Pictures of You Ch. 01

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What if you boyfriend and brother had the same name?
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Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/18/2021
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Co-written with Jessy19, and with special editing help from Lorelei here is the resubmission of Chapter One.

Me: Hey lover I miss you.

Silence as usual. He told me not to call him. Last time I did, coach warned him: "pay attention! Next time I'll take that thing away." A reply came back almost immediately.

Nick (bro): Um ... sis you texted the wrong Nick again.

Me: Oops sorry bro.

I tried again: Nick? Honey, are you there? I miss you.

More silence. Thinking about how long I should wait, I received a response.

Nick (bf): Hey baby. I'm right here. Where are those pictures we talked about?

Me: No pictures!

Nick (bf): Come on baby, how about just one?

Me: No way! How do I know you won't share it with the whole football team?

Nick (bf): Is that the way you see me? :(

Me: No, you're right, give me some time to think about it.

Nick (bf): Don't think. Just do it. Can't wait to see your sexy body.

Me: Like you haven't already seen all of me

Nick (bf): Yeah, but I like to keep that image close to me.

Me: In your dreams.

Nick (bf): Not just dreams. I want the real thing; what do you expect, I'm a guy.

I laughed and put my phone up in my purse. My boyfriend of six months, Nick, had been pressing me to send him naughty pictures. I was always hesitant about sending anything intimate to anyone, especially images. It was just ... public, and I am a private person.

That day at noon I met my friend Kate in the student lounge -- with a concession stand, tables, and chairs. I was looking forward to seeing Kate for a quiet conversation over lunch. Most people like us sat on the comfortable chairs, slightly elevated from the cafeteria. She munched on an apple with peanut butter; I had packed a sandwich and Pringles. We had some catching up to do, with all the time I had been spending with Nick.

"I think I'm going to send Nick those naked pics," I blurted out.

Kate stopped chewing on her apple, looked around for eavesdroppers and stared at me. "You're not serious, are you? Vanessa, how many times do I have to tell you this is a bad idea? Did you not listen when I told you what happened to me when my jerk ex-boyfriend put my private glamor shots on the internet for the whole world to see?

I shrugged shyly. " I'm considering it. It's just that...".

"What? Oh, Nick, I'm yours, whenever you want me" She said mocking me.

I playfully slapped her arm. "Shut up. I do not talk like that."

"Uh yeah you do. It's like you lose your wits, turn off your brain ...."

My attention drifted away from her. Nick. My Nick was collecting a crowd across the way. Tall, blonde hair and big blue eyes, he always collected an entourage. I narrowed my eyes when I realized he was talking to Julie Naylor and Misty Thompson. Those two girls were on the cheerleading squad and trailed Nick like dogs in heat.

Realizing I was not listening, Kate stopped talking, frowned and crossed her arms. She then turned to see where I was glaring, only to hear me say: "Those two sluts are always hanging around my Nick!"

Kate sighed. "Vanessa ... better get used to it if you are going to date football player. You must know that half of the girls in this college are after Nick. And the two of you are such an odd couple."

I looked over again towards Nick's direction and cringed. It looked to me he was shamelessly flirting with Julie and Misty. " I got to go now." I stood up and Kate straightened.

"Uh oh. Don't tell me you are going to go start something; actually, that just might be fun. Life has been boring lately. Yea, a catfight! You and I should be able to hold our own. I would just love to pull those hair extenders right out..."

I scoffed. "they are not worth my time. I'm just going to talk to my man; shoo them away."

Kate shook her head. "Oh boy."

I walked slowly towards my boyfriend. Nick's face turned red when he saw me coming towards him, quickly standing up straight and smiling. I approached directly and wrapped my arms around him. "Hey honey," I said loudly, knowing that Julie and Misty heard me.

"Hey baby," he whispered in my ear.

"Julie. Misty you all know Vanessa," Nick said introducing me. I did not like the fact that he didn't mention I was his girlfriend.

"Hi, I'm his girlfriend," I said proudly.

Julie and Misty both gave me dirty looks and fake smiles. "Nice to meet you," they spoke almost in unison.

Taking my boyfriend's hand in mine, I tried to whisk him off: "Let's go hang out for a while; I don't have a class for an hour."

Nick resisted and began to fidget. "Um I'd love to babe but..."

"He's got to go to practice and we're late to cheer. Since we are heading out that way, why don't you come along with us?" Julie Naylor declared with a sinister smirk. It wasn't a question, and she wasn't expecting me to agree.

