Physical Therapy


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"My dear Robin, I'm going to talk, and I hope you will listen to everything I have to say. First, and foremost, what you and this girl did, does not make you queer. Not even close. If I acted on what you've told me, and put moves on you, I'd probably lose my best friend."

Taking a breath, and realizing she was holding both of my hands, she continued.

"This lifestyle I've been living since I was fifteen years old, isn't for everyone. You've no idea what I've endured. Yes, I did have a child, but her father took off for parts unknown the minute I told him I was pregnant."

"If you truly care for me, you will take whatever we have slowly. This wouldn't be a one time thing. This would be twenty-four seven, three hundred sixty-five, no time off. You'll be ostracized by some friends, and possibly family, too. Knowing all this, do you want to see where this 'thing' might go?"

"I truly think I do. And just so you know, both my daughters fully support me, as do my grandkids. My sons-in-law are coming around, and have been nothing by supportive."

"Does that mean you want to see where we might be headed? And just so you fully understand, we aren't jumping in bed, fucking each other to the point of exhaustion."

"That's fine my dear, I can barely move, I'm so tired from all this."

Helping me to my feet, and walking me to my bedroom, she helped me into my bed, seeing that I was already in my pajamas. Pulling the covers up to my chin, she lightly kissed me on my lips, and whispered for me to sleep tight.

Waking up to make my nightly bathroom stop, I looked into my living room, seeing her sleeping on my couch.

I quietly moved to her side and whispered that she would be far more comfy in my bed.

Getting back into bed, we just stared at each other, smiling, and falling back to sleep.

Sometime around sun up, I felt her laying right up against my back. One arm was draped over my shoulder, with her fingers gently rubbing one nipple. I must have quietly sighed, which gave her permission to fully cup my breast.

I then felt her lips softly kissing my neck and down to my shoulder. All the while her hips were right up against my naked tush. I realized she had lowered my pajama bottoms, taking my panties with them.

I felt her hand moving off my boob and down my back to my ass crack. I must have tensed, which caused her to whisper for me to relax.

After wetting one finger, she gently slid it into my very virginal behind. Seventy-four years old, and was experiencing something brand new. My God this felt good.

Slowly, in and out, each time going a tiny bit deeper. With her other hand rubbing my throbbing clit, I didn't know if I was on foot or horseback.

Moving my body closer to her hand fucking my ass, I erupted like never before. Yes, my sessions with Kerry were amazing, but something about doing this with my best friend was on another plane.

Finally leaning into her embrace, I took her face and slowly kissed her, easing my tongue deeply into her very warm mouth.

Moving down to her very large nipples, I took one in my mouth and started moving back and forth like I was giving it a blow job. Hearing her panting, and feeling her body shaking, I knew I was doing something right.

After serveral more window rattling orgasms, we finally rolled onto our backs grinning like the cat who caught the canary.

"Louise Parker, I certainly hope if this was a test, I get a passing grade."

"Robin, if this was your first anticipated sex with another woman, not counting your encounters with your PT girl, I must say your get an A+ for effort, and a strong B+ for execution."

She said this with a huge grin on her face.

"I don't know about you, Lou, but I need a clean-up break."

As I was walking to the bathroom, all I heard her say, was I had a cute ass.

Getting back into bed, we just looked at each other, thinking about all the what ifs.

We actually did get a fairly decent night's sleep, and woke up grinning at each other.

"Good morning, my dear," I said.

"Good morning, yourself. You're going to learn that I don't function very well before my morning coffee," she said with a huge grin.

Getting coffee going, and figuring out what I had that would pass as breakfast, I just thought I should start our discussion.

"Want to talk about last night?"

"Sure. For our first time doing anything more than a hug or a peck on the cheek, I thought it bordered on smoking hot!"


"Robin, I don't tell lies to or about those I have sex with. It's counterproductive."

Taking each other's hands, we just slowly ate our breakfast, stopping to brush a wayward strand of hair out of each other's eyes.

"Do I take it my advanced age isn't going to be a problem?"

"Not if you don't keep asking me about it."

"When can I get to meet your grandson, your daughter and son-in-law?"

"Soon. Very soon. They do want to meet you, too."

"Louise, would I be moving too fast if we talked about moving in together?"

"Not really. But, can I ask if you want to take a ride on the back of my bike?"

Laughing, I told her I hadn't been on anything with only two wheels since junior high school.

After breakfast, we went out to her motorcycle, that looked even bigger, standing right next to it.

"I don't see anything for me to hold onto, except maybe your titties, while riding."

"Just sit on it to get a feeling of having something really exciting between your legs."

We spent the remainder of the weekend, laughing, joking, talking about every aspect of life, both together, and as individuals.

And yes, in bed, making love as tenderly as two people can. We found out just what we both loved having done to each other.

I found out I was more than capable of giving and receiving all the love we could give each other.

The entire week, we were together. Each night we'd spend in one of our beds, or the other.

After much consideration, I chose not to ride on her motorcycle. I did relent and sat on it, letting her start it up. That in itself was quite a rush.

With each day, we just grew closer. Yes, the sex was smoking hot, and yes, I'd started taking the lead on initiating our sex.

