Physique Sports

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Female body builders initiation into the sport.
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I watched her carefully as she struggled to make up her mind to strip naked. The camera had a direct, full-body shot of her as she stood next to the lounger. She was a quiet one the kind they say you need to watch out for and I believed it. Over the past two years, I had watched this woman lose about 20 pounds of fat while packing on an amazing 10 pounds of lean muscle. She was at my grunt-gym when it opened at 6am every morning. She rarely spoke to anyone unless she asked to work-in on a piece of equipment. The usual muscle heads hadn't paid much attention to her that first year. Now, they watched her as she executed each rep of each set. Her muscles stood out, defined and pumped as she broke out into a sweat. Her form was perfect; she stopped herself if her form failed before she had reached her weight and rep goal. She'd back off, drink water and wait listening to whatever was playing on her CD player. She'd return, add more weight and go at it again. I knew she had a trainer; I didn't know who he was.

The think the idea of competing had come to her when I hung the poster for the Turquoise State 1993 competition. I had noticed her reading the bulletin board casually over the two years but when that poster went up, she studied it. Turquoise State was a popular competition for newly minted bodybuilders. It was a local competition so there wasn't the threat of some established and seasoned builder coming in and sweeping all the classes. This was a competition to get your feet wet. If she continued to work hard, got a decent posing routine, peaked at just the right time and got a decent tan, she had a good chance of at least taking one class. I knew all the female builders in the area and this newbie could give them some serious competition.

I'd opened Iron Athlete six years after my motorcycle accident had left me with one leg. I had made National levels in competition and was headed to World when a car pulling out in front of me on a rain-soaked night robbed me of my chance to ever realize my full dream. I wanted to exclusively train serious bodybuilders but the financial realities of running a gym soon showed me I had to open my doors to anyone with money and the desire to be in a no-frills environment. Looking at her across the room, I was pleased the open door policy gave everyone a place to start. With desire and a strong training ethic, anyone could build the body; the competing part was a whole different issue.

You have to be able to stand up in front of a room full of critical people in a tiny scrap of fabric and pose to show every muscle of your body to its best advantage. The tan and shaving ritual are another huge hurdle. Fortunately, living in Southern Arizona, sun was readily available. I'd had a finished terrace added to the flat roof of the gym so that nude sunbathing was available for those getting contest ready. Last Friday she had asked to be allowed to use the roof. I'd given her the key and gone up with her to show her the water source and how to get into the storage area to get a lounger. The roof is co-ed and I'm strict that no sexual contact is made or offered. She averted her eyes and had moved away from me when I talked about the "eye-ball all you want but no touchy stuff" policy. I've got cameras mounted for insurance purposes and to keep everyone honest and safe.

Wednesdays were typically quiet days most builders on split workout routines worked abs and then called it a day. I'd turned back towards the roof monitors after ringing up a protein drink and saw her lying flat face down; she was nude. Damn, I'd missed the to watch a woman remove her clothes. I'm not only a hard-core voyeur but an exhibitionist as are all of us who choose the physique sports. She had a great ass, tiny waist and broad shoulders accenting the nice flair of her back. No one else was on the roof; I'm sure she had planned her first tanning session with this in mind. We'll see soon enough if she has the required amount of exhibitionism in her blood to enjoy showing off her nude physique.

Working in my office on some paperwork, I noticed two regulars hanging out at the counter. When I walked over I saw they were watching the screen. She was lying on her back, her legs slightly spread, her arms extending over her head. She was fully shaved, her mons looked almost childish but her lean hips and shapely breasts were surprisingly full for such a small body the nipples were large and lightly colored. She was all-woman.

"Hey Matt this new one has what it takes. Think she's going to compete?" Franco asked as he turned away from the monitor.

"I think she might be considering it. She sure studies the Turquoise poster every time she comes in," I stated stepping behind the counter.

"Who's training her? She's always alone but her workouts are too good to be guesswork. Has to be old school -- look at her legs and back...yep, old school," Franco remarked staring into the screen.

"Don't know. But whoever it is they better have her working on her routine now or she won't be ready in time," I added.

"Well I'm going up for a closer look and to ah, oh yeah, sunbathe too," Franco laughed as he headed to the stairs.

