Piercing for National Nude Day Ch. 08


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She knelt above my cock, I felt her hand on my penis, she pretended hardly to know what to do next. She her hand held the tip; she ran it up, and down. She pushed it into her wet slit, and round to just touch her anus. She fumbled, and messed around.

I was steel hard as she pressed me to her clit, then pulled back to her cunt hole. I pressed in, and out. I pushed hard as if I was frustrated. I was as an immature trying to find the right place, or a puppy dog searching for its mother's nipple.

She sat back very slowly. I sank into the depths of her body.

She whispered to my ear, so quietly that I strained to hear, "I need you."

She was in control, rocking back and forwards, lifting her breasts from my body so that I could play with her nipples, and finally suck her teats deep into my mouth. I stretched them through the starbursts jewels that had almost become a permanent feature of her body.

I pulled hard on her left tit, knowing that she loved it, and that I would pull her inner vertical retaining bar far away from the gold coned hole of the jewel. I slipped my teeth behind the bar.

She stretched more. I sucked harder. Silently she murmured her appreciation.

I bent my knees up behind her to ensure maximum contact, and depth, as she stretched for me to pull on her nipples.

I released my tooth lock on her vertical bar. I had pulled her teat far enough; the end was forming a small hard head. I nibbled her horizontal bar. I ran my tongue to the start of her looped chains, then to the other breast.

It was sucked and nibbled. I paid particular attention to the tip, flicking, and rolling it with my tongue.

I released it, and she held a breast for me to suckle.

She whispered, "We must not wake Chestnut, or anybody else!"

It was strange, the gorgeous girl stirred as she said this. We lay stock still, except that the muscles of her cunt continued to work their magic, keeping me erect, and deep within her.

Chestnut slept on, we listened to her regular soft breathing.

I whispered, even more quietly, "Lift up, my love, so I can reach you clit, and continue to play with your breasts, while you milk my penis. We will cum together."

She nodded, and lifted away from my face, driving me deeper into herself. She ground her bone against mine. Her bare, naked flesh was hard on my mine. I used my legs to ensure that my hairless balls were against her wetness. She wriggle, and squirmed holding them tight in her folds of wonder.

My right hand went to her clit. It was still holding her wonderful starburst jewel to her bare body. My right hand slipped behind the jewel on her left breast.

Both hands began to stretch her. In this way we were no virgin lovers silently trying not to wake others, or our parents.

We knew each other's "hot buttons" intimately.

I used the jewel to pull her clit hard. Then I began to stoke the tip with my thumb. I did the same to her left teat.

I elongated her with my fingers two split either side of her nipple, while pressing my thumb, rhythmically, and hard into the tip.

She arched forward to nibble my left tit.

We were cumming.

Totally silently we crept together to a wonderful furtive climax. I could not remember when we last failed to cum together. It had become part of the joy of love.

I began to pulse, and shoot, my seed deep into her body. We stopped all our pulling and pressing, and squashed our bodies together.

We touched from our exploring mouths to the tips of her toes.

I felt her uncontrolled waves, the flutters, and movements that I knew so well. She climaxed.

We had not had simple plain sex together since I began to fuck her slave, her Parlour Girl, in our attempt to make her pregnant, and to give us our first child.

This was very special.

She lay still on top of me, my penis limp, but still at her wet, sperm filled entrance. We talked again in silent whispers.

Tomorrow would be Monday; we might be able to tell if the Girl was pregnant.

We were both very excited. We lay for a long time in silent intimacy.

She rolled to my outside, and rolled over. I had become the filling in the sandwich. Chestnut was warm toast on one side, my Beloved on the other.

I held her in the closeness of my body; she pressed her arse against my flaccid damp penis.

Slowly we slept.


It was light when we both awoke. Chestnut had gone from our area of the Pergola. I stirred, and looked around me. We had been left alone to sleep, and we were the hosts.

We were up very quickly. My Partner was still in all her jewellery, including the three looped chains. She was still full of our juices from our furtive night assignation. Both her nipples and clit remained aroused, still engorged, swollen and red.

She looked and smelt very sexy. We felt were sure that the others would also. Everybody had gone to bed almost immediately after our last fuck.

