Pharma Testing


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At first I thought that she was having a heart attack, but for some reason I didn't let up. Only when my cock fired its last salvo and Janice limply crashed onto my chest did I stop my finger action.

We lay in that position for the longest time. I heard groaning but I couldn't tell for sure if it was coming from me, Janice, or both of us; probably the latter.

Eventually my cock went flaccid, Janice pushed herself into an upright position and then got off me and the couch, and I stood up.

"You bastard," she moaned, pressing her lips into mine and putting her arms around my neck. "I never cheated on my husband before you fucking asshole," she snarled, although since she continued to give me kisses and even gently squeezed my balls a couple of times I wasn't sure that she was as pissed as she was pretending.

"You're the one that caused it," I mumbled between French kisses and light mauling of her tits. "I didn't want to cheat -- you made me."

After a few minutes more of playing kissy-face and manipulating each other's sex organs, we broke apart. When we started to get dressed we noticed that certain parts of our garments had been damaged; She was missing at least two buttons on her blouse, and my boxers were ripped.

After getting dressed I looked at the clock on the wall -- it was 10:26; we had likely been going at it for an hour. "Shit, I don't know how we'll finish the project on time," I lamented to Janice.

Janice got an evil grin and started taking off the blouse and bra she had just put back on.

"I have an idea, fucker. You seemed to really like sucking my titties before you ran your tubular weapon up my poor innocent pussy, so this is what we'll do. Every time you complete part of the project you can such on a nipple for thirty seconds; since I'm too wiped to help you, you'll have to do it yourself though.

The concupiscent bitch then sat down on a chair next to the table with her legs spread apart and her tits exposed and said "Get to work."

Astonishingly her little plan worked. She did have to make sure to push me off her nipples after thirty seconds each time that I completed part of the project otherwise we would have been there all day. Shockingly I was actually finished at 11:28 -- I had never been so motivated to complete a job in my life.

When I was done I said "Ta-da!" and went toward her to suck some more tit. She stopped me. "We need to shower doofus -- and no fucking in the shower. I can't go home with my pussy full of cum and smelling like sex," she continued as she took off her skirt and panties.

We showered together, mostly successfully avoiding groping each other, while she washed out her panties as we did. She dried them with the hair dryer in the bathroom while I got re-dressed and started to go to debriefing at about 11:50. Before I left she said "We need to talk sometime this week." She put the hair dryer down, got out her phone and opened it up; "Put your cellphone number in here under the name Pharma; I'll call you this week."

During the debriefing the interviewer didn't ask how I had enjoyed fucking Janice -- not just once, but twice -- and sucking on her nipples. She did ask me all sorts of questions about how I felt, and she took a small blood sample and a saliva sample before I left. Janice was entering another interview room as I was leaving and mouthed "Bastard" to me, although with a diabolical grin on her face.

I started feeling guilty as soon as I got on my bike to ride home. Since it was only about two miles and a nice day, and since Melony and I had sold our most expensive car to save money to pay off our creditors, I had time to think. I didn't know how I could have been so overcome with lust; I know that the pill and cream sure had something to do with it, but I had resisted in the past. Then I had a Eureka moment. I was quite sure that this was the first time that both the woman and I had been dosed with the real chemical.

Despite my guilt, my reaction when I got home was anything but what I expected. I was trying to steel myself to act normal around Melony. As I walked in the door in a sing-song voice she said "Hi, honey. I'm just putting some laundry in the washing machine."

She was dressed in a pair of shorts and a sleeveless top because it was fairly warm outside, and unlike most women she rarely gets cold. I had seen her dressed that way dozens of times before; however, never did she look so good to me.

As soon as the top of the washing machine closed I spun her around. "You know, you are one ultra sexy bitch, Melony," I snarled. "How do you expect me to keep my hands off of you when you're dressed like that?

Over the next few minutes Melony laughed, cajoled, jokingly said "stop that you animal," and tried somewhat purposefully to push me away. None of it worked. Soon -- again, just like in the activity room -- without real cognizance of how it happened -- she was lying naked on our living room couch and I was eating her pussy like it was a cherry pie and I had been on a starvation diet for a month.