I watched the monitor closely as he opened the door to the roof. She didn't move. I suppose she could have fallen asleep; I'd sure done that on more than one occasion. The warmth of the sun on tired, sore muscles soothed and lulled me into oblivion most days. She turned her head when Franco opened the door to the storage area.

"You can take mine I'm cooked for today," she said as she sat up moving her legs off the side of the lounger.

"Hey you don't have to leave on account of me," Franco said turning around to face her directly. He had taken off his shorts and was standing within 2 feet of her. Franco was a complete nudist at heart and a shameless womanizer. Not only did he have a carefully sculpted physique, he had been blessed with a naturally long, full, thick cock and pendulous balls.

She looked at him without looking away but I couldn't tell if she was blushing or embarrassed. She stood up pulled her towel off the chaise wrapping her body in one smooth motion. Slipping on her sandals she headed to the door. "Enjoy," she said as the door shut quietly behind her.

As she left, I asked her if she needed the key to the posing room.

"Yes, but not yet. I'll let you know. Bye Matt," she added leaving quickly.

I had no idea she even knew my name. The sound of her voice was sexy, no accent whatsoever it would be hard to guess where she might be from.

I was a few minutes late opening on Thursday morning. Three men waited at the door; she was in her truck. When she saw me walk up to the door, she got out and came in as I held the door open for her.

"Matt, my trainer is coming in this morning about 7am; can we use the posing room?" She asked as I flipped on lights, opened the front shades and rummaged around in the drawer for the posing room key.

"Yeah, sure, no one is scheduled," I replied to her back. She had already headed to the locker room. Well, I was going to know who her trainer was soon enough. I went in and checked the room. With no smudges on any of the mirrors and all of the lighting in order, the room was good to go.

She hammered her upper body through a grueling chest, delts and tricep workout in just over 50 minutes. Looking pumped and very sweaty, she kept glancing at the clock. At exactly 7am, as I live and breathe, Dale Granada, the 1990 Mr. Texas and runner up 1991, 1992 Mr. Universe opened the door and came in. She smiled and walked over to him showing him the posing room. Several of the meatheads nodded to Dale, he returned their nods with a smile. Ronnie, the current 1992 Mr. Arizona Natural walked up to Dale, they shook hands and spoke briefly. Ronnie walked into the posing room behind Dale. When the door shut a look of amazement flashed across the faces starring at the closed door. I walked up to the counter and switched the camera to the posing room. Ronnie was shaking hands with her then took off his T-shirt.

The next 15 minutes Dale put Ronnie through a dozen poses. She had stripped down to a tiny emerald green competitive-style bikini. Except for a lack of proper tanning, she looked great. Dale directed her into the basic poses, it was apparent she had been practicing because she hit 5 of the 12 perfectly the first time. I couldn't hear what they were saying I watched her face as Dale turned and spoke directly to her. She nodded and without hesitation she slipped the straps from her shoulders and removed her suit. Dale dimmed the lights and had her repeat the 5 poses she had done flawlessly. Her muscles reflected perfectly in the muted lighting. Without a doubt it was her back, ass, and thighs that were built best. Chest was amazing in that she was toned and tight yet still had probably C-sized breasts with huge nipples that stood out hard and erect. Her waist looked to be about 18 inches and I'd guess her hips were about 28 inches. Looking at herself in the mirror she made small changes as I saw Dale talking to her. Showing no signs of modesty, I knew she was a member of our physique club....a born voyeur and exhibitionist.

I realized just how hard I was concentrating when Franco came up and slapped me on the back. "Well our girl got the best, didn't she?" he said as he too stared into the monitor.

"She's serious man. Damn, this one is serious," Rudy added leaning in to watch the monitor as well.

"She don't seem shy. Think she's fucking him and that's why he's training her?" Jude asked joining the crowd at the front counter.

"Kate is his babe and I don't see her allowing him no extra on the side -- know what I mean," Franco said not allowing his eyes to leave the monitor.

Ronnie was now posing with her. It looked as though they were working on a couple's routine. Both nude, they could have represented the original Adam and Eve.

"Yeah, well Kate is a power-lifter she's a woman alright but not like this's like an 18 wheeler against a sports car. Hell, he's only human!" Jude laughed.