"Uh ... yeah," Nick replied hesitantly. Nick's you know how it goes expression and ". "Uh sorry babe, I got to go. I'll call you later," didn't make me feel better.

My ears were hot and cheeks probably turning red. Silent anger whispered in my ear: "I can't believe him! He has some nerve!'

Misty giggled and Julie tossed her long blonde hair back. "Ok, let's go."

With that, he took off with the two bimbos leaving me all alone.

Kate was now standing close behind me. "He left huh. That was weak. Didn't even give you a second thought."

I turned to face her. "Can you believe those two? Why don't they just get naked, bend over and beg for it right here in the cafeteria!"

Kate raised a brow. "Don't give them any ideas. I think Nick would like that a little too much." Her expression changed when she saw my furled brow. Holding my hands and looking me in the eyes, she murmured in a low voice: " C'mon, don't let them get to you; they're not worth it. Take a deep breath. Let's walk before your next class."

By the time of my last period of the day I felt better. I headed home. Kate came along with me. She liked to come over because my mom was a great cook and Kate was tired of eating Lean Cuisine meals. Kate had the luxury of being able to live on campus, to where I had to still live at home. Three years now. Maybe I hung around Nick to experience college life.

We got to my house a few minutes later. I was happy it was Thursday because I only had lab on Friday mornings. It's like I became a different person on weekends. The highlight was going to watch the football games and cheer Nick on. Kate rarely joined me. She wasn't into the scene.

We passed my just turned eighteen-year-old brother Nick playing Call of Duty. We heard the gunshots from outside on the front porch.

"Hey! Turn it down, will you?" I snapped.

Nick saw us and grabbed the remote. He had a towel loosely draped over his lap which had become partly unraveled. My brother Nick stared at Kate and then at me. The gold specs of his hazel eyes focused on me though. His wet black hair was a mess. His boxer shorts and a t-shirt were laying on the floor, slightly out of reach. He hadn't expected me to bring a friend.

I had forgotten he was on one of his many school breaks throughout the year. During the summer he apprenticed in Dad's construction business. He was good with his hands. He valued his mind over muscle but had no plans to attend college.

"Sorry," he said as the volume was turned down.

"Hey Nicky, now that you're legal, come see me." Kate pronounced: " It's time for real sex ed. I'm not talking about books or school stuff."

"Kate!" I frowned and "Don't get any ideas, little brother!" I barked.

Nick turned red. I couldn't believe my friend! She could be a little too blunt sometimes. Kate and I would have talk about my brother. Kate opened her mouth to say something then closed it.

"We're going to be up in my room," I said. I hooked his skivvies with a toe, flipping them is his direction. "Next time make sure you're at least wearing these!"

Yes, it was frustrating having a boyfriend named Nick and a brother named Nick. It wasn't sexy calling out Nick's name during love making since it sometimes made me think I was moaning for my own flesh and blood. But my little brother looked nothing like my Nick thank goodness for that.

"Vanessa, you're mean to your little brother!" Kate hissed as we walked upstairs to my room.

"Please don't give him any ideas. He will probably get a boner just thinking about it. I've seen the way he stares at you."

Kate laughed. "Me? are you sure he's looking at me? " He is adorable."

I stopped for a moment and glared at my friend. "Stay away my little brother."

Kate gasped. "Not little anymore. He's 18 now in case you haven't noticed."

"He will always be my little brother and you're my best friend. There are many men for you to destroy without raiding my family."

We got to my room and Kate quickly flopped down on my bed. "Ah it's nice to be home."

"Yes, by all means, make yourself at home," I teased.

She sat up and grabbed her huge purse. "Here, drink up," she handed me a bottle of rum.

I frowned. "Drink right now in the middle of the afternoon?"

She shrugged. "Nothing wrong with that. Besides, it's not like you have plans tonight. I mean your Nick is too busy at practice and then gets in late at night." She pulled out a can of Coke and a glass. "We'll have to share."

After maybe my third rum and Coke, I was feeling dizzy. I had forgotten about the fact that my boyfriend Nick was out there with some sleazy cheerleaders who looked like they wanted to ravish him.

Kate had only had two drinks. She always liked to take care of me in case I got crazy. She'd always looked after me. Ever since our senior year of high school, she knew I couldn't hold my liquor. More than once she rescued me when I got way too drunk and started flirting with any guy I saw. That's me - quiet little kitty until booze brought out the lioness.

