Pictures Never Lie: A Love Story Pt. 02


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I cooked for us and we ate and he brought us back to the marina as the sun went down. It was a glorious day and I was beginning to feel less like the walking dead.

I have to admit that I was waiting for Murph to make a move on me but he never did. I thought to myself, "Maybe this is a friend I can trust."

I had some cleaning up to do the next week, the usual end of the school year stuff. The familiar routine was exactly what I needed to get myself out of the funk I was in.

Tom called every night and I talked to him but he was getting nothing from me in the way of warmth or affection. I would settle him on Saturday.

In the meantime the lawyer had called and told me that he had the papers ready. All I needed to do was sign them and he would have Tom served.

I told him to hold off until the following week, after I had talked to Tom.

Murph took me out to a delightful little place on Wednesday evening. It was right on the bay and it had dancing out on the patio overlooking the water.

We danced for hours. He held me in the most tender and romantic way. We moved together like we were a single person and eventually he kissed me.

It was electric. I had not been kissed like that since the early days with Tom and I was gasping for more. But he just laughed and said, "After you do what you have to do."

I was developing some serious feelings for the man. He had dropped everything and come completely across the country to comfort me when my world had ended. He had been nothing but respectful and even loving in the past week. And he had rescued me from my personal hell.

When we got to Sarah's I kissed him again, very hot and deep. He returned the favor and even caressed my cheek in a way that was sending shivers down my back. He said with merriment in his eye, "I could get used to this."

As the weekend got closer I was becoming more-and-more frightened. I had been totally deceived and I didn't know how to handle being face-to-face with my betrayer.

The weeklong interlude was exactly what I needed to get some distance on the cataclysm that had ended my life. But I still had to find out WHY. And that was scaring me out of my wits.

I loved Tom and I would always be his but I had to face the ironic fact that I couldn't ever be his again, because of what he'd done.

That hurt and confusion were almost too much. I nearly called Tom up to ask him if we could just talk like we always have, but then I looked at those pictures and my fury returned full force. I would stick with the game-plan. That was when Murph called.

He was his usual amiable self. He said, "I know you plan to face Tom tomorrow so how about coming over to my place tonight for a little moral support. I can also prove to you that I can cook."

I laughed and said, "What time?" An evening with Murph was exactly what I needed to take my mind off of the coming apocalypse.

He was wearing a checkered apron when I arrived on his doorstep. I laughed. He laughed. I had brought a bottle of wine as a gift and he already had one open.

I sat at his kitchen bar and drank the wine while he cooked. It was easy and cheerful, almost too cheerful. I thought to myself, "He's putting this on in order to keep me from thinking about tomorrow." I was really grateful.

The dinner was some kind of Italian thing that I didn't know a man was even capable of cooking.

I said, "You are a man of many talents Murph."

We left the dinner dishes in the sink and made our way over to the couch. I had a final glass to finish.

He sat close to me with his arm around me protectively and I talked about my feelings of insecurity, which had come back on me full force.

I told him that in my early experience I had decided that men were never to be trusted. But that my 17 years with Tom had made me think otherwise. That was the reason why his duplicity had been so devastating.

I said, "Now I will never be able to trust another man, EVER."

Murph nodded caringly and tightened his arm around my shoulders. It was a very soothing gesture. It said, "You are loved." It just seemed natural to kiss him.

His mouth tightened with passion mine opened to him and we began to seriously kiss. I moaned with yearning. I was wearing a little sun dress without a bra and he slipped the straps down over my arms to reveal my breasts.

I am one of those women who is lost if you touch her nipples. He took one into his hot mouth and the entire bottom fell out of my world.

I gasped and groaned with need. I lay back on the couch and he moved his hand down to my pussy.

Miss puss-puss was overflowing with hot lava.

He massaged my clit for just a second and I came loudly and wetly. I was on fire.

Then I felt something slide into me and I was totally abandoned. I fucked him like a wildcat scratching and biting and making noises that might have convinced his neighbors that he was killing me.

