Photographing at the Pond Ch. 03


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"Did you save some to the memory stick?"

"Yeah, quite a few. But I'm sure you guys have ideas too since you've done a bunch of these types of pictures. I liked Mrs. Hollister's pictures and, I probably shouldn't have listened, but I heard her telling someone else that she had some other pictures too, and she just smiled at that lady. Since you took them, maybe something like those too." Now I think my cheeks were getting red as I remembered some of them and, glancing at Linda I could tell she was remembering too.

"You might want to wait a while to have anything like those," I suggested and Angie wrinkled her brow and looked at me for a few second, and she maybe saw my rosy cheeks.

"That sneaky Mrs. Hollister," she said. "I'm going to get her to show me some of those too, cause now I've seen about all there is to see."

"Why don't we go back and check what you've saved and then get your outfit on."

"Cool," she said, bouncing off toward the back room.

The pictures weren't anything unusual and I was not surprised at that. In just a few minutes she and Linda came out of the dressing room and there was that amazing body right in front of me again. I couldn't imagine how she could look at herself in the mirror and not realize that she was someone very, very special. It would be interesting to talk to her about that sometime, but not now. But now a word of advice to her about the pictures we were about to take, Andy's pictures.

"Sometimes when we take pictures like this," I began, "we try to emphasize some feature of the person that is a little special. Once in a while that's not too easy as there is nothing that is really outstanding, just general nicety all around. In your case, that's not a problem." Angie was looking at me, very interested in what I was going to say. "In fact, there's much to emphasize about you." Now her brow furrowed just a touch. "In fact, everything about you is just perfect." She smiled.

"I'm way too short," she said matter-of-factly.

"Shortness doesn't detract from the way you look. Let me show you something. Stand over there by that wall." She moved in front of the wall which was a warm cream color and I framed her in my camera so you could see from her feet to just above her head, no ceiling in view. I took the picture. "Now, come over her and look." I brought the picture up on the camera viewer and she nudged up against me so she could see it clearly, which was a treat in itself. Of course, when I glanced up Linda was smirking at me. "Okay, how tall is the lady in this picture.

She was looking carefully. "She's five foot tall."

"Look again," I said, "and pretend you don't know who it is. Now tell me again."

More looking at the picture and then a look at me. Slowly she said, "You can't really tell can you, if you don't know."

"So, are you way too short?" Lights were beginning to blink on in her head.

"For getting things out of the cupboard, for sure," she said, laughing broadly.

"Honestly, you are very pretty, your face shines when you smile. Your breasts look like they were shaped by Michelangelo for those 'perfect proportion' drawings he did, your butt is one that people love to watch as they walk along behind you, and your legs match the rest of you." Now the cheeks were a little pink.

"Thank you," she said softly. "Maybe I need to look at myself more carefully, and from a little different point of view, you think?"

Linda added, "I think when you see these pictures that we take today, it will be much clearer to you."

Angie began to pose and she seemed to know exactly what to do. She thrust her breasts out without l0oking slutty. Her butt in profile was tantalizing, and from the back, with the string of those red bottoms hidden between her cheeks, smiling tantalizingly at the camera, and I knew at Andy. There was nothing shy or reserved about her, totally not what I had originally expected. Linda suggested some things and I took pictures, on her back with those breasts standing straight up with almost no sag, just sitting there looking at the camera, pressed against the wall with her arms outstretched and those delightful buns teasing the camera. Some very good pictures that I knew Andy would have to love.

"Break time," I suggested and Linda got a couple of cold bottles of water. We all drank and I noticed Angie pressing the cold water-bottle against her breast and then looking.

She looked up at us. "I saw some of the women have big long, well, nipples. Mine just get round and hard but not big and long.

"You probably saw some that weren't big and long too," Linda suggested.

"I suppose but I guess I didn't notice them."

"So, you guys are wondering why I'm thinking about that?" A pair of nods. "Some of the women were naked, but, you know, not really showing anything. Some were naked and showing everything." Now I realty began to wonder where this was going. "If I got naked and showed a little something, there wouldn't be much to show."