"You ok? No more drinks for you ma'am," Kate warned as she got up and sat down at my computer. After a few clicks we were watching a porn video: two cheerleaders, bent over with their bare butts exposed, receiving a thorough spanking. The femdom was dark and short like me, but imposing with her black high leather boots, ruby red lips peeking out from under a mask.

Muting the sound, she narrated the action: "take that bitch; stay away from my man!" Stuff like that; the scenes were not erotic to me. But I enjoyed seeing a well-deserved ass-kicking.

We laughed and laughed. Hearing my mother's voice approaching, Kate closed the screen, tossed a pillow in my face, and pulled me into a tickle fight. Perfect answer to mom's unspoken 'what is going on in here' question.

Thank heaven for friends like Kate. Laughter is good medicine. Even a glance at her at dinner would crack me up. Brother Nicky's brow furled from the annoying giggles. I couldn't stop myself. The tension I felt during the day was gone. After dinner, Nicky offered to take Kate home in dad's old Jeep.

Feeling a little dizzy I laid down for a nap. The next thing I could remember was waking up from a sweet dream. Nick enveloping me in his arms, our bodies merged, like my feeling of being immersed when we coupled. The whole atmosphere was ethereal. Laying back against a comfortable ft surface like pillows with my straight legs spread wide, my tiny body was engulfed by his great manhood. Aware of his long cock disappearing into me, he filled me. The completely. Another impression that hovered beneath consciousness. Details faded and became cloudy, replaced with a sense of togetherness. The dream diminished, replaced by the surroundings: cold, dark, and silent.

I had to reclaim that safe and warm feeling. Creeping Into the bathroom I drew a bath and settled in for a soak. Surrounded by the warm water, my mind set to replay the dreamscape. My legs stretched out with a shower brush handle to mimic Nick's erect phallus. The depth was satisfactory, but the object was hard, not at all like flesh. Increasing tempo of thrusting was no good; the splashing became a distraction.

Pulling the stopper, I let the water drain before turning on the spigot. Pulling my legs up, I aligned my sex with the steady stream. Little dewdrops of sensation became spring mist, then ripples in a pond. One gigantic crashing wave of pure ecstasy struck, followed by reverberating swells and little shore breakers of delight, one after another.

After drying off, I dropped the towel to for an inspection in the mirror. Showing my affection for pert breasts, I gave my nipples a sharp pinch. Ooh that sent shivers to my sex. Rolling them in my fingers, I decorated them with red lip gloss. Smacked my lips after applying a touch of the same. My dark hair hung to my shoulders, framing my pretty face. I wouldn't describe myself as stunning; lovely was more like it. Giving my netherhair a proper trim allowed a view of my lips and clit. Over the years, I noticed they were more prominent than my peers; not that I was conducting a study.

Back in my room, feeling sexy and satisfied, I told myself it was now or never. I laid back on my bed. I held my phone in my left hand over me and turned on the camera mode. Using my right arm bent at the elbow straight across my body, I pushed my breasts up and flattened my stomach. I flashed the sexiest smile I could come up with and snapped a few pictures. Now to go all the way with a few money-shots. I propped my phone up on pillows and put the camera on timer and place it where I could see myself on the camera.

Automatic camera mode allowed me to be ready before the picture snapped. I felt a blush as I spread my legs. With my hands I reached down and spread the folds of my pussy revealing all, smiled and then: Click! Click! Click! Aiming the lens at the mirror, several poses with my head slightly turned away and hair covering part of my face hid my identity. My heart pounded as I made the decision to send the portraits to my boyfriend. With a simple message "Thinking of you." And hit the send button. I could not believe I had finally done it! Maybe my nude body would take Nick's mind from Julie and Misty. Maybe.

My head ached in the morning. I groaned as I sat up, pulling up the covers to cover my unclothed body. The clock told me I had missed morning workshop. Then I remembered the pictures. My heart was beating out of my chest. I grasped my phone and checked for text messages from Nick: nothing. Just three texts from Kate. "Feeling better?" then "Hey are you ok?" and finally "Vanessa, call me when you wake up!

Should I call Nick? No, that would spoil the surprise and make me sound desperate. I was thankful my mother had not roused me. Instead, I rang Kate's phone. She recognized the panic in my voice immediately.

"Hey! What's going on. You ok?" She asked sounding concerned.

I found myself becoming self-conscious but decided to spit it out: " I did something stupid yesterday. I put my body on display for all to see when I was drunk, and he hasn't sent me a reply. I feel vulnerable now." My stomach was tied in knots.

