Picture of Betrayal


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All I wanted to do was settle down in my humble little abode and relax, but first I had to stop by the studio and unload. It really did feel good to be home. It almost felt as if the walls hugged me as I walked in. It was almost eight o'clock by the time I walked into my apartment.

Good old frozen dinners; I still had a couple. I popped one in the microwave and started a pot of coffee. I tried to stay up and watch a little TV but fell asleep in the chair. I had no idea what time I woke up and stumbled into bed but it was nearly ten the next morning when I finally woke up.

By the time I showered, dressed, and walked down to Denny's for breakfast and back, it was noon when I made my first call for the day; it was to my business manager. Yeah, I was big time now. I needed him. He was Steve Warren. All my business calls went through him. He would in turn call me when he knew I had time to talk and we would discuss what jobs I would take, then he would schedule them. He would also make all the travel plans and reservations. There was no way I could do all that myself anymore.

When we talk there is no chitchat; no—how was your trip, or anything like that, just business. As soon as he picked up on the other end he got right to it.

"How would you like to work with Alecta?"

"Really? I'd love it."

"How'd you like to shoot the Sports Illustrated swim suit edition?"

"You got to be kidding?" There were a few jobs in my industry where being picked to shoot was equivalent to winning a prestigious award, the SI swim suit was one of them. "I supposed you're going to tell me I have to pick between one or the other?"

"Nope; Alceta's already been accepted to be one of the models. She suggested you for the shoot and SI's editor thought it was a good idea."

"I'm in," I enthusiastically yelled into the phone. "Where are we going to shoot?"

"Bora Bora," he replied. "Now, hold on, I'm not done yet. It's nothing definite yet but your name is also being bandied around to shoot next year's Pirelli calendar."

I was speechless. The Pirelli calendar was another such prestigious shoot. "I won't get my hopes up on that one, Steve." I think I was suffering from assignment overload. I just couldn't see myself getting both jobs. He had also booked a shoot at the studio on Wednesday for Feminine Classics. He said they wanted a rainy night scene for a new line of raincoats. Since there wasn't a drop of moisture predicted I'd have to create the rain myself. I already had a pretty good idea how and where to do the shot.

After we hung up I had to celebrate. I called Sid and invited her out to dinner on Saturday...as well as a roll in the hay, later. I also called Jerry to let him know I was back in town. He and Gwen immediately invited me over for Sunday dinner to hear all about my adventures. I had sent them a few postcards from various faraway lands.

I never leave things till the last minute so I drove down to the studio to unpack my gear and get started on some sketches for Wednesday's shoot. As usual, whenever I get involved in something work related, time got away from me and the next thing I knew my stomach was growling. I called it a day and went home for some dinner and a good night's sleep.

Saturday night was enjoyable. As I said before, there were no romantic sparks between Sid and me but we had become good friends with benefits. She was intelligent, a good conversationalist, and damn good in bed. We went out to a nice restaurant for dinner then to a jazz club she liked. We got back to my place about midnight. By that time we were both hot to trot.

We started undressing each other as soon as the front door closed. We left a trail of socks, panties, bra, and jockey shorts that a blind man could follow to the bedroom. By the time we reached the bed we were both naked. Usually, Sid hops aboard the mattress but this time she pushed me backwards. The back of my legs hit the sideboard and sat with flop.

"Spread'em," she demanded.

I did as she ordered, and was I glad I did. Sit knelt between my legs and encircled my hard cock with her moist lips. I put my hands behind me and leaned back. I'd never had anyone who could deep throat like Sid. I could feel her nose buried in my pubic hair and her chin bouncing against my balls.

About the time juices were starting to stir, she backed off with an impish grin. She teased the head with the tip of her tongue then licked the entire shaft like it was a lollypop. "Oooh, that's getting much too big to carry around," she said with grin. "I know just the place to keep it."

She climbed on the bed next to me and lay down. I was going to help lubricate her with my fingers but she didn't need it.