"Since you brought it up, let me tell you what Larry says." What was she going to tell her now I wondered. "Andy won't be really interested in how they look, but more interested that you are showing him something, if you happened to do that. You'd be sharing yourself with him, and that's what's important."

"Okay," Angie said, turned her back to me and slid the little red top up and over her head and off. Next came the pants and she was naked. Linda looked over Angie's shoulder at me and smiled. "If I decide I want to give Andy a good peek, that means you'll get one too. Is that okay?" she asked, very seductively and turned her head slowly to look at me. Linda couldn't restrain her laugh.

Now we took pictures of a naked Angie, with her doing a 95% job of keeping everything hidden. The 5% I saw was worth the looking for sure.

"I don't need nice prints like Mrs. Hollister has," Angie said suddenly, facing me with one arm across her breast and the other hand between her legs. She looked so sensuous standing there like that I could hardly keep from taking another picture. "I just need them on one of those memory sticks so he can look at them and then hide it somewhere."

We had plenty of pictures and the two hours was close to be gone So we decided to call it a shoot. Angie, still naked, looked at Linda and then me.

"What the heck," she said. "It's the new Angie." She didn't try to turn or hide, just walked over to where her sweat shirt and pants were, picked them up and began putting them on. I had never seen such a complete transformation in one person in just the space of two days.

She gave Linda a big hug and then one for me too.

"Thanks, you two. I see how happily married you two are and that's what made me have Andy hold my hand and then kiss me. And, all the things you guys said about me made me feel really good. Plus, I don't think you were lying so maybe I'll see myself a little differently now. Can't wait to see the pictures."

"Be sure to leave us your number so I can let you know when the pictures are ready. And you're not the only one who's anxious to see them." A whack on the arm from Linda.

A big laugh from Angie. "Makes me feel good," she said and was out the door and gone.

I turned to smile at Linda and saw a look that I knew . . . and loved. She glanced up at the clock.

"Ten minutes," she said softly, beginning to strip off her clothes. "How do I compare with Angie," she asked, a sneaky smile on her face as she was finally naked.

"Not going there," I said back to her. "This happens when I'm taking pictures of women. What if it were men?"

"It was once, and what happened then?" Her arms were already around my neck, and, of course, I was naked as well.

How could I forget that - I couldn't, and the picture of that flashing through my head, a naked Linda hovering over me with Peggy and her sister, Lana, sitting there watching was overwhelming. "Yeah," was all I could mumble out.

"You remember that, don't you?"

But I couldn't answer as her mouth was on mine, her tongue dueling with mine, her hand on my very stiff cock.

"Did it get that way from watching her, or from me?" She was merciless when she had me at her mercy. She pushed me down on the bed.

"It just is," I gasped out as I felt it slide inside that wonderful, warm and wet pleasure spot where it found itself so often lately.

"Can you last 10 minutes?" she asked playfully as she began moving her hips very gently.

"Up to you," I mumbled, trying to catch my breath.

"Oh, good," and those hips began moving faster and faster, sloshing and slapping sounds enveloping my whole being, blotting out everything but the feeling she was creating inside me which, I knew would totally explode outside me, and very quickly if she didn't slow down. She didn't, and I did, groaning and pumping her full of hot liquid. A few more pumps and she just collapsed on my chest.

"New record, I think, but I can't see the clock from here."

"You mean you time it every time?" A giggle, as I got another nice kiss.

"Usually I'm a little occupied myself, but this time was a little different. You like that?"

How could you not like being in utter ecstasy for. . . I couldn't see the clock either but it didn't matter how long, just how much and it would have been hard to get more of what she had just given me, no matter how much time there was.

The phone ringing broke the mood and Linda jumped up to answer. She talked for a minute, then brought the phone over to me.

"Nancy Wharton," she said and quickly got an "oh yeah" look on her face. The other friend of Peggy's who wanted pictures. Daringly, Linda raced out to the front of the studio, still naked of course, and grabbed the appointment book. Just watching her do that brought part of me back to life.

I talked with Nancy for a while and glanced questioningly at Linda who laughed and nodded. Of course, it had to be day after tomorrow.