"Aww Vanessa! That was a bad idea. Why did you do it?"

I felt like crying. "I don't know. I guess I was feeling jealous that he left quickly to go hang out with Julie and Misty. I felt maybe by sending him pictures he'd forget about those two bimbos. Besides, he has been hounding me for them."

Kate groaned. "Oh Vanessa. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let you drink too much. Maybe you wouldn't have done that."

"It's not your fault. I just feel foolish right now. Why hasn't he responded? Said something at least."

"Maybe he didn't get them Check your phone. Sometimes when I send an attachment, it keeps saying 'sending' but then I get error messages. Maybe that's what happened."

I smiled. "Yes! You're right. That probably happened. I was kind of drunk and maybe I didn't push the send button right. Let me hang up and I'll check. I'll call you later."

I hung up with Kate and checked my messages. I felt major disappointment when I saw that the messages went through. No error messages. I felt like apprehensive thinking one of Nick's buddies showed them to the whole football team. Who was the slut now?

I was about to click my phone off when it caught my attention. My eyes widened and my heart began to pound loudly in my chest. I read it and then I blinked and read it again.

'Nick (bro)' was the sent to name.

I blinked one more time to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.

'Nick (bro)'

I gasped and put my hand up to my mouth. Did I send the pictures to my brother instead of my boyfriend? How stupid could I have been! Oh my god!

I began to panic! I had sent them many hours ago. My brother had to have seen them! Oh shit! How the hell was I supposed to face him now! My face turned crimson red just thinking of how my brother felt when his phone went off and naked pictures of his big sister flashed before him.

I nervously put my phone down and headed downstairs. The house was quiet. I knew Nick couldn't be asleep because he never slept in late. I went to the kitchen to get water when I spotted Nick sitting at the table eating his cereal. He saw me and quickly looked away. I looked down at the floor not knowing what to say.

"Hey," he finally said in a low voice.

I looked up and our identical hazel eyes met. "Hey," I replied nervously. Silence.

Our eyes were glued on each other. "Um ... did you get ... um did you receive pictures of me?" I asked in a tiny voice.

Nick's blushed as his eyes studied the floor. "Yeah."

"I'm sorry bro. I meant to send them to my Nick but ... oh God I'm embarrassed." I mumbled with my hands over my face which had to be a bright shade of pink.

Nick looked up as we made eye contact. His face softened. "They were ... um they were nice," he said quietly.

I gulped. "Um please delete them, ok? Look I'm sorry if I scarred you for life. No guy wants to have dirty porn of his own sister. That's just sick."

Nick licked his lips and smiled shyly. "Well ... I'm not most guys."

I felt shocked; my pupils widened. Had he just said that? Did my little brother want to hold on to my private images? Why? "Erase them!" I yelped.

Nick stood up. "Nope," he said and strode away to go put his dish up. He turned and looked at me. "I want to keep them. You sent them to me and now they're mine."

I felt anger rise. "You little pervert! You had better erase them or I'll break your phone!"

Nick looked at me with intensity: gold radiating outwards from around the green pupil. "I won't erase them. You look beautiful, sexy ... stunning. I'm sorry, but not really."

I narrowed my gaze at him. I felt my face get hot. "You can't be serious!"

He didn't reply; he just walked away, leaving me flabbergasted.

I went up to my room to try to cool down. I called up Kate and as soon as she answered whispered into the phone in a harsh, hushed voice. "You won't believe it; I sent them to my brother! Yes! My little brother! He's the one that received my pictures! That's why my boyfriend hasn't texted me! Oh yeah how fucked up is that?"

"Wow. Now that is interesting" came her reply. "Oh, I could just see that! Look who is giving little brother a boner." Just think, Nick... Nicky when we were little, holding his phone in the left hand, right hand moving in a blur. I bet he made a big mess . He must have been in hog heaven."

"Shut up! You're not helping!" Tears of frustration began to well up . My throat became constricted, but I managed to get out a scream: "How dare you even suggest such a thing!"

"Oh, come on, Vanessa. You know he adores you. He practically gushed about you last night when he we rode your dad's jeep. Normally, I can get barely get him to say two words. Let him have his prize. I will all be over in a few days." Kate spoke these words with a teasing snicker.

Maybe she thought this was funny but not me. That last words I heard from her before I ended the call were: "watch out for your panties, especially the crotchless ones."