I know that it was the emotion of the past week driving things. But I have never acted that abandoned in my life.

I had my legs wrapped around his ass and my arms over my head making my body totally open to him.

I must have come three distinct times before he shot into me with a force that almost changed the atmospheric pressure in my womb. Then he rolled off of me.

My mind was completely blank for a couple of minutes and then I came back to my rational senses. I was horrified. I shrieked, "What have I done??!!"

Murph sat up panting and looked at me like I was being foolish. He said, "Nothing more than Tom has done over and over again. You saw the pictures."

I said, "I don't care what HE did. I care about what I did," and started to gather up my clothes and put them on in a panic.

Murph looked amused and said, "I will see you tomorrow after you have gotten this over with him. We can come back here and I can fuck you as a free woman. You'll love it."

I touched his cheek and said, "I like you Murph but this is never going to happen again. I am Tom's no matter whether he wants me or not. The only option for me now is a convent, not you."

"I am not ashamed of what I did with you here, only because Tom so thoroughly betrayed me. But it will never happen again."

As I left Murph said to me, "We'll see,"

Tom tried to hug me as I came in the door. I was so repulsed by him I just brushed past, set my bag down and went in to print out the evidence.

He was looking distraught by the time I sat down with all of the pictures in a manila envelope. I wanted this to be an ambush so that I could gauge his reaction.

I needed to find out how completely I had been deceived.

The look on his face already told me everything I needed to know.

I was so angry at him I could barely speak so I silently handed him the first four pictures.

Those were the ones of him picking up the slut.

Then I dealt him the five cards that had put the stake through my heart.

I was looking at him to pick up any sign of surprise. He looked puzzled and then he said, "Where did you get these?"

I thought "Aha!! guilty as charged."

I told him that a friend had given them to me. He didn't need to know it was Murphy. I asked him what he had to say for himself.

Tom is always measured and thoughtful. As he studied the stark pictures of total deceit he looked like he was analyzing them.

I thought to myself, "That's an odd reaction?"

Then he proceeded to tell me about something called photoshopping.

I have taught third graders for twenty years. I know nothing about the digital world. I looked at him puzzled.

He carefully showed me how the incriminating pictures of him had been manufactured using some digital trick; the obvious conclusion was that they weren't pictures of him at all.

I should have felt overjoyed but of course I had something on my own conscience that was going to prevent anything but the darkest feelings of guilt and despair.

He must have read that as skepticism because he dragged me down to his laboratory and showed me how the proof of his cheating had been made.

If I thought that I had been devastated by pictures of his infidelity I now understood what devastated really felt like.

I put my hand over my mouth and began to cry. I had betrayed my one true love and it was tearing me up inside.

I was going to faint again so I sank to the floor crying. He raised me up with loving concern and I buried my face in his shoulder.

He told me that we could get past this.

I knew we could NEVER get past this.

I cried all of the way home. It was like my child had died.

When we got out of the car all I could see was that devious underhanded mother-fucker standing there with phony concern on his face.

Tom started to ask Murph to back off while he helped me deal with what he must have now thought was incredibly strange behavior on my part.

Things might have worked out differently if I had just been cool about it. Maybe I could have even covered it up. After all it was only once.

But the man in front of me had caused me to betray the love of my life and I just snapped.

There is something mercilessly savage in the lizard brain of all of us and Jim Murphy had unleashed that beast. I went after him claws out. I was going to get his lying eyes at least, and maybe if I was lucky his balls too. I shrieked every vile name I could think of at him.

Tom grabbed me or I would have probably killed the son-of-a-bitch.

Tom is not a stupid man. He was beginning to put two and two together and he had gotten the right answer.

He proceeded to tell Jim Murphy about the harm that he had just done to his career and what he would do to him personally if he ever saw him again.

The creepy fucker took off.

Then Tom turned to me. I couldn't look at him. I was mortified and my soul had been crushed into miniscule little irreparable fragments.

I just hung my head as he led me into the house. I knew that what would follow would be very, very bad.

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