned into her to reach around and grab her breast.

"You, god, so tight- You have to be quiet," he whispered fiercely, holding her chest as he pulled back. Emi groaned, squeezing his cock tightly and shaking as she felt him deep inside. The flared head of his cock rubbed against her and she gasped, biting her lip to hold back the words threatening to spill forth.

The man placed a hand in front of her against the wall and she pressed her cheek against his arm. Her face continued to lengthen, the skin breaking into stretch marks before growing smooth once more. Holes appeared above her top lip. She pressed her cheek back into the cool wall as short whiskers slipped through the holes.

Black cracks appeared in her brown eyes. They pierced her sclera as they spread and her eyes darkened into pure black. Sand colored fur sprouted from the bridge of her nose as it straightened and her folded ears flicked when the pain mixed with the enormous pleasure she felt.

Emi reached a hand down, slipping it into the warmth of her pouch. She teased her teat as the man pressed back into her, anxious over the amount of noise he was making. Her wide ass slapped his bare crotch, spattering him with her juices.

Dark points speared through the front of Emi's socks. Her nails consumed the tips of her toes, growing conical as the keratin continued to flow, layer by layer. They spread further apart while tearing into the colorful fabric.

Sweat broke out along Emi's forehead as her fur continued to spread, growing to cover her entire body. She desperately wanted to shrug out of the hoodie to get some relief but she didn't want to stop bouncing back on the man's cock. She moaned, her long tongue dangling as he filled her pussy with his dick.

"Feels so fucking good," Emi grunted.

"Have. To. God! Be. Quiet," the man grunted.

"I don't care," she gasped. Each thrust forced a moan out and she clawed at her teats with one soft hand and her breast with another. "Just fuck me. Pound into me. Slap my fat ass and fill me with your cum! Fuck me until I can't even breathe. Make me your whore, god, yes, make me your little slut. Fuck my brains out until I'm nothing more than your good little slut that follows your every command always wet for you and begging for it and needing-"

"Said quiet!" the man grunted, slapping her ass hard and making her shriek in pleasure. He reached a hand up and over her neck, gripping her softly but enough to show what he meant.

"Fuck yes!" Emi moaned, shuddering as her orgasm grew close. "Yes, choke me hard while you fuck me. I'm your slut, right? I'm your little slut? Tell me I'm your sl-urk!"

The man's hand closed around Emi's soft, furry throat and she bucked. Her fingers pinched her teat hard as she slammed herself back. She gasped as she felt the edges of faintness approach but it only made her more wild.

"Excuse me!" a voice said outside.

"My slut," the man grumbled. His jeans pulled tight against his legs. They slipped down as muscles bulged in his thighs. "You're my slut. My dirty little whore."

"Yessssss," Emi moaned loudly. Her head throbbed but the lightness only increased the pleasure. Tiny bright lights filled the edge of her vision. She was so close.

The back of the girl's hoodie pulled upward to reveal her tail, half as wide as she was and powerful, curved to a soft point.

"Excuse me!" the voice said again.

The doorknob shook as Emi reached up to grab the man's hand. He released her neck and she guided him down to her breast, holding his hand in place.

"You can't do that here!" the receptionist said clearly as the door opened. "You people- That's disgusting!"

"Don't stop," Emi whined as her hips sped up. "Almost there. Almost there. Make me cum. Make your little whore cum."

She moved his hand further, sliding it down her body until it reached her pouch and then inside. He jerked for a second but then groaned as she squeezed his fingers around the teats hidden inside. He jerked again, leaning forward to nibble on her long ears as he came deep inside of her.

Emi cried out and frantically worked her ass back, slapping it against him as the receptionist grabbed the man's arm. He shrugged her off and then groaned as his hip cracked. Emi could feel him moving against her back. His chest slid against the hoodie while his bones broke and reformed, forcing him taller as his calves flared out to handle the extra weight. He kicked his boots against the floor over and over until his cramped feet were freed. The man's long toes slapped against the ground as he pushed past his orgasm to pleasure the girl before him.

She came, finally, when he pinched both of her teats and slammed as hard as he could inside. His fingers painfully gripped the long hairs within her pouch as she shuddered before him, her strong legs suddenly weak.

"Disgusting!" the receptionist shouted. "You're both anim-"

"Now, now," a calm, matronly voice said.

Emi turned and then quivered, her eyes rolling up for a moment before she steadied herself. Lady Lilith stood at the entrance of the bathroom with two large men behind her. She watched the older woman gently hand the receptionist off to one of the men before drawing a small vial from her pocket. She opened it and carefully tipped it over against the prone woman's bare arm, rubbing it back and forth until the vial was empty. The receptionist lay limply in the man's grip.

"Well, well," Lilith said, turning back to Emi. "Look at the both of you."

"Who the hell-" the man started to say.

"Hush, now," Lilith said, calming him. "Go with Francis here. Willingly and quietly. We have a van waiting."

The man's eyes glazed over. Emi shook as he pulled out of her and she reached for him, wanting him to stay. Wanting him back inside of her. He was bare from the waist down, except for plain black socks. Dense gray nails pierced the tips of his socks and he leaned forward slightly with each step.

"Emi, what a beautiful girl you are," Lilith said approvingly. Emi ducked her head shyly but felt happy at the compliment.

"Here, let me help," the older woman said. She took the hoodie gently and pulled it off, folding it and handing it to the guard standing nearby. Emi took her own shirt to pull it off, once more feeling freed as she stood in her torn socks and a brilliant pelt of white and red.

The woman stroked Emi's long muzzle before sliding a hand through the girl's black hair to scratch her elongated ears. Emi moaned, sliding a paw down her belly to her dripping pussy.

"Plenty of time for that," Lilith laughed. "Come with me."

