Picking up the Pieces Ch. 09


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"Is his Mom coming or is his grandfather bringing him?" Amanda asked her brother.

Phillip admitted that he didn't know who was coming with Tommy to select their tree.

"I don't want you running around bumping into customers and spilling their hot chocolate. I'll call you when Tommy gets here," Brian said.

"I'll come with him to make sure he doesn't get into trouble, Dad," Amanda said.

"I'm not a baby," Phillip said, but he wanted to ride in the wagon with Tommy, and didn't protest his sister's offer.

Light snow was drifting in from the north, beginning to cover the frozen ground. The snow created a festive mood and was good for business. Shoppers were coming out of the flea market buildings with bags of gifts in one hand, and a cup of hot chocolate in the other.

Brian dialed his home number as soon as he recognized Marian's car being parked. The kids came out of the house only seconds later, like they'd been dressed for the outdoors and were waiting for the call. Amanda was holding Phillip's hand, and racing toward Marian's car.

John was returning with a wagon load of kids, their parents, and trees. Brian was there to assist in off-loading the trees and helping the children to the ground.

"You haven't called me about the roll-top desk. I hope you haven't sold it," Marian said, as Brian helped to support her as she climbed onto the wagon.

"I'll have it ready to show right after the first of the year."


"I promise," he said.

He met the return trip of the wagon, helped everyone down, and carried Marian's tree to her car. She held both Tommy and Phillip by the hand, and Amanda just tagged along, talking excitedly to Marian. Brian soon discovered that his daughter was hinting to go on another shopping trip.

He was tying the tree to the top of her car, when Marian asked, "Has Sherri Casco contacted you recently? I've noticed that you haven't been to any of our meetings."

"She must have given up on me," he quipped.

Brian was opening her car door when she said she hadn't paid for the tree.

"It's on the house. Thanks for helping Mandy with her school clothes."

Marian hesitated. "We haven't had a cup of your famous hot chocolate. Come on, kids, my treat," she said, and the five of them walked to the snack bar.

Brian excused himself, saying he had to make sure no one got hurt climbing off the wagon. A few minutes later he noticed that Marian was escorting Amanda and Phillip to their front door. She waved goodbye as she and Tommy were getting into her car. He waved back.

The next morning, he learned that Amanda had been successful with her campaign for a shopping trip. "Marian says it's just us girls. Tommy is going to stay with Phillip."

Brian gave her a wink and a nod, silently telling her to raid the safe for the cash she would need.

January 2007

As the first anniversary of Peggy's death approached, Brian became more and more melancholy. Henrietta must have seen the sadness in his eyes. One night, when she accepted a ride home with him, she invited him in for a drink.

Brian was astonished at how little furniture there was in the apartment. He suspected that there was a bed in her bedroom, but since the door was closed he couldn't be certain.

"Have a seat," Henrietta said, lowering her long, lithe body to the floor and leaning her back against the wall. She was wearing a black uniform, but she had removed the white apron. The short skirt crept up above her knees, showing where the black stockings ended. She wore comfortable, soft-soled shoes, black of course.

She noticed Brian look around the room before taking a seat next to her. "I told you that I'm not particular. I work long hours and only need a place to sleep," she said, handing him the bottle of Jack Daniels.

"I know you work long hours," Brian agreed. He'd seen her in the café at all hours of the day. He tipped the bottle back, and handed it back to her.

Brian was not accustomed to drinking whisky, and it didn't take too many passes of the bottle before he was feeling tipsy. The alcohol was affecting Henrietta too, although she may have been pretending that it did.

"Do you remember that I only needed a place to stay until I turned a profit? I owe you some money for rent."

"You already turned a profit? Congratulations! I had a good feeling about you, but you don't owe me any money. Stay here as long as you want."

"I had a good feeling about you too," she said, handing him the bottle.

"It's been a long year, but we're finally turning the corner," he said, beginning to slur his words. He almost dropped the bottle. They laughed and Brian put his arm around her.

"It's been a year since you bought this apartment building and the restaurant and hardware store?" Henrietta asked, taking a long drink from the bottle before handing it to him.

"It's been a year since I lost Peggy. She's been gone a year."