"I'm already all set, baby, just stick it in," she said in a husky voice.

She really did feel good as I slid in and out of those smooth, warm, welcoming heavenly gates. Throughout the night we fucked two more times with another blow job in between. Since she had no work the next day she spent the night. I loved it when she did that because our communal showers the next morning were always memorable.

Sunday was my day to have dinner at Gwen and Jerry's. They both wanted to hear all about Greece. They'd always wanted to go but couldn't afford it. They were still saving up though so they wanted to know all about it.

I called to see if they had room for one more and brought Sid with me. I pretty much kept everyone in awe all during dinner and for a while afterward. They all almost jumped out of their seats when I told them I shot Nicole Reynolds in London for a magazine ad. Nicole was one of the biggest movie stars of the silver screen; not to mention she was absolutely gorgeous.

Then there was super model Claudia Stafford. Jerry wasn't familiar with her but Gwen knew who I was talking about. I was surprised when she disappeared for a minute then came back with a Victoria's Secret catalog and pointed her out to Jerry. His eyes about bugged out of his head. "Damn," was his only comment.

"Let me see," requested Sid. Gwen showed her the picture of Claudia adorned in a see-through bra and panty set. Sid looked up at me with a raised eyebrow. I simply smiled.

"Did you guys get my postcards?" I asked.

"Yeah, so did your ex," Spouted Jerry before Gwen tried to shush him.

"My ex? I didn't send her any postcards.

"I...I accidently dropped one when she was here for coffee one day," explained Gwen. "She was sitting at the kitchen table when I set the mail down. I didn't know it was there until it dropped on the floor. It slid under her chair so she picked it up to give it back and saw it was from you.

"It was the one from the Virgin Islands. She didn't say anything but she had tears in her eyes as she handed it back."

I couldn't help a little sigh. I knew how she must have felt. "It had to be the one from there," I responded. "We went there on our honeymoon. Except for that trip we took to Nova Scotia a few years ago it was the only time she'd been outside of the United States. She always wanted to go back. Knowing I was there without her had to really hurt."

"I feel sorry for her," volunteered Sid. "I'll bet a day doesn't go by that she doesn't regret what she did."

"I know that for a fact," Gwen replied.

Later that evening Gwen and Sid went off for some girl talk so Jerry and I strolled out to his deck with a couple of beers.

"You really are living the good life, aren't you," he commented, "London, Greece, exotic islands...damn, man."

"You're right about that. Every day I wake up wondering if it's all just a dream."

"I don't think Stacy will ever forgive herself. She and Gwen still talk almost every day. She can't believe how she screwed up. She says you'd have taken her along to Europe with you."

"She's right. If we were still married there's no way I would have left her home. The last time I talked to her though, she was going out with some guy she'd met at work. She said he was real nice. Are they still dating?"

"Yeah, Spencer; he is a really nice guy. We've all gone out to dinner together on a few occasions but...well, he's boring. He's a salesman and he just always seems to be selling. I don't mean it literally. He doesn't hold up a box of soap or anything like that. It's just the way he talks. He loves Stacy though. You can see it in his eyes every time he looks at her. I think they'll probably wind up getting married."

"Good, I'm happy for her," I said with sincerity. "You know, Jerry, it's really funny how things work out. If I hadn't come home that day and discovered Stacy was cheating on me, I'd never be where I am professionally. I'd still be shooting for a few local ad agencies."

"You're a talented guy, Shayne. It was only a matter of time..."

"No way," I replied before he even finished his statement. "I would have never walked into that motel and seen Alecta. That's what started the whole thing. I worked with her and was responsible for getting her started as a model. In turn she recommended me for a couple of major shoots and here I am."

I took a swig of beer and continued. "I have to tell you, Jerry, I'm having a ball. I'm not usually the kind to kiss and tell and please—don't say anything to anyone else, not even Gwen, but you know I said I worked with Nicole Reynolds and Claudia...well I also slept with both of them."