She followed the older man docilely, looking around quickly for her mate.

No, that's not right, she frowned as she shook her head. The m- oh god, I had sex with a random man in the doctor's bathroom!

Suddenly in a panic, she covered her breasts with one arm and her pussy with one black-furred hand. She hid behind Lilith but the office was silent.

"They won't bother us," the other woman said. She turned to tap the guard and he lifted the receptionist in both arms to carry her more easily. "Come now, I have a second van waiting."

"This isn't right," Emi muttered, unable to stop herself from following the strange woman. She leaned forward and her tail pressed against the cold ground, startling her and causing her to scream. "What the hell is that?!"

"Your tail, dear," Lilith said, patting the scared girl's arm. "You'll grow used to it quite quickly, trust me."

"Oh god," Emi groaned. She reached back to touch it and then pulled her hand away. "Oh god! I can feel his- his stuff coming out!"

"'Stuff'?" Lilith laughed, raising a perfect eyebrow. "Do you want to clean yourself up? I'm sure they have towels here."

Emi hesitated. She closed her eyes as she recalled the way he felt inside of her. Their mixed scents rose to her black nose and she sighed. She felt so empty inside. And so warm. It was raising again now that she recognized the feeling.

"No," she said, licking her lips.

She liked how it felt.

"Will I-" she started to ask before blushing.

"Yes," Lilith said. "You'll see him again. You're bonded to him now. But, later."

A van sat in the alley as they took a side exit from the clinic. The double doors in the back were opened and Emi spied two rows of padded seats against both walls. The guard stepped in to gently lay the receptionist into one of the seats and Lady Lilith gestured to the van.

"Where are we going?" Emi asked, nervous again. Her tail curled around her side and she gripped the tip of it with both hands. It felt incredibly solid in her grasp.

"To a place where you'll be more comfortable," the woman said. "Trust me."

I won't forgive you for doing this to me, she wanted to say. Yet the words felt wrong in her mouth and in her mind. Instead, she stepped into the back of the van. It lowered itself as it took the new weight of her. She pressed her right knuckle against a seat as her tail pressed into the bottom of the van. She lifted her feet, took a step with both at once and then turned to sit awkwardly with her tail to the side.

The van doors closed and Emi held her tail for comfort. She squeaked when the van started and swayed as it drove away.

"Wha-" the other woman said, rolling her drooped head to the left.

Emi watched her, nibbling on her lip while glancing towards the front of the van. She had no idea what she was supposed to do. With another look to the front, she reached out a hand to comfort the woman before pulling it back.

The other woman's blonde hair parted to show the round edges of her ears. They expanded, color draining to gray as they flapped forward and then back.

"Are we?" the woman mumbled, trying and failing to lift her head. Drool leaked from the corner of her mouth.

A loud crack filled the small space. Emi winced while pulling her knees up to her body. The receptionist placed a hand against her jaw. Her top canine teeth began to lengthen, cracking the teeth next to them as they grew past her bottom lip. They curled when they reached her chin but continued to grow.

"Wasss happenin'?" the woman tried to ask. She raised her head, keeping it steady for a few seconds before her eyes drooped. The woman nodded, resting her chin against her chest while swaying forward with the motion of the vehicle.

As the rounded tip of her nose lifted to show her nostrils, the skin surrounding it grew wrinkled. Her pale skin darkened incrementally as her nose slid forward and then down over her lips.

The woman's small trunk lifted over her growing tusks as she tried once more to sit back.

"God," the woman groaned, pawing at her clothes. They tightened against her clothes, clearly showing the outline of her modest breasts. Emi looked away but found herself drawn back to it and her hand slid down to her pouch. "Feels hot. Too hot."

Skin bulged out from between the woman's skirt and her blouse. The pale skin darkened to the color of bone before fading further to pewter. She tore at her shirt but the buttons snapped, one-by-one as her body expanded. Her bra pulled down to expose swelling breasts. Flecks of ashen gray spotted her brown areola as they quickly doubled in width. She squeezed her own breasts and her trunk curled, longer now, while she trumpeted in ecstasy.

Emi's free hand slipped between her thighs and she spread her knees as she gently pressed against her clit, positioning her hand to ensure her short claws stayed clear. Her own cries joined the other woman as the van sped down the street.


"Welcome," Lilith said, spreading her arms wide. "It's a temporary home before we move to a more suitable location."

The two bodyguards stood beneath each of the receptionist's arms. The girl could barely walk after countless orgasms on the short drive. Her tree trunk-thick gray legs stomped on the concrete as her wide ears swayed.

Emi looked around the huge room. An enormous amount of equipment, mostly medical in appearance, filled the area. People in scrubs walked among employees in casual clothes and large men that were obviously guards of some kind.

A loud yowling sound drew her attention and she shivered in sudden fear.

"My god," Emi gasped as she spotted the lioness.

A powerful two-legged lioness writhed on the floor far to her right. Her large paws rubbed her pussy as her tail thrashed and she kicked the ground, snapping and biting and screaming.

"Dying!" the woman shouted, twisting as she raised her hips and spread her legs. "I'm dying! Fucking dying! So fucking hot! God! So fucking hot and empty!"

That voice. No, it can't be, she told herself. Yet...

"Siobhan?" Emi asked.

"Oh, yes," Lilith said with a frown as she tapped her chin.

"Mistress," a man gasped as he ran forward. "She's somehow already in heat."

"That's far too early," the older woman said. "Where's her mate?"

"Already enroute to Agadir," the man told her with his head bowed.

"Can't be helped," Lilith sighed. "Michael?"

"Mistress," one of her guards said, shrugging out of his jacket. It fell to the floor as his hand tugged at his tie. He walked towards Siobhan while undoing the buttons of his shirt.