I do believe that for the first time during our marriage that I put Melony through three consecutive oral orgasms, and when I mounted her she had the loudest and lowest groan in our relationship as I implanted my steel cock in her wet pussy in one thrust. I fucked her with zeal and when she started to come I blasted seminal fluid into her with such force I'm surprised that I didn't knock her off of the couch.

I came with such ferocity that I saw stars, and I know that Melony lost consciousness for a few seconds.

Virtually every other time that we had intercourse in our relationship, after I ejaculated I went flaccid quite rapidly, and that was the end of sex for that session. This time was different. I remained three-quarters hard, and when I withdrew I was highly motivated to eat her out again. Since Melony was coming out of a stupor I was already sucking her clit before she knew what was happening, and her attempt to push me away was feeble at best. Once she was building to an orgasm she wasn't interested in even a feeble attempt to push me away.

As soon as Melony came from me sucking her clit it seemed to inflate my cock from 3/4 hard to full flagpole. I immediately flipped a still climaxing Melony onto her stomach, entered her in the concubine position, and fucked her with alacrity. I saw stars for a second time within twenty minutes, and she went comatose for a few seconds for a second time in that span.

Eventually I carried Melony into our bathroom and we showered together. "What got into you?" she smilingly asked as she massaged my overworked testicles as warm water beat upon us.

I had to lie. "It was a frustrating day at the study, and when I saw you in those shorts and tank top I suddenly got overwhelmed with desire. I'd say that I'm sorry for molesting you, but I'm not. I had a great -- no, not great, FANTASTIC -- time."

After our shower Melony got on a more conservative outfit as she said "My pussy is too sore to take the chance of you attacking me again so I'll keep my assets covered up."

I just growled and pinched her ass; she laughingly called me an animal.

We went antique shopping -- actually just looking for the future because we'd have no disposable income until our damage creditors were paid off -- and then to a farmer's market. After we cooked a nice dinner together we went to some friends' apartment and watched a Netflix movie (something that we couldn't afford yet either).

When we got home Melony surprised me by coming to bed completely naked. "I hope that this doesn't give you any ideas," she protested with a wicked grin, "it's just hot in here."

"What is hot is you, bitch," I fake snarled. For the first time in our relationship I ate Melony out for the third separate time in one day, and fucked her for the third time too. As I fell asleep with her head on my shoulder I was highly conflicted. I had -- although obviously with some "help" -- cheated on her for the first time ever; and then had mind blowing sex with her that was so far above our normal that it was in a different zip code. I didn't know how I was going to resolve things, but I'd save that for another day. Right then I was as serene as a man could possibly be.

Sunday my serenity left me by noon. Melony was in a great mood, singing softly to herself as she made breakfast, and then worked on her computer before we went on an outing. I was completely confused. How could I have five phenomenal orgasms within a 14 hour period when in my previous life I never had more than two? Why were my first orgasms with Janice, and then Melony, on Saturday the most explosive of my life -- like Mt. Vesuvius? How could I feel totally guilty and totally satisfied at the same time? I didn't know how to resolve those questions.


Janice called my cellphone on Monday afternoon while I was on a break at work. "We need to talk, dude."

"I guess we do," I sighed.

"When and where -- my schedule is open on Thursday and Friday."

"I can leave work early Friday," I replied. "How about we meet at Wilkins Park, northern end, at 4:00 p. m.?"

"Sounds like a plan," Janice chuckled. "See you then."

As I approached the park I was very interested in what Janice had to say. In my interactions with her over the last seven months or so I found her to be one of the smartest and most intuitive people I had ever met. I hoped that she had some insight into what the hell happened last Saturday.

Janice gave me a tight hug and quick kiss on the lips when we met at the northernmost bench in the park. Then she talked for twenty minutes straight while I just nodded my head. The only times that I interrupted her were when she used some big words that I didn't understand and I asked for definitions.

The most salient points that she made were:

-Up until the last Saturday PharmaBlue never gave either her and her assigned partner or me and my assigned partner, at the same time, significant doses of the pharmaceutical that was being tested.

-Last Saturday they had given both of us maximum doses of the tested pharmaceutical.

-It was obvious that the drug was going to be labelled for use for committed couples that had lost physical attraction; what its off label uses would be could lead to significant promiscuity.