I was still wearing my bars, and the nipple guards that Chestnut had left in place earlier in the night.

We wound our way towards the kitchen, hand in hand, like two new lovers.

My Partner looked stunning. She wore that warm glow of contentment, which comes after good sex, and a good night's sleep.

There was a great deal of noise, and laughter washing through the open door to surround us with pleasure.

A stark naked Lawyer Wife was cooking with Chestnut, who was "dressed" as I had left her earlier in the night. Both girls looked radiant.

It was hard to believe that Lawyer wife had arrived the night before dressed in a very conservative manner.

It was almost impossible to imagine that this same beauty had performed a sensuous feeding ballet, while bent over backwards in the crab position, walking with both her hands and feet on the ground.

All Chestnut wore were her gold nipple bars. She looked radiant, and rushed to kiss us both "Good Morning".

She gave me a huge hug that allowed me to place both hands on her glorious bum. My first fingers went to her arsehole. It had closed; it had returned to its original rosebud size.

She pulled slightly away to feel my arm, forming the first finger and thumb of both of both hands into a circle on my forearm just below my elbow.

She turned to my Partner and said, "He was in to there, I took all that. It was wonderful, can we do it again!"

Everybody went silent as Chestnut explained that I had removed the huge weapon from her arse, then, at her request, I had fist fucked her.

There were gasps as she held my arm aloft to show how much had been inside her.

Then she explained, in great detail, holding my right arm against her body, and the other to her bare stomach, how my hands pressing together. She described how one hand was far up her arse, and one was on her stomach. Both massaged her, one inside her, and one outside. She admitted that it had given her the most incredible orgasm of her life.

Everybody was in awe.

Lawyer wife walked to her to press on her naked stomach.

All the others were dressed, undressed, as they had been when we settled down the night before.

Except that two were missing.

It appeared that National Nude Day was still having an interesting effect on everybody.

They all woke up almost together, saw that we were fast asleep, and left us.

Chestnut was the first to stir; she slipped sideways from our space, and began to clear up. She emptied, and refilled the dishwasher, and did the household chores. Lawyer Wife woke Lawyer, and the clearing up game snowballed.

Suddenly Lawyer had proposed that everybody paired off with another. In his lawyer fashion he began to set rules. A pair should not be a partner. Each pair was to go, one at a time, to wash, bath, and shower.

It must have been a little like throwing car keys in, then the woman fishing one set out, and pairing off.

All the girls' names were written on a piece of paper. They were placed in an opaque vase, and the men fished out a name.

Lawyer had drawn Titian's Mother, and they had gone off hand in hand to wash.

I remembered that he had been sitting diagonally opposite her all through the buffet. It appeared, from all small talk, that they had been gone a long while.

They walked back into the kitchen laughing and giggling like two teenagers. Titian's Mother was again totally nude. She looked very sexy, and asked if she could be pierced as soon as possible.

Lawyer was still not sure about piercing, but he told the story of their shower.

It appeared that sleep had distorted the wrapped gold wires around her breasts. She had slept on face down, so the soft rings of wire had flattened with her breasts. Lawyer had soaped her all over then gently prised the windings from her breasts, and from the tight circles extending her nipples.

He had pressed the ends of her teats as he did this, so pushing the two diamonds further into the middle of her nipples. She loved the feeling of the thin spikes moving within her soft tissue, and almost had an orgasm on the spot.

Once the gold breast wrappings had been removed Lawyer drew each diamond from her nipples. He took them, one at a time, fully into his mouth, sucking, and chewing down the whole length of each until he caught the petals that surrounded the diamond ends.

He drew each spike slowly from her nipples as she wriggled and squirmed to an orgasm.

Both were amazed that there was no blood, and no soreness, but the pins were exceptionally fine.

Typically Lawyer had become completely erect during this, so Titian's Mother gave him a perfect deep throat blowjob as a "thank you".

I watched Lawyer Wife during this tale. Her husband's descriptions made her very aroused. Her nipples stood proud, growing with the tale, and she began to finger herself.

Quietly she asked if she might also be pierced.