As they watched, Ronnie lowered her over his bent leg. She stretched out like a cat her legs naturally parted, her breasts were firm and splayed over her chest with shallow breathes she held the pose at least 30 seconds. As Ronnie started to assist her up in what was supposed to be a fluid motion, she slid off his thigh and fell onto the floor. She burst out laughing closed her eyes releasing her body into the floor. Ronnie got dressed as she raised herself off the floor. Dale gave her a piece of paper. She went over and picked up her towel wrapping her body. Grabbing her gym bag, stuffing the suit and the paper into the bag, Dale opened the door. Everyone scattered away from the monitor as first Ronnie then Dale exited the posing room. She headed to the locker room; Ronnie resumed his workout and Dale walked up to the front counter.

"Hey Matt good to see you," Dale said extending his hand.

"Dale," I nodded at my former training partner. "Good to see you. Didn't know you were back in Arizona. Certainly didn't know you were training our mystery woman." I added leaning back on the counter.

"Mystery woman? Yeah, Kate and I had an introduction to women's bodybuilding over at the No Holds Gym two years ago. We had 15 start and this one stuck it out. She wants to do the 93 Turquoise, looks like lightweight and couples" Dale stated. "She has to work on her tan and I gotta get Kate to help her with body hair so I was thinking I'd invite a few builders over to the house. Show her how hard-cores get tanned and slicked for competition. You want to join us? Ronnie and his woman are coming and I thought maybe a few of your men here would want to attend as well. We'll cook up some chicken breasts and have tons of salad. You in?" Dale asked.

"Sounds great, I'll get a few lined up. Where you living these days?" I asked.

Dale had been writing on a paper. He handed it to me and said, "Gotta meet Kate for a workout. Here are the directions. No need to bring anything we'll have it all."

Just as he walked out the door, she came out of the locker room wrapped in a towel her hair wet. She unlocked the door to the roof and went up the stairs. As I switched the camera to roof mode, she had dropped her towel, walked over to the storage closet and took out a lounger. No modesty at all she was parading around the roof buck naked.

Yes, I do believe our Mystery Woman has a large dose of exhibitionism in her, I thought to myself. I opened up the file drawer leafing through several files I pulled out her folder, Marisa Louise Termar, aged 28, lived only 3 miles from the gym, an RN, huh.....well....I like nurses something real earthy about a woman who gets up close and personal with complete she is an adrenaline junky too. Yep I was going to the gathering at Dale's; it was about time I got to know this woman. My strength in competition had always been tanning and posing; I could help her win.

An hour later as she left I stopped her, "Marisa, isn't it?" I asked. She nodded and flashed a beautiful smile.

"Dale told us about the gathering be great to see you there," I said. Again she simply nodded and left. I watched as her truck pulled out of the parking lot. Yeah, the quiet ones, you always have to watch out for the quiet ones.

Friday morning she was working back and biceps then packed up her bag. As she left, she told me she'd be back to do a later evening leg routine. It was 7:30pm when she began her leg routine. I wandered over to the squat rack. "You ever try lying squats?" I asked.

She shook her head no and maintained a steady gaze. She had hazel eyes such a beautiful shade of green with flecks of yellow. I motioned her over to the lying squat machine. "How much you lifting on squats?" I asked

"200 pounds on Tuesday," she replied quietly. I loaded the lying machine with 3-45 pound plates. "I think this will be easy for you go ahead and begin here. Lying squats get the hamstrings and tie-ins the best.....give you a very tight ass," I chuckled. Damn she already had a tight ass!

I coached her into the proper position under the platform. Her gym shorts had fallen away from her inner thighs with no panties underneath I had a clear view of her shaved labia. She pushed the lever to release the weight. Breathing in she lowered the weight then blowing out she raised it with very little effort.

"Ok, now when you get it down, let it come all the way down. The knees aren't as impacted in this lying position so you can get really low and explode up," I explained adding an additional 90 pounds to the platform.