-The reason that they drew a small amount of blood from each of us after a session was to test for STDs and also to evaluate how much drug was still in our system.

-If she was right (which I believed she was) that would mean that in the near future she and I would be paired together several times while PharmaBlue played with the doses to optimize them since obviously last Saturday the dosage was too high.

-We could expect that both of us would be paired with less than hot partners where we were both dosed, and with hot partners who were significantly dosed while we were only minimally dosed.

Then came our give-and-take on what we were going to do.

"Can you afford to jettison the study Jared?"

"Absolutely not, especially since they're withholding half of our compensation. Right now Melony and I are up-to-date with our creditors for Melony's accident but that is very fragile. If I lose my weekly paycheck from the study, and don't get the bonus of accumulated payments at the end, we would fall behind and that would be our financial death knell; we would have to declare bankruptcy. How about you?"

"John and I can't afford for me to withdraw either. I'm on schedule to pay off my student loans which I have to do in order for us to accomplish what we want in life, and I can't do it without the PharmaBlue payments. So that means we need to decide what to do."

After a long pause I asked "Do you have a suggestion?"

She stared at me so intently it was like it was into my soul. "I would rather that you initiated it, but since you're not going to, I will," she sighed. Then breaking her soul-searching stare she said "There is no doubt that we had fun Saturday. I suggest that the times they put us together that we just go with the flow; we experiment; we do things with each other that for whatever reason we don't want to do with our spouses or that they're not receptive to. Since we're not likely to be able resist anyway, why not get something for our guilt."

After a pause I asked "Why don't you think that we can resist with lower doses?"

Then she did that soul-searching stare again "Because I believe that the drug remains in our systems a long time. Tell me, did you fuck Melony's brains out this weekend?"

I actually smiled thinking back on the three phenomenal sex sessions that Melony and I had Saturday; and our highly enjoyable single fucks every night since. "Hell yes," I smiled, "and you?"

"John's cock is still sore," she chuckled, "and he's still wondering how his previously low libido wife is now a tiger in bed. Plus, in my opinion if either of us came onto the other right now we'd fuck again right here in public even almost a week after we were dosed."

At first I thought that was bullshit and just stared at her. However, when she ran her hand onto my thigh my cock instantly inflated and I started to sweat. When she saw that she quickly moved her hand away, got up and walked in a circle for a minute or two before she sat down; she was sweating too. All she said -- or had to say -- was "See what I mean. The shit that they're giving us is powerful!"

When we finally left to go home it was almost 5:00 p. m. and we both had reluctantly -- but realistically -- conceded that we might as well experiment with each other since if we were thrown together we were not going to be able to resist anyway. However, we both vowed that we would do our absolute best to prevent having sex with other participants. She gave me a pamphlet on distraction techniques that she was going to try, including pushing a thumbnail into a palm even to the point of drawing blood, sticking fingers in both ears and yelling "La-la-la-lala," using an anchoring phrase (e. g. "I'm climbing a mountain in sleet and need to keep going without distraction or I'll die from the elements"), repeatedly telling myself a stupid joke, or most likely a combination of these. "Start practicing to see what works," were Janice's last words -- except for "and don't try to touch me when we say goodbye; I'm still hot from watching your cock inflate when I put my hand on your thigh."


Janice turned out to be right to some degree or the other about everything she and I talked about. We were paired together the next eight Saturdays. Obviously the doses of our pharmaceuticals were being changed, but the fact was that even if we had tried we would not have been able to resist each other the first seven Saturdays. We experimented with lots of different positions, anal, sixty-nines, and even a sixty-three, and all types of oral. We both learned a lot; we both had lots of fun and guilt; we never fell in love. We still managed to get our projects done by 11:50 at the latest, although oftentimes it was with me doing the work and Janice providing her tit-sucking incentive.

The eighth Saturday it was clear to both of us that we likely had not been dosed the last two weeks. The seventh Saturday we still couldn't resist each other since there was a significant amount of drug still in our systems. The eighth Saturday we gave each other a sincere hug and one kiss on the lips, and then quickly and happily did our project together without sex. We finished in record time -- by 10:42.