More bathing, and showering went on while we were ate breakfast.

Then my Partner instructed her slave, Parlour Girl, to dress in her breast cages, her butt plug, cunt plug, and clit jewellery, plus all the chains, and her collar, with a lead attached.

I have to remind myself about these exquisite pieces of jewellery. Parlour Girl fetched them all. .

Her butt plug was a chicken egg sized, and shaped, gold knob. It was attached to a fine multiple hinged straps, not unlike those used on high class watches. (See in: Piercing for National Nude Day – 02)

The narrow flexible strap stopped after an inch or so to form a large diameter deep tube, facing in the same direction as the egg. The egg went into her arse; the capped tube widened her cunt.

Then the tube flattened out into a widening, curving, roughened gold face, that had been formed a deep "V". Her labia stretchers would fit either side of this.

Her clit was repositioned in the thimble cup, and large garnet end screwed tight. Chains were tightened between her nipple rings and the thimble. These made her walk straight, and upright.

Additional weights were added to her labia stretchers. The taught skin hung below her gold stretchers. She walked around the kitchen swaying her hips like a little minx. She folded her collar lead over her arm as though she was a model on a catwalk.

She looked divine and sexy.

My Partner called her back. She took a notch in here, and clipped a chain another hole tighter there. The girl was squeezed and pinched more. The problem being that she liked pain!

Parlour Girl was instructed to collect all the necessary piercing equipment from the Parlour on the Mall. It was suggested that Titian and TF take her. They jumped at the opportunity.

We dressed Titian in the original semi transparent shift dress that my Partner had modified so that her nipples would poke through. We eased her wonderful puffy nipple, and teat bindings through the material, stretching it slightly.

They popped through sticking straight out from the cones of her tiny breasts, with the transparent dress showing the curves of her body. She wore nothing else.

We knew she looked divine. TF was sporting a raging erection! It was obvious that he agreed.

He thought that he should wear the clothes that he had arrived in the night before. He would have looked much like a Roman Senator had we placed a garland around his head.

He walked out with two beautiful partially, or totally nude creatures on his arms. We all clapped. He held Parlour Girl's chain to her collar at all times. He loved every moment.

Parlour Girl continued to wriggle her hips, with the stretchers swaying back, and forth seductively, erotically, between her legs.

With the young ones gone we began to prepare for a piercing session in the workshop.

It appeared that Titian's Mother was determined to have her clit pierced to take the beautiful gold mounted blue topaz ring that she had shown us. (See in: Piercing for National Nude Day – 05)

Ideally this should be done on a gynaecological bench, complete with stirrups. There was one at the Parlour, but we were not expecting the young to bring it back strapped to the luggage carrier mounted on the back of the TF MG.

It was agreed that Lawyer and I should hold her legs up in the correct position. We looked forward to that, both musing that human stirrups would be much more sensual, and interesting than some metallic device.

In any case all the girls said that they hated having their legs held high in the real thing. They thought that it would be far sexier for Titian's Mother to be held aloft by us.

They also thought that it would be wonderful for us men. We would have a grandstand view of the proceedings.

It was then agreed that we should pierce Parlour Girls Labia Minora. We explained, to Lawyer and his wife, that she asked her mistress if she might have the wings of the spreader, which fanned out just below her clit, made wider.

She had explained all this as we returned, in the limousine, from the Friday evening meal. She described then, in detail, how delicious it felt to have her cunt and anal jewellery in place.

She had asked if she might have her labia lips pierced, with jewels through both to hold them as wide open, and inviting, as possible on each face of the spreader. (See in: Piercing for National Nude Day – 03)

The thought of holding another divine, naked creature up on our human stirrups had Lawyer and my penis up!

We all realised that she might have to have more than one piercing per side, and that she would want her outer lips stretched with weights.

My glorious Partner became very excited at the jewellery possibilities of all this decoration around the cunt and clit of her adorable slave.

Finally it was agreed that both Lawyer wife, and Titian's Mother would like to have their nipples pierced. The decision had an extraordinary affect on Lawyer Wife. Her nipples grew longer and harder as we watched, and her hand went to her cunt lips!