Focusing on the movement she again released the lever and steadied her feet. Breathing in she lowered the platform quickly then resting at the bottom she experimented with seeing how low she could allow the weight stack to drop. With a loud, determined outbreath she quickly moved the platform to its top position. She repeated this 9 more times. The last two reps had her sweating visibly and as she topped out the tenth and final rep she closed her eyes allowing her legs to spread wide open under the platform. I stood above her staring at her visibly erect nipples through her sweaty workout shirt.

When I looked up at her face she was looking into my eyes. Damn, busted! She smiled and I knew I'd been caught. "Good set," I said moving away. "Now do two more sets and maybe add another 45. You're lifting heavy so start thinking about a split routine to give yourself at least 4 hours between workouts on the same day."

She did add another 45; she got her two sets of 10 completed. Her legs were trembling as she sat on a bench nearby to record her new moves. She moved on to lunges and then to calves. She looked dog tired as she walked into the locker room. Yep, split routines were the way she'd have to go......back and legs in one session was just too much. I'd ask to see her routine in the morning -- just check to see how much she was doing.

I was closing up the gym about 9pm and knew a light bulb had burned out in the women's locker room figured I'd change it now rather than wait till morning. I opened the door moving the ladder inside and went into the shower area sure enough two bulbs were out. When I entered the changing area, someone was asleep on the lounger. I flipped on the light; there, lying on her side was Marisa, sound asleep, covered only partially by her towel.

Her hair, still damp, was curling around her face; one hand lay on her right breast which was completely uncovered, such a luscious large nipple and a pale pink areola. Her breath was smooth, slow and steady; she was deeply asleep. Her left leg was bent at the knee, her legs spread the towel just barely covering her mons. I walked over gazing down at her then reached over and slowly pulled the towel off of her. She was clean-shaven her labia were clearly visible her clit was huge there was a slight glistening at her slit. The urge to touch her, to run my fingers down her smooth flat belly to push my finger inside her knowing she'd be warm, wet and tight was overwhelming. As I stared at her labia my hand poised above her pubic bone, she shifted. When I glanced at her face, she was looking at me. Her eyes heavy with sleep, she reached out took my hand placing it at her opening. Two fingers slid in easily; she groaned humping firmly into my hand. Mesmerized by the feel of her silky interior, I stroked her; her breathing became faster and more irregular. She reached down pressing my hand harder into her body grinding into my fingers.

"Oh yes, please," Marissa whispered breathlessly. A loud, needful-moaning, she was moving faster into my now slippery wet hand her hips rising off the lounger then a sudden deep push. I felt her internal muscles milking my fingers rhythmic spasms continued for several minutes. Her eyes closed, a sheen of sweat covered her nude body my fingers remained deeply buried until finally she completely relaxed sinking into the lounger. I slowly removed my fingers watching her face as she stared up at me. "Thank you," I said; she smiled at me, "Thank YOU!"

Adjusting my hard cock so I could walk, I said, "Let's go into the posing room. I want to show you a move that will have everyone cheering."

She rolled over dropping her feet to the floor. Nude, she followed me. The door to the posing room was unlocked. As we entered I hit the switch on the wall; the room was immediately bathed in bright lights. I stripped off my clothes being very aware she would see my prosthetic leg. As I turned toward her there was also no way to hide my hard cock.

She glanced down then looked up at me with a smile on her face, "Looks like your muscles stay hard all the time."

I smiled at her comment then moved into a full frontal pose my chest muscled and ripped, my biceps hard, smooth mounds, my right leg was extended. I stuck all 12 poses perfectly. As I finished, my body had a light sheen of sweat covering it. Although not rigidly hard now my cock was hanging long over a full scrotum. Marissa's eyes never left the mirror.

"The poses you need to work on are the frontal poses. You can't be shy. This is where you show the pecs, arms, abs, waist and you want the illusion of length down your extended leg. You're short that will work to your advantage because your muscles are bunched and heavy," I said standing behind her looking in the mirror our eyes locked on each other.

"You're a very sexy woman; you've worked hard. This is where you show everyone what you got; you've got it!" I said motioning her to follow my lead in a full frontal pose.

"Your breasts are a blessing they are full and luscious looking and your nipples are large and hard. The judges are mostly men and it will not be lost on them. They'll want to concentrate on pec development but they'll desperately want to suck the nipples they see poking out at them," I said as we moved together into a slightly oblique frontal pose.