As Janice had also predicted after our eighth consecutive time together we were paired with other people, with the various people with different doses. Using the distraction techniques I practiced (especially sticking my thumbnail into my palm to the extent of causing bleeding) I was usually able to resist fucking my assigned partner.

I never asked Janice about her situation -- although we remained friends outside of the study and were paired -- without fucking -- one more time -- in my case I was unable to resist only twice. Once was with one of the beautiful women who obviously had been highly dosed while I was probably given a medium dose, and once with one of the least hot women, where I had been highly dosed and she moderately dosed. Both times were physically rewarding -- although not to the extent of sex with Janice or Melony. I surprisingly wasn't guilty at all about the fuck with the least hot woman, and only moderately about the fuck with the beautiful woman, because in both cases the drugs clearly put the situation out of my control.

A strange thing happened as the study ran its course after my first fuck with Janice; my sex life with Melony went from OK to fantastic. While it was a gradual transition (except for the times I knew that I had been highly dosed and I fucked Melony's brains out multiple times that weekend) it was real.

By the time that the study finished 18 months after it began Melony and I regularly made love, or fucked, in many different positions, with lots of oral and cuddling (although neither of us liked anal enough to do it more than twice). If someone asked me at the 18 month period what my sex life was like I would have replied "10 out of 10; it couldn't be better," and I'm confident that Melony would have given the same answer.

Despite the fact that the pharmaceutical we tested was definitely effective, and Janice and I never had any adverse effects (except for high doses staying in our systems for two weeks or more), the project was abandoned and never went to market. Apparently some testers did have significant adverse effects, and PharmaBlue never could get a proper dosage that would be sure to dissipate after a desired length of time.

I had another surprise at the end of the 18 months. Not only did I get the half of my pay that had been withheld but I got interest on it and a $5,000 bonus.

There was another non-monetary bonus. The last day after Janice and I walked out of the facility together she subtly handed me a baggy. "I was able to pilfer twenty five medium dose pills before they were destroyed and gave you twelve," she whispered and cackled at the same time. "Save them for a special occasion." We hugged tightly goodbye -- no kissing -- and determined that despite the fact that we liked each other as friends it was probably best not to socialize in the future since we might be tempted to cheat with each other.

During the 18 month study both Melony and I had gotten promotions and raises, and that combined with my study payout and the $5,000 bonus allowed us to completely pay off the damages from her accident. In fact, two years after the study started we had enough money to take a trip to Aruba.

During the Aruba trip I swallowed one of the study pills and put another in Melony's food. We had six days of sex that was more frequent and passionate than either of us could have dreamed of two years ago. It was not only because of the pills, but because we loved each other even more than when we got married, and a month before we left Melony had stopped birth control.

Six weeks after we got back from our trip to Aruba when I got home from work Melony was naked and sitting on a blanket on the kitchen table. I got a big smile on my face and asked "What's the occasion sexpot?"

"I thought that you might want to ravish your baby-momma," she chuckled. "Today my OBGYN told me that I'm six weeks pregnant -- which means that you did the job in Aruba," she now cackled. After smashing my lips into hers, and then dropping my pants and boxers -- not even bother to rip my shirt off -- for the first time in my life I fucked a woman I knew was pregnant; and it was spectacular.

Now six years and two kids later I still have four pills left; I think that I'll use them on our 15th and 20th year anniversaries -- what do you think?

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DenaliFXDenaliFX16 days ago

This is a wonderful story and so realistic involving the trial set up. I was developing another drug at a company that was testing a competitor to the "little blue pill". It was an amazing thing to see the care taken to protect testers and the excitement we had at the company even though we only knew rumors. Sex is so important and we are learning so much more. 'Roofies' etc. will be everywhere. It is a brave new world. A great story and a perfect outcome for Melony.

Calico75Calico7521 days ago

I'm not sure why, but I like that the MC and Janice tried as hard as they could to beat the medication. Fun story. Well written.

MartyMartiniMartyMartini3 months ago

I'd look up Janice. After 2 kids you probably could use a little strange!

Jetcrash747Jetcrash7475 months ago

An extra mental affair is still cheating, even if you’re being paid for it. A cheat is a cheat. Any other way you look at it?

HighBrowHighBrow10 months ago

I enjoyed this BUT personally I tune in to see the loving wives get laid, not the husbands.

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