The young ones arrived carrying what looked like a very smart black leather Pilot Bag. It turned out to be a proper medical bag, with a fold down front. This laid flat to expose a set of half, and full width drawers containing all that would be required to undertake the morning's tasks.

Lifting the lid exposed a shallow, stainless steel, lift out tray in which all the larger instruments were laid out. All were in sterile sealed bags.

The tray was lifted out to show that a "sharps box" had been positioned behind some of the upper draws. This was to take each used needle, immediately after it had been used.

The vast majority of items needed, all except the modified Spencer Wells clips, were single use, in medical plastics, or were needles of various gauges, everything was in it's own sterile pack.

One large draw contained a full range of surgical gloves, another contained aftercare instructions.

It was all very impressive.

My Partner, and I, explained to everybody, including those who knew already, that she had researched all piercing places before realising that "Ours" was very special.

Parlour girl was to give a virtuoso performance piercing Titian's Mother's clit, and she was to pierce all the nipples. My Partner would watch with particular care as the clit was pierced. Then she would pierce the labia folds on her slave.

It was emphasised that piercing is not to be taken lightly, and self piercing should never be attempted. Parlour Girl was fully trained.

Titian's Mother was wonderfully wet, and excited. She climbed onto the table. It was covered with a thin mattress, and a large fluffy, soft towel.

The table was adjusted so that it appeared to be folded at about a quarter of the way down. Her head was above her thighs, resting on a pillow, and her bum cheeks were slightly raised on the last quarter.

She looked very comfortable.

She lifted her legs, and spread them wide, holding them up with her hands just behind her knees.

The smell of her sexual excitement was all over the room.

Lawyer, and I went to the main workbench. We selected a stool each. If we were to participate we would have grandstand seats!

We adjusted their heights, rested our nude bums, one on each, with our shoulders at the same height. We took hold of her naked, bare legs.

I was on the right facing her totally exposed, and spread cunt; my colleague and fellow voyeur was on the left. I had her leg over my left shoulder; Lawyer had her right leg over his right shoulder.

She looked very sexy, very open, and very comfortable.

We had a wonderful grandstand view! Our cocks showed their appreciation of the scene.

My Partner wheeled over the jeweller's workbench over which she had bent Parlour Girl on Saturday morning. She placed the leather medical case on it. The front was lowered and all the necessary instruments were laid out ready for use. She was very methodical, just as she was when making jewellery.

Parlour Girl nodded her approval.

My Partner went forwards, to start gently sucking her sex. A long tongue parted her lips. She sucked her clitoris fully into her mouth, and chewed it gently. She was becoming engorged.

Titian's Mother wriggled with desire, only to be told that she would be strapped down if she could not behave.

She wriggled even more when Lawyer wife, and her daughter, Titian, bent forwards to take a nipple each. They began to suckle at her breasts.

Lawyer wife then did something extraordinary. Her fingers went to her cunt; she scooped juices from her body, and massaged the cream into the teat that she had been sucking. She replaced her fingers with her mouth; she cleaned the nipple and breast all over, then repeated her sensual action again, scooping mire cum from her fanny.

It was almost too unfair on Titian's Mother. She was warned again. She would be strapped down if she could not behave. The poor girl was closing to ecstasy just as she was to be pierced.

Parlour Girl selected various things from her kit spread in front of her. She looked at the wonderful engorged head. She sprayed an antiseptic, cooling, nay freezing, spray onto the surface. This was particularly necessary after the sucking and licking that had gone on.

The girl worked very quickly, taking the cleaned, and anaesthetised, teat end in her gloved hand. She pulled it out, and pressing the needle through the tender flesh.

Titian's Mother did not flinch.

Moments later Parlour Girl had threaded the already sterile gold ring back through the hole; she pressed the ring closed with her first finger and thumb. The ends snapped together behind the topaz.

She was done. A beautiful clit was adorned, close to the tip, with a gorgeous sparkling blue jewel.

She dropped all the used items into the sharps bin in the top of the kit.

We did not really realise how beautiful the jewel was until Titian's Mother was released and stood up. Her sex lips closed. They were pressed together, but the jewel remained on the surface, above her still engorged crack.