"I'm sorry, Brian, but you've got to let go."

"We were going to take the kids to Disney World. Peg was going to marry me."

"I don't think you should have any more to drink," she said, taking the bottle. "I don't have a place to put you up for the night."

"Don't worry, I'm harmless."

"I don't know about that, Brian. You're an attractive guy, and it's been a long time since I kicked my old man out."

"I told you not to worry. I only do it for money. You got any money?" Brian asked. He was rocking them back and forth.

Henrietta didn't know if she should be irate, shocked, or just amused. "Do I look like someone that has to pay for it? Who did you fuck for money?"

"It wasn't just for money. I fucked her to get even with her husband and her father," he said, slumping to one side.

Henrietta didn't find out who the woman was. She struggled to move him into her bedroom and Brian was snoring before she got his shoes and pants off. She covered him with a blanket, removed her own clothes, and got into the bed.

The night created a level of trust between Brian and Henrietta that neither thought possible. She never offered him a drink again, and they never slept in the same bed after that night. But their friendship was solid.

It was a one-on-one relationship. Few knew about their friendship. They never went out in public and he never invited her to his home again. They respected each other, even sought the other's advice.

February 2007

Actually, it was Henrietta that encouraged him to accept Sherri Casco's invitation to a Valentine's Day party.

"It's been over a year, Brian. Do you think Peggy would want you moping around on her birthday? Who knows, you may be able to help someone who is going through the same thing you've been through," Henrietta said.

Brian called Sherri to say he was coming to the next meeting that just happened to be on the fourteenth of February.

But something came up and he didn't make the meeting. The Leach brothers, Max and Mark, were interested in leasing the hardware store, and were only in town for one day. They had experience in the business, enough cash to pay for the inventory, and to carry them through the first few months. Brian and the brothers negotiated until three o'clock in the morning, took a four hour break, and met at the café to resume talks.

Brian introduced the brothers to Henrietta, saying that she'd recently leased the café and was already profitable.

Henrietta had the same problem as Brian; she couldn't tell the brothers apart. Max was eleven months older, but they could pass for identical twins, from the same hair color, to the same dimple in their chins, to the clothes they wore.

"Tell me one of you is left-handed," she said, and watched them smile and shake their heads.

She tried again. "Which one of you has the longest cock?"

"I do, but I'm married," Max said.

Mark shook his head. "That's not true, and I can prove it."

"Step into my office,' Henrietta said, and to Brian's surprise, Mark got up and followed her. They were back a minute later, both blushing. She slid into the seat next to Brian. "Not to worry, Honey. You've got them beat, not by much, but still, you define Big!"

Brian was horrified at her actions. "I bought them in here for you to tell them what a great landlord I am, and you turned it in to a contest to see who has the biggest cock."

Henrietta excused herself, leaving the Leach brothers grinning at each other.

Brian waited until closing time to return to the café. "I'm so ashamed by the way I acted today. While I don't approve of your methods, I must admit that it was you that closed the deal. The Leach brothers are taking over the hardware store at the end of next mouth."

"It's all perception, Brian. Men who think they have the biggest cock feel superior."

"Does Mark have a big cock?"

"I don't know. I told him that you are six inches, and if his was bigger, I didn't need to see it."

"Why did you tell them that I'm bigger?"

"That was to bolster your confidence. You went away thinking that you had the biggest cock and got them to agree to take the deal. Mark told Max what I said about you only being six inches, and they decided to sign the lease."

Brian was past trying to follow her logic. All he knew was that he had a commitment from the Leach brothers, and while he credited Henrietta with playing a part in making the deal, he was still dubious about her methods.

"Remind me to tell you about the time Peggy measured me. I probably make the Leach brothers look like little boys."

"Why do men want us to think they're hung like a horse?'

"Why do women want us to believe they have a tight pussy?" Brian countered.

"Not me. You must be referring to the banker. I've never claimed that I have a tight pussy."

The enormity of their conversation struck him. "I've never known a girl like you, someone I could say anything to and know she wouldn't freak out."

"I've never known a man like you either. If I could find a black man as easy to talk with, I'd never let him go."