"Good time for you?" I asked, and since she wanted to have the pictures taken at the pond, I knew it wouldn't be too early. "Ten o'clock," I echoed to Linda and she nodded. "Sounds good," I said. "See you at 10." I hung up the phone and gave Linda a look.

"You have an appointment, and tonight will be soon enough for me. But you do owe me." A big, sensuous grin crossed her face. I'd try to think of something special for her for sure.

I was pretty well caught up with things when Nancy Wharton came through the front door at about five minutes before 10. My first impression upon greeting her and shaking hands with her was that she was fairly well preserved for being in her 50's. She wasn't a Peggy, or her sister Lana, but it was clear she had never been like them either. We quickly discussed cost, after she told me what she was thinking about and that was not a concern at all. She said she'd like to go to the pond and that her husband had been seeing her naked for about 30 years so regular boudoir pictures wouldn't be too exciting. She said Peggy had mentioned that nudity was not a problem (ha, ha if she only knew) and she had no qualms about doing those so she hadn't brought anything special to wear.

Linda came out from the back room about then and she and Nancy discussed makeup and what looks she wanted etc.

"Peggy told me to not even think about makeup because, Linda is it, is just totally wonderful with it."

"Peggy is too kind," Linda said, blushing just a touch.

"Well, I saw her pictures and she looked absolutely wonderful. I'm hoping you can make me look just like her." A moment of puzzled silence. "Just teasing," Nancy quickly followed up. You'd have to be Merlin rather than Linda to do that." Now we all three laughed.

Linda did get right to work since the makeup was much easier to do here and it didn't look like rain at all. The weather had turned a little cool so it wouldn't be quite so pleasant at the pond. I'd mentioned that to Nancy but she didn't seem to mind. Soon, Linda was through and, although she didn't look quite like Peggy, Nancy was looking pretty darn good. She checked herself in the mirror.

"Don't you say Peggy is too kind. She didn't exaggerate at all. I wish you were around when I need you for special occasions." She gave a wink to Linda who was a little pink once more. I certainly had to agree that she was good . . . at more than makeup as well.

Linda and I jumped in our already loaded car and Nancy followed in hers as she was going to go straight home after the photos were taken. I pulled into the familiar little spot, a little further forward this time since there were two cars and we headed toward the pond.

"You sure this is not too cold?" I questioned Nancy.

"I've heard that goose bumps can be sexy," she replied, grinning and checking her arms.

I wasn't about to argue with her as she was paying the bill for this. Linda had actually brought a little sweater and already had it on. We were walking along fairly briskly now, trying to generate a little heat and, since I was lugging most of the equipment, I was able to keep nice and warm. At the pond we noted that the water level was up a little. I didn't anticipate, on this very cool day, that Nancy would want to get in that water even though I saw that she appeared to be carrying a towel. She didn't seem to be uptight at all about anything so I wasn't sure what to expect.

Actually, the sun was shining quite brightly so light wouldn't be a problem at all. I had a couple of battery powered units in the car but wasn't anticipating using them today. As I was getting the camera ready, Nancy was looking around, I think scouting for places she might want to have some pictures taken.

"I only need 15 or 20 pictures so we shouldn't be here too long. And I have some ideas about what I want." She smiled at me and then Linda.

"I just snap away quite a bit so don't worry about numbers. We'll get some good ones I'm sure."

Nancy was carefully taking her clothes off and folding them neatly before laying them on a big rock. Her back was to us so the first thing we saw was her butt. It wasn't Peggy's or Lana's or even Linda's, but never the less, it was enticing. Then she turned around, ready to start posing and I gulped slightly at what I saw. I had mentioned before that one thing a photographer does is try to find the outstanding feature of the subject and then highlight that to make the best pictures possible. Nancy's nipples, at rest now, were at least a half inch long. Between her legs it was easy to see her clitoris sticking out through a clean-shaven pussy.

"I know what you're seeing," she said without a bit of self-consciousness. "It was very useful when I was young and dating and it's been good for my husband too. I just wanted some pictures to preserve it for when I'm REALLY old."

I couldn't help but stare and I could see the cool weather having its effect on her. The nipples were longer if anything, her areolas were shrinking and kind of wrinkling and there were definitely goose bumps most everywhere on her body.