That got Jerry's attention. "What?" he almost screamed.

"Shhh," I admonished him. "Yep, both of them...and they weren't the only ones. I sucked on Kate's nipples too."

"Kate?" Jerry was about to ask Kate who when he got my clue about her nipples. "You don't mean—Kate?" he said while putting his hands under his chest and pushing up, trying to imitate a set of boobs.

"Yep, that's exactly who I mean; ex Playboy centerfold and movie star. And you know what...they're real," I said with a big grin. "I played motorboat with those puppies for three nights in a row in the Virgin Islands. She also gives one hell of a blow-job. Of course there's no way I would have done that if I was still married.

"I'm telling you, Jerry, it's like magic. All of sudden people know my name. I meet a beautiful woman and she comes on to me. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever consider my career would get to this point. I just got word the other day that I'm going to shoot the next Sports Illustrated issue. I'm also in contention for a Pirelli calendar. I'm at the top of my profession, Jerry, and it happened practically overnight."

I took another sip. "I was thinking the other night, being in love and having someone in love with you is wonderful. I'll admit there are times when I miss it, especially when I see you and Gwen together or Marcy and her guy. But right now I'm having the time of my life. I'm not saying that I won't settle down again someday, I'm sure I will, but for right now I'm going to enjoy being a swinging bachelor. Until cupid's arrow finds me, I am going to make as much money, do as much traveling, and sleep with as many movie stars and super models as I can," I told him with a big grin.

"To you and bachelorhood," Jerry said, holding up his beer for a toast.

"To bachelorhood," I repeated, clinking our bottles together.


I really had a blast shooting with Alecta again. When she first saw me arrive on location in Bora Bora, she ran up and jumped in my arms like I was her long, lost daddy. We always worked well together and out of the six models SI had hired for the shoot, she was selected for the cover.

Since then I've pretty much been around the world on one assignment or another. Marcy and Aaron got married. He quit his job and I put him on the payroll so they could travel together. He doesn't make much but Marcy is doing very well so it works out.

I'm doing exactly what I told Jerry I would. So far I think I've fucked my way through half of Hollywood's most gorgeous stars and most of the cover girl super models. I made it a goal to screw every top Victoria's Secret model and I only have two to go.

I still get home now and then. When I do I always check in with friends, especially Jerry and Gwen as well as Sid. The last time I visited they told me Stacy and Spencer were getting married. I still hadn't met him, he evidently knew all about me, though. According to Gwen, Stacy never stops talking about me...poor Spencer. Gwen told me Stacy was trying to decide if she should invite me to the wedding. I asked the date and it turned out I would be on assignment in the Cayman Islands at the time, anyway.

Well, I have to catch a flight to L.A. I've been invited to a party at the Playboy mansion. Who knows, maybe I'll meet the girl of my dreams there...maybe not. I'm sure as hell going to get laid though.

The End.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 days ago

Baloney. Another great to be divorced story from fantasy land

AnonymousAnonymous19 days ago

As usual, I read the comments after my comment. One question, what story are 25 percent of you reading? The rest of us are reading 'Picture of Betrayal'.

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymous19 days ago

Photography would normally be a boring read for me (most of my pictures are of my thumb or one of its sisters) but this is my second read of a great tale. Thanks LTW.

somewhere east of Omaha

The_John_YossarianThe_John_Yossarian24 days ago

This writer writes stories that move well, keep my interest, and are not full of stupid car, booze, or gun information. Moreover, he can write without depleting the cliche and/or recycled ideas banks. I hope LaptopWriter is selling some of his excellent work, because it is that good.

DukeofPaducahDukeofPaducahabout 2 months ago

25k word count without an irrelevant paragraph is testament to your skill and creativity.

Shayne was largely a sympathetic character despite his intractable attitude toward forgiveness, At the close however, he was little more than a boner vane, pointing in the direction from whence the pheromones flowed. Slutty old soul.

To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.

Lewis B. Smedes


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