"Why does he have to be a black man?" Brian asked, knowing immediately that he had crossed the line.

He needn't have worried. She didn't take exception. "If I was going to take up with a white man, you'd be the first one I would think of, Brian, but I couldn't do that."

Brian wanted to ask her why, but he didn't want to risk offending her. She must have seen the way his lips were pursed. She locked the door to the café, shook it, and turned to him. "You want to know why, don't you? I'm sure that we would be good together. You'd be the right size, and I'd be tight for you."

They were on the sidewalk. The street was quiet, and their bodies cast a shadow from the overhead light. He pulled her close, hoping she wouldn't notice his hard-on. He whispered into her ear. "You don't need to explain. I know we would be good together. I'd fill you up. We wouldn't be able to get enough of each other. We'd always want more, but it would be impossible for us to be completely satisfied. We'd be nagged constantly by the question; 'has sex replaced our friendship?'"

Henrietta pulled her head back, smiling through tear-stained eyes. Her kiss was passionate, lip-sucking, tongue-lashing, and intense. Brian had his hands on her ass and she was dry-humping his cock when it suddenly ended. He was surprised to feel her shaking with laughter.

"What's funny?"

"I was thinking what you said about our friendship. What if your cock was too small and my pussy was too loose?"

Brian knew it was nothing personal. She had come to her senses, and this was her way of breaking the tension. "You'd tell people that my cock is miniscule, and I'd let them know that your pussy is huge. We'd become enemies."

"That's right. It's better if we keep things as they are. What do you say, friend?"

"I'll walk you home," he said, removing his hands from her ass.

"Brian, don't temp me. Right now, I want so badly to find out if we would be good together, that I don't trust myself letting you walk me home. Our friendship means more to both of us, doesn't it?"

Brian knew that it was up to him. If he had said their friendship was secondary, she would have taken his hand and pulled him to the apartment. "You're right, friend," he said, and watched her walk away without looking back. Did she know his eyes followed her tall frame until she turned the corner and disappeared?

~ When Sherri called to invite him to the March meeting, Brian declined, saying he and his children were going on their first family vacation.

March 2007

Leasing the hardware store lifted a weight from Brian's shoulders. For the first time in years, he was going to leave the business behind for a week.

Amanda and Phillip were excited about going to Disney World. Mary declined to go, saying she needed to keep an eye on things at home.

"Dad, can Tommy go with us?" Phillip asked.

"May I invite Tommy to go with us," his sister corrected him. "If you let him take Tommy, I get to take Madge," Amanda argued.

"Why can't you guys enjoy each other's company?" Brian asked, not wanting to be responsible for the safety of two more kids for a week.

"What if Tommy's mom comes with us?" Amanda suggested.

"She wouldn't want to go," Brian said. He didn't want to be reminded about the roll-top desk; he had not had time to ready it for sale.

Amanda and Phillip wouldn't let the issue rest. They pestered him to take Madge and Tommy with them on vacation. Mary was no help; she sided with the kids.

"I'm getting the impression that Phillip has already talked to Tommy about our trip, and Amanda has told Madge that she's working on me," he said to Henrietta.

They were in her office, having coffee. She finished a telephone call, leaned back in her chair, and propped her feet up on the desk. "Do you want me to talk to the banker's daughter?"

"What the fuck! No, I don't want you talking to anyone on my behalf. If I decide to invite her to go, I'll do it myself," he said, trying to seem indignant, but grinning when he saw the expression on his friend's face.

"Why are you telling me about it, then? I see her when I'm in the bank, and she comes here for lunch sometimes. She asks about you."

"You're shitting me."

"Don't you want to know what she asks?"

"I'm not interested," Brian said, getting up to leave, but stopping at the door. "Thanks for the coffee...okay, what does she want to know?"

"She wants to know if I'm fucking you," Henrietta said, and for a second, he thought she was being serious. "Don't be alarmed. We're not that close, and I wouldn't tell her even if we were...you know, fucking. She always stops me. At first, it was to ask how the business was going, but now it has progressed to how big your cock is, and if I always orgasm."

Brian shook his head, knowing she wasn't going to give him a straight answer. He was opening the door when Henrietta stopped him.