"Peggy told me you guys were okay with most anything (I'm sure Peggy didn't tell her what that "anything" involved) so I'll just pose for the pictures I'd like and you can snap away. Sound okay?"

"You're the boss," I said, wondering just how big those nipples could get. I was going to find out as she began to play with them, pulling them out over and over. I'm not going to estimate how big they finally got - just say they were bigger than they started and bigger than I had ever seen. A quick look at Linda and I think her eyes were open much wider than normal. Now Nancy began to pose and it was more like watching a porn movie or filming one than doing a boudoir shoot. She spread her legs, pulled her breast to her mouth and sucked first one nipple and then the other. She fingered herself with one finger, then two, then three and, sure enough, finally four. Next her back was to the camera and she bent over, pulling her feet wide apart. She spread herself, rubbed her clit, then a finger in her anus, then two.

All of the above took maybe 10 minutes. Nancy eyed the pond.

"After all that," she said nonchalantly, I don't suppose there's anything I could do in the pond that would be very exciting for Albert. Albert's my husband in case I didn't mention it before." Which she hadn't. With that she walked to the rock and began getting dressed. When she was dressed, she turned to Linda. "I hope I didn't offend you with my antics there. I just thought that's what Albert would need to get a little, um, well, inspired I guess." A quick giggle.

"No, not at all," Linda responded, which I knew wasn't totally true.

"Well, I'll be on my way then," Nancy said over her shoulder as she headed off on the path to the cars. "I'll call about the details tomorrow." She was obviously in a hurry to get somewhere and I wasn't about to keep her from wherever she was going.

Linda looked at me and all I could do was grin. She shook her head.

"I know you'd love to see my nipples all shriveled up here in the cold but I'm heading back to the studio. I should have worn two sweaters." A big grin since, for the first time after one of these picture taking sessions, she wasn't going to wonderfully attack me. I tried to look glum and morose but she wasn't buying it. We packed the camera away carefully and headed for the car.

Almost three weeks had passed and Peggy stopped by the studio to arrange for her bondage pictures. I told her that Jimmy, my brother, was willing to do this one too as he had done with her and her sister Lana. Since he and Peggy had gone to high school together and he had ogled her and fantasized about her then, he was more than happy to help out with her now. In fact, he worked for free and thanked me profusely for giving him the opportunity. I told Peggy not to worry about a thing and that Linda, Jimmy and I would take care of everything. When I talked to Jimmy to tell him about the date that had been selected, he said that would be perfect and he would be fine with that and would take care of getting all the special paraphernalia that he'd need. I told him she had a couple of dildos, nipple clamps and three suction devices, got a thanks for that info and another thank you for letting him be the bondage master - he was looking forward to it.

Jimmy was there early on that day, an expectant look on his face. He arrived carrying a black, canvas bag that seemed to be a little heavy as he lugged it through the front door.

"Looks like lots of stuff," I suggested to his accompanying nod.

Linda was there too, of course, as she had now nearly quit her job at the department store to help keep things going with the photography. Plus, since the wedding date was now set, she would soon really be a part of the business. As fortune would have it, behind the studio was an abandoned garage which I actually owned and we had decided it would be very appropriate for the bondage shoot since it was dilapidated and generally filled with junk. I had taken some lights back there and, surprisingly, all the electrical outlets worked. We took Jimmy back to show him what was available.

"Call Peggy," he told me, "and tell her to wear an old dress that she doesn't mind getting, well, destroyed." Linda had her assignment and was off to make the call. "We'll just bring her in here and I'll come in from outside and she'll just do what I tell her."

"I take it you've been doing some research on this?"

"You betcha Red Rider. Lots of internet time and shopping time as well."

"I don't think you're looking at this like a photo opportunity at all," I quipped at him. "I think it's just you having an adventure with good old Peggy Lambert."

"I do my thing, you do your thing, Peggy does her thing, and we all end up happy and satisfied. Now I'm going out to my car to hide till she gets here. Text me when she's in the garage and I'll get things started. I need a minute in the dressing room so you can get your camera stuff ready." He smiled and headed out the front door.