I actually progressed to the point of being the aggressor, and stayed on top. I realized that I could use one of our strap-ons on her, just as easily as she could on me.

We did actually spend time learning about each other's family history. She finally told me her parents were still living, having retired in Southern California, and she had virtually no contact with them for many years. She pictured them as the ultimate homophobic senior citizens.

This also had something to do with the fact her brother, two years older, had died of AIDS ten years previously.

Even though we were spending the majority of time in my house, she didn't totally move in. I guess she was keeping her place as a backup plan. Just in case.

As we became a couple, her daughter and husband started including us in their get-togethers, making us both a bit more sure of our relationship. It didn't hurt seeing their baby boy growing right before our eyes.

Colleen called us one afternoon saying they were having a family party for Eddie's three month birthday.

"Mom, I need to tell you grandpa and grandma will be here, too."

I could see on Lou's face the look of disappointment. I just took her hand in mine, and held it against my cheek.

"Lou, we should go, just to show them we are the more adult couple at this joyous event."

"I'll go, but only if you're right by my side."


Getting ready for Eddie's big family event, both of us were a bit on the nervous side, neither of us saying a word getting dressed.

Pulling up to the parking lot at the park where the party was being held, we noticed her parent's huge motor home, which sort of took my breath away. At least we had the good sense of going in my car and not on her bike.

We slowly started walking toward the entire group, as my kids and grandkids were already there.

I noticed the look in Lou's parent's eyes, as all four of my grandkids greeted her with hugs as they started doing even before we became a serious couple.

When Colleen and her husband, Joel came up to us, hugging us both, Colleen turn to her grandparents and introduced me.

"Robin, these are my grandparents, Leonard and Joyce Parker. Robin Martin."

"Hello, Leonard and Joyce, its nice to finally meet you."

Their reaction was less than cordial. Lou looked at them and said, "hello, mom and dad."

The silence was deafening.

I'd had just about enough.

"Listen, Leonard and Joyce, I want you both to know that I'd give anything to have either of my parents still be alive, so shame on both of you for Lou not living up to your idea of a perfect daughter. But, just so you know, my daughters, their husbands and all four of my grandchildren absolutely love her, it's too bad you can't see through you bigotry."

"Come on my love, let's go see your grandson."

With that we started walking toward my new god-son.

Not even looking back at her parents, I could feel their eyes boring into our backs. I could tell that Lou was on the verge of tears, but I whispered to her not to let them see her cry, letting them know you're the bigger person for not engaging in their hate.

It couldn't have been more than a few minutes, when the elder Parkers walked up to us and asked if we could have a few words.

"Certainly, but know that I won't tolerate any degrading talk about my girlfriend, your daughter. And just so you know, it was Lou who helped me get over the loss of my husband of forty-seven years."

"We both want what's best for Louise, and just have to try and accept the fact that you are going to be a part of her life," Leonard said.

"Mom, dad, I just want to live my life on my terms. You saw what my one relationship with Colleen's father turned out to be. And my nearly twenty year relationship with with Andrea who had the misfortune of getting pancreatic cancer, that, by the way, was treated by Dr. Aaron Martin, Robin's late husband. This fact was made known to me, months and months after Andrea lost her battle."

I was holding my lover's hand so tightly, I think her fingers were losing circulation.

After a few more minutes, I turned and walked away, heading back into the group of my family members. When I glanced over my shoulder I saw Lou and her dad hugging, a little.

That's a start, I thought to myself.

After a great lunch, and more visiting, plus holding Eddie as much as possible, we decided to leave

On our way back to my car, Joyce approached us, and softly told us how nice this visit was. Ending our conversation hugging her daughter.

Driving back home, Lou whispered to me, "when can I move in with you, totally?"

"How about yesterday, my love?"

It took less than a week to move the few remaining things.

We discussed the pros and cons of getting married, and decided that at our ages, we didn't need a piece of paper to make our union anything bigger than we already had.

All in all, I'd say my primary care doctor gave me the best advice I'd received in the time since my Aaron had passed away. Yes, I'd already met Louise Parker, but never had any inclination to partake in anything sexual with another woman.

The chance meeting with a physical therapist, named Kerry Bell opened my eyes to such a different prospective in the ability to love another human being, that I couldn't have ever imagined.

Yes, we encountered prejudice, but in my day, it would have been a hundred times worse. Now, we just thought of ourselves as two widows finding love in the most unlikely place. In the arms of another woman.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
RRC2RRC22 months ago

Great. Absolutely great.

Mizbilli53Mizbilli532 months ago

Two orgasms reading it

Craig1878Craig18782 months ago

Thanks to you and your wife for a wonderful sweet story. 5*

UpperNorthLeftUpperNorthLeft2 months ago

Wow, what a sweet story. Great characters, a swell romance, and a satisfying ending. 5*

EastCoaster1EastCoaster12 months ago

This 5-star tale of a couple who should have had nothing in common finding a relationship that let them each heal some major pain in their lives was very well done.

Age difference, sexual identity... neither matter in life when two souls meet & match as Robin and Lou did.

Very nicely done.

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