"Face it, Brian. You know you want her to go with you."

That evening when Amanda brought up the invitation of her friend to come with them, Brian went to the phone and called Marian.

"We're going to Florida next week and Phillip wants..."

She cut him off with, "I've heard."

"Amanda wants to take a friend."

"I know that, too," she said, as if to say, 'you're not telling me anything I don't know.'

"Did Amanda talk to you about this?"

"Brian, would you like for me to go along to help with the children?"

"I could use some help, I'll pick up all the expenses."

A long silence followed, and it occurred to Brian that he had made it sound like he was hiring her to baby-sit. "It may be fun. I'm ready for a vacation, and I suspect you are too."

"That's better," Marian said. They made arrangements to meet at her house the following night to make plans.

Amanda wanted to call her friend, but Brian said it would be better if he spoke to Madge's parents, a dentist and his wife. Brian explained that it was to be a birthday celebration for his son and daughter. He assured them that Mrs. Keratin was going along to help chaperone the children. Brian could almost hear the dentist's eyebrows rise at the mention of Marian's name, but he saw no reason for further explanation. People would think what they wanted.

Marian had purchased a large home, reminiscent of the Victorian era. Tommy took Phillip and Amanda for a tour of the basement playroom, while Brian sat down with Marian to discuss the trip.

Brian had reserved a two-bedroom, two-bath hotel suite. There was also a kitchenette and a common room. It was agreed that she and Amanda would occupy one room while he and the boys would occupy the other bedroom. Once the sleeping arrangements were out of the way, Marian let Brian plan the activities. They would go to Disney World two days, lie around the pool two days, take in other attractions one day, and play the rest of the trip by ear.

"Don't forget shopping," Marian joked.

Except for breakfast, meals would be taken in local restaurants.

"That was fast," Brian said, getting up to leave.

"Would you like to see the rest of the house?" she asked. It would be bad manners to refuse her.

The downstairs layout was what he expected, large, well-furnished rooms, with lots of artwork and draperies. There were four rooms upstairs, the master bedroom, Tommy's room, a guest bedroom, and an empty room that overlooked the backyard.

"I can't select the rest of the furniture until I decide where the desk will go." Marian said, looking wistfully at him.

Brian admitted that he had been dragging his feet, but vowed to have the roll-top desk ready for her inspection before they left on their trip.

The desk needed a thorough cleaning, inside and out. Otherwise, the mahogany finish was perfect.

Marian and Tommy came home on Wednesday afternoon to find Brian's truck in the driveway. Brian and John were waiting to unload the desk and carry it up to the second floor.

"Mr. Driver, this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. If I didn't know better, I would think you're trying to impress me."

"I've been stringing you along for six months. I thought it was time I delivered."

"Do you mind telling me how much you want for it before you carry it upstairs?" Marian asked, smiling coyly.

"I don't know what its worth. We'll talk about the price after you decide you like it," Brian said, already entering the front door with the heavy desk in tow.

Marian didn't object. "You know I already love it," she said, willing to accept any price he quoted.

John had been working for Brian since he was a senior in high school and had always been respectful of the boss. But on this occasion, he made an exception.

"That desk is worth thousands. If I didn't know better I would think you have an ulterior motive."

John didn't know how correct he was. Brian didn't know it at the time either. That was about to change.

"The 'girls' sat together on the flight and the 'boys' sat in front of them. It was the same in the rental car.

Marian suggested that Madge call her parents to say that they had arrived at the hotel, and then Amanda was chosen to make the same call to her grandmother.

For the first two days the vacation went as planned, touring Disney World one day and hanging out at the pool the next. The warm weather and the exercise were exhausting and everyone went to bed early.

The third day was less tiring. It was a shopping day, followed by pizza to celebrate Amanda's and Phillip's birthdays. Amanda mentioned that it was also Brian's birthday, and when Marian learned that he was thirty years old, she said, "You're old."

The kids retired to their rooms to play the new games they had received, leaving Brian and Marian to clean up the leftover pizza and discarded wrapping paper.

"I take it that you haven't hit the big Three-O," Brian said.